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Campaign Commentary- Adventures in Fallcrest


First Post
About the fight

It was an epic fight, well I guess it was a heroic fight since we were only 1st level, but you know what I mean.

It was awesome. Goblins coming in on all sides. For a moment I was scared. I (Maldor) usually go for the big nasty leader so my life is in constant jeopardy. But Boontah was dealing out crazy amounts of damage (for a 2nd level encounter at least).

Last time we played as a group, our PCs were just hitting Paragon level and we were just too powerful. No matter what Goonalan would throw at us, we would laugh at it. That is the main reason we stopped playing DM just grew bored. This time there is a recurring sense that my life is in danger and that makes it much better, makes it interesting. Last time we played I knew my wizard would live to fight another day, now I've already made 2 back-up characters.

But back to the fight. As Zoran said our cleric is without a doubt our MVP, always, which usually is the case with clerics, but Drake is crazy good at healing, and we need it, all the time. Without him this and a few other encounters would have been a TPK. Last time we played (this is a bit of a spoiler, since Goonalan hasn't posted what happened last time yet) Drake went down on negative HP. All other PC rushed to his side taking AoO on route just to get him back to his feet, knowing that if we don't we are all dead. (end spoiler)

In this fight, I especially liked (or perhaps disliked) how they kept coming from all sides, even from rocks behind us that seemed impassable to us (that's what we get for assuming stuff). And after we finally killed them all and took a short rest to gather our thoughts... Bloody orcs appear.

Damn you Goonalan!

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HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 6 Part 3

The PCs are faced with their first encounter with the Severed Eye Orcs, who have been searching for them since their arrival in Gorizbadd, what's more Krayd, the Butcher, is the Severed Eye Orc Champion, a seven foot tall mound of muscle with a massive axe.

Severed Eye Orcs, giving evil humanoids everywhere a bad name.

Krayd charges in and in the opening axe whirl- action point- axe whirl leaves Rogar and Neb both bloodied, it gets nasty very quickly. A scrum of melee with Neb and Drake on the outside looking to find ways to make their spells count, a round or so later and one of the Orc Drudge Minions has fallen, Krayd has taken 20-something damage and Rogar has just a handful of hit points left.

Then Drake steps in and action points back- heals Neb, he can't get to Rogar, and drops Astral Seal and Exacting Utterance on Krayd, leaving the Severed Eye Orc Champion- Vulnerable 5, -2 on all defences, 5 Temp HP to any that Hit, and regain 9 HP for the first to hit.

Rogar is of course the first to connect, and delivers over forty damage (with three attacks including action point & Flurry), the Halfling is also back on 20 or so hit points (including Temps).

Krayd is suddenly bloodied, and my smile is fast fading.

Still Krayd is a Solo (with a few Minion friends), the Severed Eye Orc wades in and axe whirl- action point- axe whirl (sounds familiar), the result of which is Rogar back down to a handful of hit points, the same for Neb, who some how ended up too close to the fracas) while Maldor is again unconscious (-6 HP & dying). Deja vu anyone?

Neb back peddles out of the action and magic missile- action point- magic missile, and with the 5 vulnerability that's 24 more points of damage to Krayd without rolling a dice in anger, and a few temp hit points to bolster the Wizard's meagre total.

Maldor fails a Death Save- our first of the campaign. Strike One!

Jeb wades in and makes something like six attacks (sword bursts with action point), and hits once, and that more of a tickle than a solid blow, another Minion falls- the Gith looks a little peeved.

Drake however is again to the rescue with Healer's Mercy- Rogar and Neb are no longer bloodied, and Maldor opens his eyes.

Resolute and Rogar pile into Krayd, neither misses, and the giant Severed Eye Orc is swaying, and on 7 HP. The last Minion is also taken out.

And to add insult to injury, Neb steps up (again), and fires (yet another) Magic Missile into Krayd who, after a last swipe (Savage Demise) and miss, falls down dead.

The PCs grab the Orcs money, drag yet more bodies down to the river, and count themselves fortunate- at the end of the fight most PCs have none or one Healing Surge left, except for Jeb with two. They're all also badly wounded, some only just over bloodied- they need rest.

'The Library it is then...”

So that's agreed- but for next time.

Another excellent encounter, a good Solo that with a few Minions (with Savage Demise for the free attack) really made a mess of the PCs. Only a Level 1 Encounter, you've got to like that- Severed Eye Orc Drudge (Level 4 Minion) x3 & Krayd the Butcher (Level 1 Solo Brute).

Some notes-

An excellent Solo, I didn't care what damage Krayd was taking my job was to just park her in the thick of it and do as much damage as possible, and action point every round for the first two rounds- there was no way she was going down without having done everything she could to make a mess of the PCs.

Savage Demise- wonderful, even though I only hit once with it, I still enjoy the possibilities. One day it's going to come good, and when it does.

The PCs helped me out by bunching up- they were all going for the same guy so... Although what Neb was doing in the thick of it, Erathis only knows.

Again Maldor got singled out, unintentionally- two axe whirls and he got hit both times, I followed up with a Brutal Kick on him (Minor) and hey Presto!

Drake really can dish out the healing, and undermine a big bad guy- Exacting Utterance and Astral Seal make it easy for a round for the PCs to do big damage, and recover health. Bastard.

Still an incredibly dirty and violent fracas, another winner.

And so endeth the sixth session of play, with the PCs battered and bruised, they need desperately to find shelter (the Kiris Library).

They're all also well into enough XP for Level 2- bring on the Extended Rest.

Next time- No rest for the wicked (mwa-ha-ha-etc).

Maldor has the last word, this from the chat window-

'And I almost died... twice! I think it's time to make that back-up character.'


This from Rogar's diary for Session 6.

You know how things are never as bad as they seem... I’m feeling that big time. Hoyt spoke of Dragons... I mean, DRAGONS! Giant flying intelligent fire-breathing armoured killing machines.

His name is ‘Channoa’ (Chan-oa), the Brass Dragon. His is the guardian of Kiris Dahn, the guardian of the last Slaying Stone. He also seems like a nice guy when you get to know him...

So, we (apart from Jeb) crept down this short corridor, there was a tiny amount of light from the trapdoor, and some light from something ahead. We turned the corner and saw a few important things: Some eternal torches, a whole heap of shields, as whole heap of weapons (mostly axes?) and a 12’ long Brass Dragon. He seemed displeased.

So, the Dragon didn’t blast us with fire and atack us, instead it loomed over us and demanded answers to questions partly relevant and partly execessive. ?he? is the guardian of this place. Of Kiris Dahn, of the last Slaying Stone. It was in the library, in the secret room; Channoa brought it here to protect it. The Severed Eye Orcs apparently also know of the stone and are seeking it, this worries Channoa and he seems to want to give up the stone, but we need to prove ourselves to him:

Kill - Hu-jat and his rage drake. Fight him inside his lair, where his drake’s speed won’t help.
Kill - Boon-tah (the manic), he would be the new leader if Hu-jat falls. He guards the the bridge.
Get rid of - Speelock the kobold leader. He is in the trade quarter, searching for something.
- Speelock could well leave on his own, so he isn’t a priority, also he doesn’t need to die, just to be gone. I wonder what he is searching for.

Oh, and the Slaying stone? It’s the size of a slingstone and engraved. I wonder... no, it’s not my place.

Channoa also tells us one more thing, something that is most importantl. The goblins are strongly fragmented into groups and rarely interact with each other. If we strike quickly enough, we should be able to take down the goblins leaders without the others noticing. Got to keep a watch for any runners, no time for second thoughts.

Someone asks the Dragon if we can rest in his lair for a few hours (seems reaching for me) and we are told yes but really no. Also, we are really unsure about how Channoa is leaving his lair... the tunnel is just large enough, but show no signs of such a creature squeezing though, and there are no other apparent exits.

We creep out onto the surface, but the Bullywugs are hidden again and cause us no problems. I lead the group to the bridge, going the long way round by the river. Safer and saves us time, given how we could move faster for almost all of the trip. It all goes great until we get to the bridge itself. It’s the hard part and any screwup could cause everything to go wrong, so accordingly, me and Resolute almost screwup. I think I’ve been spotted and have to drop prone in a tiny bit of cover, and Resolute can’t make it past the gap and gets a little seperated from us. Strangely, Drake creates a simple distraction for me to get away and we are all ready.

Drake surprises us again by taking a risk and wandering into sight of the goblins... and acting like a very, very, very lost trader (or more accurately the trader’s son who thinks he’s a trader, you know the type). Still, the goblins must know the type too, and three of them move out of sight of the others; it’s over in a second. No time for hesitation on the edge. We move the bodies away and try the same thing again.. doesn’t work.

Ha, thought if Drake could do it, then I would stand a chance; but when I grabbed a goblin bow, raised my hood and squarked in goblintounge about how ‘we’ had taken down an easy target and wanted to share the loot with the boss... the boss turned up and said “Oi, who’s that halfling in a cloak?”

Serves me right for acting out of my place. And serves them right for attacking us; serves them right for being goblins and brigands I guess.

So, they swarm forward. Their leader, Boontah, was damned impressive for a goblin, leaping about and swinging a flail taller than himself with erratic fury. Still, between Jeb’s magic and Resolute’s mangling gauntlets he was put down before he could injure all of us. Boontah was aided by 10 other goblins:
two manics with great axes. One was cut down easily, the other charged and struck Neb with so much force his heart exploded... the goblin’s heart that is!
four goblins with shortbows. Taken down without much trouble. One tried to run but got a slingstone in the back
two swashbuckling goblins, seems the best explanation, with their daggers and bucklers.
two goblin acoltyes, now these where another issue. They weilded battleaxes like the maniacs, but used them with more skill and less muscle, but their axes where not a problem, it was their magics! They summoned surges of force to attack us and either hurl us 15’ or root us to the spot. I got seperated from the group and one of them thought he had me at his mercy when he immosbilised me, but the silver dagger and my sling showed him that I was still deadly upto 50’ away. His magics where draining though, I couldn’t have suffered through another one. I must be ready for these enemies in the future, keep them controlled.

Still, although bloodied and battered, the goblins where all slain, even the one that fled over the bridge and away from Gorizzbad; couldn’t have him return and raise the alarm.

So, with Boontah and his maniacs taken down we have aprtly proved our worth to Channoa as well as giving us an easier (and dryer) way out of the town when we need it. Also, we search the bodies to see if the goblins could do anything to help us out. We find an okay haul of coins and Boontah’s scale armour, which seems to already have healed up the scratches and burns from the fight! Clearly magical armour, but nothing I could use. Still, Neb explains that common magic rituals could resize it to fit a human, so Resolute claims it and bundles it up until we can find a ritualist (Treona? Channoa? Someone in Fallcrest?)

We had certainly done good work today, but now we wanted to rest. Again, our group’s lack of a clear leader was a problem and dithered in the road, unable to decide between holing up at the barn or returning to the library like I suggested. Our conversation was rudely interupted byy a creature that could only be rude... an Orc! 6’6”+, bedecked in trophies and chainmail, and weilding an over-sized axe. It saw us and there was no option other than to fight, as it’s first words where “WHERE IS THE STONE!?!”, in the shadow of this... beast, where three other orcs, smaller than the leader (but still going on twice my height!) and weilding greatclubs.

Again, I tossed a bullet into my sling and … fluffed the shot. When we are out of this goblin-infested place I simply must practice my shot; purhaps a shorter strap, It’s not like I need the range. Anyway, the giant Orc charged forward with the otherd trailing behind her (yes, ‘her’, only realised afterwards and with giant Orcs who are trying to kill you, it doesn’t really matter). This was a short and bloody fight, I praise Drake for a timely use of his magic to add weight to our attacks, it only lasted a little while but we all poured on the attacks and made good use of this ‘Exacting Utterance’ or whatever he called it. There was a lot of fight in this giant Orc, her sweeping blows catching multiple people per attack, I will fairly say that I kept my distance and used my talents to strike her from outside her reach. This wasn’t cowardly, this was simple common sence.

Surrounded and attacked from all sides, this orc, this ‘Kaeyd the Butcher’ fell, and while many of use had been struck with the damned axe, only Maldor had fallen, and Drake’s magic had brought him back fine. The axe had no magic though, so it, Kaeyd and her orcs joined the goblins in the river; she had a decent pouch of gold though, so that was taken and we set off down the river and on the library...


HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 7 Part 1

Just a note to say that this evenings session suffered from a myriad interruptions, that said it was December 23rd- family meals, work, significant others and some problems with Skype all made for a shorter stop-start session...

That said, time for some more of the same...

And the PCs are bruised and battered and desperately in need of an Extended Rest, Jeb has two Healing Surges left which makes him king of the hill, the rest have either one or zero; oh and everyone is wounded still.

Still, makes my job easier.

The PCs hot foot it, in cover back along the banks of the river to the farm house, not their ultimate destination remember- they're set on returning to the Kiris Library basement- to get as far away as they can from the Goblins and Kobolds of Gorizbadd, particularly as they've been very busy and except for Hu-Jat they're fairly certain that all the 'named' Goblins have been taken care of.

From the farm house its a short dash across the road to cover, and from there a much easier trek to the Library- Maldor is the first across, no problems, Rogar however... spots something.

The ruined farm house, the building the PCs are stood next to- there's a Kobold in the door way, smoking, and the sound of other Kobolds within- scavenging. Yes, that's right, they've been stood next a bunch of Kobolds for the last five minutes, a thin and broken wall is all that separates the two groups, and during this time your friendly DM has been rolling Perception checks for the Kobolds within, my best to date- a '4'.

Rogar whispers this news, and then dashes across the road to join Maldor.

Leaving the other four PCs with a decision to make- go for the run, or take care of the Kobolds within- Neb has an idea- one whispered conversation later and its nodded through. Neb will get close enough to see inside the ruined farm house- there are plenty of holes in the walls, then cast his Ghost Sound- the sound of money spilling out- the soft chink of minted coin, just loud enough he hopes to alert all of the Kobolds.

It's as good a plan as these guys are going to come up with, I rule that all he needs to do is make a half-decent Stealth check and the Kobolds will fall upon the unseen cache and squabble a good while, providing an ideal opportunity for the remaining four PCs to dash across the road.

Actually what I say regarding the Stealth check is- “don't roll a '1'”

So it was my fault then.

To be honest several of the players were already laughing before Christer (Neb) rolled... a '1'.

Kobolds- not what the PCs wanted for Christmas.

There's a squawk from inside the farm house, a Kobold wearing armour made of pots and pans with a soup tureen on his head points at Neb who is struggling to stand up on loose stone, and with his head poking through into the chamber.

The comedy continues as the four adventurers on this side of the road rush to block the front and back entrances of the farm house- they don't want any of the Kobolds to get out and raise the alarm, while the two PCs who are already on the other side of the street, some 150 feet away (thirty squares), have to double move- run just to get close.

The Kobold fight provides comedy and chaos, firstly the Kobold Guttersnipes, the ones with improvised armour, on taking a hit lose their armour- that is it falls apart leaving them mostly butt naked except for a lattice work of string and scraps of cloth from which hang a bunch of sacks of junk that they insist on hurling at the PCs.

The Dragonshield Kobolds however, with their Dirty Tactics Power, hit on three of their four possible attacks- soon enough Resolute is on 5 hit points and only the swift arrival of Drake on the scene- dashing from one side to the other (around the outside of the farm house) saves him.

The Guttersnipe Kobolds (the ones with the great armour) are soon beaten down, as are two of the four Dragonshields, with all of the PCs hovering just above or below Bloodied status.

The two remaining Kobold Dragonshields cut and run, one climbing through a hole in the wall, he's chased down by half the group and eventually stopped in his tracks by... wouldn't you know it- a Magic Missile from Neb.

The other escaping Kobold evades several missiles, takes a few hits, and carries on running- screaming at the top of his lungs for help, Resolute, by dint of an Action Point dash catches up with him and flying tackles the little guy. The crush of the Human Brawler breaking the Kobold's neck as the pair collapse into the dirt.

The PCs have to make an emergency round of skill checks, to get back inside the farm house and under cover before any of the Kobolds in the Slums, about 250 yards away, spot them and come calling. I continued to use the Keeping Hidden in Kiris Skill Challenge from previous, however I upped all of the DCs to make things harder, it came as quite a shock when not one of the blighters failed their checks.

This was the PCs ninth encounter in a day, the actual run went a little like this-

ENCOUNTERS LEVEL = 2-1-1-3-1-2-2-1-2;
AVERAGE LEVEL 1.666 (+0.666).

Not bad for a bunch of first level characters, and I swear the damage is MM3 stylee, whisper this but slightly high if anything, I only picked up the Monster Vault a couple of days ago. When I flicked through I discovered I had been, if anything, been a little generous- nothing much just an extra +1 here and there in excess of the new MM3 damage. I decided however not to change things, so that's nine encounters in a row- all combat, although the Level 3 did also involve a simultaneous Skill Challenge (Close the Muddy Portal).

This Level 2 encounter comprised 3 Kobold Guttersnipes (Level 1 Artillery) & 4 Kobold Dragonshields (Level 2 Soldier).

Some notes-

The PCs quickly worked out that they had to block both exits, forgoing attacks to make double moves to get round to the far side to prevent the Kobolds from escaping- good work.

I played the Guttersnipes entirely for comedy, they ran about a lot, tried to hide- usually after flinging a sack full of crap at the PCs, they were just terrified and ill-prepared for combat.

I played the Dragonshields as the absolute opposites, they used good tactics, almost always avoiding Combat Advantage with their Dragonshield Tactics, they left PCs (move over) without anything to hit. And they used their Shifty ability to generate their own Combat Advantages- Resolute particularly suffered this way.

With just two to go (Dragonshields) I did everything I could to get them out of the farm house and back to their pals in the slums. If Resolute had failed his tackle then I figure the PCs would have had one more chance (Resolute's Mark) to stop the little guy- the alarm would have been raised and the PCs would be in trouble.

Thirty minutes later, the coast clear, and the Kobold's bodies (now mutilated by Maldor in the style of the Severed Eye Orcs) are flung around the chamber to create that 'massacre' look. The Kobolds searched prior to this and a stash of gold coins found in one of the Guttersnipes many sacks. The PCs finally get across the road and to the Library, descend and take a well earned Extended Rest.

Next time- Gorizbadd bad.


First Post
Such a good idea and such a fine cantrip, but alas the dice was not with me that day. Typical... but then again, a wizard who sneaks around? Good to get rid of some filthy kobolds!


First Post
Conan! What is best in life?

Eight plus encounter days!

This is a wonderful flashback to the 1st day of the 'friday knights' our orginal group under Goonalan. That time we had 10 encounters on our 1st day and it was great.

It takes the right situation and good writing to acheive 8+ encounter days, but it's worth it.


HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 7 Part 2

After an Extended Rest, and the PCs leveling up, session seven and Level 2, I like a nice slow progression particularly with a weekly game, and the players have proven themselves to be very consistent i.e. they mostly always show, I don't want to miss out on any of the good bits of the Heroic tier, particularly as in all my previous campaigns I've generally stalled mid-Paragon, I think 15th level is the highest I've ever been.

Which strangely rings true of 3.5, 3rd edition, Advanced et al- the highest level PC I can remember DM'ing was I think 17th level, that was in 3rd edition- I appear to always run out of steam at level 14+.

Anyway, the PCs are Level 2.

And rested, they however are not alone, after a light breakfast they sneak back up through the levels and... suddenly come to a halt, noises ahead- Rogar takes a look, there are a room full of Goblins smashing the place up, worse still the creatures seem to be heading down, this presents problems, actually it does nothing of the sort. The PCs manage to sneak back down and prepare an ambush, in the same chamber the Bullywugs ambushed them- same drill, almost.

Eventually the Goblins head down and... Get jumped.

Rogar starts the attack.

It's a massacre, a slightly prolonged massacre, but nevertheless. And when I say prolonged I don't mean with added grind- it's bloody and brutal.

The Goblin Acolyte of Maglubiyet gets swarmed in the opening salvo and is dead six seconds into the fight, having not moved a muscle. The PCs thereafter mostly hit, which is fortunate, as the Goblins make a good job of hitting also. Rogar gets bloodied quickly, two Goblin Warriors concentrating on him- one in close combat, the other at a distance with javelin attacks with bonuses for Great Position. Rogar however soon manages to take one of the creatures down, which frees the Halfling up somewhat.

The Skullcleavers lead short but very brutal lives, but again the PCs concentrate fire and pretty much take them down one at a time, this however subjects them to some good attacks, the upside being very few of these attacks are from bloodied Skullcleavers (they do an extra 1d10 damage while bloodied). The Skullcleavers tend to go from bloodied to zero rather quickly.

That said Neb is saved from a 27 HP battleaxe attack by 1 point of AC, the Skullcleaver in question being marked, and therefore at -2 To Hit, which gets missed for a short while, which leaves Christer (Neb) hollering all the way from Sweden and generally bemoaning his luck.

The war of attrition continues for a short while but the end is never in doubt, the PCs make a mess of the Goblins, none of them get a chance to flee, the Skullcleavers never retreat anyway.

And then its over... with one of the Warriors surrendered and another unconscious- early on in the piece the PCs decided it was time to take a new prisoner, to check the lay of the land.

Another Level 2 Encounter- Goblin Acolyte of Maglubiyet (Level 1 Controller), Goblin Warrior (Level 1 Skirmisher) x3 & Goblin Skullcleaver (Level 3 Brute) x3.

Some notes-

My poor Acolyte, he didn't even survive the surprise round.

Nice work keeping the Goblin Warriors mobile for a while, got some good hits in on Rogar.

Rogar, the bastard Halfling, blocked the route to the spiral stairs (the exit) early on, none of the Goblins got a chance to get away.

Skullcleavers, with adjusted damage, and Bloodied- rock! I landed a couple of hits for approx. 20 damage a piece, and a few more at 10-15 damage, at one point Jeb was dishing out 5-8 damage/round and had taken 16 damage back for the last two rounds. He was not happy.

The PCs loot the fallen, take care of the bodies- down into the mud, tie up and generally restrain the two still alive Goblins, and then head on up to the surface- to have a brief look around before returning for a little light interrogation.

Gorizbadd has gone bad.

The Kobold Slums are... gone, or else are in parts still on fire.

The sound of screams and shouts, the yelp of Wolves and Goblins echo around the ruined city.

Still, the weather's slightly better.

I wonder who all this activity is in aid of?

I did say it was a dynamic environment didn't I?

And with that the truncated, and much suffering, session 7- beset, as it was, by technical and actual difficulties (life kept intruding- crying babies, people desperately needing lifts to the airport, meals with parents, work etc.) draws to a close.

Next time- Hu-Jat, and the finale.


This from Rogar's account of Session 7:

<session 07>

Oh Nebradil. Such power but kinda limited on the focus. From what was said afterwards, he used his magic to make the sound of falling and clinking coins (such a very good idea, give them what they want) to distract the Kobolds but I guess he loudly spoke magic words to go along with that and the Kobolds knew there was magery afoot!

This all happened at the old farm house, close to the barn where we rested.. just this morning. Wow, feels like it’s been a month and a half! Maldor snuck over the road but I noticed that a group of seven Kobolds where re-looting the farmhouse. I told the others and we decided to leave them to their fruitless activity. This is when Neb tried his magic and rang the dinner bell.

Me and Maldor hustled back while the fight raged, with Resolute blocking the back door so the only way Kobolds could get out is being flung aside by his fists. Neb and Jeb clamboured in through whole in the wall and kinda got surrounded. One of the kobolds tried to flank by coming out the front door, but he ran into Maldor’s greatsword and my fists.

There where two groups of Kobolds, the first where the most dangerous, being well armoured and hiding behind a large shield. The other Kobolds where... special. They must have been poor, even for Kobolds as they didn’t have proper armour, just cobbled (kobbled?) together bits of metal and hide. One good hit broke the armour apart and left them (even more) defenceless.

Apart from a couple of lucky and nasty stabs from the armoured one’s shortswords, we got off lightly and Drake’s magic helped Resolute and Neb recover. There was an upside to this as well, while neither us nor the kobolds found anything useful in the house, the Kobolds had found something nice beforehand, 40 gold coins stored in a purse made from a leather glove. Oh, Kobolds.

Upto now, I must say that Maldor has been the nicest and most positive follower of the Stern Lady that I have met. So often they are dark in personality, dwelling on death and wanting to share their cold misery; but Maldor had been free of that. But now... that darkness showed through and... well I think it was useful for us. Maldor solved the problem of what to do with seven dead kobolds by cutting out an eye from each of the bodies, made it look like the Severed Eye orcs where responsible. A useful tactic that will throw off suspicion and maybe cause a little in-fighting... but the blood on his hands. It’s different in a fight, here it’s kill or be killed, fighting for our lives... but this was afterwards.

Back in the library now, I carefully crept a head and confirmed that nothing had been in here since we left. I write this in the lowest level of the library, away from the mud of course.

It’s absurd when you think about it. Just a couple of days ago, just two days ago we where all in Fallcrest, we didn’t know each other. Now are are cramped in a couple of small rooms underneath a ruined library, hiding from Kobolds, Goblins, Orcs and worse. There is blood on all our hands (except Drake), our own blood on our clothes (even Drake), gold, gemstones and magical weapons in our possesions. We have bargained with a Dragon (A DRAGON!), helped a wererat, encounted elementals, struck down important and evil goblin leaders.

And you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. This is my real life, all that came before this was mearly a prelude, preperation. I’m Rogar Riverborn, the Adventurer.

Day 04)

We posted a watch, or rather a ‘listen’, but nothing happened while we rested. It must be about midnight now. I got to spend a little time practicing my katas and changing my style a little. The real combat experiance his taught me so much. For example, it’s so clear now that a good opening is so much more important. In training, all the bouts where clearly defined and planned. You knew you where about to fight, along with where, who and why. In the dungeon, in the streets, that is the exception, not the rule. Now I think i’m better prepared for starting well, with a couple of moves that will let me really take someone down quickly. In addition, I am sure that I’ve got a better grasp of sneaking around, which should be useful in this place. Turns out I’ll get a chance to try these skills out soon enough.

We got back up to the first basement of the library when we realised that we where no longer alone here. Clear sounds of breaking wood and flickering torch-light. I sealed my torch, scouted ahead and then reported back to the group: Seven Goblins! Some with javelins, some with two-handed (for goblins atleast) axes and one of their warlike clerics. They where clearly searching for something, and that ‘thing’ was us. I got everyone back a couple of rooms to discuss this and then down a level to the place where we where first attacked by Bullywugs.

The basement was a terrible place to try and fight in, you see. Would have bottled us up badly and made an easy avenue for the goblins to escape through. The next level down was much better. A steep spiral staircase, two doors to charge through, plenty of junk to hide behind.

The trap is set, ther goblins blunder in, clearly looking for us and new to the place. When they are all in the room and one wanders close enough to reach, we attack!

Could have gone better, but still a decisive victory. The Goblin leader get a mailed fist in the face from Resolute, then a blast of radiance from Drake, then I sweep around the room and crush him down before he can speak his magic words or swing his axe.

The ones with axes prove to be a but potential threat, swinging around those big axes and even going into some type of rage as we fought them. The other goblins had javelins and where less of a worry. They did move impressivly, until we got up close and pinned them down. I knocked one of them out at the foot of the stairs and the other got trapped by Resolute’s gauntlets while we fought the axe-manaics. The last goblin surrenders and tries to hurl himself at Drake’s feet for clemency, but Resolute grabs him and keeps him away from the impressionable one.


HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 8 Part 1

And so the PCs take a little time to get to know their two new Goblin prisoners, alas the Goblins (both Warriors) are low on info, they're just underlings after all. Drake once again is shoved to the front- a short Q&A ensues with the other adventurers helping out with added Intimidate checks et al.

It seems the players are flavour of the month in Gorizbadd, their actions to date have been uncovered, or else the management (Hu-Jat) has realised that all of his lieutenants are missing-
Gort, the Goblin Wizard, killed by the PCs in the Kiris Library.
Triflick, the Goblin Silver Blade, captured and imprisoned in a tomb in the ruined Church of Sehanine.
Boontah, the mad Goblin at the Gate- dead, dead, dead.

Therefore the Goblins are on high alert, Hu-Jat has called in extra guards and the way to the Kiris Mansion, where Hu-Jat lairs, is well guarded.

Which is pretty much what the PCs thought might be happening after they stuck their head out and saw the ruined town in chaos.

Furthermore the Goblin states the Kobolds have been routed, their slum dwellings burnt, those that didn't flee were killed- it seems the little guys, while not to blame for the loss of Hu-Jat's lieutenants, are being put to the sword- because the Goblins are very angry, and they can, ostensibly.

The PCs decide that this is no bad thing, rob the bodies of the Goblins, tie up their captives and stash the pair in a fallen wardrobe, which is then wedged shut- they'll come back for them, maybe.

Drake looks a little perturbed, he insists he will come back and release the Goblins when their task is done.

The PCs head for the surface, all is still chaos in Gorizbadd, the burning slums, Goblin Wolf Riders rushing here and there, the shouts and screams of Goblin Patrols searching the ruined town.

The PCs remember the dragon, Channoa's words, to defeat an army you must cut its head off- and so they set off, being particularly sneaky, towards the Kiris Mansion, and Hu-Jat, and his Drake.

There follows a continuation of the ongoing Skill Challenge- Staying Hidden in Gorizbadd, although these are the PCs last checks on this particular challenge.

The last march.

The PCs head out of the Kiris Library and make their way as quickly and quietly as possible to the Temples of Pelor and Sehanine- this courtesy of a fairly simple series of Skill Checks, a majority of the Goblins are around and about but still avoiding the Temple area- they don't like the Temples. The PCs succeed with no failures.

From there the second stage is a more difficult series of Skill Checks across the road and after observing smoke coming from the Kiris Baths, with a short diversion to the place. Again the PCs use a mixture of Dungeoneering, Stealth, Acrobatics and Athletics checks to cross over, with one failure- we'll come back to this.

Their diversion, to the Kiris Baths, ends with the discovery that the Dragon's lair is on fire- the very well hidden trapdoor has been ripped up, and scattered around the pool are the much abused bodies of Bullywug's and Goblins.

After a brief CSI style investigation the PCs discern that many of the Goblin bodies were killed by Fire, a good few of them by a Breath Weapon style Fire attack- the PCs figure, after discovering a few more clues, that Channoa was not killed in the attack, but has obviously fled elsewhere.

If any of the PCs had said they were looking up (and had incredibly good eyesight) then we would have been making Perception checks at this point. None of the PCs suggested this however, they had bigger fish to fry.

Channoa, high above, is happy to circle Gorizbadd, the Dragon too is awaiting the finale, the showdown with Hu-Jat.

The third set of skill checks, as the PCs break cover and head over to the Kiris Mansion, between Goblin Wolf Rider patrols, are very difficult- and yet the PCs technically make the check, with four successes and two failures.

At this point the PCs have accumulated three failures en route to the finale, I decided ahead of time that any minor encounters here would only detract from the big bad guy and friends, and so for every failure I just added to the creatures guarding Hu-Jat, and thereby increased the threat.

I also decided that the encounter with Hu-Jat would need a timer type effect, something to make the PCs get a wiggle-on, and so... well, you'll see.

And so the PCs, pressed against the wall of the Kiris Mansion, search high and low for an entrance and then have to scurry around the back of the building- to keep ahead of the patrols, there they find a door, make a very cursory search and then, kick it open.

Next time... Hu-Jat, eventually.


It seems I missed a bit off the end of Drake's letter home on post 59, I've made amends and posted it now (it's on page 4), here's the final few sentences anyway-

I would have slept like a log if not for the worries on my mind; primarily who I am adventuring with? I'm not sure I would have so boldly taken up this venture if I'd known their evil intentions.

Anyway, it was a long few battles but we managed to take down the leadership of the Kobolds and defeat the second-in-command of the Goblins. Today, I think we're planning on taking down the big chief himself. I'm not entirely comfortable with all this slaying but I'm focusing on the end goal; the retrieval and destruction of the slaying stone.

I hope I'm able to write again soon.


It seems the young Priest of Pelor has doubts about his companions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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