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Campaign Commentary- Adventures in Fallcrest


HS1 The Slaying Stone
Session 9 Part 3

Structure, I always think of an adventure as being a film, it's what I do- I can't help it.

There are a whole host of basic plans and outlines for how to structure a film (or any other narrative), I think of the Three Act Structure (thanks Todorov), and then mix in a bit of the Writer's/Hero's Journey, so we end up with this kind of thing-

Hook- Exposition- Inciting Incident.

Plot Points- Turning Points- Point of No Return- Plot Points- Turning Points.

Moment of Truth- Climax- Resolution.


Hook- something to 'hook' the PCs in, an interesting fight/scene/or other, a little taste of the unknown.

Exposition- the telling of the story, or at least enough to get the adventurers interested and with something to do/accomplish.

Inciting Incident- something happens and the story/adventure begins.

Plot Points- the story unfolds or is made clear anew.

Turning Points- the story twists and turns, the things the PCs believed to be true... well, they may not be.

Point of No Return- the PCs commit to see it done, from this point on there's no going back.

Moment of Truth- the real 'truth' is revealed and the PCs get it.

Climax- the finale, the big end of game bad guy, or similar.

Resolution- the answer is explained, digested and discussed- which usually leads to more questions (and adventures).

So, and apologies for those that aren't interested in this- back to the adventure next time, looking back at HS1, and then slotting it in to the Three Act Structure we get-

Hook- The PCs are in the mist fighting a bunch of Wolves (Encounter Level +0), disorientated and not sure how they got there, but fighting for their lives all the same. It's foggy out because, it's a metaphor, the players are foggy, their future is foggy- they cannot see what's coming, or what's behind.

Exposition- They kill the Wolves, find Treona's tower, and still aren't sure how they got here. The PCs think back- and we end up in a flashback and a drinking competition, the PCs show us (the audience) and each other who they are. Which brings us back to the Tower and Treona.

Inciting Incident- Treona tells the PCs about the marvelous coincidence, always get the coincidence in early so the players forget about it by the time they get to the end, the coincidence being that Treona has been looking for a bunch of adventurers- the ruined town of Kiris Dahn etc.

The PCs head off for Kiris Dahn, a small problem arises- they need food, they hunt en route and find food- problem solved.

The PCs must get in to Kiris Dahn, without getting seen, tramp through woods, wade through river- danger, but they manage it, rest in the farmhouse for the night, the PCs learn what it takes to be an adventurer.

Plot Point- In the night lots of creatures are about, including a torch lit procession which heads down to the gate. Who was that? What's happening here? Things are a foot, the PCs need to find out.

Next day PCs discover they have to remain under cover as they move about the ruined town- more danger.

Head in to the Kiris Library and beat up some Goblins (Encounter Level +1), Goblins tell them about the belching Demons below.

Head further down and are ambushed by the belching Demons- which turn out to be Bullwugs (Encounter Level +0).

Head down again and more Bullwugs (Encounter Level +0), with Giant Frogs and a yet more fighting and more danger.

Head down again and discover the Mud room with Portal and the Mudmen, close the Portal and destroy the Mudmen (Encounter Level +2).

Plot Point- Discover chest full of papers, Magic Items manufactured by Tyristys, Treona and Dreus (and others). Dreus did something bad.

Head over to ruined Church of Pelor, kill Rat Swarms and Stirges (Encounter Level +0).

Plot Point- Discover dead Kobolds, killed by something with bigger weapons than Goblins.

Head over to ruined Church of Sehanine, it's locked- hmm.

Plot Point- Discover, and talk at length, with Kiris Hoyt- the PCs get some answers about how Kiris Dahn got to be this way. Kiris Hoyt is a good guy.

Turning Point- Goblins attack (Encounter Level +1), lead by Triflick, mid-fight Kiris Hoyt (the good guy) turns in to a Wererat- bugger, then goes running off. Goblins defeated.

Plot Point- Kiris Hoyt (the Wererat) chased down as the Inn of the Tallest Fir explodes, lots of dead Goblins- what's going on here?

Plot Point- Triflick tells PCs Kiris Hoyt is a very nasty man, Hoyt confesses, 'the things I have done to survive.'

Turning Point- Triflick tells the PCs the torch lit procession was the arrival of a bunch of mercenary Severed Eye Orcs- they're after something.

Turning Point- Kiris tells the PCs about the Dragon- what Dragon?

PCs head to the Kiris Baths, find a very well concealed trapdoor, and head inside. They meet Channoa, the Dragon.

Point of No Return- The PCs tell the Dragon the truth, the Dragon reveals he guards the Slaying Stone and makes it clear what the PCs need to do to earn his trust (and the Slaying Stone). The swear to see it done.

The PCs head back to the ruined town gates and confront Boontah and his maniacs, they destroy the Goblins (Encounter Level +1).

Plot Point- Severed Eye Orcs turn up- they want the stone.

PCs fight the Orcs and manage (just) to take them down (Encounter Level +0).

Attempt to rest and hide, fail spectacularly and bump in to a bunch of Kobolds (Encounter Level +1).

Head over to the Kiris Library and hide, and rest.

Trapped in the basement of the Kiris Library, fight their way out against a bunch of Goblins with big axes (Encounter Level +0).

Turning Point- The Kobold slums are on fire and the streets are swarming with Goblins on Patrol.

Plot Point- Their Goblin prisoners from the previous fight confirm, the adventurers are being hunted by the Goblins, Hu-Jat has called up the reinforcements, the finale awaits (the PCs think).

PCs head out to the Kiris Mansion, manage to get there, and get inside.

PCs fight their way through to Hu-Jat, eventually, this after reinforcements turning up- a long and nasty fight (Encounter Level +5).

Plot Point- A small army of Goblins and Wolves turn up and try to break in to get at the PCs, time is running out, kill Hu-Jat quickly or else the bad guys are going to get in and decimate the PCs.

PCs kill Hu-Jat.

Plot Point- The door bursts open, Goblins and Wolves spill in- followed swiftly by Fire, Channoa has come to help out.

Plot Point- The Goblin army flees, the PCs wave the severed head of Hu-Jat about.

Plot Point- Channoa makes the PCs swear on their lives to keep the Slaying Stone safe, the PCs do and the Dragon gives them their treasure, the heads off.

Note PCs think they have finished and are at the end of Act 3, oh no, not yet.

Climax- The Severed Orcs are here to take the stone away. The fight is terrible and titanic, the PCs manage to overcome the Orcs (just), it's desperate stuff (Encounter Level +4).

Moment of Truth- The Severed Orcs bear a scrap of paper, one word- 'Dreus.' He's the true enemy.

Resolution- The PCs head back to Treona's Tower, she fills in the gaps, rewards them and then primes them for their next adventure- Fallcrest, Finding Dreus.

Obviously this is just my interpretation of things, but it's a structure I always bear in mind when I'm working out what order things should happen, the stepped difficulty of the fights (rising tension), the slow drip feed of information, the addition of new information which twists the tale a little and adds details which branch to other adventures.

Lastly in play I now have a number of patrons, NPCs, and villains including-

Channoa, the Brass Dragon- will the PCs meet him again, in what circumstances?

Dreus, the Elemtalist/Necromancer- why did he want the Slaying Stone? What is he up to?

Kiris Hoyt, the Human/Wererat- can the PCs save him? What happens next?

Kiris Petreus, Hoyt's scheming father- will he be made to pay for what he did? Where is he now?

Severed Eye Orcs- are there any more of them? Will they come back?

Shadowed Chain, The- Who or what are they?

Treona, the Ritualist in the Tower.

Tyristys, the last of the three Ritualist/Crafters- where is he? What part does he have to play?

And some questions that need answering-

What's to be done about Kiris Dahn now the Goblins and Kobolds are routed?

Where's Dreus?

Why was the Dragon protecting the Slaying Stone? Is there some authority over the Dragon?

A start, I generally select scenarios, and encounters and events, I want to add to the campaign and build my plot which I fathom in stages (although I'm pretty certain where I intend to go). The PCs at the end of this adventure are only at second level and yet I have selected scenarios/ideas/events et al which will see them safely (perhaps) to Epic level already.

Just some observations you understand, and remember I only had a week or ten days to prep the campaign so I selected the Slaying Stone as a start without really knowing where it was going to take me.

Next Time... Fallcrest.

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Fallcrest- Finding Dreus
Session 10 Part 1

And so the PCs head of to Fallcrest, a short walk taking no more than three hours, and without incident- the PCs are on the well travelled Trade Road, and the with the Shadow passed things are a little safer.

They're met by Sgt. Gerdrand, and his guardsmen, at the Knight's Gate, their papers are checked, or at least Drakes are, he's the only PC with any documentation, the young Priest of Pelor does all the talking, eventually they're admitted to Fallcrest after the taxes are paid- a handful of coppers.

Fallcrest, Upper Section- the posh bit.

Fallcrest, Lower Section- the not-so-posh bit.

Before we enter the city I show the players the whole of the map of the city and each player is asked in turn to describe the types of places he has been to and/or is aware of in the city, this mainly because we didn't get chance to set the characters up before we dived straight in to the game. All of the PCs have spent a little time in the City, although the phrase 'a little time' actually translates as two days for the Githyanki Jebediah, to a month for the Halfling Rogar.

The Blue Moon Alehouse, including upper floor- PCs have picked rooms.

The PCs head for the Blue Moon Alehouse, the start of their adventures- the drinking competition, and there are met by Farkill and Rock, the ex-adventuring Innkeepers are eager to hear the PCs tale. Which over dinner, and in private, the PCs recount- resorting to the truth, although cautioning Farkill and Rock that they do not want their tale told- they're here on important business, and while not undercover, do not want any untoward attention.

Blue Moon Alehouse Menu.

Just another note to say that the next adventure is a home brew style series of timed events and/or encounters, basically I've written out a multi-stage Skill Challenge (of sorts) for each PC- each of these Challenges provide clues to completing the PCs overall task- Finding Dreus. The Challenges are myriad and varied (you'll see as they unfold), the object is to entertain each of the players/PCs with their own individual tailored story or series of events- the challenge itself is very amorphous, by which I mean infinitely adaptable, the PCs do not need to meet NPC X, any NPC (within reason) can provide the next section of the challenges, again you'll see as it unfolds.

After a hearty meal Farkill has a proposition, he explains that Fallcrest is built on the ruins of the previous settlements (called Fallcrest) that came before, Fallcrest was last sacked just over a century ago by the Orcs in the Bloodspear War, the city was left in ruins. Anyway, Farkill states that a section of the Blue Moon cellar collapsed two days ago, revealing a door- beyond the door, he investigated briefly, is a series of rooms- clearly the cellars (or similar) of a previous construction. Noises, bumps in the night, have been heard coming from the newly discovered area. Farkill offers a reward if Resolute will lead his party below and discover what lairs there, and if necessary makes whatever it is go away.

The PC's agree to perform the task, after their free meal.

Farkill also informs them, during the small talk at the table, that Bith the Ratter has been looking for Rogar, Rogar was previously employed by Bith as a Ratcatcher, Rogar hates Rats, and this is why. He also informs the PCs, and Drake in particular, that the new Priest of Pelor at the temple in Fallcrest- The House of the Sun, is supposed to be mad, or at least strange. Farkill finds it very odd to begin with that the Priest, Grundelmar, is a Dwarf- 'what self respecting Dwarf would worship that great big ball of fire in the sky.' He blames the topsiders corruption of the Dwarven folk, Farkill is a Priest of Moradin, or rather was...

Next Time... Things that go Bump in the Light.


Fallcrest- Finding Dreus
Session 10 Part 2

Lunch done the PCs head down in to the cellar, accompanied by Farkill, from there they head in to the newly discovered area, with Farkill guarding the exit behind them, and every now and then helpfully shouting instructions at Resolute, who the Dwarf still believes is the leader of the group.

It needs to be said that I had spent a considerable amount of time listing to RPGMP3 prior to the playing of this session, Farkill the Dwarf is now very Scottish, or at least his accent is, every PC is now addressed as 'laddie.'

If you've not been to RPGMP3 then you should, for recordings of live play, a excellent distraction for while your working away at the PC, it's to be found here-

RPGMP3 - Dungeon ON!

The PCs edge forward, there's a torch ahead- most odd, until they sidle up to thing and realise it is an ever-burning torch, there's a door open, and a hole in a wall- Maldor peers in to the hole (not recommended) and spots nothing of interest. Through the open doorway a small squad of Skeletons come alive, and lurch forward.

Maldor and Rogar get straight in to action, alas Rogar's sling shot goes astray, Maldor rushes forward and smashes one of the Skeleton (Decrepit = Minions) down.

Drake shuffles forward and unleashes a Lance of Faith, high and wide- it scorches the far wall. Jeb follows in and charges a Decrepit Skeletons, and another is reduced to bone shards.

The last two Skeletons are likewise brutalised, Resolute charging in and punching the head off the third, while Neb settles for levelling the last with a Magic Missile.

Which positions the PCs nicely for my attack, from the hole in the wall a scrawny grey arm reaches out and claws at... thin air. At the same moment Rogar spins around, a noise- a door opening from further down the corridor ahead- a second of the horrid grey-skinned emaciated figures emerges, and yelling and screaming charges the length of the corridor to claw at Rogar, and likewise misses.

Just like to share my dice rolls with you here for Ghoul #1 & #2, they were a '1' and a '2', do you see what I did there- synchronicity.

The Blue Moon Basement- Undead, of course.

The PCs react swiftly, Maldor dashes in to defend Drake, Bob rolls a '5', but he has the creature Oathed and so rolls again- '2', alas he fails to connect. Rogar does the same, and the same again (i.e. he too fails to connect), his second roll courtesy of an Action Point which produces our second to hit roll of '1' of the evening.

Drake's Lance of Faith comes again, Jack rolls a '4'- there's a lot of cursing, Jeb saves the day and slices hard and manages to damage both of the creatures with a Swordburst.

Resolute goes to grapple one of the creatures, something he states aloud he may regret, he too fails to connect- '3', Neb opens up with a Scorching Blast, while back-pedalling trying to get some distance between him and the Ghouls, Christer rolls a '4'. That's a pretty poor series of rolls.

Time for some hot Ghoul action...

Drake is slashed and clawed by the Ghoul in the centre chamber (through the hole), the young Priest of Pelor takes 12 damage as his blood turns to ice in his veins, he's Immobilised.

The second Ghoul makes matters worse, it connects with Jeb and delivers 15 points of damage, he too is Immobilised.

And then a third Ghoul rushes around the corner, behind the PCs, the adventurers are effectively surrounded. The PCs, still in the first thirty minutes of the session, go from rather jolly to suddenly very serious.

Maldor moves in close to the third Ghoul, Oaths the creature and then Abjures the Undead terror, and rolls- '1' then '3', thank the Raven Queen for Elven Accuracy- the Ghoul is blasted for 28 points of Radiant damage- the creature staggers, and Jeb's paralysis wears off.

Rogar charges in and crits the creature, the newly arrived Ghoul suddenly find itself bruised and battered; and very bloodied.

Jebediah rushes over to join the fun, and after rolling a '1', is given a chance to try again by Maldor- courtesy of his Divine Guidance, second time around he slices in to the Ghoul, and kills it- one down. Is that four or five '1's so far for the PCs?

As Maldor (Bob) states on chat-

'I may be not the leader of this group, but when it comes to undead you guys better listen to me!'

Resolute manages to connect, punching another of the creatures in the face, alas he doesn't do a great deal of damage. Which doesn't work out well as the Human Brawler is clawed again for a further 18 hit points damage and Immobilised some more.

The last Ghoul also launches itself at the Immobilised Resolute, attempts to bite his throat out, that's a '3', and another miss. The creature is suddenly engulfed in flame- Scorching Blast, and a '20', from Neb- the creature is briefly burnt, badly injured, and soon after bloodied.

Maldor to the rescue, he bathes one of the Ghouls attacking Resolute in the holy light of his Radiant Vengeance, and guess what, '20' crits. Resolute, after a free Saving Throw (Weakened Paralysis), is also no longer Immobilised.

The Human Brawler shifts to a better position, and then swings and connects again, and another Ghoul is bloodied. At the same instant, from behind the party a pair of Rotten Zombies hove in to view, again the PCs are surrounded- or at least bottled up in the corridor.

Rogar moves in and manages to launch a Steel Wind, Ironsoul Flurry & Sneak Attack triple attack- hitting for 28 points of damage, and one of the Ghouls hits the dirt- one left.

Maldor (Bob), again is first to chat-

'Nice work Rogar... that's my Halfling.'

Drake hits with his Exacting Utterance on the final Ghoul- Jeb moves in and slashes the creature with his Booming Blade, the undead creature is almost down.

Resolute swings hard and misses, while Neb lands another Magic Missile, the last Ghoul is now battered, but still swinging furiously- Jeb is caught and sliced, bloodied and Immobilised. However the threat is soon snuffed out, Maldor comes again with his Oath of Enmity followed by an Overwhelming Strike, which with the extra damage from Drake's Exacting Utterance, is enough to slay the creature.

Which just leaves some staggering Zombies- easy.

One of the Undead connects with Neb, another slams Resolute, both however are only slightly wounded by the creatures, however behind the Zombies the PCs spot a fourth Ghoul who takes the opportunity to attempt to sneak out of the chamber and in to the cellar of the Blue Moon Alehouse.

Farkill is too fast, he slams the door shut in the creatures face- it turns- slashes and bites at the air before it and then bounds towards the PCs.

A second pair of Zombies appear ahead of the PCs, and again they are bottled in.

There's something about the last Ghoul... he's got a swagger in his walk.

Rogar moves to meet the two Zombies, and goes for his Steel Wind, and the bad dice are back- he rolls '1', followed by, '1'- snake-eyes.

Drake's Lance of Faith incinerates one of the Zombies threatening Rogar, he then drops a Healing Word on Jeb- who's no longer bloodied. The Githyanki is however still Immobilised, he fails his Saving Throw and spends a moment watching his friends at work.

Resolute however is no longer Immobilised, he rushes to Neb's side and with a Dual Strike punches both Zombies in quick succession, both of the creatures are smashed to dust.

Neb moves away from the approaching Ghoul and fires off another Magic Missile, the final Zombie falls.

The remaining Ghoul smashes in to Resolute, claws at the Human desperately, and connects for 17 points of damage- Resolute is reduced to 10 hit points and guess what- Immobilised again.

Maldor swears his Oath of Enmity against the creature, then connects first with his Radiant Vengeance, then follows up with an Action Point and rushes in to deliver an Overwhelming Strike, he hits again and manoeuvres the Ghoul in to the midst of the party. The PCs note that the last Ghoul, although badly cut already, is less affected by its cuts and bruises- clearly a stronger, more dangerous, creature.

Maldor (Bob), in chat, calls the other PCs in to the fracas-


Rogar rushes over and connects with a Steel Wind- Ironsoul Flurry combo. Drake lasers wide with his Sacred Flame and then pumps his final Healing Word in to Resolute, who is now no longer bloodied.

Jebediah catches the creature with his Booming Blade, while Resolute makes a Grappling Strike and grabs and Immobilises the Undead, and still the creature is not bloodied.

Neb fires off a Force Orb- he misses, he has still never hit with this attack.

Let's just visualise that moment- the Ghoul is surrounded on all sides, backed up against a wall, and being held in place by Resolute- Neb fires off his spell from ten feet away and... misses. Oh well.

The Ghoul frees itself from Resolute's grasp and lashes out at Jeb, who has the creature Marked, and connects- the Githyanki is hurt, not yet bloodied, but Immobilised again. The Ghoul spends an Action Point (there's a clue- and the PCs didn't like that) and attempts to Bite Jeb's throat out- '3', that's a miss then- wasted bloody Action Point.

Actually at this point it was me doing the swearing over Skype.

Maldor decides to fire off his Radiant Vengeance, while stood next to the Ghoul, the creature is quicker to the draw and claws the Elf, however the Avenger's attack connects again and blasts a smouldering hole in the creature's torso.

And still it's not bloodied.

Jeb however shakes of his paralysis, he's no longer Immobilised.

Resolute grabs the last Ghoul again, inflicting a little more damage but significantly still not enough to bloody the beast.

Jeb doesn't stay free for long, he's swiftly clawed again, although for only a little damage.

The Ghoul is burnt again by Maldor's Radiant Vengeance, and again Jeb manages to shake off the Immobilised state.

Rogar is no where with his Steel Wind, Drake's Sacred Flame manages to blast radiant light in to the ceiling of the corridor. However Jeb's Booming Blade, Resolute's Grappling Strike and Neb's Magic Missile all hit home- the creature is grabbed again and... Bloodied, at last.

I'd like to say it's all plain sailing from here, but it's not- the Ghoul escapes again, and is now making two claw attacks per round, and again Resolute is quickly bloodied and Immobilised.

Maldor's Overwhelming Strike hits home, followed by Rogar's Steel Wind with Ironsoul Flurry and the creature is staggering, but still not down.

Jeb lands his Booming Blade again, while Resolute re-establishes his hold with a '20' Grappling Strike, and the (Elite) Ghoul Champion is on 1 HP.

Neb's Magic Missile hits it- it sinks to its knees, thinks about things for a short while- mortality etc. and then falls forward dead- cue rejoicing.

Although none of the PCs bit the dirt that was a tough one.

The PCs take a Short Rest and then clear the remainder of the place out, in a pile of ancient bones they find a still glowing Holy Symbol dedicated to Pelor- a sign, a sign from Drake's wish list to be absolutely accurate- a +1 Symbol of the Holy Nimbus. Drake preys a while, while the other PCs make themselves scarce, the young lads faith unnerves them a little. The symbol is taken, the place is cleared out, and the PCs retreat to the cellars of the Blue Moon Alehouse.

The stone wall will be bricked back up, Farkill and the PCs negotiate their reward- which turns out to be a weeks food and board and one free drink per day- done.

As Jeb said on chat-


And Neb-

“Good for me.”

That was a level 5 Encounter (PC Level +3)- Skeleton, Decrepit (Level 1 Minion) x4; Zombie, Rotter (Level 3 Minion) x4; Ghoul (Level 5 Soldier) x3 & Ghoul Champion (Level 5 Elite Soldier).

A bit of a rumble, I tried to stagger the entrance of the bad guys to generate the feeling that the PCs were trapped in and needed to break through to escape, I was constantly blocking off their retreat. That said they just held their ground and dished out the hits- eventually.

It was also an offering to the Avenger (and to a lesser extent Drake), Bob (Maldor the Elven Avenger) was hankering after an Undead encounter, wanting to see how some of his powers faired against his nemesi (is that nemesis', or nemesis's, or whatever).

The encounter played okay, I'm just conscious at times that I need to provide a little violence to go along with the role-play, a fight in the session tends to concentrate thei PCs minds- role-play is generally better after a fracas, the group seems to be a little better co-ordinated.

Part of the problem of being on Maptools is players sometimes suddenly have to dash off for nature breaks, another coffee/beer, or crying daughters, phone calls from wives etc. During combat some of the everyday things tend to get ignored, particularly if a PC has a power he wants to try out, or is struggling to stay on his feet.

Anyway, the PCs head back upstairs, sort out who's having which room, put Kiris Hoyt to bed- they lock him in his room, and then head off out in to the city of Fallcrest for some role-playing.

Next Time... the Wholesome Threesome and the Odd Trio.

Funny people players, you'll see.
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Force Orb never seemed to work for my wizard either, though he did hit with Magic Missle like a demon which used the exact same to hit roll back then.

I eventually retrained it out for Ray of enfeeblement, which worked much better for me.

Makes me wonder if Force Orb is cursed.


Force Orb never seemed to work for my wizard either, though he did hit with Magic Missle like a demon which used the exact same to hit roll back then.

I eventually retrained it out for Ray of enfeeblement, which worked much better for me.

Makes me wonder if Force Orb is cursed.

In game the PCs have just hit 3rd level and Neb has I believe decided it's time to say goodbye to Force Orb, I guess he's used it a maybe seven or eight times in total- never hit once. Whereas his Phantasmal Chasm- everytime, and always the big bad guys getting knocked on their ass.

Cheers PDR


First Post
Force Orb never seemed to work for my wizard either, though he did hit with Magic Missle like a demon which used the exact same to hit roll back then.

I eventually retrained it out for Ray of enfeeblement, which worked much better for me.

Makes me wonder if Force Orb is cursed.

My previous character was an Eladrin wizard. I had no problems with force orb. It did suck when I missed with the initial roll and than realize that if that one had hit two out of three adjacent enemies would get crits and a third one would have been a hit as well (because my macro on maptools rolled for the adjacent targets at the same time).

My secret to effective use of Force Orb was very high Dex (+3 and later +4) and "wand of accuracy". After I realize my miss on primary target was almost a hit I would activate wand of accuracy and turn it into a hit. Good implement was also helpful.

But Eruan (my wizard) was just too powerful.


First Post
Dice certainly can be random, can't they? Not the 1st time an encounter has going strange ways due to the dice.

Looking back or planning ahead, there is nothing wrong with that, but right when it's happening ... it's not the best feeling.

re: Force Orb
Only played a magic with it once, it worked great there but I did have re-rolls availible.

re: the Wholesome Threesome and the Odd Trio
So the party of 6 splits into groups of 3. As I'm playing both Rogar and Resolute at this point, I figure I can get a character into each group so I can be part of both groups and not have to talk to myself ... but the party had other plans.


First Post
So the party of 6 splits into groups of 3. As I'm playing both Rogar and Resolute at this point, I figure I can get a character into each group so I can be part of both groups and not have to talk to myself ... but the party had other plans.

I still don't know how that happened. I was the last one to choose, or at least that is what I figured. Neb and Jeb were both heading to Mage guild, and the other three were already in a group, so Maldor went with the two guys that made him look less weird. However at this point in game we are all together once more, so if we split again. Resolute (or Rogar) can trade places with Maldor so the groups will be better balanced for roleplaying.


I still don't know how that happened. I was the last one to choose, or at least that is what I figured. Neb and Jeb were both heading to Mage guild, and the other three were already in a group, so Maldor went with the two guys that made him look less weird. However at this point in game we are all together once more, so if we split again. Resolute (or Rogar) can trade places with Maldor so the groups will be better balanced for roleplaying.

Just to make it clear to outsiders what the players are talking about, after the fight in the last installment the players headed off into Fallcrest for some 'meet the people' RP. However the group divided thusly-

The Wholesome Threesome- Drake (Mr. Nice Guy Priest of Pelor- he's 19 years of age, polite and diplomatic and the son of rich folk, he exudes bonhomie and is just plain... 'lovely'- he gets mothered a lot), with Rogar (Halfling Monk- mild mannered and already knows people in Fallcrest, talkative and interested and interesting), and Resolute (Human Brawler build Fighter- a bit silent but being played by the same guy as Rogar at the moment- not nice, but not nasty, quiet).

And the Odd Trio- Jeb (a Githyanki Swordmage- other than Jeb a Gith has never set foot in Fallcrest, the townsfolk are a little terrified, doesn't help that he barks a bit when roused, and he's easily roused), with Maldor (Elven Avenger of the Raven Queen- in full regalia, he's a nice guy but a bit... unapproachable- he nearly got a date but the woman in question had to see past his gaunt visage and skull-motif clothing, think talkative emo), and Neb (Tiefling Wizard who can be quiet, very quiet at times, and a little menacing).

So wandering around Fallcrest picking up hints and clues are three mild-mannered chatty guys and...

A group of strange/scary looking mystic folk who while occasionally chatty are overly fond of looming in the shadows and glaring at folk while muttering dark phrases).

Can you guess which group had more success?

We operate a Fame and Notoriety system in-game, basically it's a way of giving bonuses (or negatives) to Skill Checks, and or measuring the citizens immediate reactions to the PC in question. The Odd Trio all have equal or more Notoriety than Fame- due entirely to their dress, demeanour and most importantly the way they act...

In fact total Fame & Notoriety
The Odd Trio- Fame 7 Notoriety 7.5
The Wholesome Threesome- Fame 9.5 Notoriety 2

Either they need to target their social interactions, i.e. set the Odd Trio to interact with the dodgier elements of Fallcrest, or else re-assign groups.

This is obviously problematic in-game, but realistic (I think), when the three walked in to the Silver Unicorn Inn (a very pleasant upmarket establishment) the entire hostel stopped to stare. The fact that they then tried to blend in with the Merchants and assorted good-folk of the city resulted almost in a 'Slaughtered Lamb' moment (see American Werewolf in London).

You live and learn.



Fallcrest- Finding Dreus
Session 10 Part 3

And so as per the previous explanation the guys head out in to the city of Fallcrest, ostensibly they have the following tasks to be on with-

Find Dreus and discover what he is up to (and put a stop to it), but do so without drawing attention to themselves.

Cure Hoyt of his Lycanthropy.

Sell the Alchemical recipes they picked up in Kiris Dahn (in the magical repository).

They head off in two groups, the first group will be hereafter known as the Wholesome Threesome- Drake, Rogar and Resolute, all of whom are for the most part sociable, outgoing and 'good.'

The second group will be hereafter known as the Odd Trio- Jeb, Neb & Maldor- a group of strange alien looking creatures, cowled and creepy.

Things don't go exactly as planned for one of the groups...

We're also playtesting a Fame & Notoriety type system, something I've used in many other games, ostensibly if the PCs do good things there Fame increase, bad things- Notoriety; obviously some stuff is subjective but the entire system is run from the prospective of the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator- the citizenry of Fallcrest and the Vale).

And so, if the PCs were to get in to a bar room brawl they may each pick up a little Notoriety, if during the course of the brawl they were seen to save the Inn and/or help the patrons then that Notoriety may be negated by a little Fame, or lessened etc.

The PCs having just run the Goblins et al out of Gorizbad/Kiris Dahn have been told in advance that should they make it known that they completed this task then they will gain a Fame bonus (actually +5 Fame each). However Fame and Notoriety is a double edged sword- the more Famous they are the greater the chance that those they are seeking (Dreus) will hear of their arrival in Fallcrest, it's a tricky one. The PCs then decided out the outset to keep their previous adventure under wraps.

Of course the PCs are not always the masters of their own destiny, rumours of the change in Kiris Dahn are already starting to make their way in to the city of Fallcrest, courtesy of merchant caravans passing the place en route from Hammerfast or Harkenwold, obviously at present there's nothing to connect the PCs with the Kiris atm, but things change- see future posts.

The obvious question is what use then is Fame and Notoriety, simply put the higher the PCs Fame then the more likely the citizenry are to react positively to the PCs, in all manner of transactions and roleplay. High Notoriety may have the same affect, as the citizenry are wary, and/or frightened, of the PCs; or else high Notoriety may make roleplay et al harder to do- it works on a situation by situation basis.

The PCs initial scores were calculated based on their characters Race, Class, Appearance and Backstory, so for example-

Drake, the Human male 19 year old 'butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth' Priest of Pelor, and son of the gentry starts with Fame 3 & Notoriety 0, whereas-

Jebediah, the Male Githyanki (a race that I ruled has never previously been seen in Fallcrest) Swordmage, who it must be noted is quick to take umbrage, starts with Fame 0 Notoriety 2.

There are 'sort of' limits to Fame & Notoriety, or else boundaries, the suggestion is a 1st Level PC can only rise so high- gain a certain amount of Fame & Notoriety. Obviously these rules can be broken- should a 1st Level character kill the King, a Dragon, or else save the city then... the rules go out the window.

One more point, things reported generate much less Fame and/or Notoriety than things seen, so doing things with many people around to witness the act almost certainly generates a point of Fame. Going out in to a dungeon and slaying an army of demons may in fact generate very few Fame points, that is until the story becomes common knowledge. Certainly Fame & Notoriety is easier to come by in the city, and in front of witnesses.

Lastly it is possible to lay claim to Fame or Notoriety- roll in to the city and tell people you were responsible for... whatever, these events are judged on a case by case basis, with many factors considered. Being found out after lying automatically increases the PCs Notoriety. Oh and of course both stats can go up as well as down, and both decrease over time.

And so, back to the game-

First off the Wholesome Threesome head for the Market Green in Fallcrest, wander around the stalls and eventually meet up with Bith the Ratter, apparently the weasely man has been asking after Rogar the Halfling- Rogar remember worked as a Ratcatcher, I think I've said that previously.

The Market Green- actually not that Green.

Bith is keen to see if Rogar has the old magic, it seems he's been having some problems with a job- he asks Rogar (and his friends) to undertake a little test, just a few rats to kill. If successful then he'd like to hire Rogar (and friends) to help him with some tough vermin buggers.

Drake does a little light shopping while this is going on, he buys himself some glow-in-the-dark ink which will allow him to write his letters at night- that'll be nice.

While this is going on Cut My Own Throat Dibbler ™ attempts to sell the PCs a rat-on-a-stick, he has no success, clearly the PCs have not read any Terry Pratchett novels, or else they have.

In the mean time the Odd Trio are getting some funny looks as they head through the city, very funny- no one has seen a Githyanki before, particularly walking around with a Elven Priest of the Raven Queen, and a Tiefling wrapped in robes and clutching a magical looking staff. People start bumping in to each other and things- to make matters worse Maldor is just missed by a bucket of night soil- he remonstrates heartily, and soon after is face to face with the slop thrower, a pretty young maiden.

Maldor does his best, not to find anything out you understand, but to get a date with the startled young woman- who is soon begging for forgiveness. She promises she will 'go out' with Maldor 'maybe', anything to get away from the Odd Trio.

The Trio have a better time at the Fallcrest Stables, they're en route to the Tower of the Septarch- Neb & Jeb wish to join the guild it seems, Lannar Thistleton at the stables converses a while with Maldor (again). The Elf is pricing up horses for all the PCs, for when they get free of Fallcrest. Thistleton sets aside his prejudices- money is at stake, the Odd Trio promise to return when they have more coin.

And so they head on to the Septarch's Tower, and are finely met there, after much hammering at the door, by Tobolar, Nimozzaran the Green's Halfling Apprentice. Tobolar is curt, rude and a little aloof- the best they can get out of him is that his master is too busy to talk to the likes of them, and it will cost them 250gp each to get in to the guild- at this point none of the PCs have 250gp. Disgruntled, and in testy moods, the three head off.

Meanwhile the Wholesome Threesome are taken to a basement in a nice house in Fallcrest by Bith the Ratter, the game begins-

Splat the Rat.

In the basement the PCs are divided, one in to each room, the Rats (all Minions) appear in random rooms, the PCs are not allowed to move chambers, the first round one appears, the second two etc. The PCs play out a short game of 'Splat the Rat', which only takes 15 or so minutes and accounts for nearly 30 Giant Rats. Drake and Resolute are both bloodied at the end of the game, even after Drake has used both of his Healing Words.

Giggling ensues as Rogar's Lions Den kills all of the Rats that approach him, while Drake is chased for a while by a pair of the nasty critters- I know this isn't simulationist, it's a game.

Regardless Bith is overjoyed- Rogar and his friends have the skills- he goes on to explain that a place called the Tombwood, an ancient (and now unused) graveyard riddled with tunnels and catacombs has been taken over by Kruthik. He will pay handsomely for Rogar to lead his men in to the catacombs and caves and destroy the Kruthik nests, destroying the nests Bith tells the PCs will cause the other Kruthik to flee.

Rogar agrees to complete this task, with his friends, later in the day- they'll come and get Bith when they're ready to take on the task.

Meanwhile Maldor picks up a flyer for the Silver Unicorn Inn, the Odd Trio decide to head there to have a nose around.

The Wholesome Threesome in the mean time make for the House of the Sun (The Temple of Pelor), Drake has heard rumours that the Temple is being run by a mad Dwarf called Grundelmar.

Which turns out to be absolutely correct.

Meet Grundelmar.

The Threesome arrive mid-sermon, Grundelmar is old-school, Sun & Brimstone he rants and rages at the dying of the light, it's a little insulting- particularly as he starts picking on Drake. At this point your friendly DM is shouting down Skype at Jack (Drake), trying to provoke his anger...

And so... look into your hearts you miserable, feeblings, for Pelor's light shines there- if only you could see it.

The glorious light of Pelor resides within even the most wretched sinner- like you there, foul spawn that you are, if you don't mind me saying so...

Grundelmar states.

The following from the chat window-

Grundelmar- Oh look... What do we have here... More sinners seeking salvation!
Sit down you miserable wretches, save your souls- if they're not already beyond redemption.
Where was I?

As Drake, Rogar and Resolte arrive.

Resolute sits down and sneers a bit.

Grundelmar continues-

Oh yes.
Let the light of Pelor, that is within each of you, shine out, let it radiate from you...
From each of you- although you are no doubt fiddling sparrow-farts of humanity.

And some more-


When Moses Teatowel tries to head off.

Rogar smiles and sits down next to Resolute, trying to hide his laughter.

Grundelmar finishes up...

Good, that concludes todays sermon, tomorow- why Pelor loves you.
Which should be interesting- miserable carrion that you all are.
Right- get...
But what's this- a Priest of Pelor!
You and your friends can stay, the rest of you- SCRAM!

Then spots Drake-

Ah, a fellow traveller of the path of the one true light- fantastic to see you.
What did you think of my sermon?

Which results in... a clash of minds, Drake maintains his cool, points out that Pelor cherishes, loves, nurtures et al; while Grundelmar insists that Pelor smites, burns and sears...

Then Grundelmar has an idea- he states that if Drake is so certain that his way is the best then he should deliver tomorrows sermon at the House of the Sun, (4 PM tomorrow afternoon).

Jack (Drake) goes silent on Skype as the other players giggle- your kindly DM tells Jack that Drake will be delivering the sermon as part of a Skill Challenge, that it must be written ahead of the game, and not ad-libbed.

Jack is overjoyed at the prospect, the other players determine to gather an audience for the event.

And thus we guarantee ourselves a little light entertainment in the future.

The tenth session of play comes to an end, the PCs have enough XP for Level 3 now, however they're not going to get a rest until the end of the day, I play that the PCs whether in-dungeon or out can only take one Extended Rest in a 24 hour period, we pay particular attention to time even in-dungeon.

Next Time... Boys About Town.

Voidrunner's Codex

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