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Campaign idea -- now with an invitation


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*** If any of my players happen to be lurking around here, please God, stop reading this post!!! ***

I'm starting an Eberron campaign on Sunday, and I'm trying to get some of my notes all nice and finalized so I can make with the statting. I've got five people in my group, all with good strong character concepts already set. We're trying a bit of an experiment with this game: not only is everyone starting off on their own, it may actually be some time until the group comes together. We're doing it 24-style, with each person following their own plotline that is somehow connected to the main plot -- eventually the threads will cross, and the party comes together. Below I've got my notes for each character's plots (some are more detailed than others, because not everyone has given me a full backstory yet), as well as how I plan to eventually bring everyone together. I'm hoping to maintain a slightly different feel with each storyline, while keeping the pulp adventure feek of the overall setting intact throughout. I could use some comments and suggestions, if anyone wouldn't mind too much.

1. (noir-ish) Changeling rogue/assassin-in-training from Wroat, Breland
* hired to kill an "easy target" who turns out to be a bit tougher -- and much better connected -- than advertised. End result, he's got a bad rep with some very powerful people now...

2. (kung fu/western) Human monk from Adar, serving as a Sentinel Marshal to uncover the truth behind his brother's mysterious death
* travels to a small town where he's embroiled in a plot concerning a "gang" of bank robbers that turns out to be one man and a series of elaborate illusion spells. While there, encounters a man who knew his brother and points him towards someone who may hold some clues...

3. (espionage) Elven ranger from Valenar, who served as a spy/scout during the Last War
* hired to scout the area around the suspected lair of a group of bandits, so as to determine the best means of entrance and apprehention. Afterwards, is summoned by an anonymous message to a meeting with a man who has a job for her. If she should refuse, he'll kill her family, whom he's taken hostage. Apparently, this man has a grudge against her -- during the Last War, she fed intelligence of his hometown's defenses to the army that razed it...

4. (political intrigue) Half-elven sorceror/bodyguard-for-hire from Breland, decendant of House Medani
* hired to bodyguard a lesser noble's daughter. Garners a bit of a rep as a result, and is approached by a man in House Medani who claims to have been a friend of his father. Brings him into the fold, where he soon learns that his father had many enemies -- and this "good friend" may have been the worst one of them all...

5. (procedural, social) Gnomish artificer from Korranberg
* brought in as an assistant negotiator by an old mentor when a group of goblinoids take several miners hostage...

How I plan to eventually draw them all together:
* During the Last War, the gnomes fed a good amount of intelligence and equipment to Breland. One of these gnomes, we'll just call him NPC for now, was particularly good at tactics -- especially when he could exchange his expertise for intelligence that otherwise may have been classified. It was NPC who used the elven ranger's scouted intel to form the strategy the armies used to raze the village. And one of the many pieces of supposedly classified intel in NPC's repetoire is a series of clues about the monk's brother's death. The assassin is hired by a mysterious "third party" (really the man blackmailing the rogue) to kill this gnome, and in exchange he will help repair his damaged reputation. The ranger is forced to scout out the terrain for the best entry/exit, and then is to hang back until given further instructions. The rogue is told the gnome will be alone, but this is a lie. He is actually secretly meeting with the monk, and his former apprentice, the artificer, is with him as well. Having heard whispers of an impending attempt on his life, NPC has quietly hired the sorceror as extra protection. Third party knows all of this, and plans on forcing the ranger onto the scene so that it appears she is the killer and not the rogue...
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First Post
Raven Crowking said:
Surfmonkey, it sounds as though you have your threads fairly well thought out. I'm not too sure what help you need.


Vindication that it sounds decent and isn't a bunch of ideas hurled at a wall in the hopes that something sticks, I guess -- I'm real insecure about my games, especially in the early stages. So DOES it sound decent?

Raven Crowking

First Post
SurfMonkey01 said:
Vindication that it sounds decent and isn't a bunch of ideas hurled at a wall in the hopes that something sticks, I guess -- I'm real insecure about my games, especially in the early stages. So DOES it sound decent?

Sure. I would play in it! :D

As a side note, when I am setting up a campaign, I like to prepare 1-3 "side treks": NPCs, lairs, plot hooks, etc, that have nothing to do with any of my main storylines. Not only do these things help with versimilitude, but they give you something to do when the PCs refuse to bite the obvious hooks, go prying in unprepared areas, etc. Of course, pursuing a side trek doesn't prevent the main villians from pursuing thier objectives in the meantime....! ;)



First Post
Raven Crowking said:
Sure. I would play in it! :D

As a side note, when I am setting up a campaign, I like to prepare 1-3 "side treks": NPCs, lairs, plot hooks, etc, that have nothing to do with any of my main storylines. Not only do these things help with versimilitude, but they give you something to do when the PCs refuse to bite the obvious hooks, go prying in unprepared areas, etc. Of course, pursuing a side trek doesn't prevent the main villians from pursuing thier objectives in the meantime....! ;)


I always wing the side-quests. I'm pretty good at the improv stuff, and my players somehow always manage to veer off of not just the main plot, but also any side plots and even extra throwaways I came up with. Therefore, it's best if I just make stuff up in those circumstances -- it normally works out.

Robbert Raets

SurfMonkey said:
We're trying a bit of an experiment with this game: not only is everyone starting off on their own, it may actually be some time until the group comes together. We're doing it 24-style, with each person following their own plotline that is somehow connected to the main plot -- eventually the threads will cross, and the party comes together.
Hot damsel! I am so diggin' that idea!

* brought in as an assistant negotiator by an old mentor when a group of goblinoids take several miners hostage...


Wow, this sounds incredibly good. I'm actually archiving this for when I've got the time the set up an Eberron campaign because it's good stuff. especially the different genre's everycharacter seems to represent.

Keep us updated is you will on the actual sessions because it looks interesting.

Keeper of Secrets

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Great ideas! I am not sure how much help you need but I can at least offer this: if you get a chance, track down the Battle Chasers comics. I am told Eberron feels a lot like Battle Chasers.


First Post
So, we tried this out yesterday... utter failure. My players just weren't into it, and I was having an "off" day to boot. So that experiment didn't work. However, I had an idea...

Anyone here interested in a play-by-post game? It of course wouldn't use the same characters or plot, but the concept (24-inspired) would be the same, and would actually probably work better this way. I'm looking for I think no more than four interested persons, if indeed there are any. Let me know, and we can go from there...


First Post
I'd totally be interested in that game. It sounds really good, and I love Eberron! I have a character concept from a game that fell through, if you'd like me to send it to you.

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