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Campaigns you hope to run someday before you die


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BiggusGeekus said:
Here's what I've wanted to run for about three years now:

I tell the players we're in a sci-fi game. They're humans and the enemy is the only alien race known to man. It is a situation of total war and no alien bodies have been recovered so no one knows much about them other than they are very likely humanoid...

I really like that. Fascinating premise. I think my players would lynch me, though. Whenever a new campaign is starting up there's always people moaning how they are sick of fantasy. And there's always players moaning that they just wanna play some good old fantasy. The sci-fi mob would have my head.

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There was a post earlier last month about fiends taking over Sigil and the Lady of Pain is cast out when the residents cry out to her in worship. The heroes have to deafeat the fiends and restore the lady to power.

Speaking of this, does anyone know where that post is?


chris7476 said:
World, yes, system, no. I played Shadowrun for a while (1st and 2nd ed I think). The sourcebooks just ooze with flavor and fluffy goodness. The system itself...hmm. Clumsy is an understatement. Oh, so you want to fire your chaingun how many times? Great, this should take about 30 minutes. The whole deal with deckers was annoying too but we found ways around it.
Sounds like you played 1st ed. 3rd ed fixes (at least) the chaingun problem.

Pants said:
Heh, as long as you run your homebrew world, you've got a deal. :p
Now I just need to scrap the cash together and get all three books... :\
You've got a deal. I had to borrow Eberron for the same reason, but I actually stopped reading it today to start reading Iron Kingdoms instead. That setting rocks.
pants said:
Games I'd love to play, but not run...
- Call of Cthulhu
- Ravenloftp/quote]
I'm not a huge Ravenloft guy, but Cthulhu is tons of fun. You live in Illinois, right? Ever go to the Chicago gameday? Someone always runs Cthulhu there. I'd recommend getting in on one of Quickbeam's games if he comes; he's a great Cthulhu ...er, keeper, or whatever they call the GM in that game.
pants said:
I'd love to play a Midnight game, but I really wouldn't mind running one. Basically, anything I want to run, I'd want to play in.
I tend to want to play someone else's setting and run my own. ;)


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Nifty thread. Personally, I have a few that I'd realyl like to run:

  1. Lankhmar d20. It's actually something I'm still working on, & I hope to get some basic stuff created & actually start playing soon.
  2. A D&D/d20 campaign based in the world of my fantasy fiction. It'll definitely use the Generic Classes from UA; a lot of the content would need to be custom-made for it, as well.
  3. Ultima d20 (a Generic Classes variant). It'd be nifty to run, but ideally I'd like to play in that game.
  4. A Marvel SAGA campaign, but set in a "What If?" setting, or in an Amalgam setting.
  5. G.I. Joe d20. It'd just rock.
  6. Zork d20. Another computer game setting that I've really enjoyed. Speaking of which...
  7. Wasteland d20/Fallout d20. Gotta get my post-apocalyptic fix on.

That's all I can think of so far. This stuff is on my wish list: I'm working on the Lankhmar stuff; sorta working on the d20 stuff for my writing; and I more or less use an alternate reality for my Marvel game. However, the rest of the stuff would be great to do someday.

Wraith Form

Hypersmurf said:
CSI: Waterdeep.

I actually had some elements of it in the one-shot I ran recently - some of the NPCs were making use of Forensic Necromancy - but it's one I want to play in.

"Well, killer took the head... we aren't gonna be Speaking with this one. And no witnesses."
"No, but tell me what you notice about the floor our vic's lying on."
"... it's stone?"
"Right. Do you remember that druid who helped us out a couple of years ago? Well enough to get a Sending through to her?"
[chuckle] "Do I ever..."
"Good. See if she'll come down here and do a Stone Tell for us. I'll check under the vic's fingernails... if there was a struggle, we might have something we can use as a link for Scrying on the killer..."

It's pathetic that I can hear Grissom's voice when I read this...lol. (Great condensation of the CSI writing style!) I can picture Griss in leather armor and a cloak....


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I'd like to do a Eternal Champions style game where I have a few groups with different players who don't know each other and then get to meet to save the universe. Little time travel. Little planar tripping.

I've done it with Champions in the past and it was a blast.

One time I and another GM managed to pull off some great crossovers. As I get older, I find that my fellow GMs these days aren't necessarily power gamers, but their style doesn't mesh with mine so the idea of Co-DMing isn't as appealing as it used to be.


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buzz said:
Someday before I die, I'd like to ruin a campaign...

Notice the extra 'i' inserted in the excerpt above? That's what my brain told me I was reading the first time through this thread.

And if that were the case, then shame on you!

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