Can a FLGS be TOO friendly?

Elf Witch

First Post
The truth of customer service is that you can't please everyone.

When I shop I don't mind a friendly greeting and to be asked if I need help usually I don't and want to be left alone. But one of my friend's and favorite shopping buddy is just the opposite she likes the attention and enjoys talking with store help and waiters.

We are perfect together because she engages the clerks while I am left to shop in peace.

I have a friend who owns and runs a comic store/gaming store. He encourages his help to be very friendly for several reasons.

1 It is a shoplifting determent it lets the potential shoplifter know that they are being watched and that is one good way to cut down on shrinkage.

2 Mom and pop stores today compete with the internet and big box stores who can often beat their prices the one advantage a smaller store has is service and so some of them have gone a little overboard with it.

I think there is another reason and that is just a natural interest in meeting other people in your hobby. I have seen this kind of friendly service in game stores but also in New Age stores, small pet stores, small craft stores.

A lot of the people who work at these stores do so because they are interested in what the store sells.

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