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Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?

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aramis erak

Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?
  • Tunnels & Trolls (any edition) Class & Level, but attribute driven in play; 5.5 and later have a "talent" system
  • Monsters! Monsters! (any edition) - same core as T&T of the era - T&T from the monster point of view
  • Legend of the Five Rings (editions 3, 4, or 5. 5 is current). skill driven, but character schools function almost as classes. Samurai focused.
  • Talisman Adventures - Class and level, single digit atts, boolean skills. Still murder-hoboes
  • Vaesen - skill driven (Year Zero Engine), d6 dicepool. 19th C fantasy horror. Appease the monster somehow kind of horror.
  • Dresden Files (either version)- fate system. Based upon the books.
  • Mouse Guard - d6 dicepool
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. My preference is for 1E, but the recommend is for any non-3rd edition, as 3rd's heavily component based. all use D% against attribute modified by skill
  • The Arcanum - Class & Level, 1d20 for combat, otherwise percentile skill driven in play. What Palladium should have looked like...
  • d6 Fantasy. Skill driven d6 pools, roll and total. Same core as d6 Space, d6 Adventure, WEG Star Wars, and such, but with att and skill names adapted for fantasy.
  • Pendragon 1d20 <= skill. the system at first may seen clunky, but the mechanics provide (in campaign play) a strongly arthurian feel, and encourage strongly playing to it. New edition coming. Any edition is good; if you want magicians, you'll need 4th core.
  • Feng Shui 2. Fast and silly martial arts movie themed +1d6-1d6 system with some dice tricks (open ending, for one), skill driven, char gen is start with template. (1st ed core can be leveraged to make new ones, and is in PDF) Note that the setting involves time travel, so it's technically multi-genre
  • Kobolds Ate My Baby (BEER system). Xd6 <= Attribute. Silly fun. Players are playing inanely stupid fang-enabled critters, trying to catch dinner for King Torg (All Hail King Torg!) without getting killed. 4th edition was almost a boardgame approach. SDE dropped the grids and added John Kovalic art...
  • Talislanta (Big Blue Book) System is 1d20 + Skill driven for almost everything. Template based, and boy howdy, lots of templates. Most of the 500 pages are the setting. It's available legit for free in PDF via talislanta.com
A few more I recommend, but which are out of print
  • Dragonlance 5th age - everything but the deck is available via DTRPG. It's a D&D setting, but a custom deck card system, card+att. Optional skill system. Almost all card play by players.
  • Arrowflight 1st Ed. (2nd isn't good as a system, IMO.) d6 dicepool (roll low), skill driven, renaissance tech level fantasy, in a well presented corebook that's 50% setting.
Good from certain points of view:
  • Palladium Fantasy. Ignore the rifts tie-in, and it can be a lot of fun. d20 combat and d100 non-combat, both skill driven. Class & Level determine most of one's skills. Some races have racial classes, others use standard ones, and some do both.
  • Arrowflight 2nd ed. 2d6 roll under.


Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?
Yup. Here's 3...

1. Powers & Perils ( Powers and Perils - Index ). Great game once the "light bulb moment" occurs (re: you 'get it' and the game system pieces all fall into place).

2. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, 1st Edition. Yes, there are other editions, but imnsho, the first is the best in almost every single way.

3. Dominion Rules. A free RPG system that I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on the planet that still plays it and creates stuff for it ( Dominion Rules - Home ). It uses d12's. Only. It's a "roll as high as you can, but not over your target number".


Paul L. Ming


Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?
As the thread shows, there are many FRPGs, many of which some RPGers regard as good.

My favourite is Burning Wheel.

I also really like Prince Valiant. Compared to D&D it is very low fantasy in the sense that all magic occurs on the GM's side (framing, or narrating consequences), although in thematic terms it is relatively light-hearted Arthurian romance.

Systems like RuneQuest, High Adventures RP and Rolemaster are classic mechanical departures from D&D (an emphasis on universal skill systems over classes and class-gated abilities; magic points rather than spell prep/memorisation; combat focused on hit locations and injuries rather than hit points, with defence by way of parrying and armour-as-damage-reduction).

Is there anything in particular you're interested in, whether from the point of view of theme/trope, or mechanical minutiae, or basic dynamics of play?


Last one I ran: Mythras

caverns and mythras 1a.jpg


I'm a big fan of Numenera. It's technically sci-fi, I suppose, but the technology is so advanced that it seems like magic, and civilization has come back around to a quasi-medieval society.

I also really like The Black Hack 2nd Edition. It starts out a bit like D&D, but it uses a roll-under system that is exceptionally rules-light.

Greg K

  • The Arcanum - Class & Level, 1d20 for combat, otherwise percentile skill driven in play. What Palladium should have looked like...
If the classes were based upon those from from Bard Games's earlier Compleat line, it is what AD&D should have looked like ;) Compleat Alchemist was amazing (I would love to find a copy in great condition at at reasonable price and the classes in the other two Compleat classes were well done and better handled many fantasy archetypes.
  • d6 Fantasy. Skill driven d6 pools, roll and total. Same core as d6 Space, d6 Adventure, WEG Star Wars, and such, but with att and skill names adapted for fantasy.
I liked d6 Fantasy...until spells and spell creation became involved.


Dungeon Crawl Classics for crazy, gonzo fun and awesome tables. Coolest Warrior and Wizard classes imo.

Mausritter for playing as cute mice that face dangerous, often larger foes. Fun inventory system, too.

Knave and Maze Rats for rules-light, more cool tables, and an interesting spell system in the latter that works well with improvisation.

Can you name a good fantasy TTRPG that's not D&D?
Romance of the Perilous Land, a traditional fantasy RPG set in a British folklore-inspired fantasy realm with its own Arthur, Mordred and Robin Hood. Lush art and a strong, consistent d20 system.

I reviewed it here:

Pdf here:

Beyond the Fence, Below the Grave is a game of Norse supernatural fantasy, about practitioners of magic solving curses and facing otherworldly threats. Brilliant adventure modules, terrific system for solving mysteries. A Viking game that's not about combat!

Pdf here:

Gubat Banwa, a Filipino Warring States fantasy about fierce martial artists and rejoicing in the glory of combat.

Now in beta!

Blades in the Dark, an electropunk fantasy of daring criminal gangs in a haunted city powered by demon blood and corruption.

The pdf:

Greg K

I am not a fan of Fate (although, I admire the design). However, a friend told me about Ehdrigohr, a Fate based fantasy game inspired by various indigenous cultures from around the world so I thought that I would share it.

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