Captain America: The Winter Solider Trailer

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Grumpy RPG Reviews said:
I read elsewhere someone complaining about how in the movies Cap was not a bad-a@#. I do not know what they are talking about, case in point the elevator scene where he owns all the bad guys. What he is not is a jack-a@#. He is not rude, confrontational or some vain big swinging d@#$.
I agree with this. I think Cap was overshadowed by Iron Man in the Avengers movie, and that's saddening. I particularly dislike how Cap was being beaten up by Loki, and then Iron Man shows up with guns popping out and Loki surrendered. I wish they had the fight go with Cap outfighting Loki but just unable to put him out because of the god's Asgardian stamina, and then Iron Man showing up to sort of "break the tie" rather than showing up to rescue Cap.

Captain America does not have a badass or wise-cracking attitude. He's a calm, level-headed, and Good Guy, (with capital "G"s). Unfortunately, that's difficult for Hollywood and the big screen. But I think they did a good job showing these traits in The First Avenger. From what I see in this trailer for the second movie, I feel like they may do well showing it again.

That said, I am ambivalent about the trailer. It is a bit too closet-fascist for my taste. But the movie might be better.
When Cap says, "This isn't freedom; this is fear," it gives me hope that Cap will be the one fighting against the rising potential fascism. And that's what Cap is supposed to be like. He doesn't so much "stand for America" as he stands for what America is supposed to stand for. (Whether the real world America lives up to its ideals and standards is a discussion for elsewhere.)

sabrinathecat said:
Hope they have a different director this time, so we don't get another snooze-fest like the first one.
I don't think I've ever seen you post in a movie thread anything but a statement of your dislike. I mean, really.



I suspect Cap will come around to embrace the fascist movement.
Why do you suspect that? Everything Cap says in the trailer is him opposing the fascism. Everything Cap has done in the comics has been to oppose fascism even in his own country and organizations. (He sided against the registration act and became a fugitive in that stand.)



I don't think I've ever seen you post in a movie thread anything but a statement of your dislike. I mean, really.


Have you looked at THIS thread?

Where CA:TFA succeeded was in capturing the mood and feel of 1940s. The mood of an era is where that director succeeds (as he did with Rocketeer, and that Werewolf movie he did). However, where he fails is in making to movies exciting. CA:TFA took bloody forever to get moving, and Cap doesn't start really being Cap until the 10-minute montage near the end. Why was Hydra bad? Because they worked for the Nazis? Yeah, but then they broke away from them. Are they holding with the ideology? The methods? We don't know from the movie. Why was the Red Skull Bad? Because he was attacking USA? That's it? The 23 minute Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heros cartoon episode that introduced Captain America covered the same material and did a way better job of it.


sabrinathecat said:
Where CA:TFA succeeded was in capturing the mood and feel of 1940s. The mood of an era is where that director succeeds (as he did with Rocketeer, and that Werewolf movie he did). However, where he fails is in making to movies exciting. CA:TFA took bloody forever to get moving, and Cap doesn't start really being Cap until the 10-minute montage near the end. Why was Hydra bad? Because they worked for the Nazis? Yeah, but then they broke away from them. Are they holding with the ideology? The methods? We don't know from the movie. Why was the Red Skull Bad? Because he was attacking USA? That's it? The 23 minute Avengers: Earth Mightiest Heros cartoon episode that introduced Captain America covered the same material and did a way better job of it.
Though I disagree, at least you've now said something more than just that you disliked it.

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