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Carnifex's Story Hour (Updated January 20th, "The Union")


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Back down below ground...

As the line of gnashing teeth and flashing claws burst forth from beyond the light, Wolf stepped forward to meet them, and Sebastion instinctively did the same. Leading with his sheild he pressed forward to stay at the older man's shoulder, then struck over the top of his shield with the dark steeled blade. Time to see how good this stuff really is... he managed to think before the blade connected with something, and the battle was joined.

Growling and springing into the closer light, Kale's opponents came into sight- residual anger from the beholder encounter lent extra force to his attack against the foul beasts.

Drawing his weapons a moment later, his lip curled in disgust at the coordinated line that crashed against Wolf. The scene now a jumble of erie light and shadow, Kale resisted his deep urge to break off and flank the ghulish beasts. Instead, he stuck to Wolf's right, making sure that the things didn't flank them.

After the withering helplessness before the beholder minutes before, the chaos and energy of battle was to Kale a welcome terror- finally, a putrid opponent he could attack and destroy.

Without even a chance to shake his head at his indecision, Burl finished what he started moments before when Sebastian’s words stayed his voice.


Not knowing the power unleashed by the wand, Burl could only hope that it would at the least cause a distraction to the ghouls. As the others closed ranks, Burl moved close behind Wolf seeking some protection behind his bulk.

As the tide of ghoulish flesh flowed towards them, Kale just had time to hurl the dart he had readied into the mass; ichor spattered as it bit deep into festering flesh. Then vicious teeth bit back, fangs rending into his arm, and at the same time a deathly chill spreading from the wound and threatening to sieze up his muscles even as warm blood flowed from the open wound inflicted on him. The ghoul wouldn't let go, worrying his arm like a rabid dog, its eyes alight with some inner excitement or hunger. On the slippery, sloping floor he very nearly lost his balance, keeping on his feet more by luck than anything else.

Another of the ghul-pack leapt at the struggling Kale, attempting to pile him down by force of numbers; but as it flanked him Sebastion saw a window of opportunity and his black steel blade slashed out. The fine metal was excellently balanced and wonderfully light, and took the ghoul's head clean off. The corpse collapsed at Kale's feet, dark blood dribbling onto the sloping floor.

The frenzied ghouls struck out and bit again and again, each wound causing that same deathly chill as they savagely attacked. Wolf was covered in scratches and bites from the undead monsters assailing him, and with flailing arms lost his balance on the uneven floor. Sebastion took a claw strike that gouged down one arm but managed to fend off the worst of both the assault and the cold that threatened to paralyse him. Then suddenly from behind another ghoul reached round with vile talons to grab and tear at him, grappling him and pulling him down onto the ground. He saw the flicker of another ghoul bounding past to throw itself at Cord as the dwarf began to move to Sebastion's aid, launching into a furious flurry of strikes in an attempt to delay the monk. With a sickening tearing sound it bit out a chunk of the dwarf's shoulder.

The dwarf stood unyielding in his martial stance, face impassive before such a fearsome foe. As the ghoul reached out for another slash he suddenly moved, faster than seemed possible for one of his age, and with a gristly crack caught the blow and broke the undead monster's arm, before following up with an open palm to the centre of its ribcage. Tossing the broken thing aside like a ragdoll he continued towards Sebastion.

Kale, struggling around with a hungry ghoul savaging one arm, stabbed at the thing with his one free limb and plunged the brine blade deep into the abdomen of the beast. The smell of corroding corpse-flesh rose up in whispy smok from the gouge but despite the grevious damage the accursed thing just wouldn't let go and continued to try and tear his arm off. Burl then activated Melisande's rod, and with a fiery crackle a coiling serpent of flame and ash arose in the midst of the confused melee, sending the combatants struggling away from it. The head rose up, ember eyes glowing brightly as it lashed out at a ghoul that was barreling towards Burl. It's fangs bit into undead flesh and fire leapt up from the wound, causing the angry undead to whirl round and start attacking the fire serpent instead. As the serpent rose its head up to strike out again, it hissed something out, words in the common tongue, to Burl. "Hail Bloodkin, I serve and obey," it spoke sibilantly before once again focusing on the undead ghoul before it.

Sebastion, caught on the ground by one ghoul and seeing more rushing to pile on, managed to frantically throw off the one trying to tear his throat open and picked himself up off the ground just in time to fend off another of the beasts with his blacksteel sword. He saw movement as Ebri stepped up by him, whispering a prayer and brandishing something in the air, and with a surge of positive energy in the air a number of the fell beasts simply howled and scattered into the darkness, the priestess turning them from the battle. Wolf too managed to pull himself back up on his feet, the pressure on him alleviated by Ebri's turning, and buried his heavy mace in the back of the ghoul still trying to gnaw through Kale's arm.

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First Post
Tallarn said:
Fair call, 'Fex.

BTW, have you considered starting a new thread, being as this one has got to ten pages?

I indeed will be starting a new thread ebfore too long - though not just yet. The campaign is coming to a point fairly soon where it'd be natural to start a new thread - they're about to get to the Arcanist's Tower itself and theRuinedOne's player about to join with the main group. I'll keep this one going till then.

Anyway, I have now finished my 2nd year university exams so I'll be starting updating again :)


First Post
Right, I'm going to attempt to break out of my lethargy and actually post an update tomorrow! It's too late today, but look for more from Wolf's company soon! :)


First Post
The short monsters attacked, of course. Biting off a curse, the young mercenary acted after only slight hesitation.

Growling and springing into the closer light, Kale's opponents came into sight- residual anger from the beholder encounter lent extra force to his attack against the foul beasts.

Drawing his weapons a moment later, his lip curled in disgust at the coordinated line that crashed against Wolf. The scene now a jumble of erie light and shadow, Kale resisted his deep urge to break off and flank the ghulish beasts. Instead, he stuck to Wolf's right, making sure that the things didn't flank them.

After the withering helplessness before the beholder minutes before, the chaos and energy of battle was to Kale a welcome terror- finally, putrid opponent he could attack and destroy.

* * *

Sebastion had not been on the road long, really - barely a few months - yet already the sudden increase in heartrate and the rush of his own blood through his ears had become familiar. As the line of gnashing teeth and flashing claws burst forth from beyond the light, Wolf stepped forward to meet them, and Sebastion instinctively did the same. Leading with his shield he pressed forward to stay at the older man's shoulder, then struck over the top of his shield with the dark steeled blade.

Time to see how good this stuff really is... he managed to think before the blade connected with something, and the battle was joined.

* * *

Without even a chance to shake his head at his indecision, Burl finished what he started moments before when Sebastian’s words stayed his voice.


Not knowing the power unleashed by the wand, Burl could only hope that it would at the least cause a distraction to the ghoul’s. As the others closed ranks, he moved close behind Wolf seeking some protection behind his bulk.

* * *

As the tide of ghoulish flesh flowed towards them, Kale just had time to hurl the dart he had readied into the mass; ichor spattered as it bit deep into festering flesh. Then vicious teeth bit back, fangs rending into his arm, and at the same time a deathly chill spreading from the wound and threatening to sieze up his muscles even as warm blood flowed from the open wound inflicted on him. The ghoul wouldn't let go, worrying his arm like a rabid dog, its eyes alight with some inner excitement or hunger. On the slippery, sloping floor he very nearly lost his balance, keeping on his feet more by luck than anything else.

Another of the ghul-pack leapt at the struggling Kale, attempting to pile him down by force of numbers; but as it flanked him Sebastion saw a window of opportunity and his black steel blade slashed out. The fine metal was excellently balanced and wonderfully light, and took the ghoul's head clean off. The corpse collapsed at Kale's feet, dark blood dribbling onto the sloping floor.

The frenzied ghouls struck out and bit again and again, each wound causing that same deathly chill as they savagely attacked. Wolf was covered in scratches and bites from the undead monsters assailing him, and with flailing arms lost his balance on the uneven floor. Sebastion took a claw strike that gouged down one arm but managed to fend off the worst of both the assault and the cold that threatened to paralyse him. Then suddenly from behind another ghoul reached round with vile talons to grab and tear at him, grappling him and pulling him down onto the ground. He saw the flicker of another ghoul bounding past to throw itself at Cord as the dwarf began to move to Sebastion's aid, launching into a furious flurry of strikes in an attempt to delay the monk. With a sickening tearing sound it bit out a chunk of the dwarf's shoulder.

The dwarf stood unyielding in his martial stance, face impassive before such a fearsome foe. As the ghoul reached out for another slash he suddenly moved, faster than seemed possible for one of his age, and with a gristly crack caught the blow and broke the undead monster's arm, before following up with an open palm to the centre of its ribcage. Tossing the broken thing aside like a ragdoll he continued towards Sebastion.

Kale, struggling around with a hungry ghoul savaging one arm, stabbed at the thing with his one free limb and plunged the brine blade deep into the abdomen of the beast. The smell of corroding corpse-flesh rose up in whispy smok from the gouge but despite the grevious damage the accursed thing just wouldn't let go and continued to try and tear his arm off. Burl then activated Melisande's rod, and with a fiery crackle a coiling serpent of flame and ash arose in the midst of the confused melee, sending the combatants struggling away from it. The head rose up, ember eyes glowing brightly as it lashed out at a ghoul that was barreling towards Burl. It's fangs bit into undead flesh and fire leapt up from the wound, causing the angry undead to whirl round and start attacking the fire serpent instead. As the serpent rose its head up to strike out again, it hissed something out, words in the common tongue, to Burl. "Hail Bloodkin, I serve and obey," it spoke sibilantly before once again focusing on the undead ghoul before it.

Sebastion, caught on the ground by one ghoul and seeing more rushing to pile on, managed to frantically throw off the one trying to tear his throat open and picked himself up off the ground just in time to fend off another of the beasts with his blacksteel sword. He saw movement as Ebri stepped up by him, whispering a prayer and brandishing something in the air, and with a surge of positive energy in the air a number of the fell beasts simply howled and scattered into the darkness, the priestess turning them from the battle. Wolf too managed to pull himself back up on his feet, the pressure on him alleviated by Ebri's turning, and buried his heavy mace in the back of the ghoul still trying to gnaw through Kale's arm.

More of the battle with the ghul-pack next update...


First Post
Yay, a new reader :D

And here's today's update:

The savage beast gnawing on Kale's arm chewed deeper into the flesh, blood flowing freely in fresh gouts from the shredded injury to spatter upon the slimy floor.Once again he felt the chill spread deeper, and this time it was too much, his muscles simply locking up into useless paralysis. Suddenly the mercenary was defenceless and incapable of moving, and unable to keep his balance on the slippery sloping floor simply fell over.

Another of the ghul-pack moved to take advantage, but in the cramped confines of the cave, had to brave the blades of both Wolf and Sebastion. Both took advantage of the opportunity and the ghoul toppled, born on by its momentum to collapse at the helpless Kale's feet. The two ghouls menacing Sebastion once again tried to tear him off balance, twice their sharp claws biting into his flesh, once with exceptional force behind it. Hard as he tried, he once again slipped and fell, sliding a few feet down towards the far end of the cave before he could arrest his descent, the ghouls chasing hungrily after him. When he tried to pull himself back up to his feet he found that, like Kale, his muscles too were now locked by the paralysing strikes of the undead, and he lay there helpless in the cold damp. The ghoul faced with the fiery serpent that Burl had conjured circled it warily, unsure of how to deal with a beast made of flame.

The ghouls that had fled Ebri's brandished holy emblem circled in the gloom cast by the wychlights, which now lay scattered on the floor to shed faint light and strange shadows. Horrifically, as they gnashed their teeth and snarled hungrily, the wounds upon the ghoul intent on devouring Kale's arm seemed to seal up, with similar ragged rents on the turned ghouls opening up instead. "They're healing each other, taking their wounds, the bastard creatures!" Wolf roared over the din of the battle and the snarls of the ghouls.

Cord quickly raced to Sebastion's aid, the elderly dwarf sending one of the ghouls reeling off with a flurry of hard strikes; the undead itself slipped on the floor, tumbling down a few feet before dazedly trying to get to its feet again. The other ghoul refrained from tearing Sebastion's throat out to instead face the new threat, moving to block any path to its wounded comrade that the monk had already battered severely.

The fire serpent buried its ember fangs in the circling ghoul, searing into the dead flesh and igniting the foul creature in a brust of flames. The immolating ghoul gave an unearthly screech before collapsing in a heap. From behind the guardian summons, Burl let loose his magic missiles which sought out the already injured ghoul by Sebastion, knocking it from its feet for good. Ebri moved forwards towards the beleaguered Kale, one hand still brandished out to hold back the turned undead and the other lashing out to send the ghoul reeling a few feet, its teeth finally giving up on the mercenary's suffering limb.

Wolf rushed forwards now, seeing that Ebri had distracted the ghoul assaulting his prone apprentice, and instead tore into the ghouls who had fled from Ebri and now skulked around to heal their injured compatriots. Already wounded by their supernatural ability to absorb their fellows injuries, they fell before the veteran easily, a heavy mace caving in the skull of one, and the warriors bastard sword cleaving into the other two.

Then, out of the gloom, something new loomed. A larger shape than the others, bringing with it the nauseating stench that they had already smelt, but this time in such intensity that Wolf coughed and nearly gagged from its foulness; this newcomer ghoulish like the others in the cave but more heavily built and with wickedly sharp talons that gleamed as it stalked in to cautiously eye up the struggling warband before it.

Dm's Note: Yes, those ghouls were healing each other. The entire pack has a template called 'Ghul-Pack', a special type of undead of which the origins may be revealed later on in the story. Suffice to say that they are effectively a hivemind, fighting with alarming co-ordination and with some other nasty powers too, like the capability to swap damage around.


First Post
Worse than useless was Kale's simple thought as his strength slipped from his limbs. The cave walls slowed, spun, and toppled... and the young mercenary had plenty of time to lay, distantly feel the cool sliminess on his side, and ponder the follies of the day.

Absently, he imagined his sword arm regaining strength, hoping that he might be able to rush chaotically to the fray once more.

Gods- what's that smell?

* * *

Sebastion hit the ground with a thud, feeling the blow between his shoulder blades as his limbs became rigid and cold, and he lost the ability to move.

His visage was filled for a brief moment with one of the twisted ghastly faces, before Cord's hand lashed before his eyes and knocked the undead away.

Snarling mentally, but able to do little more than drool ineffectively into his own ear, Sebastion felt the atmosphere around him change slightly as he tried to crane his eyes around to see what was going on.

* * *

Of the three remaining ghouls in the ghul-pack, one was injured significantly from Cord's assault; suddenly its wounds diminished as the other two transferred some of the damage to themselves as the other ghouls had previously done, bringing them all back up to fine fighting condition. With the effort of channelling their energies around, they wer unable to concentrate fully on the combat to unleash all their attacks, each instead trying to lay its teeth into its foe. However, Ebri and Cord, both well-trained martial artists, evaded every lunge and bite, and their excellent balance kept them on their feet on the sloping floor. In retaliation they hit the ghouls several times, resulting in two of the undead hitting the floor having once again died, this time for good. The last minor ghoul bared its teeth and circled Cord warily, trying to get back close to Sebastion's prone form.

The heavy form of the ghast was the most threatening thing in the cave now, and Burl flung his corrosive magic at it, the lesser acid orb striking true. Both globes of acid hissed as they splashed into the reeking form of the ghast, eating through dead skin and flesh, and it stopped in its movements to half-scream half-snarl from the grevious wound. Then the fiery serpent tore into it with glowing fangs, searing its arm and tearing out a chunk. The beleaguered beast roared in agony again; and then its wounds seemed to heal up. Instead, the lone ghoul facing Cord suddenly staggered as if hit by a charging bull, dazed and confused for a few moments before the gaping injuries inflicted by Burl's magics on the ghast mere moments before exploded into existence on the undead. It toppled onto the corpse of one of its fallen companions.

The newly rejuvenated ghast snarled unpleasantly, baring yellowed fangs as one claw caught Wolf a heavy blow, forcing him back a step. The veteren returned the strike and then some more with his two weapons, but only the heavy mace connected with a solid thunk, smashing a solid dent in the ghast's flank. The sheer nauseating stench was just too much of a distraction for him to really fight effectively, and as the ghast moved forwards the others found the same, having to fight not to just gag and retch. But then Cord and Ebri were there, closing despite their nausea and flanking the solitary beast.

A few moments later its broken body hit the ground. The fell stench in the air softened a little, though still the cave was saturated with the reek. There didn't seem to be any more ghouls in the cave.


First Post
Oops, it seems that I posted the first part of the ghul-pack battle twice for some odd reason, forgetting I had already done so in a previous update :p Ah well...

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