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Carpe Diem my butt! (Update on Biohazard's PBEM)


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Guys, I want to repent in the ashes for not following up on the pbem (I'm of course addressing this to those of you who emailed me about it :eek: )

Here's the story:

1. My email account, biohazardous@canada.com, has gone totally FUBAR for some reason. People (including friends and family and whatnot) have been emailing the account, but the emails disappear into an abyss. I managed to send out one reply to those first few of you who emailed me about the game, and then, ZZZZZT. :(

2. My personal ife has become extremely stressful lately. I'm a high school teacher who has been teaching for 10 years, and I'm now starting to question if this is what I want to do with my life, blah blah, yak yak. Anyway, I won't be ready to run a game until after Christmas. Double :(

3. When I * DO * finally get this thing off the ground, I may go with play-by-post rather than pbem (as some of you suggested). I'll let you guys know. Anyway, I repent in the ashes. It's lame to propose something, get all pumped, then have email problems and job stress conspire to screw it up. Argh.

[But don't give up hope...I'm working on a couple of ideas for the New Year and we may yet start up something...I'm thinking either Gamma World d20 or a Silent Hill-inspired horror game, among others.]

Hey, am I the only guy who is currently struggling with hating his job??? ;)

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I don't hate my job, but I am frustrated with it. I'm working for a nonprofit, and it's really hard to raise money right now -- especially when your mission statement (we provide physical therapy to disabled kids, using horses as a therapy tool) makes you sound like a rich Bay Area institution that doesn't need money. When in fact, we're all looking at salary cuts, and we provide services regardless of the patient's ability to pay, so we've got a lot of kids on scholarship.

It's a wonderful job, karma-wise, but the pay is lousy, and I'm not feeling secure. Of course, if any of you folks know of disabled kids in the Bay Area, please send 'em my way. :)

And Biohazard, just keep me in it when you're ready, 'kay? If you do that, all is forgiven. Good luck with real-life stuff.


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Yo, BH, while I'm only a little interested in playing this one, I'd be glad to give you a hand however I can to get this up off the ground. You can consider me your DM munchkin. :D


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Biohazard said:
Hey, am I the only guy who is currently struggling with hating his job??? ;)

Well, no, you're not. While talking about work generally sucks, maybe this'll cheer you up.

I work in a prison. Couple weeks ago an officer was beaten with a sock containing some can of food and his own flashlight, and then strangled to death with the cord from a laundry bag when he tried to crawl away. He was just about to put in his two weeks notice so he could take care of his grandchild, whom he'd adopted.

I spend the better part of each work week now being the sole 'guard' of the inmate who murdered him, as he sits in mandatory segregation.

At least, though, I get paid that whopping huge state sal.. oh.. wait. Well, at least.. no.. hm..

Eh. There're worse jobs than mine, too. I guess I'll let *that* cheer me up.

If you can teach a few kids to not be *that* guy, then you're the man.


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maethras said:
If you can teach a few kids to not be *that* guy, then you're the man.

I second that opinion. Teachers are one of the most underappreciated as well as underpaid professions in the US. So, whether you decide to stick it out or not, I want you to know I have great respect for what you do/did. Not that this helps with your decision, just thought I'd let you know.

biohazard said:
Hey, am I the only guy who is currently struggling with hating his job???

Struggle? Either hate, or don't hate. There is no struggle.

I find I hate my job while I'm doing it, and really like it all other times.

But that's just me.


Biohazard said:
Hey, am I the only guy who is currently struggling with hating his job??? ;)
Thanks for the update! Just post here when you're ready, and I think people will play. :)

As for the job, you're not alone. I am in major job-hating mode, and have started looking for something else. My wife even suggested I just quit and stay at home (which would mean no money for RPG products :eek: :p ), but if it comes to that, at least we can live off her salary alone. The books I already have will just have to get me through the "lean times."


Herder of monkies
takyris said:
I don't hate my job, but I am frustrated with it. I'm working for a nonprofit, and it's really hard to raise money right now -- especially when your mission statement (we provide physical therapy to disabled kids, using horses as a therapy tool) makes you sound like a rich Bay Area institution that doesn't need money. When in fact, we're all looking at salary cuts, and we provide services regardless of the patient's ability to pay, so we've got a lot of kids on scholarship.

It's a wonderful job, karma-wise, but the pay is lousy, and I'm not feeling secure. Of course, if any of you folks know of disabled kids in the Bay Area, please send 'em my way. :)

And Biohazard, just keep me in it when you're ready, 'kay? If you do that, all is forgiven. Good luck with real-life stuff.

Hey, is that similar to the Special Equestrians? I did some volunteer work for them before in the summers a while back and it was very rewarding (soul-wise, not money-wise).

As far as jobs go, I have a pretty good job right now, but I'm getting very tired of the kind of work I do, which is a senior software engineer/systems architect. A lot of pressure, the work gets to look like the same thing time after time after a while, your clients never call unless they are pissed, and every time you turn on the news/movie the only computer person that ever gets any credit for being intelligent or worthwhile are these 14 year-old script-kiddie "hacker's", most of which wouldnt know real code from a hole in the ground. I did hate my last job quite vehemently, during which I got to travel often for 9 days straight working 16 hour days in some of our countries finest food manufacturing plants while learning more about process cheese science than any man should be allowed to know.

Of course the pay is ok which is pretty much the main redeeming factor that keeps me in this line of work; that and I'm not that good at very much else :(

At least, not anything I could make a living and support 3 kids doing :rolleyes:
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First Post
ledded said:
Hey, is that similar to the Special Equestrians? I did some volunteer work for them before in the summers a while back and it was very rewarding (soul-wise, not money-wise).

Might be. The technical term for what my company does is Hippotherapy (hippo = horse). No, actual hippos are not involved. We get that a lot. :)

It's a good company, but they sound a lot wealthier and more gentrified than they are. Rich people have horses because they CAN, not because it's easy. We have horses because we need them to help the kids. They still cost just as much as they would if were were rich aristocrats -- and so we look at looming salary cuts.

Good karma, bad pay.


Was kinda looking forward to this, but my main computer has crashed, along with all my character info on it. I wait on my father (He has wheels, I don't) to say he's ready to take me to Gateway (thats where I got my computer). In the meantime I am stuck on dial-up as opposed to broadband. :( It's kind of a good thing that we will be playing after Christmas, because I will be going to California for it. From the 22nd - 28th I will be cmputerless, because of this. (My parents bought me my Gateway as a desktop, I told them I'd be happier with a laptop, did they listen - no! :confused: ) So my computer will be fixed by then and I will be ready to play. :)

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