Carrion Crown AP (Savage Stampede) - OOC


Cool. I also had an interesting idea, not sure if you want to run with it. Instead of Droskar, I was thinking of having my Dwarf Inquisitor be a worshiper of Asmodeus. I also can't remember if there were any restrictions on alignment. If no, Lawful Evil is what I'd like to be, but would also go Lawful Neutral if alignment is an issue.

edit: added [MENTION=84167]HolyMan[/MENTION] as a mention so he'll see it right away.
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Thy wounds are healed!
No character is in stone yet. You will have to look at the group composition to see if a LE character would fit or make more waves than necessary.

Having a cleric of Iomedae (LG, justice, valor, honor) would probably be potential trouble. I have read that in one module their is a lot of info on Pharasma (N, fate, death, prophecy) so maybe look into that as well.

I don't mind LE characters myself they tend to play by the rules (sometimes twisting the intent) and have a small code of honor just low morals.

Just want to make sure the fit in the group is good.



[MENTION=54810]renau1g[/MENTION] - Hobgoblin Sorcerer
[MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION] - Dwarf Druid (arctic)
[MENTION=82765]GandalfMithrandir[/MENTION] - Human Fighter
[MENTION=8863]Orius[/MENTION] - Human Necromancer

Hey gang. I would like to pitch the idea of being a Lawful Evil worshiper of Asmodeus to y'all (I'm playing the Duergar Inquisitor). Judging by the group as is, there doesn't appear to be any religious differences, and I don't see any alignment issues yet... I would play this character as a bit of a racist with a superiority complex, but his ultimate goal is the same as everyone else's - be the first to resurrect the Lich. Thoughts, concerns? I'm not cemented on this concept - I would go LN to avoid 'rocking the boat' if necessary, or change deities entirely.


Having a cleric of Iomedae (LG, justice, valor, honor) would probably be potential trouble. I have read that in one module their is a lot of info on Pharasma (N, fate, death, prophecy) so maybe look into that as well.

Was this directed at myself or Hero?

On another note, what hp system are you using in that gestalt game? All the characters seem to have more than pathfinder allows.


Thy wounds are healed!
That was at Herobizkit but if you wish to look into it Pharasma also has Healing as a domain.

And they have two classes we went for first lvl they took 1/2 HP from largest HD class and Max from Lowest HD class.

So a Fighter/Rogue would have 13 + CON + Misc HP. It is mostly because they are only four and it saves them from like taking Toughness and what not.

As they lvl up they will get MAX -2 from Highest HD class only.

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Oh, snap - I didn't see @rangerjohn in the original post.

Having a priest of Iomedae mixed with an evil Inquisitor of Asmodeus... I can't imagine they'd be at each other's throats, but it could make for some interesting role-play. What do you think, rangerjohn? Keep in mind that I'm an Inquisitor, not a Cleric....

And that our party will include a necromancer, a Hobgoblin, and a Duergar. ;)

If anything, it makes YOUR character the oddball...

and reminds me of this webcomic. :D
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Actually, how about this. Goes back more to my original concept. Probably makes more sense with the makeup of the group and it makes more sense for the gypsy fortune teller to become a rogue, than the zealot Christian.

Zeldana Female Half Varasian Elf Cleric of Pharasma
Alignment :Nuetral
Str 8 -1
Dex 19 +4
Con 12 +1
Int 12 +1
Wis 16 +3
Cha 13 +1

Dagger +4 tohit 1-4-1 dmg range
Icicle +4 RTA 1-6+1 dmg 30' range 6/day
Traits: Varasian Wanderer [Profession, fortune teller],
Subject of Study : +1 dmg vs undead

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Skill Focus
Knowledge [Relegion] 1 rank +3 cs +1 int = +5
Profession[Fortune Teller]: 1 rank +3 cs+1 trait+3 wis = +8
Perception +3 wis +2 keen senses +3 skill focus = +8
Sense Motive 1 rank +3 cs + +3 wis = +7

Knowledge:You are a scholar and a sage of legends. In addition, you treat all Knowledge skills as class skills.

Lore Keeper (Sp): You can touch a creature to learn about its abilities and weaknesses. With a successful touch attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 15 + your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier.

Remote Viewing (Sp): Starting at 6th level, you can use clairvoyance/clairaudience at will as a spell-like ability using your cleric level as the caster level. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Domain Spells: 1st—comprehend languages, 2nd—detect thoughts, 3rd—speak with dead, 4th—divination, 5th—true seeing, 6th—find the path, 7th—legend lore, 8th—discern location, 9th—foresight.

Water [Ice]
Icicle (Sp): As a standard action, you can fire an icicle from your finger, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The icicle deals 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Body of Ice (Su): At 8th level, you can transmute your body and equipment to ice for a period of time. It takes a standard action to take on the form of ice, and you can end the transmutation with a free action on your turn. When you take on the form of ice, you are immune to cold and have DR 5/—, but you take twice the normal amount of damage from fire. You can take on the form of ice for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. The rounds need not be consecutive.
Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—water breathing, 4th—control water, 5th—ice storm, 6th—cone of cold, 7th—Freezing Sphere, 8th—horrid wilting, 9th—Polar Ray.


Gypsy-types make a whole lotta sense in a Ravenlo... Carrion Crown setting. :)

My only observation is, between all our characters, there will be massive overlap of Knowledge skills.

There's also the prestige class Harrower... uses cards to alter her spells and grant boons to herself and her party... but she can be any alignment except true neutral. :X
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Just looking at her skills, she's a gambler's worst nightmare. Sense motive to see through his poker face and perception in case he tries slight of hand.

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