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Casefiles Reopened: Agents of D.E.L.V.E.

When last we left our intrepid band, they were navigating the vast necropolis of Shadowholm, in tense combat with spectral remnants. A conflagration of Erasnyl's design had taken care of one of the four, damaging another in the process. The damaged on advanced on the mage, wounding him in the shoulder and draining two points of strength, while Shadowstone is finding difficulty damaging the Shadow with non magical weapons. The remaining two moved in on the rest of the team, one turning tword Erran after ignoring a crossbow bolt and closing to melee, the other moving in on Harlan and Thorn, Harlan closing to melee while Sereth stands ready, biding her time for the proper opening.

Okay, I'll sort through my email and get the exact order of events rolling again.

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Discarding his crossbow as the shadow advances, Erran adopts his fighting stance, eyeing his opponent for a moment as he evades the attacks directed at him in return. After a moment, he closes in, lashing out with a three-strike combination in an effort to take down the shadow before it can take him down.

[sblock=Sorrow]Hasted -- AC becomes 30 for the duration of the haste spell; +1 to attacks and Reflex save increases to +8.

Attack #1: hits AC 23; Attack #2: hits AC 23; Attack #3: hits AC 21 (( http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464391 ))

Damage: Attack #1 -- 7; Attack #2 -- 4; Attack #3 -- 6 (( http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464399 ))

Reminder: Erran has ki strike (magic), in case that makes any difference.[/sblock]


First Post
Thorn curses under her breath and swings her chain around, sending it whickering through the ghostly shape before her several times, with the aid of the spell speeding her actions.

[sblock]Full Attack! To hit rolls: 16, 30, 19
Damage: 9, 8, 10
Miss Chances: 13, 48, 35

Links: Attack 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464455
Attack 2: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464456
Attack 3: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464457

Miss Chance 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464468
Miss Chance 2: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464469
Miss Chance 3: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464472

Damage 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464463
Damage 2: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464461
Damage 3: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=464465[/sblock]

Even as Erasnyl fades into seeming insubstantiailty Sereth unleashes a gout of flame that although does not reach it's target, does birghten the night. For one terrible moment the shadows' true horror is revealed, their flat non-existance laid bare. The shadow harrying the Wizard takes a futile swipe at him as he departs, catching nothing but air.

The burst of light aids Harlan in his assault, his magical blades finding purchase in the beast's midsection, dealing severe damage.

Shadowstone, realizing her finley crafted yet mundane blades are useless, spends precious time parrying and beginning a retreat.

Thorn's chain once agian unerringly sails through the air with a force that would cripple if not kill a mortal opponent, however the shadow takes no notice, it's attention diverted by the wounds Harlan inflicts.

Erran however, has no need for the light that burns through the clearing. Training that has become instinct has taken over, and the power of Ki he wields is enough to contact the shadow. And contact him. And again. Through his devastating combo, the creature seems to fall, and fades into nothingness before it hits the ground.

Two shadows remain, one in combat with harlan and seriously damaged, the other untouched as yet.

Harlan's shadow reaches out, attempting a broad stoke to the chest. Harlan dodges swiftly, but not swift enough. the creatures talons rake accross his midsection and the mage-thief feels the shadow's hunger for life first hand.

Shadowstone fares better, her complex pattern of weaving blades stymying the shadow's attempts, as a deadly strike sails harmlessly through the air.

Allright, as I don't have sheets right now for Shadowstone or Harlan, I'm just kind of eyeballing for dramatic effect. I'll try to get in touch with their players. And speaking of dramatic effect I'm going to start hiding the NPC rolls as links in the flavour, as above.


Erran Steelfist -- Psychic Warrior 1 / Monk 5

Even as the shadow before him dissipates, Erran's already looking for the next target. Shadowstone's ineffectual attacks against his own opponent look like the greater threat -- he can only hope the spellcasters bring down the final one that they're facing.

Moving towards Shadowstone, Erran closes in to melee with the shadow harrying him, taking another one-two combination at the incorporeal entity to try and force its attention onto himself. He, at least, can hit the undead shade. And after what happened to the last team Erran served with, he's not about to watch the same potentially happen all over again.

Time to earn his keep.

[sblock=Rolls]Attack Roll #1: AC 23; Attack Roll #2: AC 20 (1d20+5=23, 1d20+5=20)

Damage Roll #1: 8; Damage Roll #2: 8 (1d8=8, 1d8=8)

Note: I'm assuming that I'm having to move into position. Thankfully, we have haste, so I should still get two attacks.[/sblock]
Last edited:


The voice of Eransyl calls out from beyond the veil of sight, reaching into the nether realms and calling forth a bestial looking ape, tinged red fur and dangerous claws in front of the undamaged shadow.

[sblock=Fiendish Ape]
HD: 4d8+11 (29hp)
Stats: Str 21, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 7
Full Attack: +7/+7 claws (1d6+5) & +2 bite (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/10 ft
AC: 14, touch 11
Fort +6, Refl +6, Will +2
DR: 5/magic
Fire & Cold Resistance 5
SR 9
Darkvision 60 ft.[/sblock]

Spell Selection: DC 7+spell level
Oth level – (1d4+1 rnds) Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Guidance
1st level – (1d4+1 rnds) Magic Missile, Enlarge Person, Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement, Mage Armor
2nd level – (1d6+1 rnds) Alter Self, Invisibility, Glitterdust, Web, Scorching Ray
3rd level – (1d6+1 rnds) Haste, Fireball, Dispel Magic, Summon Monster III


First Post
Sereth will go crimson with her missed blast "sorry, let me try again." she says appoligetic as she attempts to blast the shadow facing shadowstone.

[sblock=ooc] its official. 2nat 1's in a row. IC hates me[/sblock]


First Post
Thorn never stops moving in her deadly dance. She pivots, following through on the chain swipes, then quickly adjusts her grip to bring the hooked links whistling back at the creature attacking Harlan.

Full Attack! To hit rolls: 18, 29, 20
Damage: 11, 9, 10
Miss Chances: 55, 13, 35

Links: Attack 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485828
Attack 2: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485830
Attack 3: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485831

Miss Chance 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485834
Miss Chance 2: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485836
Miss Chance 3: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485837

Damage 1: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485838
Damage 2: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485842
Damage 3: http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=485843[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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