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Castle of Fun Rules, Thread Guide, and FAQ (Zherog)


First Post
Originally posted by Zherog:


This thread contains the rules for the Castle of Fun, as well as a guide that briefly outlines some of the threads you'll find here. If you're new, please also check out the COF FAQ and say 'hello' at the Welcoming Center.

The Castle of Fun Game Masters are:

clarkcd: clarkcd@lycos.com
Zherog: zherog@yahoo.com

If you have a question or comment about something that appears in this thread, please post it here. If you have a silly or in character comment, please post it somewhere else.

Castle Rules:

Code of Conduct (CoC)
The rules set forth in WotC's Code of Conduct apply to the Castle of Fun just like any other WotC board. The WizOs enforce the Code of Conduct at the Castle and any violations or necessary warnings will be handled by them. If you believe that a post violates the CoC , use the 'Report this post to a moderator' link within the the post itself (this image:
) and it will be reported to the WizOs. GMs do not enforce the CoC or handle violations.

In Character Rule
The vast majority of the Castle is In Character (IC). This should be kept in mind when posting or making new threads. Out of Character (OOC) comments are limited to the Out of Character thread, as well as a few other threads that deal with real life (such as pictures), but are limited to that thread's topic. Before creating any new OOC threads, including game threads, you must get permission from at least one GM.

One Thread Rule
New threads that duplicate an existing thread theme will be locked. The GM doing the locking will point the thread starter to the thread that already exists. To get an idea of what threads already exist please use the Castle Guide below. Threads can be unlocked if the GM misunderstood the intent of the new thread. The reason for the One Thread Rule is to keep the Castle compact, which allows the GMs to keep a better eye on things.

One Dragon Rule
This is really an anti-munchkin rule. One of the Castle's founders, and current GM, clarkcd, is a great gold wyrm, so he's the Castle's dragon. Any poster seeing this could come in and say "Oh yeah? Well I'm an ancient titanium dragon with a platinum dragon familiar, so there." And someone else could say they are something even more powerful. But all that defeats the point of the Castle, which is not to be the most powerful and dominate everyone else, but to create an environment where everyone can have fun. No one is immune to having a pie shoved in their face, even if you are an ancient titanium dragon with a platinum dragon familiar. So itis not important whether you're a dragon or a human or a walking toadstool, the important thing is to have fun and share it with others.

Limited Violence Rule
This is not a place for random violence. Keep violence to a minimum, and silly and nonlethal when it does happen. Think Looney Tunes when trying to determine if the violence level is appropriate. A GM will let you know if things need to be toned down.

No Bumping Rule
Posters should refrain from bumping threads. Periodically the Castle will be pruned to keep it compact and bumping a thread will not keep it from being pruned (this includes posting with a MuP). There are some threads that will not be pruned despite inactivity and may be bumped by the GMs (Castle Family Photo Album, Castle of Fun Phone Book, and Who's Who).


The GMs are willing to discuss all issues, but they have final say when arbitrating problems or making decisions for the board. If you don't feel like discussing a rule or thread in public, their e-mails are available above and all of them accept PMs.

We are a community here and being polite or at least civil to one another is a must. There will always be teasing and poking fun of at the Castle, but the spirit is never to be malicious, and if someone asks not to be the target of a particular joke then that wish is to be respected. This goes for in character and out of character interactions.

Should you have a problem with another poster, either in character or out, we strongly suggest that you try to work out that problem with the other person privately (i.e. over email, instant message or private message). If you are unable to resolve the issue privately then feel free to contact one of the GMs and we'll see if we can't mediate a solution.

When starting a new thread, please place rules for the thread in the first post. Please don't say things like "you know how it works" because not everybody does know how it works. Thread rules must stay within the bounds of the Code of Conduct and the Castle Rules. Along with your thread rules, take the time to describe things - provide the look, smell, sound, and so on of the environment. Set a mood right from the start by giving everybody a clear, solid description.

Threads will need to be restarted after 1000 posts. A GM will report threads that have reached the 1000 post mark to the WizOs so the thread will be locked.

Threads that have been inactive for at least two weeks are likely to be locked. If a thread you started was locked without a reason being provided, this is the most likely reason. You are free to restart a locked thread; however, if the thread continues to get locked for inactivity perhaps it would be better to save the idea for another time in the future.

Don't take anything, including yourself, seriously. And be prepared to get as good as you give.

Originally posted by Zherog:

In Character threads:

Ask Aunt Benjy
Need some advice for your In Character persona? Post here and ask Aunt Benjy. Just, you know, don't expect good advice.

Bizarre Baazar
An area set aside in the Castle for all the residents' shopping needs. You can find nearly everything you could want in the Bazzar. And if you feel like opening up another specialty shop, this is the place for it.

Castle of Fun
Large and imposing, the Castle is a typical open air stone castle. Be careful of the pit in the middle where the Kraken and the Leviathan live. Also be careful using the entertainment center, unless dealing with a cranky dragon appeals to you (if it does, have at it). Slapstick comedy and general in character wackiness are the rules of the house (or castle as the case may be).

Cathedral of All
The grounds are divided in thirds for each alignment of faiths (good, neutral, evil), with areas for each category (lawful, neutral, chaotic). Use for prayers, religious rituals, etc.

Disappearing Dwarf Bar & Grill
A warm and cheery atmosphere is created with a room length bar for drinking, tables and booths for dining, comfy couches and chairs for kicking back, and a blaze going in the fireplace to keep all patrons warm. And for those patrons who wish to stay over night, or those who can't manage crawl home, there is an inn over the bar & grill. There's also a path to the beach from the deck.

News Flash!
This is the In Character news source of the Castle. News, announcements, classifieds, job postings, personal ads all belong here.

Surly Elven Forest
This area is a typical deep, dark, cliche-ridden forest, with all the deep, dark cliches one would expect of a deep, dark, cliche-ridden forest.

Tak's Coffee House
Need a little extra energy while posting? Need a lot? Stop on in for enough caffeine to stun a bugbear just by reading the drinks selection. Takhisis has a cozy little joint here, warm and inviting. There is an extensive drinks and food menu, with some 'to die for' concoctions. There is plenty of seating, some of it dragon sized, to accommodate all Castle residents.

Welcoming Center
The Welcome Center was set up in the Castle for new people to annouce their arrivals, ask questions and for residents to greet them (warning: this is often in the form of a pie to the face) and post advice on how to feel at home in the Castle.

Wishing Well
Make your wish, drop your coin in, see what happens (usually not exactly what you expect, but that's the way it works around here).

Seasonal Thread(s)

It's quite common to have an in character thread for celebrating the current season. Some common ones are St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, Summertime, and Hallowe'en. These threads are only around for a short time, so enjoy them while they last.

Out of Character threads:

Castle Family Photo Album
This thread is for people to post pictures, or links to pictures, of their real life selves, if they wish to participate. Comment on pictures if you wish, but please no conversations, nor pestering posters for or about pictures. For convenience, Laughing Dragon has compiled a list of all working links and has it posted on the first page.

Castle of Fun PhoneBook
Here people have posted what Instant Messenger programs they use, and their screen names. Feel free to post yours, if you wish to participate, or to contact those folks who have posted theirs. For convenience, Takhisis has posted an index of all the people who have listed information, and she will keep the list on the first page updated. Note: this thread is not for real life addresses and phone numbers.

Castle Rules, Guide, and FAQ
The Castle Rules, Guide, and FAQ is what you are reading right now. This thread is a list of rules for the Castle of Fun and an overview of threads in the Castle - as well as a compiled list of questions that get asked all the time. It is intended to give people an idea of what each thread is about and the rules that apply. Periodically as threads are created they will be added to this guide, and as threads are deleted they will be taken off.

While the Castle is largely an in character board, there are times when you just need to make an out of character announcement or comment. And thus the Out of Character thread has been provided for such a need. Because this board is an in character one, please try to use the OOC thread sparingly. It is not the place for discussions or conversations, these should be taken to email or instant messenger. And because we try to emphasize the "fun" in Castle of Fun, please don't dwell on the unhappy or unpleasant.

Suggestion Box
Here you can make suggestions about how to make the Castle better. You can also email any of the GMs with suggestions.

Who's Who: The Next Generation
We all know the Castle is full of characters, and now we have a thread to let everyone know about that character. This is the place for descriptions, biographies and even pictures, but not in character or out of character conversation.

Castle of Fun Football Pool
This thread only exists during football (American style) season. Kai Bryon is a wonderful person, and kind enough to organize an office pool every football season. This thread is for organizing it, sharing the current standings, and minor trash talking. When the season's over, the thread is closed.

Another seasonal Out of Character thread. This thread is often started in February or so when registration for GenCon begins. It lasts until a few weeks after the event in August. The thread is started to tell people you're going, arrange getting together, sharing cool tips from previous years, and so on.

Mixed In and Out of Character:

Happy Birthday...
This is an out of character thread to wish your fellow CoFers a Merry Christmas...wait, that's not it...a Happy Birthday! Feel free to use the thread to wish a Happy Birthday to any of our members. Birthdays can be celebrated in a mix of In and Out of character.

Very Large Hats
VLH is where people can post D&D themed skits, song parodies, and the like, usually using other posters as characters or subjects. This is not the place for in character or out of character conversation, but comments on skits/songs/etc. are welcomed, and praise is highly encouraged. See VLH FAQ for more information on Very Large Hats.

Game threads:

Music Name Game
This thread is a game that works by linking the song and artist in the previous post to your post. The rules are simple: wait until someone else posts before posting again, post only song titles and artists, and no in character or out of character conversations.

Neverending Story
This thread is a collaborative storytelling effort that works by each person posting a few words to advance the story. The rules are simple: wait until someone else posts before posting again, keep posts to a few words only (5 or less please), and no in character or out of character conversations.


Thread Ownership

There are a few threads at the Castle that have what we call 'owners' who are the people who not only came up with the thread, but have continued to re-post it when its reached its thread limit and have propietary feelings toward it. When a thread is 'locked' after reaching its size limit these folks have the right to repost it.

The following is a list of the threads that have owners and who the owner is...

Castle of Fun - clarkcd
Castle Phone Book - Takhisis
Castle Photo Album - Laughing Dragon
Disappearing Dwarf Bar & Grill - the employees thereof
Music Name Game - Ruler of all Dragonheart (RoaD)
OOC - the GMs
Tak's Coffee House - Takhisis
VLH - check with Zherog
Welcome Center - the GMs
Who's Who - the GMs

If you want a thread to be listed as yours, email one of the GMs with your reasoning and we'll consider it. This is NOT and open invitation to create threads just to have ownership of it, nor to claim any old thread you'd like to have ownership of. Also note that you are making a request, not a demand.

On a related note, if the owner of a thread is not around when the thread goes over the limit, it is alright to keep posting to the thread until the owner re-posts it. In the event that the poster in not around for a while, or the thread is growing rapidly in their absence, one of the GMs will start a temporary thread until the owner returns to re-start the thread.

Originally posted by Zherog:

General Info and Castle History

What is this place?

This is the Castle of Fun.

Um, thanks, Zherog. But are you always so literal?

No, only when I think it's good for a laugh.

OK, then, how 'bout a little more info about this Castle of Fun?

Sure! The Castle of Fun is part of Wizards.COMmunity. It's one of the many in-character role playing boards. It's kind of like Dungeons and Dragons meets Loony Tunes. That explains why we have werewolves, elves and dragons; pies, seltzer water and silly string - among other things.

What's the history of the Castle?

Ah - a very common question. Well, a lot of this is based on rumor and innuendo, but here goes.

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago (April of 2001) The_Phoenix had a thread on the D&D General Board about a Monk's multiple attacks. This thread was one of the first truly heated debates of the boards (and was the first thread to reach 10 pages!), and one of the first places that a true sense of humor began to develop.

After the Monk thread died down, clarkcd (one of the main participants of the Monk thread) started a generic thread intended for people to ask questions and he would provide answers. The veterans of the Monk thread used it as an opportunity to further spread their sense of humor. Clarkie really wanted a serious thread, so in a vain attempt to confine the humor to one place, started a single thread on the D&D General Board called the Castle of Fun.

And so it was born. This thread went through several different versions on the General Board (even having a different name on occasion). Then some posters began to complain that the tone of the Castle thread was bleeding into other threads on the General Board. You see, humor has no place on the General Board - at least according to some people.

A discussion ensued about what to do with the Castle of Fun. Many posters had come to enjoy it's zaniness, and many others had come to resent it. The discussion was sometimes heated, sometimes productive. Finally, WotC_Mel - in the summer of 2001 - decided that the Castle of Fun would become it's own board. The rest, as they say, is history.


What are the rules?

Well, the CoC still applies.

So everything in there applies here, and overrides any Castle rules. To learn the remainder of the Castle's rules (there aren't too many of 'em) you can check them out at the Castle Rules - the first post at the top of this thread..

This is not a place for random violence. Yes, I know what you're thinking: "But, Zherog, I wasn't here 5 minutes and somebody dropped an anvil on my head, then launched me into the kraken pit. It doesn't get too much more violent than that!" Well, you're both right and wrong. Remember earlier when I said this place was essentially D&D meets Loony Tunes? Well, remember how often Wile E. Coyote got an anvil dropped on his head? There's your explanation.
Keep the violence to a minimum, and when it is going to happen, remember to keep it silly.

I created a new thread that I thought followed all those rules up there, yet one of the DM's closed it. Why?

When a DM or WizO locks a thread here, they will almost always explain why before they lock things down. Most often, the new thread violates the One Thread Rule. Also, there is a 1000 post "limit" to threads around here. So if a thread of yours has reached 1000 posts, it will be locked. You are more than welcome (and even encouraged) to start a new version of your thread - if it reached 1000 posts, it must be pretty darn popular!

The most common reason a thread is locked without explanation is that it's old and growing mold. ;) Every once in a while, we go through the threads that haven't haad any activity for two weeks or more and lock them. The general thought is these threads currently don't grab the interest of the community. If you have a thread locked for this reason, you're certainly welcome to restart it. However, if we continually lock a thread for inactivity, maybe it's time to give the thread a break for a little while.

What if I've got a really long, chaptered story I want to post? I don't see any place here that seems appropriate for that.

By all means, please share your creative works with us. Story threads are exempt from the One Thread Rule, and may be posted as a new topic. However, these threads are only for the story, and feedback on the story. Also, these threads get locked soon after the story is done. Please be sure to include the word "Story" in your thread title, so the DM's and posters know the purpose of your thread.

Also, remember that your story needs to be about the Castle in some way, shape or form. If it's not, the best place to post it would be on the [forum=344]Once Upon A Time[/forum] forum.

This One Thread Rule is bizarre - why does it even exist?

It's to help keep the Castle compact. In the past, this rule didn't exist, and the amount of threads the Castle had was simply staggering. Imagine having three dozen Bar & Grille style threads, and you'll understand why. It was very difficult to keep an eye on all of these threads and still participate in the fun and games. In addition, many people felt this detracted from the fun at the Castle. So, the entire board was wiped clean, and the 'current' incarnation of the Castle was begun, with this rule in effect.

I've heard rumors that flirting has been banished from the Castle. Is that true?

Not in the least. Flirting is still permitted here. Just remember, you need to keep it light and playful. Also, like most other things in the castle, it should be used in moderation.

If I have an IC relationship, how far am I allowed to take it?

You should take it no farther than the basic stuff (hugging, clean kissing, etc). This is a message board dedicated to fun, not a place to be voyeuristic or soap operaish. Also, please try and limit the "fade to black" scenes and the innuendo.

Can I flirt with people OOC?

Absolutely. As long as the recipient is willing, you can do whatever the heck you want over IM or e-mail.

Where do my OOC comments go?

This depends on the nature of the comment. If you want to tell everybody how you aced your final exams or your car broke down or you bought a new computer, please take those comments to the OOC thread. It was created with this specific purpose in mind. Please remember, though, the OOC thread is not intended to be used in place of IM's so you can chat it up with your buddies.

If, on the other hand, you have a quick comment, such as announcing you have to leave so nobody wonders where you went, that can go right in the thread you are playing in. Many people place OOC comments in square brackets (these: [ ] ), so your post might look something like:

* In a flash of light and smoke, Zherog disappears *

[OOC: Gotta run, baby's fussing]

Thread Info

But all these threads have so many pages - how can I possibly read it all and get involved?

Remember to start small. The first post of every thread will describe what the thread is about. To get started, try reading the first post and then the last page or two of the thread. That'll give you an idea of what the thread is supposed to be about, and where it's currently at. Then, if you decide you like it, you can go back and read the "history" later if you're so inclined.

OK, so what is the point of some of these threads?

My, you're full of excellent questions. The Thread Guide (the second post in this thread) has a brief description about every major thread here at the Castle.

What does it mean when somebody puts stars around their text?

That's a way many people use to differentiate their text. Posters try and find a way to make thoughts, actions and spoken words appear differently in their posts. Often time, actions are wrapped in *'s, like this:

* Walks into the Disappearing Dwarf Bar & Grille and orders a Guinness *

To continue on this theme, a lot of people will use this .oO(text goes here) to indicate a thought.

For example:

.oO(Maybe I'll head over to the Dwarf's tonight and have a Guinness)

When people want to make a comment that is Out of Character, often times you'll see it enclosed in square brackets (these things: [ ] ). Sometimes OOC is added to the beginning, other times not.

So, for example:

[OOC: Hey, Tregor! We should get together in RL and have a Guinness]

And finally, spoken word is either left alone, or enclosed in quotation marks. For example:

"Hey Tregor! Could I get a Guinness?"

or just:

Hey, Tregor! Could I get a Guinness?

Of course, these are guidelines, not rules. Whatever style suits you is fine. Some posters use colons ( : ) instead of stars around actions, for example.

Where do people find all these smilies?

There are many sources for smilies on the web. Two common ones are http://www.mysmilies.com and http://www.plauder-smilies.com . There are a few other sites listed in chonjurer's Boards FAQ. Additionally, you can find even more in Bacon and Eggs' Renegade Smiley Thread over in the Art Gallery. Lastly, there is the Ultimate Custom Smiley Thread over on the RPG Boards Business board.

Is it true I'm not allowed to start an OOC thread without DM permission?

Yep, it's true.


The Castle of Fun is - above all - an In Character roleplaying board. The GM's made a decision that there were just too many out of character threads around the Castle, and those OOC threads were detracting from the IC threads. All OOC threads that existed at the time we made the decision were allowed to remain. We'll allow others, too, but you really need to check with us first!

But... I have a really cool idea for a posting game!

Awesome! The [forum=406]Rec Room Posting Games[/forum] is the perfect place for it.


Do I need to have knowledge of D&D to post here?

Not in the least. Many of our long time residents do not play D&D. All you need is a sense of humor (or humour for you Brits, Canadians and Aussies).

Who's in charge around here?

Well, WizO_Autumn is the official WizO around here. And clarkcd and myself are the GM's. So in reality, the inmates are running the asylum.

What's up with all these acronyms?

Well, CoF stands for Castle of Fun and FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions.

There you go getting literal again, Zherog. How about some of the other ones I see around here, like RL, IC and OOC?

Ah, OK. RL is short for Real Life. IC is an abbreviation for In Character. And finally OOC is an acronym for Out of Character. Trollbill has compiled a "dictionary" that contains these and other acronyms used around here, as well as other terms that may be useful. You can go HERE to read Trollbill's dictionary.

Who's this guy Cog I keep hearing about?

Cog's an urban legend that may or may not exist.

What's a MuP and what's a sock puppet?

MuP (another fun acronym) stands for Multiple Personality. It's quite similar to a sock puppet. The biggest difference is a Sock Puppet is often used in a negative way - to troll, flame, etc. A MuP is most often used to allow one person to have more than one character on the Message Boards - especially the role playing areas such as the Castle of Fun. Also note that you may see the term Sock Pupper. This is the same thing as a Sock Puppet. It's a typo I once made that has lived on.

I see things being used such as a cogapult. What the heck is that?

Back when the Castle of Fun was a single thread on the D&D General Board, it had a "pool party" kind of feel to it. One of the many things there was Cog's Catapult. People took great delight in loading somebody in Cog's catapult and seeing how far they would fly. Sometimes people would post their landing in another thread on the general board - to indicate how far they had travelled.

Needless to say, this is one of the things that did not endear the Castle to some of the posters on the D&D Boards.

Eventually, the name was contracted into cogapult. It's patent pending, so you better be careful before you run off and create one of your own. It's still used today in various threads of the castle, most often to launch unsuspecting victims into the kraken pit.

Thanks for all that information, Zherog. It was helpful, but you really didn't answer my question. Is there someplace I can go to get a specific question answered?

You're welcome. Glad I could be of assistance to you. If you have a specific question that wasn't answered here, you can ask it at the Welcoming Center

Alternatively, please feel free to e-mail, PM, or IM one of the Castle's DMs. Our e-mail addresses are available in the first post of this thread, and also in our profiles, and we each have at least one IM name listed in the Castle of Fun Phone Book.

Enjoy your stay at the Castle, and remember to have fun!

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