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D&D 4E Castlevania Monsters for D&D 4e


Eleventh Post:

Joined Jul 2010
1002 Posts

I'm a bit late, but thank you! If you need help or just an opinion, don't hesitate and just send me a PM.

Jul 19, 2012 15:53:19
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Twelfth Post:

Joined Sep 2010
29 Posts

This is most impressive!

I was thinking of including Granfaloon as a Solo in my campaign. It's such a great boss. I will let you know how it goes.

My players will fight it in the Underdark. I will give them a ominous warning beforehand.

"There are worse things in the Underdark than drow." duh duh duuuh!

Thank you again for sharing this.

Jul 22, 2012 18:40:55
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Fourteenth Post:

Joined Jul 2010
1002 Posts

Oh, thank you! I'm really happy to hear that you liked my work!

And good luck with your campaign, Jordan! Will your players be able to handle the unholy terror that is the Granfaloon? My players still remember the fight against it as one of weirdest and coolest boss fight of my campaign, so I hope it'll work for you too!

Aug 14, 2012 12:50:29
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Fifteenth Post:

Joined Sep 2010
29 Posts

Hi Olrox,

My players by now really know their characters and are very good tactically. I have scaled down the Granfalloon to late Paragon-tier.

They seem to prefer a fight that is a little hard than average or easy.

They took down two beholders and a dragolich in the same fight (3 Solos), so I expect it to be challenging but not impossible.

I'm looking forward to it!

Sep 15, 2012 10:44:50
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Seventeenth Post:

Joined Sep 2010
29 Posts

Hi again Olrox,

So my group finally fought the Granfalloon in a particularly menacing part of the Underdark.

In the end, it was Level 19 and the 5-membered party had to fight over 60 Level 19 minions in total. It took quite some time in-between players' turns but they said it was a challenging and interesting encounter.

Thanks again!
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Ok, thread copied. I might add some other castlevania inspired creatures in the future, because I'm sure I made more back in 2014. I'll just have to dig them out of my computer files.

And a thank you to Jordan22 for all his kind words! I'm very happy my work was useful to you. I'm surprised your group ended up facing so many minions at once, given that they die after they strike a target! Then again, maybe your group have awesome defenses.

It might be a good a idea to give the granfaloon a maximum amount of zombies on the battlefield, like 24 of something. Great, useful feedback.

I would've replied to you in the original thread, but I'm having some trouble with the wizards forum. It's going to blow up soon anyway!
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Found a few more castlevania monsters in my folders!

Ectoplasm Level 20 Controller
Medium shadow animate (undead) XP 2800

Schermata 2015-09-18 alle 22.20.27.png

HP 188; Bloodied 94
Initiative +14
AC 34, Fortitude 28, Reflex 32, Will 36
Speed 2, fly 7 (hover)
All-around vision, Darkvision

All-Around Vision

Enemies can’t gain combat advantage by flanking the ectoplasm.

Standard Actions
m Cursed Touch (necrotic) At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +23 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d6 + 18 necrotic damage, and the target cannot use standard actions until the end of the ectoplasm’s next turn.

Move Actions
Reckless Flight At-Will
Effect: The ectoplasm flies its speed and can move through enemy spaces during the movement. It provokes opportunity attacks as normal. Every time the ectoplasm is hit with an attack during this movement, it can use cursed touch as a no action against the creature that attacked it, hitting automatically.

Triggered Actions
M Bounce Back (necrotic) At-Will 1/round
Trigger: An adjacent creature hits the ectoplasm with an attack.
Attack (no action): Melee 1 (the triggering creature); +19 vs. Reflex
Hit: 12 necrotic damage, and the target cannot use standard actions until the end of his next turn.

Str 10 (+10) Dex 18 (+14) Wis 12 (+11)
Con 20 (+15) Int 11 (+10) Cha 11 (+10)
Alignment unaligned Languages -

From Symphony of the Night, possibly one of the most hated monsters in Castlevania history. Tthe ectoplasm will curse its enemies, barring them from attacking.

Magic Tome Level 20 Lurker
Medium natural animate (construct) XP 2800

Schermata 2015-09-18 alle 22.22.50.png

HP 148; Bloodied 74
Initiative +20
AC 34, Fortitude 32, Reflex 34, Will 30
Perception +11, Truesight 20
Speed 2, fly 8 (hover)
Vulnerability 10 fire

Standard Actions
m Weapon Flurry  At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +25 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 15 damage.
M Swoop Attack  At-Will
Effect: The tome flies up to its fly speed and uses weapon flurry at any point of the move. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks.
Closed Book Form  At-Will
Effect: The tome enters closed book form until it ends the effect as a minor action. While in this form, it gains a +5 to all defenses and resist 15 to all damage, and cannot take actions except to end the effect. When the tome ends the effect, it adds 11d4 extra damage on its next damage roll before the end of its next turn.

Skills Stealth +21
Str 21 (+15) Dex 23 (+16) Wis 13 (+11)
 Con 22 (+16) Int 8 (+9) Cha 10 (+10)
Alignment unaligned Languages -

The gargoyle worked well as a general template for this monster.

Venus Weed Level 20 Elite Controller
Large fey animate (plant) XP 5600

Schermata 2015-09-18 alle 22.28.02.png

HP 374; Bloodied 187
Initiative +10
AC 34, Fortitude 31, Reflex 31, Will 34
Perception +19
Speed 5 (forest walk), climb 3
Immune sleep, poison
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

Tendrils of Thorns (poison)  Aura 2
Squares within the aura are difficult terrain for enemies. Any enemy within the aura that is hit with an attack takes 5 extra poison damage.
Entangling Vine
A creature can attack one of the venus weed’s vines that is grabbing a creature in order to free that creature, but the attack does not harm the venus weed. The vine uses the venus weed’s defenses.

Standard Actions
m Grabbing Vine  At-Will
Requirement: The venus weed must not have two creatures grabbed.
Attack: Melee 8 (one creature); +23 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 15 damage, and the target is grabbed. Until the grab ends, the target is dazed.
m Razor Vine (poison)  At-Will
Attack: Melee 8 (one creature); +23 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8 + 13 damage, and the target takes ongoing 10 poison damage and is slowed (save ends both).
Miss: The target is slowed until the end of the venus weed’s next turn.
M Twin Vines  At-Will
Effect: The venus weed uses winding vine and slashing vine, or uses either one twice.
R Drain Life  Encounter
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +23 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is dazed and restrained (save ends both).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead stunned and restrained (save ends both).
Second Failed Saving Throw: The target dies.
Special: This power does not provoke opportunity attacks.
A Burst of Spikes (zone)  Recharge 
Attack: Area burst 2 within 12 (creatures in the burst); +23 vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + 16 damage.
Effect: The burst creates a zone of difficult terrain that lasts until the end of the venus weed’s next turn. Any creature that starts its turn within the zone takes 5 damage and is immobilized (save ends). After the zone ends, the area of the burst remains difficult terrain until the end of the encounter.

Minor Actions
M Shoving Vine  At-Will
Attack: Melee 8 (one creature grabbed by the venus weed); +19 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The venus weed slides the target 5 squares to a square within 8 squares of the venus weed.

Skills Insight +18
Str 20 (+15) Dex 11 (+10) Wis 19 (+14) 
Con 19 (+14) Int 23 (+16) Cha 22 (+16)
Alignment Evil Languages Elven

I don't remember which monster I used as template for this, but the end result really match the venus weeds from SoTN, I think.

Thornweed Level 20 Minion Lurker
Small fey animate (plant) XP 700

Schermata 2015-09-18 alle 22.39.01.png

HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
Initiative +21
AC 34, Fortitude 33, Reflex 33, Will 31
Speed 8 (forest walk)
Vulnerability 10 fire

Standard Actions
m Thorn  At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +23 vs. Reflex
Hit: 14 damage, or 28 if the thornweed was in seed form when it attacked.
Seed Form  At-Will
Effect: The thornweed gains a burrow speed of 5, but its normal speed drops to 2. This effect lasts until the thornweed attacks.

Skills Stealth +22
Str 11 (+10) Dex 24 (+17) Wis 21 (+15)
 Con 14 (+12) Int 1 (+5) Cha 17 (+13)
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Classic venus weed companions! And an annoying enemy in general.

I'm sure I have Dracula himself somewhere. God, that was a hard battle for my group, if I remember correctly.

Of course, all feedback is welcome, though I realize that with the advent of fifth edition there might not be a lot of people interested in 4e critters! Hm, I might actually start converting this stuff to 5e...maybe!
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Here comes the lord of darkness.

Lord Dracula, First Form Level 26 Solo Artillery
Medium natural humanoid (undead)
XP -

Schermata 2015-09-23 alle 13.38.31.png

HP 960; Bloodied 480, see dark metamorphosis
Initiative +17
AC 40, Fortitude 35, Reflex 39, Will 41
Perception +21, Darkvision
Speed 7, climb 4 (spider climb), fly 7 (altitude limit 2, hover), teleport 6
Immune disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic
Vulnerable 10 radiant
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

Burned by Sunlight (radiant)
Whenever Dracula starts his turn in direct sunlight, he takes 5 radiant damage.
Bearer of the Crimson Stone
Whenever Dracula ends his turn, any effect on it ends. Whenever Dracula would be dominated, petrified or knocked unconscious, he is stunned instead.
Vampiric Speed
On an initiative count of 10 + his initiative check, Dracula takes a standard, a move, or a minor action of his choice as a free action. If Dracula cannot use a free action as a result of an effect, that effect ends immediately, instead of him taking the action.

Standard Actions
m Blood Sword Slash  At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +31 vs. AC
Hit: 6d8 + 24 damage.
Miss: 15 damage.
r Hellfire Projectiles (fire)  At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one or two creatures); +31 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d10 + 12 fire damage and Dracula can push the target 1 square.
C Hellfire Blast (fire, necrotic)  At-Will
Attack: Close blast 5 (creatures in the burst); +31 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d10 + 12 fire and necrotic damage, and Dracula pushes the target up to 3 squares.
A Demonic Explosion (fire, necrotic)  Encounter
Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 (creatures in the burst); +31 vs. Will, +31 vs. Reflex, +31 vs. Fortitude; if any of the attacks hit, resolve them as a single hit;
Hit (Reflex): 3d12 + 6 fire damage, and the target takes ongoing 15 fire damage (save ends);
Hit (Fortitude): 1d10 + 7 necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends);
Hit (Will): The target is stunned until the end of Dracula's next turn.

Move Actions
Dance of illusions (psychic, illusion, teleportation)  At-Will
Effect: Each enemy adjacent to Dracula takes 15 psychic damage, and he teleports up to 6 squares.

Minor Actions
C Swarm of Bats (teleportation)  Recharge  5-6
Attack: Close Blast 5 (enemies in blast); +31 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d6 + 4 damage, and the target is blinded (save ends).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Dracula teleports to a square in the blast and is invisible until the start of his next turn.

Triggered Actions
Dark Metamorphosis  Encounter
Trigger: Dracula is first bloodied.
Effect (No Action): Dracula recharges demonic explosion and can use it immediately, if he wants to. He then turns into his second form. All damage taken carry over to the new form, but none of the harmful effects do.
Lord of Darkness  At-Will
Trigger: Dracula takes necrotic damage from an attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Dracula can make a basic attack.

Skills Athletics +22, Arcana +28, Religion +28, Heal +21, Nature +21, Bluff +27, Dungeoneering +21, Insight +21, Diplomacy +27, History +28
Str 19 (+17) Dex 19 (+17) Wis 17 (+16)
Con 24 (+20) Int 30 (+23) Cha 28 (+22)
Alignment Evil Languages Romanian, French, Latin, German, Italian, Greek, Aramaic, Arabian, Draconic, Primordial, infernal, Supernal

Lord Dracula, Second Form Level 26 Solo Brute
Huge elemental beast (demon, undead) XP 45000

Schermata 2015-09-23 alle 13.36.20.png

HP 980; Bloodied 490
Initiative +16
AC 40, Fortitude 41, Reflex 35, Will 39
Perception+16, Darkvision
Speed 7
Immune dominated, stunned, disease, poison; Resist 20 necrotic, 20 fire
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

(thunder)  Aura 3
While in the aura, squares of ground become difficult terrain. While Dracula is bloodied, any enemy that ends its turn in the aura takes 15 thunder damage.
Burned by Sunlight (radiant)
Whenever Dracula starts his turn in direct sunlight, he takes 5 radiant damage.
Bearer of the Crimson Stone
Whenever Dracula ends his turn, any effect on it ends. Whenever Dracula would be petrified or knocked unconscious, he is dazed instead.
Dracula ignores difficult terrain. He can pass through blocking terrain, destroying the blocking terrain and turning it into difficult terrain. Each square of movement into blocking terrain costs 1 extra square of movement to enter.

Standard Actions
m Slash  At-Will
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +31 vs. AC
Hit: 5d12 + 10 damage, and the target falls prone.
r Fire Orb (fire)  At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +29 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d10 + 12 fire damage and Dracula can push the target 1 square.
M Crush  Recharge  
Effect: Dracula jumps up to its speed. This movement does not provoke opportunity attacks. He can end the movement into enemy spaces. He makes the following attack against all enemies in his space at the end of the movement.
Attack: Melee 0; +29 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d10 + 12 damage, and the target is knocked prone and grabbed. The target can’t stand up as long as it is grabbed. When the grab ends, the target is pushed out of Dracula’s square.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is pushed out of Dracula's square.
C Storm Blade (thunder)  Encounter
Attack: Close blast 6 (creatures in the blast); +29 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 4d10 + 12 thunder damage, and the target is dazed and deafened (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the Dracula's next turn.

Minor Actions
Frenzy  At-Will
Effect: Dracula can make a basic attack. Dracula sustains all his grabs, if any.

Triggered Actions
Throw Back  At-Will
Trigger: An enemy within 10 squares of the Dracula misses it with an area or a ranged attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The triggering enemy must use the attack against itself.
Lord of Darkness  At-Will
Trigger: Dracula takes necrotic damage from an attack.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): Dracula can make a basic attack.

Skills Athletics +23, Endurance +22
Str 30 (+18) Dex 16 (+11) Wis 17 (+11)
Con 29 (+17) Int 19 (+12) Cha 27 (+16)
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages -

Aaaaand that's all I can find. I love castlevania games and D&D, so making these monsters (ad testing them against my players) was a lot of fun to me. Hopefully someone else might find them useful.
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