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(Casual D&D III) The Man in Black


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It's as beautiful as Arrowyn always said. Oliver walks in awe, eyes wide, as he admires the seamlessness of the elven structures with the surrounding forest. He surreptitiously reaches out to touch the smooth, burled wood of a newel post as the group skims quickly past. It feels so alive. He shakes his grizzled head. Unbelievable.

He looks skyward. Arrowyn, Tiamena, I wish you could be with me here. Fendric is bellyaching about the elves and Oliver catches a bit.

"Sunshine eh? I think that's blasphemy coming from you, Priest." His raspy voice carries a twist of amusement, "Especially about me." Oliver turns around in his saddle and looks back at Tatlock gazing, stupefied at buildings. The young man's seat in his saddle is cockeyed. "Careful you don't fall off lad."

He gives Whistler a pat on the shoulders and is answered by a long whickering sigh. Winkle hops, wings flaring warbling to himself, and Bastrop turns an ear toward the bird. "Easy there, Wink. Here... I can't hold you for long, but it's a little higher." The gruff man's voice is affectionate, doting even. His back twinges as he swivels around and invites Bastrop onto his arm. After a few nips and complaints the young owl is riding, wings spread and flapping occasionally, on Oliver's outstretched arm. Oliver seems glad to bursting and rides along, chest thrust out, head high and frail arm trembling under the young and not-quite majestic looking owl's weight.

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The return of Xiao

As the party moves through the outskirts of the city, the guides pause for a while in an open swath of green somewhat sheltered from the rest of city by trees. Another, smaller group approaches from behind, but from a slightly different direction.

Leading the approaching group is one a little to short and stocky to be an elf. Beside, he seems to bundled in his clothes (oddly marked by dark shadows) rather than wearing them, and has an upturned bowl on his head. Elves wear their clothes with more style, and don't wear bowls on their head. The leading one's arms are slung across a staff, that is itself slung across the back of his shoulders. Behind him move a couple of figure that are definately elves. The move lithely through the forest like whisps of mist, and have strung and nocked bows in hand. Shortly after coming into view, the bowlhead one breaks into a trot, covering the last few hundred feet quickly.

In front of the group the new arrival drops to his knees. He removes his headgear and, placing both hands infront of him, lowers his forehead almost to the damp earth. Sweat glistens on his closely cropped skull, and the dark shadows on his robes are revealed for the bloodstains that they are.

"Xiao wishes to make most profound apology for behaviour."


Fendric chuckles at Oliver's comment: "I will be sure to check with the first High Priest of Pelor we meet as to whether or not you are correct, my Shining Ray of Happiness."

Fendric looks around as they travel, the relative peace around him not seeming to satisfy his suspicions about the regimented life of elves.

"I do suppose that when the armies of Thedoric come calling, their structured and disciplined ways may serve them well to hold against the threat, but nonetheless, this is no way to live, May the Radiant Light Shine Upon their liberation."

Hiritus, slightly perturbed, turns to Fendric: "The Rule of Law is a Good thing, Fendric. You haven't seen anyone conflict with one another since we've been here. If the authorities have properly applied and enforced the Rule of Law, and it definitely looks like they have here, everyone will be cared for, and have something to do, and no one will starve or go without shelter. As close to a perfect society as I've seen, really."

"Pish-tosh. What happens to someone who dares to think of a better way? Do they throw him in irons for having a contrary thought?"

"No! The lawmakers meet, and decide whether or not to change the Law! Really, Brother, you ought to save comment on things you don't know about. This complaining makes you look juvenile and foolish."

Fendric rolls his eyes, makes a face, and groans in response, as if to concede the point without conceding it.


Xiao said:
In front of the group the new arrival drops to his knees. He removes his headgear and, placing both hands in front of him, lowers his forehead almost to the damp earth. Sweat glistens on his closely cropped skull, and the dark shadows on his robes are revealed for the bloodstains that they are.

"Xiao wishes to make most profound apology for behaviour."
It is all Fendric can do, through the shock, through the bewilderment, through the joy! to utter one word in response.


Hiritus, remaining much more composed, has more to say.

"Nonsense! Get up, grab your things - we're going to give the Princess her letter, then we're off to the next village..."

"We'd love to have you along, if you think you're up to it. What happened - that stag thing get you?"


Xiao, male human monk

dpdx as Fendric said:

Xiao is shocked out of his postion of deference by Fendric's question. He looks up at the mounted warrior with a startled look on his face.

"Do you not apologise for breaking faith with others?" Xiao finally manages to stammer out. Are they so different over here? Xiao finds the idea somewhat unnnerving. What other basic assumptions are going to prove to be wrong. The enormity of having to try and explain the concept of responsibility makes his brain hurt. With his limited grasp of the language of this land, he has difficulty enough trying to order a meal. The great teacher only knows what he has actually been eating at times.

A thought strikes Xiao like a thunderbolt.

"Ah. Yes. Xiao is a dunderhead. Honourable Fendric wishes to know why Xiao departs like a thief in nightime.

"Most Honourable Ancestor Wei give me sight that I must leave. Some days later, Most Honourable Ancestor Wei asked why Xiao is going in wrong direction. Great Honourable Ancestor Wei was alway inscrutable, but death has made him most incomprehensive."

Xiao shakes his head sadly. Suddenly he realises that he is no longer in the correct position of deference. He drops his forehead back to the ground, striking the damp turf with a noticable thump.

dpdx as Hiritus said:
"Nonsense! Get up, grab your things - we're going to give the Princess her letter, then we're off to the next village..."

Hiritus's first word lands like a ki-strike to the heart. It takes Xiao a moment to realise his mistake. Happiness blossoms in the battered travellers breast.

dpdx as Hiritus said:
"We'd love to have you along, if you think you're up to it. What happened - that stag thing get you?"

"Ah!" cries Xiao, leaping to his feet in excitement. "That was most excellent fight. Many are such creature back in the cold mountains of Xiao's home. Unfortunately, Xiao did not see elves until they had puncutured his enthusiasm."


First Post
Xiao's first appearance was mysterious and a little unsettling for Nurthk, but this time things were a lot different. Once again, Nurthk found elves to blaim for the unfortunate fellow's appearance and health.

doghead said:
"Ah!" cries Xiao, leaping to his feet in excitement. "That was most excellent fight. Many are such creature back in the cold mountains of Xiao's home. Unfortunately, Xiao did not see elves until they had puncutured his enthusiasm."

"They look as though they punctured more than that," he says gruffly, barely hiding his contempt for the locals, "You're in safe company now, though."

Initially Nurthk didn't trust the strange-looking fellow, and it was likely there had not been much increase in that amount of trust during his absence, but he certainly trusted Xiao more than the average elf and had no wish to leave him in their company.


Xiao, male human monk

Festy_Dog said:
"They look as though they punctured more than that, ..."

Xiao looks down and akwardly tugs at his ear.

"Xiao most unfortunately lost focus. Focus is most important," he touches his side gingerly, "when trying to swat arrows."

Xiao bows deeply in the Nurthk's direction.

"I am most happy to be in this company once more."

He gathers up his staff and hat, and placing the former on his head and the latter back across his shoulders, steps aside for the others to pass. He falls in at the rear.

Guilt Puppy

First Post
(Wow, you all rock. You know that, don't you?)

Seeing Xiao, Shavah experiences a moment of some surprise, but her expression turns toward anger as Nurthk indicates the monk's injury. She dismounts quickly and jogs over to deliver whatever healing might be necessary, delivering a fiercely admonishing glance to the elves which surround him.

Returning, she speaks softly to Fendric: "Let's deliver the letter and leave, quickly. I want nothing to do with people who would release arrows against a lone traveler..." She turns to Hiritus to complete her thought: "That may be their law, but it is not Justice."


If Fendric and Hiritus were ever in deep agreement on anything that happened before, it pales in comparison to their opinion of what Shavah just said. Nodding almost simultaneously to Shavah in response, Fendric then turns to their escorts as they ride/walk along:

"Our message to the Princess is of utmost importance to your tribe - a force approaches these lands, bent on terror and destruction. Therefore, I ask in the name of Pelor, the Most Holy Host of Radiant Light, that you deliver us to Her Highness with the utmost haste, and we shall be on our way. Your lives depend on it, for there is much to prepare. In return, we will depart your lands immediately, and leave you to that preparation. May we increase the pace?"

Guilt Puppy

First Post
The lead escort nods to Fendric's request; it is an hour's walk still before you reach the royal gardens, which may as well be termed the royal palace... It is a teeming structure, terraced and spiraling, flowers living throughout... Cherry blossoms line the entering walkways, leaving beneath them a carpet of soft pink-white petals. There are no gates, but the guards stationed regularly -- some plainly visible, others less so -- seem to serve the same purpose.

Aerda engages in a soft exchange with his escort, then turns to the party: "I'll have to deliver it alone, it looks like. I'll see if I can arrange to meet with Tiamen later... I'd like to discuss the contents of this letter... and as well, the state of these Glades..."

He turns, padding softly forward, toward the blooming path.


Fendric, having mixed feelings of this arrangement whereby only Aerda can deliver the letter, complies with it anyway. (Better him than me, I suppose - I might get us subjected to Xiao's treatment, or worse.) He dismounts, briefly, from Vespers, and searches through the saddlebag for the Princess' letter, which upon finding he pulls out to hand to Aerda.

As he hands the letter to Aerda, he uses his other arm to grasp Aerda's, and pull him closer. He leans in to whisper to his compatriot:

"Deliver this to the Princess by your own hand, if possible, but do not linger. Many of us wish to move on immediately."

Patting Aerda on the shoulder, he detaches himself, and turns to remount Vespers. Once aboard, he looks around to see what will happen next.


Hiritus, observing the proceedings from atop Justice, takes this moment to initiate a conversation (empathically) with his steed.

As soon as Aerda returns, I think we're going to try to get out of here as fast as we can. You ready to run?

I am, my Knight. Is there trouble? I had noticed none.

Not yet, but there could be. Most of the company is suspicious, and on alert.

I will be ready to protect you and the others, my Knight.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Justice shifts, and seems to coil, a little, in response.

Voidrunner's Codex

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