CB's Grim Frequencies IC -- COMPLETE

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Garvey's eyes whip to Feral. Quick as a wink, Garvey shoves a blue pen over to Feral Li. "Ink's got to be in blue, that way we can tell the original even when it's been photocopied. Here. Initial here, here, and here, then sign and date just there," Garvey points to three places for Feral to initial and then to the signature block at the bottom of page three.


Feral initials a couple of times, using his legal initials, but stops before signing, "One thing...who's leading this shindig? No offense to anyone here, but we're all cons. I ain't about to take orders from someone I can't trust when my back's turned, you know what I mean."


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(OOC :: Give me a sec, to get all Pittsburgh on you guys and dust off my Pittsburghese haha)

J.R. smiles,

"This seems like my kind of party. I'm in, pass da paperwork. Now wah do we do abaht supplies? I know yinzes aren't fond of giving me a gun since I'm a felon and alls but I'm not willing to go in witout protection."


First Post
A dozen ways to make Garvey's life hard flickered through Death Otter's head. Dragging out this process was one, but every person who signed the page made that harder. And it was petty. There were way worse things. Numbers clicked over in her head as she watched.

Might have a boyfriend, but it's as much to fulfill expectations as anything else. No family aspirations; she's putting career first. Four outta five says she's got a pet to anesthetize her ticking bio clock, and three out of four says at least one of her regular passwords is the pet's name combined with her or a close relative's date of birth.

Her eyes dropped to the audio recorder then, and she put the 'Pointlessly Torment Garvey Project' on the back burner for now.

"That," she said solemnly, "is one messed up little toy. Okay, gimme the paperwork."

What the hell? It wasn't like she had any intention of actually abiding by this damn thing.
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Garvey passes the pen to J.R. and Otter. "Well, that's three of you. Your handler will be Gavin Marks. I've never met him, but his reputation is sterling."

Garvey focuses on Cyril, her main holdout. "We don't expect to ask you to commit a criminal offense during the next twelve months. Your papers already specify that you be granted limited immunity for actions you take that are . . . " Garvey checks the phrasing on the document nearest to her. " . . . 'substantially related' to the course of investigation, as defined by the Government. So it's not a case of us wanting to circumvent the Federal criminal code. We want this team for its flexibility and efficiency, and are prepared to offer an incentive to match...your greatly reduced sentences, plus home confinement at the government's expense for the duration of the term. The home confinement alone would normally cost an inmate $3650 in fees per year. I am told that Mr. Hogsett will write letters of recommendation on each of your behalf, pending successful completion of twelve months' home detention and service to the government." She looks up at Cyril, waiting.

Forged Fury

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"Hey, beggars can't be choosers, right? Let's see the papers."

When presented with the documents, Cyril took his sweet time reviewing them to make sure they matched Garvey's claims. To add to the performance, the former lawyer muttered quietly from time to time as he read.

"Good... that'll never hold up in court."

"Can't believe they missed this..."

"Could drive a truck through this..."

Finally, absolutely beaming, Cyril scribbled the most ostentatious signature he could pull off with both hands cuffed. It was still pretty impressive.


Feral signs after hearing that the leader wouldn't be anyone in this room. He speaks after everyone else has signed, "So, when do we meet Gavin and get this show on the road?"


First Post
"What's the matter, Li?" Death Otter asked slyly as she scribbled on her contracts. It was pretty clear she'd finished signing them. Now she seemed to be doodling on the margins and scratching out letters on words to make them spell...other words. "Do you want the job? Leader, I mean."

She looked up and grinned at her fellow inmate with a evil smile...but maybe it was really for Garvey, as she pushed the contract across the table. The doodles depicted scenes drawn with crude stick figures that viewing at work would probably get someone fired for. Each tableau had one figure with a distinctive swoopy hairstyle that was probably meant to be Garvey.

Otter dropped Garvey a wink when their eyes met, still wearing that excrement-eating grin.


"Maybe. I'm probably the only one here who got busted for doing something I believe in. Still, I don't trust anyone here to take orders and I sure as hell wouldn't trust anyone here to give orders. So, yeah, maybe...in a few months, once we all know how we can trust."

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