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Celirans [Was: prehensile tails and PC races]


Staff member
Some random thoughts

I've been tail whipped by an anole (American Lizard). I survived. Lizards and reptiles of all kinds use tail slaps...they just don't do much damage. Except for the biggest members of the reptile family- Anacondas, Pythons, Crocs, Gators, Komodos & Monitors- the tail slap is more a deterrent than a true weapon. (Note, also, that most of these are aquatic or semi-aquatic, so they have strong tails to aid in swimming, and the 2 snakes are constrictors.)

And, to my mind, any tail meant to be prehensile or with an other abiltiy (see below), it would be too long and whippy to do significant damage...HEY! Make the tail slap like a whip! (You could even give them racial Weapon Familarity with whips.) Furthermore, a sentient bipedal reptilian might enhance such tail with metal or stone spikes to make it like a barbed whip/whip-dagger...and if so, they might also favor Feats like Improved Trip as well.

There was a feat called Brachiation, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I saw it. Possibly AEG's Feats book or WOTC's Savage Species. Basically made the Feat user arboreal.

I agree with whomever it was who pointed out that prehensile tails don't tend to be as strong as arms or legs. They're good for supporting weight, but not lifting it. They do tend to be quite dextrous, so "3rd Hand" is good.

If I may humbly suggest an interesting alternative: Instead of making the Celirans arboreals with prehensile tails, make them arboreals with flattening tails (and other membranes) to become gliding lizards...

(Flying Lizards )

They'd keep the jump bonus and gain gliding 15" but lose the gliding ability if in anything more than light armor or light encumberance
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Dannyalcatraz said:
There was a feat called Brachiation, but for the life of me, I can't remember where I saw it. Possibly AEG's Feats book or WOTC's Savage Species. Basically made the Feat user arboreal.

'Masters of the Wild' splat book for 3.0. :)

Shades of Green

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Semi-final version:
* +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength: Celirans are agile and naturally adept at tasks that require manual dexterity, but their slick, flexible bodies lack the physical prowess of other, stockier races.
* Small-size: As small-sized creatures, Celirans gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons than humans use and their lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of Medium-size characters.
* Celiran base speed is 20.
* Tree Dwelling: Celirans gain a +6 racial bonus to Climb and Balance, and they can always take 10 on Climb and Balance checks, even under duress. They also receive a +2 racial bonus to Jump, but may not take 10 with it when under duress.
* Prehensile Tail: A Celiran’s tail can be used for almost anything that an arm and hand could be used for, with the following exceptions. The tail's lack of fingers, combined with its slightly lesser coordination than a true hand, and its lack of a true arm's bony support renders the tail less than adequate for certain tasks. It cannot use a weapon or shield, though it can hold one such item idly and uselessly. The tail cannot perform the somatic components for spells or other abilities. It cannot play any instruments that require the use of more than one finger (the tail can effectively hold something and simultaneously function as one finger, for purposes of manipulation), nor can it use tools that require multiple fingers. A Celiran's tail does not count as a magic item slot for shoulder, arm, hand, or finger items, with the exception that the Extra Item Slot epic feat can be applied to it as such. It does count, of course, as a Tail slot for various Celiran (and Lizardmen) specific magical items.
* Celirans receive a +2 racial bonus to all Pick Pocket (Sleight of Hand if you're using 3.5E) checks.
* Tail Accommodation: A Celiran needs to wear armor or clothes that accommodate their tail, as it can't fit in typical clothes made for other humanoids their size. Celirans must spend 10% more on armor and clothes when buying or trading for such goods not tailor-made to fit Celirans in the first place. This assumes that the armor or clothing is made to allow the tail's freedom of movement while still covering it partially or fully. It takes a day of an armorer's work, costing 10% of the armor's value, to make armor that protects the tail and suitably fits a Celiran, without impeding use of the tail any more than the armor check penalty already does. This 10% cost increase applies even when the armor is made for Celirans in the first place.
* Automatic Languages: "Common" and Ceran (the modern dialect of Celiran).
* Bonus Languages: Draconic, Treant, Goblin, Orcish, Old Dwarven, and Elven (each of the three variants is considered a separate skill).
* Favored Class: At character creation, the player chooses between Rogue, Ranger or Shaman as his favored class. The choice is permanent and cannot be changed after character creation. A multiclass Celiran's favored class does not count when determining whether she suffers an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Shades of Green

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Another idea for my Priestess of the One Mother (one Favored Classes of Celirans) is a slight modification of Mongoose Publishing's Witch (from the Quintessential (sp?) Witch). Remove the male God, retain the female Goddess, make Wisdom the attribute on which her spellcasting is based. She'll also be proficient with the Short Bow in addition to the other weapons, and will replace the so-called "witch sword" with a more appropriate weapon (sytche (sp?)).

The Edge

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I like them. Good stuff, these guys would fit in great in an area of my game world.

A varient that has the colour changeing ability would be interesting. Giveing them a nice hide bonus and posibly the ability to hide in plain sight. Id have to compare to other camo cretures to be sure how to do it. Of course this would require a level adjustment unless there was some other draw back.

I be around to see the bit about their lands. I gota use these guys.

Shades of Green

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Sorry for the delay in the write-up, but in the meanwhile my girlfriend has drawn up a female Celiran child (age 5), named Nejala (pronounced "Ne-ya-la", her named means "little bird" in Ceran); she's also drawing up the adult Nejala (age 25?), which I'll post when it'll be ready, and a male Celiran or two.


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