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Let's Rock 'n' Roll- here we go....

The Harp of Watercrafting
Andrew S Farrell
aka Megamania

“Dregas. Dregas!” whispered sharply Davos as he peered from the bushes below.
“You are…late. You know what this…can mean Davos.” said the man in the window above. His voice is rough and hard. It seems less than natural.
“I am sorry. The guards took longer to fall asleep than expected. Throw me the line before we are found and punished further”, speaks Davos now coming cautiously out of the bushes.
A large strong basket is tied to the rope. It quietly descends down to him. Swiftly, Davos steps into it and with strong arms and back, he is carried rapidly up to the window by Dregas.
“I had no idea you were that strong my brother,” Davos says with his eyes always looking down and away from Dregas, “perhaps your new condition has it’s merits after all.”
Adjusting his cowl suddenly, Dregas steps back deeper into the thick dark shadows. His silence speaks volumes to his brother just as Davos disability to look straight at him does. “The drug …will wear off soon….come… quickly. I will show you …the harp.”
The two brothers move swiftly through the stone hallways. The hushed moan of the nearby sea just audible (2) as they reach the inside courtyard. “With this …magical harp, you can ….bypass the wards …surrounding ….the Nether Isle ….and retrieve the key ….to open my mask!” Davos can not help but to wince at the thought of the mask. He wishes he had never come to this area of the sea.
It began 2 weeks ago, both brothers were hansome and sure of themselves. They had heard of a treasure worth 2 kings ransoms. They could not resist it’s temptation. It called to them like the Siren rumored to guard it. This was said to be no ordinary siren- oh no. It would have been much simpilar if it were. No, this was a Coral Siren. Their enchanted songs possessed young men and sailors alike. But instead of leading them to a drowning death, they were enslaved and kept prisoners. This Coral Siren however was crueler than most. She cursed her slaves before trapping them. She then would taunt her prizes relishing their prolonged grief. Dregas was imprisoned after placing a magical cursed mask on. This mask reshaped his hansome and vibrant features into that of a coral siren (4). The mask could only be removed with a special key. This key was placed nearby on an island where the siren rested by day. It was in clear view of his prison (2). The prison was enchanted. The wearer of the mask could never leave it . Dregas was forced to imprisonment, always being able to see the island where the key was. She went so far as to even give away it’s location. She stored the key in a jar within the pantry. Davos tried to get the key but was always repulsed by the wards. Fearing the inability to rescue his brother, he went to him and learned of a magical harp (3) that when strung, allowed a sailing craft to reach the island’s shore. The harp was kept within the prison. It was warded against any whom wore the mask.
Their plan was immediate and straightforward. Davos would drug the guards, get into the prison, grab the harb and retrieve the key. Then return and free his brother. It sounded simple enough.
In truth, the guards were more resilant to the drugs than presumed. The clouds of the night lifted not allowing the darkness to cover their tracks. Time was limited and was growing short.
“There…my brother….the harp of….watercrafting….lays” offered Dregas in a rough voice. He pointed to an archway that lead into a dimly lit room. Seeing no traps, Davos crept in. The Harp of watercrafting (3) was beyond masterwork design. It was shaped to look like a watercraft with a tall bow. It was engraved with gold over a dark but rich indigo blue material. The cords were made of silver and sparkled in it’s own light. Brightly colored feathers of water fowl were tied to it’s bow. They fluttered light a sea breeze would calmly move by. Davos felt offended that such an item of beauty should be used for such malign reasons.
Quietly and carefully he picked up the harp. He was careful not to touch the strings. He did not want it’s magic awakened until he was ready. He was most careful not to scratch it with his ring of clear thinking. It was only because of this ring did he escape the coral siren to begin with.
Careful to not step on it, Davos climbed into the basket and was lowered down by his dear brother. He watched with apprehension and fear for awakened guards (1) None were to be found.
“I return shortly for you my brother, with a most wonderful key in hand, but first, I must visit the island using this marvelous harp.”
Davos slowly works his small boat towards the island. The water is calm and the sky clear still. Dregas can hear the soft enchanted strumming of the harp beginning. He smiles….smiles a most evil smile of smiles.
“Yes dearest….brother….dearest brother with…the enchanted ring….go to her….so that I may be freed….at your…eternal ….expense…..”.

The End


First Post
Sniktch said:
half over into the first round? :confused:

How about 'first round half over' instead? ;)

let's see, correcting the judges horrendous english, hmm, the guide says "-4 points on sniktch". yeah, that seems about right.
:p ;) :D


First Post
alsih2o said:
let's see, correcting the judges horrendous english, hmm, the guide says "-4 points on sniktch". yeah, that seems about right.
:p ;) :D

Hey, that's not right! :eek: It was really just a cleverly disguised bump :p :D


First Post
Drawmack vs. Skitch Round I

“Lagiriand”, cooed Elhia’s soft voice.
“Lagiriand, it is time to get up. If father sees you still in bed he is not going to be pleased.” she stated in a firmer tone.

I slowly open my eyes coming out of my meditation. She is a beautiful sight; I often think I could spend the rest of my days waking up to her elegant face and lovely voice. She has filled my nightly meditations for years now.

“I am done with my meditations now.” I intone as she teasingly stands up and saunters away in her teasing fashion.

I slowly take in my surroundings as Gilreth has taught me to. He always says, even when waking up in familiar surroundings take the time to see if they are indeed familiar. He constantly tests us by placing things into or removing things from our rooms and seeing how long it takes us to notice. He tells us we can never let the ways of the paladin overcome the ways of the elf. While the paladin is a warrior for truth and justice, the elvin ways give us the patience to judge our surroundings fairly and make sure that we are truly acting in a manor Osiris would approve of. As paladins we must be walking examples of Osiris’s teachings.

Eventually I make my way downstairs to the dining hall. Everyone is already there prepared for the morning meal and waiting on me.

“Are you ready for the journey to Kaor, Lagiriand?” Gilreth queried.

“As ready as I will ever be. I have been looking forward to competing since I started going three years ago but not that I am ready to compete it is a daunting thought.” I stated in reply.

“Anytime there is a major change in someone’s life they mourn the loss of the old while rejoicing in the birth of the new. It is a strange feeling and one that you will never get used to.” Gilreth reassured me.

As the day progresses I say farewell to family and friends. A bittersweet feeling engulfs me at the thought of leaving the only home I have ever known. The familiar faces and places of my life, the training fields and the temple’s library that will be just memories now. I know that I will not return here soon.

The evening is spent packing my things and leaving keepsakes with friends, family and fellow-students. The night’s meditations are troubled with anticipation of tomorrow. The night passes slowly eventually giving way to the sun coming up over the Cedririd Mountains.

Leaving the area controlled by Cilirand I look back over my shoulder taking in the entry passage one last time. The bricks holding back the dirt are beginning to show their age. A couple have come loose and fallen to the ground, weeds poke out through others. Most of the bricks are chipped or cracked. The archway over the passage governs the height of what is allowed to enter while the sides govern the width. The town is invisible through the passage but you can see the foothills of the Kiladon Mountains off in the distance. The trade route is heavily used giving the area the appearance of being barren, when in fact just out of site lie lush green prairies on the banks of the triune river. (67065b.jpg)

The trade route to Koar goes east of the Cedririd Mountains. This adds three weeks to the journey and passes the entrances to the abandoned dwarven cities that kobolds, troglodytes and orcs inhabit now. This area is infested with goblinoids who hunt the underdwelers, the caravans bribe the goblinoids but we do not have the means so we venture through the wilderness to the west of the mountains.

Gilreth begins his regular speech for the students making the trip for the first time. He explains the route and some of the beasts we will see along the way. As always he dotes on the tree bears.

“…The path that we will take puts us within reach of the Tree Bears. These beasts are especially dangerous. Legend has it that they are a cross-bread of bugbears and brown bears. They are very strong and much more intelligent then average bears. Thick brown fur covers their bodies helping them blend into the trees. Their noses protrude from their face like a bears with a flat end like the bugbear. Their eye placement is gotten from the bear, but they are omnivorous and will plan simple ambushes and assaults. It is impossible for us to distinguish their language from the sound of wind rustling through the woods. They attack using their claws to rip at your flesh while biting with their huge mouths. If they get a hold of you they will rend you limb from limb. (slothjpeg.jpg) Normally they leave us alone unless we stumble into one of their camps. I know the signs to look for so it is very important that you do not stray from the path I walk.” He warns the students.

On the second morning there is a tree bear sitting just off the path munching some leaves. Gilreth informs us that if he is eating leaves that means he just ate meat and will probably let us pass without trouble. The rest of the week long trip to Koar passes uneventfully.

The events take place in the fields outside of the city. The time of year is planned so that the farmers have harvested their crops and the fields lie feral. As we arrive the opening ceremonies have begun. I always enjoy watching the clash of the titans. Every man in the town puts on makeshift armor and grabs the nearest stick to use as a “weapon”. Myth holds that these fields were where the titans and the Olympians fought for control of the world. Men were used as pawns in this battle and this is supposed to be a reenactment of that battle. It is more comedic then anything else though. Seeing men in their everyday clothes, some without sleeves or in short pants, wearing cheap tin armor beating on each other with sticks is very amusing. Hundreds of men from near by towns and villages conglomerate on this spot to partake of the festivities. Some carry flags while others simply bash on each other. It would be barbaric except for the geases put on the field that stop any wounds from being inflicted during the opening events. It is mostly just a chaotic clashing of might, though some of the men are in organized battalions who just march around not hitting anyone. I would love to participate in this unfortunately only humans may partake of the clash. (fighting1.jpg)

Everyday I participate in one event. If I win the event I progress to the next day. The first contest is jousting; I dominate the field and take first place in this event. Day two is horse riding, my mount Thilmore guides me through the challenges as if they were child’s play. The rest of the week I stay in the top ranks and progress to the final event. This event is called the siege less wall. Half the participants dress up like goblins and stand on the cat walk behind the wall protecting it from the invaders. The other half attempt to siege the wall. This seems like it would be an easy task except for the incorporation of a gnomish invention called the siege barrier. Under the catwalk there is a pole that is connected to a protruding pole on the other side of the wall. The inner pole is connected to joists which are manipulated by men pulling and pushing on the joists. This causes the outer pole to shake knocking down our ladders. I am not an engineer by any stretch of the imagination but I have drawn a sketch of this mechanism for my journal as I hope to incorporate it into my hold someday, when I have a hold. (siege1.jpg)

I take a prize in this event for being the fifth one over the wall. Gilreth informs me that my time to go out into the world and fight for Osiris has come. After this I stay in town attempting to form a party to adventure with from other winners of the contest.

(To be continued…..)
End of Entry

I am attaching the etools .rac file for the new monster introduced in this story. His CR might be a little off, I've set it at three but it might be a 4 or possibly a 5. I have changed the extension to .txt so that it will upload, just change the extension back to .rac and it will open in e-tools.

Now I can read the competition's story/adventure and be assured that I'm not going to make it past the first round.
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Shadoe's Lady

First Post
here goes nothing...

Three unlikely heroes

At a country fair a girl dressed in dusty blue robes stood before three men (3). They laughed and joked, "Come dance with us, lass". But she declined "I am in no mood for dancing, but I could use the assistance of three such as you." As she told her tale the color drained from their faces and one by one they recalled they should be elsewhere. One heard his wife calling; another remembered cows that needed to be brought in from the pasture. The third at least had the decency not to offer some feeble excuse, but simply ran.

The young woman sighed and headed for a nearby tent. Inside a young girl stood on a barrel behind a makeshift bar and serving drinks. As the traveler approached an empty stool at the bar she noticed that the "child" had a woman's features, slightly pointed ears, and straight black hair: all the marks of a halfling. The traveler took the stool and asked for water. The barkeep, noting the color of her robe and the medallion showing two crossed sheaves of wheat, offered fruit as well. The traveler sat in silence, drank water, ate fruit, and watched the performance of a dancer on the other side of the room. The entire audience was captivated by her performance, the men even more so-possibly because of her exotic looks. Her hair and skin were darker than that of most of the people the traveler had seen at the fair.

When her dance was over she made her way through the appreciative crowd and approached the bar. The barkeep handed her a glass and she took a grateful gulp. “Today is the last day of the fair. Tomorrow we leave,” said the dancer. The barkeep grinned, “Tomorrow it is.” She poured herself a glass and raised it, “To adventure.” “To adventure,” the dancer echoed. The traveler turned to them. “If it’s adventure you want then perhaps I have one for you, if you’re more courageous than the men in these parts….”

“My name is Alara, and I am a priestess of the Goddess. A little over two weeks ago I was sent from my monastery north of here to carry a message to the monastery east of this village. Do you know the one I mean? It is a quiet, peaceful place on top of a hill. (1) When I arrived there three days ago there were no sisters left alive. Their corpses were strewn about the place, but oddly nothing was left of them but bare skeletons (2). There was no sign of fire or pestilence. And from the looks of the animals, which were left alive, whatever happened only took place within the last few days. I’m not sure what evil took place there, but with no contacts less than two weeks’ walk from here I could use help finding out. ” Her listeners appeared surprised at the tale, but not anywhere near as frightened as the men she spoke to earlier. The bartender introduced herself as Halla and the dancer as Jadiya. “Your tale unnerves me,” said Halla, “but we really had meant to leave the village in the morning and find adventure and this certainly sounds like an adventure, albeit a more dangerous one than we had in mind.” Alara questions the skills they bring to the endeavor and finds that Halla, besides tending bar, is good with a sword-the sword in question being almost as long as Halla was tall. As for Jadiya, well, Jadiya can dance.

“We may not need to look far for answers or advice,” Halla points out, and suggests that they speak with the village wise woman. To the wise woman the description Alara gives sounds like the work of a demon. “Not a very large, or very strong one, as demons go, but it will grow stronger as it feeds on souls. As it happens, one of my predecessors faced a demon like this and she kept very detailed journals. It will have a gem in its possession, several in fact, but only one that houses the power allowing it to remain on this plane. You must break that one, or damage it enough to release its energy.” “How will we know the right one?” Alara asked. The wise woman left them for a moment to search for something in another room and brought back what looked like a large tome wrapped in cloth. It turned out to be a piece of a tablet decorated with musical instruments and notation (4). “To determine the correct gem, someone must sing or play this melody and the gem will respond by glowing.” Jadiya volunteers for this duty-it turned out she also sang. “The tune is short and simple,” the wise woman points out, “but once the demon realizes the purpose of it he will, of course, try to keep it from being completed. Alara and Halla will have to protect you while you sing.”

With this semblance of a plan in place the three women set out the following morning. During their journey Jadiya practiced the tune in between telling heartening tales of valor to lift their spirits. Apparently in addition to dancing and singing she was also good at telling stories. Just after noon on the third day they reached the monastery (1). Passing it on the road one would have thought it a peaceful place, fitting for the Sisters in service to the Goddess. The wooden door set in the stone wall surrounding the monastery was closed-as Alara had left it when she left before. The bones of the dead were still in the courtyard, the halls, and the chapel (2). Alara had not checked every room in the monastery on her first visit. Now it was necessary to do so, and quietly, lest they alert the demon. Room by room they went, through the outbuildings, the chapel, the tower, and finally the basement.

The demon was in the wine cellar enjoying the monastery's finest vintage and, apparently, gnawing on a bone..."But what's that greenish glow?" Alara whispered. Jadiya gasped, "He's feeding on their souls!" "Start the song," Halla said, drawing her sword as quietly as possible, "I'm ready." Alara already had her staff in hand, Jadiya nocked an arrow in the shortbow she carried, then took a deep breath and started singing. The demon stopped his gnawing at the first note and growled menacingly. Several of the skeletons lying at his feet rose and advanced towards the three women standing just inside the entrance to the wine cellar. What had sounded like a short tune on the road seemed to take Jadiya hours to complete in the heat of battle. And the skeletons being fended off by Halla and Alara were none the worse for wear, while the would-be adventurers seemed on the verge of collapse. A gem set in a ring on the finger of the demon began to glow, faintly at first; barely distinguishable from the glow of the soul he fed on. But as the glow grew bright enough to tell them apart, the demon also realized where the glow was coming from. He paused in his feeding, startled for a moment. That moment was long enough. Not long enough for Alara or Halla to break away from their opponents, but long enough for Jadiya to let an arrow fly.

Well, actually two. The first one missed, but the second one, following closely behind, found its target. The demon screamed once - well, actually it was more of a startled yelp - and vanished. The skeletons doing battle with Halla and Alara collapsed. The three women watched as a green glow rose from each skeleton like steam and dissipated. “We couldn’t save them, but at least their souls can return to the Goddess,” Alara said. Then she turned to Jadiya with a puzzled frown. “How-” “Ironwood arrow,” Jadiya replied. Seeing that the puzzlement remained she added, “Well, I know how to shoot a bow too, I just don’t do it as well as I dance.”


I'm not looking at the other entries! I'm not!

so forgive the typos....

I presume there is no requirement that we use the pictures *in order*?

Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

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