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Cerebral Paladin's Storyhour (updated 4/22)

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J'Accuse PirateCat!
Session 7: Wherein Lhovrik whines.
Session 8 (double long session: twice the death in twice the time): Wherein Lhovrik kills his cat, then resurrects it from the dead, just so he can kill it again.
Session 9: Wherein Lhovrik both whines, and acts cowardly.
Session 10: Wherein Lhovrik takes over the entire world, setting about to his life mission of eradicating the world's cat population.

So, we're four (or 5 by time) sessions behind.

Just an apology about how long it's been since I updated... I've been fairly busy recently, and I've been having networking problems at home (which is a big pain). I'm going to try to get the next update up by this weekend at the latest.


Overlord of Chat
Cerebral Paladin said:
Just an apology about how long it's been since I updated... I've been fairly busy recently, and I've been having networking problems at home (which is a big pain). I'm going to try to get the next update up by this weekend at the latest.

Hey, update on saturday and it can be a birthday present *wonders how he can bake a cake on his camp fire*

Happy Birthday, Thatdarncat! Here's an update for you.

Session 6 (cont'd):

Dove quickly finds her friends. Aurora looks at her younger sister with concern. "Dove! You've been burned!"

Dove shrugs off her concern. "I'm all right. But I am pretty hungry..." Dove immediately starts raiding her family's larder. While Dove eats, she opens a letter that the cath Helurs had delivered while she was out. "The cath Helurs sent their thanks for freeing their son. They also invited me to attend the execution of the people behind the plot..."

A few people talk uncomfortably, and then Dove interrupts. "So, I was working on a secret mission this morning."

Ginara perks up. "A secret? What's it about?"

Dove looks a little uncomfortable. "I can't really talk about it much. I was working for Sir Theron cath Milros. He was escorting a group of people through the town on Imperial business. There were some people who hated the people we were escorting and who tried to cause problems, and one of them splashed me with alchemists fire."

"Alchemists fire? You should take a bath and scrub very carefully," Sister Aurora says didactically. "Alchemists fire can be very dangerous. Wait a moment... you said Sir Theron cath Milros? I've heard of him. He's a paladin of Galerius. But it's strange that he would be here; he generally lives in the South, fighting kobolds and dragons."

"All of the things that are going on seem a little troubling, but Sir Theron tried to recruit me to help him with a further mission. He asked me to recruit some of my friends as well. This could be an important opportunity for me to advance." Dove explains what she saw this morning.

Lhovrik shakes his head. "This is all just a bad idea. We shouldn't get involved. This could be really dangerous, and we're not even really sure what's going on."

Ginara asks, "When would we have to decide by?"


"Let's think about, and I'll see if I can bring Lhovrik around."

While Lhovrik heads home and Dove scrubs alchemists fire out of her hair, Ginara travels to Dro Sanek to speak with Kinric.

"Kinric? I have a couple of questions, and was wondering if you could help."

"Of course, Ginara. What were you wondering about?"

"My friend Dove was working on something secret with Sir Theron cath Milros, and..."

"Just a moment, Ginara." Kinric signals for the guard outside of his office to step in and asks the guard to station himself at the far end of the hallway, where he won't be able to overhear anything.

"Now then... you were saying?"

Ginara explains what Dove told her. "We're trying to figure out whether we should be part of this and what's going on."

Kinric thinks for a moment. "This is a serious, important matter. Sir Theron is a good man, who has served the Empire very ably against the kobold empire in the South. But decisions have been made at a much higher level than him or me in this matter.

"In the northern highlands, a blue dragon called Arthonix has its lair. Arthonix is an old, powerful dragon with a dangerous brood of children. Their raids have caused substantial destruction in the areas of the Empire around where they lair. The kobolds are here as part of a deal that the Empire plans to propose to convince Arthonix to move out of the Empire and stop raiding our lands."

"Why not just send some heroes to kill the dragon, Kinric?"

"Would that it were that easy. Heroes have tried to kill Arthonix before, but without success. If we sent some powerful champions, we could destroy the dragon, but it is likely that great heroes would die in the process. And we have a limited number of great champions; if they are spending their time hunting dragons, they can't accomplish other objectives that we need them to work on. Of course, if we sent a powerful group of champions to kill Arthonix and they were defeated, the loss would be enormous."

"What do the kobolds have to do with moving the dragon?"

"We typically think of the southern empire as the kobold empire, but that's not really accurate. It's more a draconic empire, with kobolds as servants to the ruling empire. These kobolds are independent of the empire but wish to have a dragon to serve. The hope is that Arthonix will be interested in agreeing to move in exchange for gaining the service of a group of kobold slaves."

"Do you think we should agree to go with Sir Theron?"

"It would be very useful. This is an important mission. Without smart, effective people along supporting Sir Theron, it could turn into a disaster. It would also be useful for me to have someone who could keep me informed about the events as the group travels north. If you send messages back with the Walker who will be accompanying the group, they will reach me quickly. It will also provide you and your friends the opportunity to distinguish yourselves further. Of course, it will be dangerous. You should be careful."

"Thanks, Uncle Kinric. I think we'll go, but I need to talk to Lhovrik first."

Ginara finds Lhovrik in their townhouse. Ginara explains that she thinks they should agree to go on the expedition. Unsurprisingly, Lhovrik is hostile to the idea. They agree that he will speak with their parents to get their opinions on the matter.

Lhovrik finds his father in the study. His father looks fairly grim as he comes in.

"Father? I need your advice about something."

"What is it, Lhovrik?"

"Ginara and some people I know are thinking of going on a mission for the Empire. I'm not sure exactly what it involves, but I know that it somehow involves working with some kobolds."

"Lhovrik-- the only good kobold is a dead kobold. Your a grown man; it's time for you to start making your own decisions about how you can serve the Empire. But if you want my advice, just stay away from anything involving the Empire dealing with kobolds. Don't fight against what the Empire chooses to do. It's our duty to be loyal, even if we don't like it. But you don't have to get involved with that."

Lhovrik thanks his dad and heads up to his room.

Ginara is waiting for him at his door. "Well?"

"Dad thinks we shouldn't get involved with anything involving kobolds."

"Why did you mention kobolds? Of course he was going to be upset by that. You know he fought in the war against them."

"You didn't tell me not to mention kobolds!"

"Well, you didn't say you were going to go straight to Dad and say 'Hey, there are kobolds in town'!"

Session 6 (cont'd):

A few hours later, the entire group reassembles to attend the execution. Several people don't really want to go, but it could be dangerous if the crowd gets riled up and the cath Helurs may be offended if they don't attend.

The group heads to the main square in the Docks, where the execution is to take place. Lhovrik and Dove stand with the cath Helurs, while Ginara and Melania blend into the crowd and Sister Aurora does her own inimitable impression of blending into a crowd while wearing bright colored robes and carrying a badly concealed spear.

A large scaffolding has been erected at one side of the square. Near the scaffolding, a tall stake stands with a pile of firewood at its base. A fairly large crowd has assembled. Aurora calls on Luirta to detect evil; while there are a few evil people scattered throughout the crowd, she does not see any large groups or particularly strong auras. Dove notices that a few of the people in the crowd are wearing Vergdunian holy symbols, while Melania keeps an eye on some of the people who seem most agitated.

A slow drum beat starts playing and a heavily armed procession of guards files into the square. At the front of the procession is a group of three Inquisitors in formal robes. One of the inquisitors has a small shape about the size of a hawk, on his shoulder, completely covered by a hood. In the middle of the procession of guards are the three prisoners, all in chains.

Aral and Malin are lead up the scaffolding and positioned next to nooses. A priest of the Church Imperial speaks quietly with each of them. The Vergdunian priest is led to the stake.

The chief inquisitor removes the hood from the shape on his shoulder. The shape is a strange white creature, with a profusion of wings emerging from its center and eyes spaced evenly around its body between the wings. It spreads its wings in every direction and rises into the air. Sister Aurora, recognizing the minor celestial as a creature that remembers all that it can see, stares in wide-eyed admiration.

The Inquisitor withdraws a scroll. He reads out the charges of kidnapping, murder, and illicit religious conspiracy against Aral and Malin, that they have been convicted by a proper court, and that they have been sentenced to hang by the neck until dead. Aral looks at Melania, who tries to look anywhere but back at Aral. As the Inquisitor finishes, he signals to the executioner. The platform beneath Aral and Malin falls, and the sentence is carried out.

The Inquisitor places that scroll back in a case and withdraws a second scroll. As he reads from it, the crowd can see that the condemned priest is yelling wildly, but they cannot hear him. A magical silence effect must have been placed on him. The Inquisitor reads out the charge, conviction, and sentence. After invoking Luirta's justice and the hellfire the priest faces, the Inquisitor makes a second signal and several burning brands are touched to the wood at the base of the stake. Smoke and fire rises around the silently screaming priest.

End of Session 6


First Post
Happy birthday, thatdarncat!

Here - have some smores for the campfire! :) More CP goodness is coming soon...



Overlord of Chat
Woo updates :) Read them when they were posted, but was in the middle of a lan party at the time, so I haven't had time to reply :p

Ladybird said:
Happy birthday, thatdarncat!

Here - have some smores for the campfire! :) More CP goodness is coming soon...


Thanks :)

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