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D&D 5E Challenge: Build a 5E campaign with classic modules

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Current campaign outline...

(Note that I am not using XP, just leveling up the party about 1 level per adventure.)

X1: The Isle of Dread (Started off being shipwrecked and needing to find a way off the island)
T1-4: Temple of Elemental Evil
A0-A4: Against the Slave Lords (we are currently on A0 at the moment)
S2: White Plume Mountain
S4: Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
WG4: Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
GDQ1-7: Against the Giants/Descent Into the Depths of the Earth/Queen of the Demonweb Pits
S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
S1: Tomb of Horrors

I have modified the fluff here and there so that Tharizdun/The Elder Elemental Eye is the ultimate BBEG of the entire campaign.


While not to level 20 I just finished running a mini-campaign over the last handful of playtest packets doing B5 Horror on the Hill set in a celtic type setting that segued then into the C4 and C5 modules of To Find a King and The Bane of Llewellyn. This went from 1-8 quite nicely.


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Current campaign outline...

(Note that I am not using XP, just leveling up the party about 1 level per adventure.)

X1: The Isle of Dread (Started off being shipwrecked and needing to find a way off the island)
T1-4: Temple of Elemental Evil
A0-A4: Against the Slave Lords (we are currently on A0 at the moment)
S2: White Plume Mountain
S4: Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
WG4: Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
GDQ1-7: Against the Giants/Descent Into the Depths of the Earth/Queen of the Demonweb Pits
S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
S1: Tomb of Horrors

I have modified the fluff here and there so that Tharizdun/The Elder Elemental Eye is the ultimate BBEG of the entire campaign.

That right there sounds like an awesome campaign. I'd love to play in that.


That right there sounds like an awesome campaign. I'd love to play in that.

Thanks! It's the first phase or generation of a "Everything D&D Ever" uber-campaign. I plan on trying to run every official non-magazine (just too many) adventure ever published by TSR and WotC (with a few exceptions like the rare stuff that's almost impossible to get), all adapted a bit to fit in the same campaign world. The next phase is going to start off with either B1 or N1 but that's quite a way off still.


Steeliest of the dragons
I'll give it a shot...not sure if I can get you to level 20, but I'll give it a try. PC Levels for the modules are adjustable and there would probably be some overlap...but I am envisioning a degree of 1e-ness in that characters of a range of levels may come and go, die, and/or be replaced through the series with a few at the core of the party that make it all of the way through...or maybe all of them will, but I think allowing for the spread of levels is still a good thing.
There is a degree of DM re-writing, but hopefully the adjustments to the stories should flow in a rather intuitive way...at least as I'm picturing it...

Names from the various modules will be placed in cevrons, "< >" and are, naturally, completely subject to change as the DM desires/befits their campaign world.

So, here we go!

Campaign Proposal: Retribution of the Reptileans.

The party lives/is called/assembles in the small village of <Orlane> at the invitation of "the Great Sage", <Demetrios> (from Baltron's Beacon). The sage is an aficionado on all things reptile and reptilian beings. His modest home (and non-existent business/need for his services) in this village is due to its proximity to salt marshes and a large swamp known to house a population of lizardfolk (as well a diversity of animal-reptiles). He is concerned with some odd going's on about town and the rumors that "scaley" figures have been reported seen at night. He very much hopes the "subjects of his study" are not involved in the trouble and wants to clear them of wrong doing.

The strange goings-on are mostly directed toward the abandoned mansion overlooking the bay.

RUN The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh (levels 1-3). Replace the gnolls with troglodytes. The illusionist villain is smuggling arms (not slaves) ashore which are being taken by the trog's to some unknown place/purpose. The illusionist is operating under the [charmed] instructions from <Explictica>. In the second part, replace the lizardmen on the ship with normal pirate/smugglers with a troglodyte or two aboard. Also the sahuagin prisoner, should be freed/an emissary or removed entirely. The aquatic elf NPC, <Oceanus>, [I always hated they named him that] can be left, as is, and could become a valuable ally/NPC for the party [as originally intended].

The lizardmen seemingly cleared, the party believes they can relax. But despite the relief of the "Haunted Mansion" being taken care of, several villagers are still acting strangely, and <Demetrios> thinks investigation is warranted. If the aquatic elf accompanies the party, the sage will be fascinated with him.

RUN Against the Cult of the Reptile God (levels 1-3) either without the wizard NPC <Ramne> or make him the sage. The sage will be, at once, horrified and elated by the trog's and naga subjects to study and will insist on bringing corpses (the naga and at least 1 trog) back to his study.

A waterways from the Naga's lair leads out to the swamp on the shore.

RUN Danger at Dunwater (levels 1-4). The plot needn't change much except the lizardmen are expecting war with the sahuagin and have knowledge that the sea-demons are working in conjunction with troglodytes. They do not know why and are more concerned with defending themselves than an alliance with the humans, but, as in the original module, working out such an alliance is possible (and might be good for the future).

The "optional venture" encounter at the end of DaD with the giant croc and pan lung should be player/non-optional. If oriental dragons aren't your thing/don't fit your world, a young black dragon should do the trick. And amongst the ragon's treasure a strange tome referencing something called "The Black Flame."

This should bring the party up to 4th or a bit higher.

OPTIONAL: RUN The Final Enemy (levels 3-5) just to play out the liardmen/sahuagin part of the plot.

Givien their successes, the sage (or town council) want to send the party to investigate the arms-running they uncovered in SSoS. Some notes/legers/et al uncovered directs them to a small island kingdom off their coast reputed to be an enchanted place.

RUN Beyond the Crystal Cave (levels 4-7).

While here/before or after the Crystal Cave adventure, they stumble on a small slaving operation.

RUN Slave Pits of the Undercity (levels 4-7). Make it self-contained, not the whole series. Alusions to the drow or religious types/organizations should be made into/point to a Cult of Tiamat

Returning to the mainland.

<Demetrios> has been doing some digging into this "Black Flame" book while you've been gone...Turns out the magical fire was divided into FOUR parts when the light and dark elves still warred upon the world. This was accomplished by the most powerful elven sorcerers by the four separate winds. If the Black Flames can be united into a single fire, according to the prophecy in this tome, it will bring about the end of mankind...all mammalian sentients, in fact, and the rise/return of a reptilean empire.

<Demetrios> has deciphered where three of the flames are located. They must be found and returned to Demetrios, who will be working 'round the clock and consulting with [only his most trusted] peers on uncovering a way to destroy them. Player's choice for order, but I'd recommend...

RUN Baltron's Beacon (levels 4-8), pretty much as is. Refluff to include the ruins as the remains of a temple/cult devoted to Tiamat.

Characters should be to the upper around level 8 range by now.

The next piece of the flame is rumored to be found...
RUN The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth (levels 6-10) [Really, no matter what you do/decide/for any campaign, however it is ordered, LCoT is an absolute MUST!]. Play up the Troglodyte encounters and, ultimately, have them get through, hoping that if the party can defeat Iggwilv's treasure, they will be able to take the Black Flame (hanging in the Lanthorn) from the weakened party on the way out.

The third tongue of Black Flame are being held in a hall of a Fire Giant King...Demetrios doesn't know where there are any of those, but reports have recently sprung up that Hills Giants are wandering into the swamps for some unknown reason. He can direct you to a known steading of hill giants...and don't all giants know each other?

RUN Against the Giants (levels 8-12[ish?]) or just skip to the Fire giants part if you prefer. Put the Black Flame somewhere special in the Fire Giant's keep.

Discovering the Drow connection in the giants could be pursued, though the party is supposed to bring the Black Flame back to the sage.

In reality, the drow and Fire Giants are in cahoots to ensure that the flames stay separate...so as to NOT

RUN Vault of the Drow (levels 10-14)...with or without Descent to the Depths of the Earth first for the whole Underdark shebang, if you like. One of the drow family's loyalties is [may be] revealed to be Tiamat. They are hedging their bets for a priveleged [i.e. not dead] place in the reptilean world order and planning to steal the Black Flame from Lolth's temple. If they can manipulate the party to do it, all the better!

In the fane of Lolth, is the final piece of the Black Flame.

If all four have been returned to <Demetrios>...HE unites the flames. Turns out his is an ancient polymorphed Red Dragon...a [former?] consort of Tiamat. <Demetrios>, <Explictica> ad the pan lung/or black dragon (resurrected by the Tiamatine cult). Add in armies of Troglodytes, Bullywugs, evil Lizardmen and Tiamat-devoted drow working to bring tiamat into the Prime Material plane and...Well, you're kinda on your own from here on out. Maybe use ToEE reskinned to high level PCs as a temple to Tiamat?

I recommend a climactic battle with Tiamat on her home plane...possibly/presumably with her now-again consort, the dragon formerly known as the sage <Demetrios>, among her other companions/guards.

Voidrunner's Codex

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