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Challenge: Where to place Castle Ravenloft in Eberron?


Karrnath gets way too much bad press as the 'Land of the Dead'. And when I say way too much, I mean when I say 'Karrnath', people fluent with Eberron automatically think one or more of the following things: "Castlevania", "Dracula", "Baron Sengir", "Nosferatu", "Vampire: The Masquerade", "Anne Rice", "Blade, and "Underworld".

I heartily support suggestions that include the Mournland, the Lhazzaar Principalities, and the border between the Eldeen Reaches and the Demon Wates. The Mror Holds is also a good idea, although less so than the ones above, IMO.

I also include the monster-nation of Dorram, which has such luminaries like the Daughters of Sora Kell, the mad Wizard Mordain the Fleshweaver (who is very 9'th level spell capable, unlike Vol ;)), flights of harpies, and a ruined city of medusae. A tyrannized valley of villages ruled by a legendary vampire lord is hardly out of place. :]

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Personnally I would run it as Barovia having been a village on the border of Kharnath and Cyre, the creation of the Mournland tore the village out of phase and sent it forward in time a handfull of centuries.. but adventurers could still find thier way through the grey mists of the Mournland and find themselves 'safely' away from the dread mists and terrors of the twisted land and in the freindly and welcoming village of Barovia.... :lol:

The protective Lord Strahd defends the villagers from the monstrosities that come through the mists, altho at times a lonely virgin may end up missing when she wanders during the night.. Only the aging Cleric at the temple suspects the truth of the prison the village has become. THe villagers accept the presence of mindless undead as nessesary to their protection and ritually return thier dead to the Castle in order to reinforce the ranks.


The big question IMO is not 'where' to place the module, but what about the Gypsies that color much of the culture? Eberron really doesn't have a Gypsy/fortune telling archtype... unless you spin back to the 13th Dragon Mark, the Mark of Death, whose House had been 'detroyed' ages back....... :D

:evil grin:

Is the Domain of Dread where the 13th House has been hiding all these years? ready to boil out during the Grand Conjunction and return with a vengence to the lands of Khorviare?


First Post
Primitive Screwhead said:
The big question IMO is not 'where' to place the module, but ...

For me, it's a matter of When. I'm going to put it where Flamekeep is now, long before the Rajah was freed and the Silver Flame was born. I've just got to figure the exact timeframe.

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