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Champion of Madness and of Truth (AU/AE)(Revamped and added too)


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I may be running a game soon with some strong Lovecraftian feel to it, and so I have crafted a fitting new kind of Champion. I have no idea what to do for the "special" tho. Tell me what you think.

EDIT: Changed the Champion of Maddness, added the Champion of Truth

Champion of Madness


1st level: Touch of Madness: Once per day the Champion may make a melee touch attack against a creature. If successful the creature must make a Will save (DC 10 + half the Champion’s level + Cha modifier) or be confused for 1 round +1 round per 5 Champion levels.

5th level: Whisper of Madness: The Champion may cast Whisper of Madness once per day per five class levels, using his Champion level as his caster level, and Charisma as the spell casting key ability.

10th level: Shield of Insanity: The Champion’s mind has gone down abnormal pathways, making it harder to effect. He gains a +2 bonus to all Will saving throws. Additionally, anyone who targets the Champion with a mind-affecting spell or effect must make a Will save or take 1d4 points of Wis damage.

15th level: Form of Madness: The Champion may alter his physical form into a fleshly manifestation of insanity. This has several effects. First the champion gains one or two additional natural attacks (tentacles, claws, bite etc) that deal 1d8 points of damage (bludgeoning, piercing or slashing as appropriate). If used in conjunction with standard weapon attacks these secondary natural attacks suffer a -5 penalty. Additionally, the Champion gains Damage Reduction 5/-. Lastly, anyone who witnesses the Champion make an attack in his new form must make a Will save (DC 10 +half Champion’s level +Champions Charisma bonus) or immediately take 1d4 points of Wis damage and become panicked for 1d4 rounds. This ability may be used once per day, and persists for 1 round per champion level.

20th level: Mind Rend: Once per day the Champion may make a special touch attack that inflicts 2d6 points of Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom damage to a single target. A successful Will save (DC 10 +half Champion’s level +Champions Charisma bonus) reduces the damage by half.

25th level: Wave of Madness: The Champion may release a wave of insanity with a radius of 20 feet. All foes within this area must make a will save (DC 10 +half Champion’s level +Champions Charisma bonus) or take 1d3 points each of Cha, Int and Wis damage and become dazed, standing and watching in horror as mad visions play through there minds for 1d10 rounds.

Avatar’s Allies: The Champion’s allies appear as tentacled horrors. Their strikes inflict +2d6 points of damage from acidic slime.

True Shield: The shield appears as a swirling mass of horrific visions. All foes within 25 feet must make a Will save (DC 10 +half Champion’s level +Champions Charisma bonus) or become confused by the mad images. Each round they have a 50% chance to do nothing, staring dazed at the images in their minds, a 25% chance to attack the nearest creature and a 25% chance to act normally. This effect lasts for 1 round per champion level.

True Weapon: The weapon is a mass of writhing tentacles or wicked teeth and claws. Each time it strikes the target must make a Will save (DC 10 +half Champion’s level +Champions Charisma bonus) or take 1 point of Wis damage.

Champion of Truth

Special: The Champion of Truth has Search and Sense Motive as class skills.

The Champion of Truth may use any spell completion or spell trigger item involving divination spells.

1st level: Compel Truth: The champion may cast lesser compelling question once per day as a caster of his champion level with Cha as the spellcasting key ability

5th level: Smite Liar: The Champion may add his Charisma bonus to damage against any being that he has caught in a lie, or witnessed lying to another being.

10th level: Greater Compel Truth: At 10th level the Champion may cast Greater Compelling Question once per day per two class levels as a caster of his Champion level with Charisma as the spellcasting key ability.

15th level: Destroy Deception: Whenever the Champion strikes an opponent in melee who is in a form not their own or cloaked by an illusion the Champion may attempt to dispel the effect just as if he had cast a targeted dispel magic. He used his Champion level his caster level and Charisma as the key ability.

20th level: Truthsight: The Champion immediately sees through all Illusion (Glamer) spells, and can see the true forms of shapeshifted beings.

25th level: Absolute Truth: The champion always knows when a being lies to him. Once a being has lied to him the Champion may make a special touch attack against the being who must make a Will save (DC 10+half the Champion’s level + the Champions Cha bonus) or immediately tell the Champion the truth.

Avatar’s Allies: The Champions allies appear as stern-plate clad beings. Once per day they may Destroy Deception just as the Champion does.

True Shield: The shield appears as a pearly white oval. The Champion cannot be flanked, and is never considered flat footed

True Weapon: The weapon is composed of shining white metal. The weapon ignores all Dexterity and Dodge bonuses to armor class, as well as all miss chances regardless of source.
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well I am thinking of making some changes. Not totally happy with the 10th and 15th level abilities. I'm thinking about some insight bonuses of some kind, and maybe some sort of "form of madness" kind of thing.

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