D&D 5E Changing SRD names for publishing

Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
So, quick question:

my friend and I are working to publish a D&D-related system+setting:

Can I, for example, change the name of an SRD spell but keep the effect?

Let's say I wanted to change Fireball to Explosion, but keep the same effect?
or, if I want to keep a spell named Barkskin but change the effect?

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The EN World kitten
My understanding is that if something's already Open Game Content, you can modify it however you want, though it needs to remain OGC. So you should be fine with tweaking materials in the SRD like that, so long as you cite the SRD in the Section 15 of your OGL declaration.


Read the document. If you're going to make use of a business license, you need to read it and fully understand it or you risk running afoul of the limitations. You can ask questions like this here - but if people do not give you the right advice, it costs them nothing, and can be a big problem for you.

If the document does not address the situation adequately, you can consult with an attorney or speak to the license holders to ask whether they would oppose your intended actions (which they usually will not give a clear answer on, unfortunately).


Pedantic Grognard
So, quick question:

my friend and I are working to publish a D&D-related system+setting:

Can I, for example, change the name of an SRD spell but keep the effect?

Let's say I wanted to change Fireball to Explosion, but keep the same effect?
or, if I want to keep a spell named Barkskin but change the effect?
So, first, read jgsugden's comment above.

Second, yes, in both cases.

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