Character Building

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Oh no TwoHeadsBarking, you don't have to worry about Karma! Now that I know where all the warlock luck is going, I'll be right there to get mine. Lets see I've got rope, a dagger, some goggles so blood doesn't get in my eyes... That should be enough for me to find it. :p

What!? You wouldn't dare harm a judge! Guards! Get this... peasant out of my sight!



I'm sure they'll be here any minute now.

On a side note, I'm glad it took me over 24 hours to become corrupted and insane with power.


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Cool Beans sg, I really dug the Drow section. I'd really like if Tamarand could be from the Salater sect, with their elemental binding and his Storm Sorcery it seems like a natural fit. Although he wouldn't reveal this info and say he's from Xendrik if anyone asks.


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Ok different character building question: can a shamans spirit companion make melee basic attacks? If so would they deal either standard bear or cat dmg?

Would it be really bad for a shifter to change into a full animal here in Eberron?

I'm torn between taking the druid or shaman multiclass feat with my tempest shifter Rohna.


First Post
If an augment crystal is snapped onto a paired weapon and then the weapon funtion is activated, does the 2nd weapon also have the crystal attached since its an exact copy?

Since after taking a multiclass feat your character is considered to be both classes, at level up can you change one of your at-will powers to one from the other class?
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First Post
If an augment crystal is snapped onto a paired weapon and then the weapon function is activated, does the 2nd weapon also have the crystal attached since its an exact copy?
The augment crystal isn't part of the weapon, hence it doesn't duplicate.

Since after taking a multiclass feat your character is considered to be both classes, at level up can you change one of your at-will powers to one from the other class?
Nice try but no. You have to take paragon multiclassing to get an at will from the second class.

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