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Character Concepts

While I am only GM'ing a game at the moment and not actually playing I have thought of some character concepts that I would like to try out if I do get the chance to play. They are:

  • Lawful Good Fighter that, no matter how hard he trys, can't maintain the dedication required to become a Paladin
  • Barbarian (All Power Attack All The Time!)
  • Summoner Wizard or Sorcerer
  • Lightly armoured Spring Attack Fighter/Rogue
  • Alchemy favouring Wizard or Sorcerer
  • Wizard who aims to learn as many different spells as he possibly can and cast them all at least once
  • Ranged Fighter or Ranger - Possibly leading into Arcane Archer prestige class
  • Bard or Rogue who wants to accumulate as much knowledge as possible about everything he possibly can

So what character concepts have you thought of that you would like play?

Olaf the Stout

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First Post
My current character is a Shifter Druid with anger mangement issues.

I want to play a Barbarian with some sort of animal totem

A farmer that gets caught up in things he can't control. he's forced by something to adventure and he doesn't like it. He wants to go home, but he's changed to mucgh to ever really be able to.

A minstrel that needs to travel and learn things; a mystical wonderlust resides in him. I stole this concept from someone on these baords but this is without the cool spoilers of it all.

A Paladin of some sort, Silver Flame if Eberron.


Inventor of Super-Toast
A few of my prior characters...

A conjurer who dabbles in the dark lore of the Far Realm, but who seeks to use his knowledge to stop the advances of the Things From Outside.

A merchant's son whose inheritance was a cursed blade. After being thrown out of an airship by pirates, he got up after hitting the ground, leaving his flesh behind. His skeletal revenant seeks to avenge his own death.

A fey creature banished from the Unseelie Court for his lackluster prose now seeks out an adventuring party in order to write a satirical chronicle of their exploits.

A warlock professor whose research has led him to discover the Ritual of Fiend-Binding, which he promptly performed. His inner struggle between personal power and his ever-waning sense of ethics drives him to attempt to get rid of the creature.

A changeling who's posed for his entire life as a half-elf, known for his tall tales and keen sense of humor. And being very sensitive to his true identity.

A warforged soldier who's served aside the undead in Karrnath. His grim determination and strong sword-arm make him a potent ally, but his secret devotion to the Lord of Blades' philosophy of warforged supremacy may one day make him a liability.

A kenku sneak who considers life a grand buffet, the goal of which is to try as many entrees before Death sticks him with the check. He's fidgety, nervous, smuggles propaganda, and eyes the druid's animal companion with hunger.

Demiurge out.


Orc wizard with a level in barbarian, who's incredibly prissy and tries to work against all the stereotypical views of his people. Until someone gets blood on his clothes, at which point he flies into a berserker rage.


That's Latin for "cool"
Inspired by the Suzanne Vega song "Blood Makes Noise", I've been wanting to play a Gnoll Ranger with the Scent feat and human as his favored enemy. He's chaotic neutral, which is an alignment I normally stay away from and discourage in my own groups. Basically the scent of blood drives him to kill.

He isn't accepted by his own tribe because even Gnolls don't like having sociopaths around, so he travels with humans in an effort to channel his urges into something positive. However, he still imagines he can hear the sound of blood pumping through every heart and he longs for silence.


First Post
A half orc rogue raised by an orc tribe from the age of 0-6, by an affluent human merchant couple from 6-11, and after a month in a monastery, in the streets from 11-19. He grows up with a sense that life is impermanent, and that property only belongs to whomever can hold on to it. A street rat with orcish manners from his first set of parents but an education afforded him by his human parents.

A knight with a strange, extra arm. The long rubbery black limb has an eye in the palm and three clawed fingers. It posesses him whenever it wants to cast a spell. It's motives are unknown but the knight wants it removed. (I feel like the battle sorcerer would be good for this. Treat the "arm" as a normal familiar, statting it out as one of the normal animal familiars in the phb. It's long and tendril-like so it can move pretty far from it's "host". At least as far as a normal creature could in a round.)

An abberrant blooded shaman from a world in which there is no divine magic. The god his people worship is a massive dragon that created the world and now lives at its center. The god "Uruz" occasionally grants blessings to the people in the form of sorcerous powers, altered physiology or both. Those with any of the aforementioned, particularly those with both, are considered the direct children of Uruz. The tall, slim shaman has purple skin with small scales and eyes that bulge from his head. That and he smokes too much.


First Post
A rogue/beguiler type with some sort of karmic kleptomania (where he replaced everything he stole with some other random item he had swiped before, hopefully with the DM running the inventory page of my character sheet), and short term memory loss, so that I would have to roll some sort of % dice to see if I could remember where all my stuff was when I needed to use it. It would be total chaos.

"I throw that ceremonial dagger into the fire pit... wait a second... not the Whetstone of Ruin.... *clinks*... hmmm... I know its in here... *clanks*... A map case, maybe its in here... oh lewd drawings, dang.... *rustles*... ahhh... a dusty old goblin dagger from that ruined temple when we first met... those were good times... wha? Ceremonial dagger... never heard of it!!"


You know you could have just described that last character concept as "kender", right?

I'd like to play a diplomat. A warrior in times past, he's now become more of a statesman. Still capable of swinging a sword, but more focused on the big picture now.


A recent concept...

Largo Alberto Factotum, a human ex-bard/paladin with a fondness for wine (watered and in moderation), women (chastely, more or less), wands (he likes magic) and song (specifically, opera). He hails from the polite and law-abiding city-state of Civilia, located on the Costa Del Barbiere.

He rides a white charger named Triggaro, which he sometimes uses to pull an ornate, comfortable carriage. His battle-cry when charging into battle is usually "Trigarro va!" or "Trigarro qua!".

He's more a talker than a fighter, with an unshakeable confidence in himself, able to do anything asked of him, solve any problem.


Mallus said:
A recent concept...

Largo Alberto Factotum, a human ex-bard/paladin with a fondness for wine (watered and in moderation), women (chastely, more or less), wands (he likes magic) and song (specifically, opera). He hails from the polite and law-abiding city-state of Civilia, located on the Costa Del Barbiere.

He rides a white charger named Triggaro, which he sometimes uses to pull an ornate, comfortable carriage. His battle-cry when charging into battle is usually "Trigarro va!" or "Trigarro qua!".

He's more a talker than a fighter, with an unshakeable confidence in himself, able to do anything asked of him, solve any problem.
I can't believe you actually trotted that concept out in public. That's indecent exposure, man :D!

Voidrunner's Codex

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