Character Level Up Approvals

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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Not sure if this should wait, as the Time XP and final XP got her over the top and the final review of the game thread hasn't been completed yet, but I had a few minutes and thought I'd knock this out.

Audra Frost (Human Monk) ready for review for Level 4

Audra Frost (Kaylian) - Living Pathfinder RPG Wiki

Whomever checks it, please double check the math for me on the skills, please? I noticed I had some ranks in a X-Class and wanted to make sure I have accounted for them right.


Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Audra:
1) Stunning Fist can now cause fatigue at fourth level, and you get four per day.
2) Unarmed Damage goes from d6 to d8 in the class block.
3) Monk AC bonus for just being a monk 0 => 1 in the class block.
4) I removed the empty second class block since you haven't used it yet. The empty spell blocks can be deleted too.
5) You have 26 skill ranks spent and 25 skill points. Need to drop one back down.
6) The class skills which you took ranks in had not been updated. I marked all the class skills without ranks with a * so they are harder to miss next time. Escape Artist, Perception and Stealth went up because of the class bonus.
7) My count of the finances shows you should have another 610 gp minus money used on consumed items, which you don't have listed. It would be nice to have a "Consumed or Destroyed" list of expenses to balance out the numbers with.

So, not yet. #5 is a show stopper, and #7 should be balanced out a bit better before going shopping. See Kalgor for an example of a consumed table.

Cross-class skills don't cost differently in Pathfinder as they did in 3.5, they just don't have the +3 class boost.

And go shopping at the Pearl. Unspent coinage when we have 100% sell back is simply crippling your character needlessly.

Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Fixed the rank error, removed 1 from Sense Motive, dropping that to a healthy +8 still.

I am not sure where the -610 gp is coming from, but I don't doubt that it exists. The only item she's used/consumed posted so far has been the Thunderstone she used during Expansion, that had been subtracted upon purchase, but I can list it. Could I get by with just a single line of -610 Food/Incidentals to balance that out?

Also, the items I had wanted to get her at the Pearl last time weren't readily available and when I rolled for them the roll failed. So she still has that money plus the new funds. Once the adventure is officially closed and she's back in Venza again, I'll take a closer look at what kind of item she can afford would benefit her. There's actually an item or two she has now that I'd like to unload, so will deal with that too, at that time.

Now my advil has worn off, I must go take more and start to get ready for bed. Tomorrow back to the dentist for round 2 of cleaning fillings and possibly some extractions. Yee-haw.

I'd be okay if they'd just go ahead and do the extractions. I'll eat soup until the temporary replacement is ready for goodness sake.

Anyway, resubmitted for re-review, let me know if I missed anything.

Satin Knights

First Post
Well, I am not going to short Audra 500+ gp, so I simply recomputed from total earnings - donations - current inventory - consumed to get the number of coins she has. It is far easier than trying to chase bought this, sold that, timelines.

If the 126.2 gp is 'stored' at her order instead of 'donated' to them, you can adjust the text on that. It is still coins that she is not carrying at the moment.

Audra is APPROVED for fourth level.

Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Yoshiki:
A) You bumped the monk base saves up to 5, but they stay at 4. The totals were correct. Corrected.
B) You do know that the Pearl sells more than potions, don't you? :p Ah, I see monk's robes are in your near future.

Yoshiki is APPROVED for fifth level.


First Post
Yoshiki Akita (Human Monk 5)

A) You bumped the monk base saves up to 5, but they stay at 4. The totals were correct. Corrected.

Whoops. The whole 4th level monk having +4, +4, +4 threw me off and I up'd them thinking it was the level. But I had the total value right though.

B) You do know that the Pearl sells more than potions, don't you? :p Ah, I see monk's robes are in your near future.

Yes, the last time I was in there I rolled horrible and they didn't have what I was looking for. Hopefully I'll will have better luck this time.

Yoshiki is APPROVED for fifth level.


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