Character Level Up Approvals

Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Coreuth Din'assa for the second time:

Sorry, I got tied up for a while. Looking him over, everything is fixed and looking good. An opposition school of Divination is a brave choice. He is the first mage I have seen that doesn't know how to cast Detect Magic. :p Being light on hit points will make survival a difficult task, but he should be able to talk his way out of most any situation.

Coreuth is APPROVED for second level.

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Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Iago:
1) You had updated your hit point total correctly, but the pieces were still showing 2nd level. Fixed.
2) Your alternate class feature listed at the bottom level up section is Pyromaniac. Well instead, you get +(1/2) bomb damage. Pyromaniac is specifically a gnomish racial trait, and therefore confusing. needs adjusting
3) The total for skill points at the top had not been updated. Fixed.
4) Acrobatics totals as 1, not 0. Fixed. Most skills involving ACP fixed.

I am not going to worry about finances, as you are mid adventure. So, make a slight adjustment to your level up block and you are all set.

Iago is APPROVED for third level. Sorry for the delay.

Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Eanos:
Everything looks fine. I added an earnings and expenditures block to the finances and specified the options taken for favored class in the racial block.

Eanos is APPROVED for fourth level.


First Post
Yea I miscalculated his gain from his last game and made the adjustments. Hopefully I can get a game soon and level.

Satin Knights

First Post
Ok. Good, I didn't miss anything then. With Treasure Hunt finishing, there are going to be a lot of second level characters looking for work. So, Mortar should be able to jump into something easily.


Reviewing Elenka:
I couldn't find one problem. I might of swapped one of the evolutions to get Resist Fire (10) on Drevezh'Korol, but that is just a preferring one good evolution over another.

Elenka is APPROVED for fifth level.

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