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Character Motivations (mostly for new player)

I started a campaign recently with some people I haven't really played with before. I've talked with them about gaming, and they mentioned some Pathfinder campaigns they did. Based on what they shared I was little concerned about their ability to really get into the game and create a character that was not super two dimensional or min/maxed. Since I wasn't taking them on a dungeon crawl, I decided I needed to find a way to get them thinking about Who their character is.

I decided to provide an introductory paragraph or two to the adventure. I also sent a list of 20 one or two word motivations. They were instructed to roll or pick three and send their choices back to me. I then sent them 3 vignettes based on the motivations they chose.

Not gonna lie. It was a fair amount of work on my part, but it's been worth it. Without prompting each person came up with a written back story based on the vignette!

Anyway, if anyone's interested, what I sent them is below. I'm also including some of the fully written motivation descriptions. Hopefully it'll at least make an interesting read - and maybe there's a way to do something similar, but with less work :p ha ha

You’re joining the first trade caravan to the unexplored land of Xundur-Raq on the southern continent. It’s a mysterious land that has little trade or commerce with the more civilized world. Adventurers have come back with tales of dank jungles and dark beasts -as well as exotic riches. The stories and possibilities have excited the imagination.

A consortium of merchants funded an initial expedition. The expedition returned after negotiating a trade agreement with a small kingdom there. The caravan will be traveling with a host of goods (northern furs, treated leather, weapons, and raw iron), as well as settlers who will establish a more permanent trading outpost. An island of civilization in this savage new land.

With the risks and mystery of a newly discovered world ahead, you have to ask yourself: why am I leaving all I know to join the Caravan to Xundur-Raq?


As a way to help develop your character concept for the upcoming game we’ll identify the motivation for your character joining the Caravan to Xundur-Raq.
To start, you’ll pick any three of the below 20 words. You’ll then receive the corresponding description of that motivation. Can’t choose? Simply roll 3 times on a d20 and note the results from the list. Once you send me the three you've selected, I'll send you three corresponding vignettes. Read the vignettes and choose which one makes sense for you.

Once you settle your motivation, you can begin thinking about and developing your character background and class.

1. Friendship

2. Shame and Redemption

3. Lost Love

4. Haunted

5. Rebellion
6. New Beginnings

7. Crusade

8. A Cure

9. Riches

10. Freedom
11. Acceptance

12. Nightmares

13. Glory or Oblivion

14. Knowledge

15. Mercy
16. Self-preservation

17. Visions

18. Contract

19. Stories

20. Madness, Plague, and Death

1) Friendship - You've drifted apart since the early years of your childhood, when you were fast friends and completely inseparable. Maybe it's because you've grown and Daisy has never been anything more than her name sake - a pretty little thing, sweet and gentle as anyone you've ever known. Maybe it's because you vowed never to return to the town of your youth and she was never going to leave. Regardless, when the message finally made it's way to you (months late) that the plague had taken all her family except her momma, you felt guilty enough to finally return. Not being there when Daisy needed you most has weighed on you. If you can just make sure she gets to the new settlement, you can move on with your life and leave the past behind. And besides your not so certain about Daisy's new "Poppa". It might do to keep an eye on him and make sure everything's OK.

questions to consider:
What ages were you friends with Daisy? How did you meet and why did you leave?
What's your best memory of Daisy or of your time together?
How have you changed since the simpler days of your youth?

2) Shame and Redemption: You're a Sister of Basilea. You are held to the highest standards of purity, faith, and justice. You are a beacon of hope for the unwashed and ignorant masses. You are a voice of your god/dess. At least you used to be, until you were shamed and fled the order. The weight of your armor is less than that upon your soul. You hold yourself rigid to keep the tears at bay, when you think upon how you:

1: were accused of tampering with forbidden magics
2: lost your purity to (1: another sister, 2: a man-at-arms, 3: a royal, 4: a supernatural creature)
3: you heard your God/dess (1: you told and were branded a heretic 2:you didn't tell and are following the vision)
4: uncovered rumor of corruption that shook faith, but no one believed you
5: could not continue your duties because your secret love (1: rejected you, 2: died, 3: can never know you love them)
6: were struck a stunning blow in battle and while you survived your fellow Sisters died, and you've been branded a coward

You have nothing but your arms, your armor, and your shaken faith. The order was your life - and one day you hope to have it back. For now, you'll wipe the mud from your greaves, straighten your back, and perhaps find redemption in guarding a new people's on this journey into the wilderness.

questions to consider
What is the domain of your god/dess? (e.g. patron deity of your nation, justice, mercy, war, the sun, etc)
How do you end up joining the order? And why is it so important for you to return?
Is your shame public or private? Were you rightly or falsely accused? And do you still have your vestments/uniform?
Why did you flee instead of staying?

3) Lost Love: The crumpled letter is now neatly folded and sits next to your heart. The leather chord binding it is uncomfortable and chaffing. It's a good distraction from the ache in your heart, you think as you stand in the shadows of a copse of trees watching the people bustling around the multiple caravan wagons. Your mind wanders. You remember her. She was simple, direct,and beautiful. She was more beautiful than you realized at the time. You chuckle. She was always good for a laugh. Always good for a secret stolen kiss - and for a shoulder to cry on, like when Jeffrey died. But your parents wouldn't have approved. And you were caught off guard when she asked you. You didn't approve of the backwardness of it all. Besides you wanted bigger things for yourself than the simple straight forward life ahead of you. You were young and you wanted adventure, not to be tied down somewhere. But the world is a rough and tumble place, not what you thought it would be. Looking back, you can't even imagine why you said No to her marriage proposal in the first place. Who cares who asked who? And by all the little gods, why did you laugh and act so superior?
You received a letter months ago. in it she said she was going to Xundur-Raq to forget you. You can't blame her. You've got to pull yourself together, you think. The only person who has ever truly loved you is in Xundur-Raq. You're not sure if you've changed your mind. But the one thing you are sure of is that no matter what, you must see her again!

questions to consider
How did the two of you meet, and was the relationship secret or open?
What drew you together? And what pulled you apart? Why wouldn't your parents have approved?
What was the most beautiful or charming thing about her?
How did she proposed? And how long ago was that?
What was the "simple and straightforward life" that you didn't want to live?

What's the biggest disappointment you've faced since you've been out in the real world?

6) New Beginnings: You pull at your clothing, and try to appear casual as you lean against the building studying the caravan and the assembled people. By all the little gods there are a lot more of them than you expected. But it’s too late to back out now. You already paid the travel price and purchased what little goods you’ll need for the trip. Besides, where would you go if not to Xundur-Raq? The trip will be long, but if you keep to yourself maybe no one will bother you or even notice. The merchant didn’t Say anything when you paid, but you wonder the degree to which he noticed anything but the coins you handed over… or cared. He had to have seen. After all the criminal brand on your (roll or choose: 1- face, 2 – neck, 3 – hand, 4 - arms) is fairly noticeable, unless you take pains to cover it. It doesn’t matter you think as you shake your head. Most likely nearly everyone on this godforsaken trip has some kind of past they’re fleeing. The wilds promise a lot of danger, but likely no more than you experienced in prison. And in a land that doesn’t know what your brand means… You stop your thoughts, deciding its best not to hope too much, until you get there.

questions to consider
Were you rightly or wrongfully convicted? And what was the crime?
Was this your first offense? How long were you in prison? Did you serve your time or escape?
How did you feel about the brand when it first happened? What was the worst part? Do you still feel the same?
How far from your original land have you traveled? (example: same kingdom but cities away, different kingdom, different continent)
What kind of rejection have you suffered since you left prison? Has anyone been kind?
How did you hear about the caravan? And how did you get the money to join it and the permission?

13) Glory or Oblivion: The merchants funding the caravan are concerned about the safety and well-being of their goods. Even with, or especially because of, the presence of various adventuring types that are joining the caravan. They've sought those who can be a force for order. They've reached out seeking the presence of at least one holy knight to help provide protection on the journey. You've volunteered. The journey will give you the time you need to collect your thoughts, as well as space from questions of faith. You've uncovered (roll/choose: 1 - a secret text, 2 - rumored whispers, 3 - divine confirmation, 4 - a letter from the head of your order) indicating that your God, the patron of your holy knighthood, is dead. Your purpose has been shaken. If others find out, it will rock the foundation of the church as well as the knighthood. You need purpose or peace. And you wonder as you pack your things what this new journey will bring. Will you find glory or, like your god, will you fade into oblivion?

questions to consider:
What is/was the domain of your deity? (e.g. life, beauty, storms, justice, summer, mountains)
How did you come to be a part of the order?
What specific form did the revelation take and how was it that you ended up receiving it? Have you told anyone?
What is your preferred weapon, and is it considered to be the symbolic weapon of your deity?

14) Knowledge: Gazing out the tower window, you absent mindedly finger the runes on the small silver ring. A chill goes down your spine. Was that the ring, or simply the thought of leaving? There's really no reason for you to stay anymore. You've recently passed your apprenticeship gauntlet. You have the few spells in your book that your hidebound master allowed. "All you need is right here. Let other flit about from magic to magic, learning just the easiest from any school. Our focus allows us to do more. You must be bound to be free. Damn it, pay attention. Spill again while you decant that potion and I'll whip you good. No discipline."
Maybe he's right, and you should stay for another few years. There's no doubt he's a master (roll/choose: illusionist, enchanter, diviner). No. No, you've learned all you can from your old master. There must be more out there than what you've been taught. Secrets arcane and occult. Secrets no one from your world has dreamed of. Ever since you first heard the tales from Xundur-Raq, your mind has been afire. You just know there is knowledge there - and power. So, you volunteered to join the caravan to escape his yoke and uncover what secret magics the land of Xundur-Raq has to offer. You turn from the window and grab your pack, and a shadowed thought passes through your mind - you hope your quest for knowledge doesn't kill you.

questions to consider
Who were you and what was your destiny/path before you were apprenticed?
How old is your master, and why do you think he bothered to take on an apprentice in the first place?
Does your master know you're leaving, and if so on what terms? And how do you think he'll feel once you've left?
What excites you most about what you have learned so far? And what has been your greatest let down?
What do you hope to accomplish with or once you gain the knowledge and power you are seeking?

17) Visions: You’ve been running for what seems like hours. Your breath is burning in your lungs, as you leap a fallen tree and nearly stumble from the landing as your feet sink into the greedy muck. The fleeing shadow is just up ahead, you see it make a sharp turn behind some tall grasses. You leap straight at it and then down into blackness. Your eyes open. The same dream haunts your sleep since your tribal shaman guided you on the vision quest. You were to find your totem animal. Still you do not know why it ran from you - or even what form it takes. You thought you had glimpsed it, but then…. It’s to faint in your mind’s eye to be sure. You stretch and pull the fur cloak from atop you. The dream is almost as disturbing as these strange "civilized" folk you find yourself among. But it’s not nearly as pressing a concern as breakfast at the moment. You’re not certain what you’ll find on this journey, and how it relates to your vision. Since the woman of Farmer Jeffries yelled in your face, you do the one thing you do know is it’s best not to shoot one of their wild chicken things. You shoulder your pack and head to the woods to see what your snare trap caught for your meal.

questions to consider
How far away from this land is your tribe located, and how “uncivilized” are they?
Is your role that of a warrior (Barbarian, Fighter, or Ranger) or shaman (Bard, Cleric, Druid)? How does your totem animal relate to that role?
You may have glimpsed your totem. What did you see?
Why did you leave your tribe? Does the shaman (or others) know that you didn’t find your totem?
What’s the strangest part of having been in civilized society for the past few days?

18) Contract: It's early. The fog clings to the deer trail. You give a sigh and shoulder your pack. Your tired and your boots are worn. Even though you can't see clearly through the woods, you know the town and the caravan must be but a mile or so ahead. And while the way is not so clear, your job is. Regardless of how you may feel about the contract itself or what's involved. Once the caravan arrives (and it must arrive), the settlement will be established and trade will start. But you won't be staying with the settlers. You're to head back to civilization with the merchant leader. This journey is to be his last, and to fulfill your contract, he must die by your hand. Are you happy with the job? Is it cowardly? Maybe. It doesn't really matter though, does it? You feel the coins in your purse. More than enough to buy a few extras before the journey - the long journey. You give a sigh and walk on.

questions to consider:
Is this your first contract or are you an experienced killer?
Do you know who gave you the contract? Their race and gender, or are they even a race?
How did this happen, and once it's done will you kill again?
Are you to use poison, cause an accident, or straight up slit the merchant's throat?
Are you doing it for the money, or something else? What will happen if you don't fulfill the contract?
What's the worst part of this job? What's the easiest?


So, that's a sampling. I wrote them with the idea that i could also use them as a way to inspire side quests or what not. Since I put a fair bit of work into it, I thought - Why not share it with other people? MAYBE someone can find it useful or amusing. ;)
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So, I am curious if people think something like this is useful in helping people really develop a multi-dimensional player... OR, if it's just "meh, fluff."

Voidrunner's Codex

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