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Character sheet concept for Dragonborn Warlord


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The pregenerated character set from DDXP has been an excellent resource to play around with sample combats, along with a lot of nice monster crunch recently. Alas, the set of six just seems incomplete without a Dragonborn and/or Warlord. So just to expand the options for playtesting, I put together such a character using the same format as the pregen sheets. Of course, it's pure speculation due to the paucity of real information available for them. The powers are based on: Dwarven Warlord monster entry, what a leader is supposed to do, and what seems balanced with the rest of the classes. Again - there's no new 'real' info in this character, I'm just sharing something I put together to have a full complement of characters for playing around. I've attached it as a PDF -- the text is given below. If there's something way off or you have other ideas, let me know (though I"m not looking so much to start a big debate as it's all speculation anyway). Enjoy! :cool:

Stats / Abilities:
Used +2 STR, +2 CHA, and about a 30pt buy
Gave a +1 Fort bonus (probably should be +2)
Based on concept art, had him wield axe and shield
Dragonborn Weapon Training (similar effectiveness as Dwarf)
Dragonborn Courage (+5 on saving throws vs. fear)
Warlord Decisiveness (+2 on initiative rolls)
Probably has one too many encounter powers, but I wanted to include
something for healing and speculation on 'Hammer and Anvil'


At-Will Powers

Leading the Attack Warlord Attack 1
You attack one enemy, and allow allies to attack better.

At Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +5 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8+6 damage and allies gain +4 bonus on melee
attacks against the foe you strike.

Leading the Charge Warlord Attack 1
You charge one enemy with a brave shout, making your
charge and that of your allies more effective.

At Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +7 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8+7 damage and allies gain +1 bonus on charge
attacks and damage against the foe you strike.

Encounter Powers

Rally the Troops Warlord Feature
You inspire a nearby ally who receives a second wind.

Encounter * Martial
Minor Action Range 5
Target: You or one ally
Effect: Ally can use a healing surge and gain an additional
1d6 hit points. Regardless, any fear effects on the target
are removed.

Hold the Line Warlord Feature
Your presence allows allies to better defend and stay
in formation.

Encounter * Martial
Standard Action Close Burst 5
Target: Each creature in burst
Effect: Each ally in burst gets +4 AC until end of your
next turn, and any shift/pull/push against them is
reduced by one square.

Hammer and Anvil Warlord Attack 1
Like the clanging of a mighty hammer and anvil, you and
an ally rain blows down upon a foe.

Encounter * Martial
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +5 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8+6 damage and an ally of your choice who
threatens the creature struck is granted an immediate
attack against that creature.

Daily Power

Tactical Strike Warlord Attack 1
You attack one enemy fiercely and allow an ally to shift.

Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee Weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: +7 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8+6 damage and adjacent allies may shift 1 square.
On a critical hit, target becomes subject to combat advantage
from any attacks (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, one ally may shift 1 square.


  • Level_1_DragonbordWarlord_concept.pdf
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Personally, I'm banking on Dragonborn being +2 STR +2 INT rather than CHA.

I like the Hammer and Anvil power, but Hold the Line seems a bit overpowered. Maybe +2 to AC instead of +4?


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Saitou said:
Personally, I'm banking on Dragonborn being +2 STR +2 INT rather than CHA.

I like the Hammer and Anvil power, but Hold the Line seems a bit overpowered. Maybe +2 to AC instead of +4?

It might well be +2 INT instead of CHA. In fact, that may have been my initial thought (which would make a base 28 pt buy instead of 30). That would make the dragonborn quite the natural warlord.

Ah, forgot to mention - the powers: "Leading the Attack", "Leading the Charge" and "Tactical Strike" are adapted from Tome of Blood 'White Raven' manuevers.

Hold the Line actually comes from the Dwarven Warlord _monster_ stat. I think that for an encounter power +4 seems right, while at at will power that keys off a hit I would make it +2.


Dwarf Warlord, Level 12 Soldier (Leader)
Medium Natural Humanoid
Init +11; Senses perception +11
HP 83; Bloodied 41
AC 28; Fortitude 23 Reflex 21 Will 17
Speed 5

m +3 Battleaxe (Standard; at-will) * Weapon
+17 vs. AC; 1d12+8

r +3 Crossbow (Standard; at-will) * Weapon
Range 15/30; +15 vs. AC; 1d8+3

M Drive into Peril (Standard; Recharge 5) * Weapon
+17 vs. AC; 1d12+8 AND push 3 (no damage and push 1 on a miss). If enemy ends adjacent to an ally other than you, that ally can make an immediate basic melee attack against it

C Hold the line (Standard; Recharge 6)
Close burst 5; Allies get +4 AC untill end of this creature’s next turn.

Rally the Troops (Immediate; Recharge 4)
Range 5; target ally can use a healing surge

Skills: Endurance +10, Perception +11
Str +11 Dex +6 Wis +6
Con +8 Int +9 Cha +7


First Post
ltbaxter, that Warlord is a 12th level monster. His encounter powers aren't going to match up to those of a first level PC. I stand by my claim.

Also, for this kind of writeups, it's better to replace ability reqs with INT, STR, etc, and weapon damage with W, 2W, etc, to allow for variation and scaling.


I second the toning down of the power. The mini fig is 12th level. It might be fine for a 5th or higher Encounter power, but not a 1st one.

Other than that, cool!


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Thanks for the feedback. Looking at Shielding Smite, which is +3 AC but for just one ally, I think you guys are probably right that +2 is more appropriate. (The Smite also deals more damage, but yes, +4 is a big swing at this early level - although with a duration of just one round, and no recharge like the monster's Hold the Line, it's not completely clear.)

Also, it seems the HP may not have made it in the PDF. Should be 24 HP, Bloodied 12.


First Post
Also - I believe that "Rally the Troops" should be an At Will power - to keep the Warlords "healing" ability up to snuff with the cleric. Prob need to take out the fear dispel part of it, if its at will


First Post
My thoughts on the Dragonborn Warlord:

Leading the Attack: Should be a +2 bonus for ONE ally, not all allies (see Lance of Faith)

Leading the Charge: Is that a bonus on all damage or only on damage resulting from charges (language is ambiguous imho). If damage on charges only, then it is good as it stands.

Rally the Troops: At Will, gives the target a new save against fear effects, rather than automatically ending them.

Hold the Line: Should be written to be either a +1 bonus for "allies", a +2 bonus for adjacent OR a +3 bonus for a single ally (compareto Shielding Smite).

These are first level abilities, after all.


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