Character Submission Thread


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Power Attack is a core feat, and the bread and butter of front-liners everywhere; it is most definitely LPF-approved.

I assume jackslate was asking b/c the only mechanical difference between a 12 Str and 13 Str, excepting qualifying for Power Attack (and maybe some other feat I've forgotten about at the moment) is in carrying capacity; both give +1 to damage. Of course, if you're planning on bumping Str to 14 at level 4 (at which you gain a +1 to an attribute of your choice), then you may want to keep Str at 13.

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First Post
I was referring to the Piranha strike feat actually, I would have been amazed if Power Attack wasn't approved, and yeah I do plan on bumping my str to 14


First Post
Looking her over...

Got it. Comments:
1) You're Cha is 8, which nets you -2 pts, not -4. I fixed it.
2) CMB should be +4, not +1.
3) Don't forget to add the ranger's track bonus to survival (1/2 his level, min. 1). Generally it can be noted by 06/07*, and just *'ing the note at the bottom of the skills. Check others' pages out to see it in action.
4) By my count, the total weight you're carrying is 45, not 40.

Think that's it, although I imagine someone (*cough* Satin Knights *cough*) will find other issues and will likely offer some sage advice. Just make the changes I mentioned, please, but there's nothing worth delaying approval for.

I APPROVE Galandra Beiryn; now all you need is a judge's approval.
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Satin Knights

First Post
Reviewing Galandra:
A) I changed Ability to STR or DEX to simply clarify which is in use in the weapons section.
B) I have added some extra wiki tricks. If you have a leading space for the line, it looks like the text is in a PRE block, but you can use extra html tags. So, I marked the weapons with bold html tags. Wiki tags for bold work too.
C) Except for the combat stats at the top, I kill scroll bars when possible.
D) I shortened the Power Attack description because it is so common.
E) You can remove the leading zeros if you desire. I have never liked them, but that is how the current template starts.
F) The buckler imposes a -1 penalty to attack while wielding the falchion. That is not represented in your weapon stats and should be.

1) I would trade in the silk rope for cheap rope and a dagger. If you are in a grapple or other tight situation, the falchion is useless. Besides, you need something to skin you dinner. For other 'camping equipment', as an example, Kalgor carries his own wooden bowls, tankard and cooking kit. The wooden bowls don't have a specific equipment entry in the books, so I picked a reasonable price and weight.
2) Trail rations. A ranger can survive in the woods, but you still have a 20% chance to go hungry at first level. Once you get into a dungeon, your chances of finding good food drop.
3) Water skin. same
4) I have never been a fan of the buckler. Considering the penalty it imposes, you may want to drop it.
5) Because the Adventures page looks better with one, eventually finding a character portrait to use would be nice. Many GMs will also create the map token for your character from the picture you choose.

If you are staying straight ranger, this is a good character. If you are going to multiclass into cleric, I would suggest toning down one of the physical stats and raising the charisma a bit. A domain based druid dip might be interesting too.

Sticking with straight ranger, the feat Boon Companion is an approved feat. So, you will want it as your fifth level feat if you take the animal companion. If you go down that route, the "Eye for Talent" human alternate racial trait swaps your human feat for a +2 to one stat on your animal companion. Combining the two makes for a powerful animal companion.

Adding another deity to the world is something that should be split out into its own proposal I think. Looking her over, I like Ruvalra, although being such a young deity and so localized may be an issue. I will let the other judges weigh in on that one.

Technically, she is ready for approval. I will let you look over the suggestions first before I stamp her as approved tomorrow.

PS: At least Qik warned you about me. :p


Yes, he warned me, but is all good.

About the formatting... :p, I'm at lost on how to make it look better. Not really used a wiki in this depth before.

I'll drop the buckler then. I'm used to get the silk rope instead of the cheap one as most of my characters use to have a low Str. lol I will edit the rest of the equipment then. Thanks for the suggestions. :)

I have never played with a ranger and I was actually going to try the "Switch Hitter" build from Treantmonk's guide and see how it goes from there.

About Ruvalra, I hope she can make it. I tried to keep her simple based around the general idea of Demeter/Artemis. Anyway, thanks for the help.

Satin Knights

First Post
A switch hitter is a good solid choice. She will always have something to do and she will do it fairly well.

I have stamped Galandra as APPROVED for first level. So she is now officially ready for play. It will take a few weeks before we get enough first level characters in the Inn ready for a new game, but it will happen.


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Just FYI - if an adventure/proper party is hard to come by, I could probably throw something small together. We'll see how the next couple of days go - there had been a few newbies who had popped in, but so far soulnova is the only one to actual submit a PC.

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