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Characters and Graphics from the Tales of the Bray Keaven Traveller T20 Story Hour


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Marcus Aurelius Argent: Male Human (mixed Vilani and Solomani) Navy 6/Scout 2; homeworld Ilaria B796A65–D; Init +2 (+2 Dex); AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 flak jacket); AR 4 (flak jacket); Spd 9m; Stamina/Lifeblood 42/12; Atk +6 melee, +6 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8; SZ M; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 10, Edu 16, Soc 9.

Skills: Gather Information +10, Gunnery +9, Liaison +9, Navigation +11, P/Administration +6, P/Survey +5, Pilot +17, Survival +7, T/Astrogation +13, T/Communications +9, T/Computer +10, T/Gravitics +8.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Vessel (Starship), Vessel (Grav), Vessel (Ship’s Boat), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Weapon Proficiency (Laser), Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman), Weapon Proficiency (Ship’s Weapons), Damage Control, Jack of All Trades–1, Trustworthy, Skill Focus (pilot), Ambidexterity.

Languages: Galanglic, Vilani.

Description: Age 38; Height 165 cm; Weight 50 kg; Hair brown; Eyes hazel; Ambidextrous.

Equipment: Flak Jacket; Reflec Armor; Hand computer; Inertial locator; Long–range communicator (TL 10); Blade; Laser pistol w/ backpack; Body pistol w/ 4 clips of ammunition.

Other possessions: Cr 44,650; Antique book.

Background: Marcus Aurelius Argent was born on Ilaria, a high-population world in the Glimmerdrift Reaches whose government was under Imperial military rule due to a series of foot riots in the subsector 50 years prior to his birth. His father was a noted expert on the ancient Terran history at the planetary university, and his mother was the mid-level executive at one of the local subsector megacorporations. Marcus was named after an ancient Terran ruler from the Eurasian continent known for being an enlightened ruler. One of Marcus’ prize possessions is a copy of Gibbon’s "Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" printed on actual paper, given to him by his father.

Early on, Marcus showed a interested in technical things as well as a curiosity of what lies beyond the atmosphere of his homeworld. When he graduated from high school, he enlisted in the Sector Navy to get a chance to explore space. He showed some promise during patrols for pirates, earning both a commission and promotion to Lieutenant during his first term. When a Captain in the Domain Fleet asked him to transfer to the Domain Fleet and act as his aide, he saw it as his chance to possibly move further out, possibly even visit some of the far-flung alien homeworlds.

That hope proved to be dashed when the Captain accidentally had an incident in front of a Sector Duke’s daughter. Literally overnight Marcus found himself a glorified pencil pusher at a backwater depot when the Sector Duke booted the Captain’s whole command staff out of the Line. After four years of being stuck on a barren rock, Marcus resigned his commission and joined the Scouts.

Joining the Scouts seemed to be what was needed at that point in his life. He participated in the surveys of several new worlds on the Imperial borders of the domain, primarily as flight ops officer. He would still be there if the local Scout command in the domain hadn’t decided to cut back on personnel "temporarily" as a cost–saving measure. Marcus was put on Detached Duty, and thus has been looking for a job to take until the Scout Service decides to reactivate him.
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Martha Smythe: Female Human (Solomani) Merchant 2/Professional 1; homeworld Sashi; Init +2 (+2 Dex); AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 flak jacket); AR 4 (flak jacket); Spd 9m; Stamina/Lifeblood 27/11; Atk +2 melee, +2 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4; SZ M; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 13, Edu 17, Soc 9.

Skills: Pilot +6, T/Computer +7, T/Communications +7, T/Electronics +11, T/Engineering +9, T/Gravitics +9, T/Mechanical +11, T/Astrogation +6, T/Medical +4, T/Sensors +9, Bribery +3, Gather Information +3, Gambling +5, K/Commerce Law +4.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Vessel (Starship), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Barter, Professional Specialty (T/Engineering), Gear Head, Jury Rig, Miracle Worker, Natural Talent (Telekinesis).

Languages: Galanglic, Virushi.

Description: Age 22.

Equipment: Flak Jacket; Snub pistol w/ 2 clips tranq, 2 clips HE and 1 clip AP ammo; personal communicator.

Other possessions: Cr 1,500; TAS membership; a large collection of engineering manuals in eBooks.

Background: Martha, a human from the Sashi system, is the Chief Engineer of the ship, despite her youth and perceived inexperience. Prior to joining the crew of the Bray Keaven, Martha worked aboard another far trader, the Des Cartes. A particularly successful run allowed Martha the chance to invest in membership into the Traveller’s Aide Society.

Leaving the Des Cartes, Martha obtained a working passage aboard the Bray Keaven several months ago. Since then, she’s stayed on and developed a strong affinity for what she has come to view as "her" ship. She is very protective of the ship, treating it almost as a sophant.

Martha is unaware of her natural psionic talent in telekinesis, writing off its occasional manifestations as flukes or coincidences.
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Emile Vargas: Male Human (Solomani) Scout 5; homeworld Sashi; Init +3 (+3 Dex); AC 19 (+3 Dex, +6 cloth armor); AR 6 (cloth armor); Spd 9m; Stamina/Lifeblood 23/10; Atk +6 melee, +6 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +6; SZ M; Str 8, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 17, Cha 15, Edu 10, Soc 13.

Skills: Gather Information +7, K/Interstellar Law +3, K/Ley Sector +4, Liaison +7, Pilot +8, Search +5, Spot +6, Survival +7, T/Astrogation +3, T/Electronics +3, T/Engineering +4, T/Gravitics +3, T/Medical +3.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Vessel (Starship), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Jack of All Trades–1, Jury Rig.

Languages: Galanglic, Virushi.

Description: Age 34.

Equipment: Cloth Armor; Auto pistol w/ 150 rounds; Shotgun w/ 100 rounds; Vacc Suit (TL 14); Personal communicator; Hand computer; Cold weather clothing; combination mask.

Other possessions: Cr 20,600.

Background: Little is known about Emile except he grew up on Sashi, the same homeworld for Martha. He has a pet Beaker Monkey named Rusty.
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Vasilii Kugiikiishshi: Male Human (Vilani) Merchant 4; homeworld Estorr; Init +2 (+2 Dex); AC 16 (+2 Dex, +4 flak jacket); AR 4 (flak jacket); Spd 9m; Stamina/Lifeblood 14/11; Atk +3 melee, +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2; SZ M; Str 12, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 10, Edu 13, Soc 12.

Skills: Appraise +7, Broker +13, Gather Information +6, Hide +4, Innuendo +3, K/Trade Law +6, Liaison +5, Pilot +4, Sense Motive +2, Spot +2, T/Astrogation +8, T/Computer +5, T/Communications +4, T/Sensors +4, Trader +8.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Vessel (Starship), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Barter, Skill Focus (broker), Market Analyst.

Languages: Galanglic, Vilani.

Description: Age 24; Height 183 cm; Weight 86 kg; Hair black; Eyes green; Left handed.

Equipment: Flak Jacket; Personal communicator; Dagger; Snub pistol; 2 magazines each tranq rounds, HE rounds and AP rounds.

Other possessions: Cr 350.

Beliefs/ideals: Gambling is for the poor. Sound investment and planning is how the rich get richer.

Vasilii is a typical Vilani. Maximize profits/take advantage of situations that provide profit and if there is any opposition, use almost any means to remove the opposition (skullduggery, fraud, setups, etc. -- not shoot up the opposition).

Vasilii cannot understand why people would not be loyal to their company. He finds the Vargr allegiance swapping abhorrent but he is still in a way fascinated by it.

History: Vasilii was raised in a traditional Vilani home. He was instilled with a strong loyalty to his company (Sternmetal horizons Inc.) and his family. He also wears custom Vilani clothing. He believes it important to display his heritage as it is a way of showing his loyalty to his family and his company. Although his homeworld is listed as Estorr, he was simply raised there, not born there.

As his family had done before him, Vasilii started to work for Sternmetal Horizons Inc. in some of their mining operations on Estorr, a rockball that orbits one of the gas giants in the Klesiter Beta system of 069–526.

Although a loyal company man, his Vilani upbringing (maximize profit, ends justify the means) brought complications. After working a route for his first term he was assigned to an exploratory mission. The mission was an utter disaster. The trade mission set off a small "skirmish" on a balkanized planet. Although the trade mission brought wealth for Sternmetal, there was a public outcry about the incident.

The inquiries that followed could not support a lawsuit against Vasilii or his shipmates, but the public relations damage was done. The result was his "immediate removal" from Sternmetal (dishonorable discharge/lost all benefits). Vasilii does his best to stay away from the Klesiter Beta system where he was employed as he knows he is not welcome.

Vasilii decided that he should set out on his own so he could be free of restrictions and guidelines. Although his family was upset with his removal from Sternmetal, it was because he was caught for his cutthroat tactics -- not for the tactics themselves. His loyalty to Sternmetal remains, even to the point where if he finds a venture where he thinks Sternmetal would be interested he forwards a report to them.

Habits: Vasilii constantly reads news bulletins and economic forecasts to find the best area to create a profit. Vasilii can get quite excited when planning a venture but in person he has a reserved attitude.
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Dr. Saro Talbek: Male Human (mixed Vilani and Solomani) Academic 4/Professional 3/Traveller 1; homeworld Edenelt A4638C6–C; Init +0; AC 14 (+4 flak jacket); AR 4 (flak jacket); Spd 9m; Stamina/Lifeblood 20/10; Atk +1 melee, +1 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +7; SZ M; Str 7, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 14, Edu 19, Soc 9.

Skills: Decipher Script +11, Driving +5, E/Baliset +13, E/Singing +13, Gambling +7, Gather Information +9, K/Biology +13, K/Homeworld (Edenelt) +6, K/Religion +10, K/Pharmacology +10, K/Interstellar Law +14, Liaison +10, Pilot +8, P/Administration +8, T/Medical +22, T/Computer +12, Use Alien Device +4.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Vessel (Grav), Vessel (Wheeled Vehicles), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman), Hobby (E/Baliset), Research, Surgery, Trustworthy, Xeno–Medicine (Vargr), Obscure Knowledge, Skill Focus (K/Biology), Advanced Knowledge (T/Medical), Credit Line, Professional Specility (T/Medical), Carousing.

Languages: Galanglic, Vilani, Aslan, Irilitok, Deneltian.

Description: Age 41; Height 180 cm; Weight 89 kg; Hair dark brown liberally peppered with gray; Eyes dark brown; Right handed.

Equipment: Flak Jacket; Tailored Vacc Suit; Combination mask; Snub pistorl w/ 2 clips and 100 tranq rounds; Baton; Field Medic Kit (TL 12) w/ 3 kits worth of supplies; Misc. small medical instruments (scalpels, stethoscope, etc.); Broad spectrum anti–toxin (TL 12, 20 doses); Fast Drug (10 doses); Fast Drug antidote (10 doses); Medical Slow Drug (50 doses); Personal communicator; Hand computer; Laptop computer; Binoculars (TL 12); Cold light lanterns (3); Inertial locator.

Other possessions: Cr 42,000; 1 High Passage ticket; Utility coveralls (3 sets); Mid–calf boots (2 pairs); Street Clothes (4 sets); Formalwear (2 sets); Baliset; Masterwork Chivalii baliset; collection of books (mostly religious texts, a few medical and music related).

Background: Saro came from a humble home. He was a very bright and curious boy who parlayed this into a scholarship.

Saro attended the University of Klement where he majored in Biology with Honors. He then attended U of K Medical School and earned his doctorate in medicine.

Deciding that he wanted to see the rest of the planet he went to do residency in Buckminster General Hospital where he trained as a surgeon. After practicing a few years he decided that he wanted to see the stars and has since moved from system to system.
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Darishun: Male Virushi Scout 4 (7 ECL); homeworld Virshash AA87901–D; Init +4 (+4 Dex); AC 23 (+6 natural, +4 Dex, -1 size, +4 flak jacket); AR 4 (flak jacket); Spd 6m; Stamina/Lifeblood 101/36; Atk +7 melee, +7 ranged; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4; SZ L; Str 21, Dex 18, Con 16, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 12, Edu 13, Soc 6.

Skills: Driving +4, Intuit Direction +8, K/Homeworld (Virshash) +1, K/Imperial History +1, Liaison +10, Navigation +7, Pilot +4, Survival +6, T/Astrogation +6, T/Communication +5, T/Computer +1, T/Electronics +2, T/Mechanical +2, T/Medical +10, Trader +5.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Jack of All Trades–1, Natural Compass, Vessel (Grav), Vessel (Wheeled), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Xeno Medicine (Human), Zero G/Low G Adaptation.

Languages: Galanglic, Virushi, Vilani, Irillitok, Aslan.

Description: Age 34; Height 184 cm (at the top the shoulder/top of the back), 267 cm (top of head/horn); Weight 1080 kg.

Equipment (All Virushi customized/fitted): Tailored Vacc Suit (TL 14); Flak Jacket; Field Medical Kit, Human (TL 13); Field Medical Kit, Virushi (TL 13); First Aid Kit (TL 13); Light Intensifier Goggles; IR Goggles; Combination Mask; Respirator; Rifle w/ 200 rounds, 2 magazines and sling; Stuff carry sling (aka saddlebags); Evac carry sling (for carrying 2 stretchers); Heavy duty, chem resistant boots; Backpack.

Other possessions: 1 High Passage ticket; Cr 6,000.

Background: Darishun is an easy going soul who was filled with a bit of wanderlust at an early age (not uncommon for adolescent Virushi) and decided that he wanted to wander a bit around his home planet to see what he could see and help who he could help. Eventually, his wanderings took him to one of the local starports where his curiosity ended up taking him to the stars.

Since it appeared that the most likely way that he could wander further afield was to join the Scouts, he did so and has enjoyed wandering since.

His skills are a bit of an eclectic mix of things as befits his nature. As a young Virushi, he did develop a fondness for helping out with Search and Rescue teams, and his medical training has advanced since joining the service and has expanded to include non–Virushi training.

In the Scout Service, he served primarily on Search and Rescue teams, usually attached to Exploration and Survey missions. As such, his skills are primarily "ground" related though he picked up a number of Spacer skills too.

As with most Virushi, he is very soft spoken and easy going. He is also intensely curious about things (hence the eclectic skill mix). Finally, he has a very giving and helpful nature.

While in the Scout Service, he also developed his Liaison skills rather well as a counter to normal reactions to a Virushi and to buffer the typical Virushi disregard for hierarchical social structures. He has been known to use most people’s reactions to a Virushi (being intimidated by the fearsome size/appearance) if necessary to persuade.

Most people, even those who know of the Virushi, tend to pay more attention to the sheer size and fearsome appearance of a Virushi than the gentle nature. As a result, most will generally want to accede to any suggestions that a Virushi might make.

Like almost all Virushi, Darishun is pacifistic. He will do his best to avoid fights. If his friends are threatened, he will fight until the assailants are soundly defeated. Then, he'll apply his medical skills to help them if possible.

Usually, Darishun will not wear his flak jacket or carry his rifle. He'll only have those items if trouble is quite likely.

He gets along well with Martha, but has been known to raise her ire by getting underfoot (well, as much as a 1 ton being can get underfoot) with his penchant to want to observe and understand what she's doing by asking lots of questions.
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Swann Hellinic: Male Human (mixed Vilani and Solomani) Belter 4/Rogue 6; homeworld Glisten A000986–F; Init +4 (+4 Dex); AC 18 (+4 Dex, +4 flak jacket); AR 4 (flak jacket); Spd 9m; Stamina/Lifeblood 70/14; Atk +10/+5 melee, +10/+5 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +6; SZ M; Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 14, Edu 18, Soc 11.

Skills: T/Computer +16, T/Mechanical +12, T/Electronics +12, T/Astrogation +7, T/Sensors +7, T/Communications +9, P/Prospecting +4, Pilot +8, Appraise +9, Demolitions +11, Gambling +11, K/Mining +5, K/Geology +5, K/Homeworld (Glisten) +2, Bluff +7, Gunnery +9, Search +13, Innuendo +9, Bribery +7, Hide +18, Move Silently +14, Sense Motive +7, Forgery +10, Gather Information +9, Listen +7, Spot +7.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Vessel (Starship), Vessel (Grav), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman), Weapon Proficiency (Ship’s Weapons), Zero G/Low Gravity Adaptation; Zero G Combat; Connections (Underworld); Connections (Streetwise); Hacker; Smuggling; Fence Stolen Goods; Improved Search; Stealthy.

Languages: Galanglic, Vilani.

Description: Age 38; Height 188 cm; Weight 83 kg; Hair brown; Eyes green; Right handed.

Equipment: Flak Jacket; Reflec Armor; Tailored Vacc Suit; Cold Weather Clothing; Work Jumpsuits (3 sets); Casual Clothing (7 sets); Combination Mask; Lock Pick Set (2); Hand Computer; Personal Communicator; Blade; Cutlass; Body pistol w/ 6 clips; Auto pistol w/ 6 clips; Snub pistol w/ 6 clips tranq ammo; Shotgun w/ 6 clips; Submachinegun w/ 6 clips; Accelerator rifle w/ 6 clips; Gauss rifle w/ 6 clips.

Other possessions: Cr 261,300.

Background: Swann comes from a Belter family. He served one term as a Belter, at age 14, in Glisten. He learned some spaceship and prospecting skills, but didn’t like the life. He primarily educated himself through correspondence and distance–learning courses.

He has a natural talent with computers as well as mechanical and electronic security systems. While hanging out in a startown stripper bar, he met and fell in love with a young dancer named Shakira. Shakira introduced Swann to her brother, Babaji, who was the leader of a smuggling gang. Babaji recruited Swann for a job because of his computer skills. He liked the lifestyle, and the money, so he joined up.

The gang started out as smugglers, but later also got into doing black ops for corporations against rival corporations. They would break in and steal information, or do sabotage work. Rarely, they would hijack a starship or steal a shipment while it was planetside. The gang would try to carry out most jobs unseen and undetected; weapons were used as a last resort, and usually for self-defense. Tranquilizers were used on guards and other innocents. But shootouts were sometimes necessary, especially when dealing with other smugglers or criminals. Swann was twice wounded while on jobs.

Recently, after serving six terms as a Rogue, Swann has been undergoing something of a mid-life crisis. Shakira, who never loved him, left him long ago and moved on to other men. Babaji is dead. Most of the other members of the gang are dead or in prison. With most of the people he felt he could trust now removed from his life, Swann is trying to find more honest employment before he, too, ends up dead or imprisoned. He has drifted from the Spinward Marches through the Imperial Core and finally into the Gateway Domain.

Swann has a wide selection of weapons left over from past jobs.

When pulling computer crimes, Swann used the hacker alias The Grey Veil. In the criminal gang he was in, everyone used aliases which were colors, i.e. Mr. Grey, Mr. Green, Mr. Black (just like in "Reservoir Dogs" and "The Taking of Pelham One, Two, Three"). Swann was Mr. Grey.

Also, while a member of the gang, he wore his hair long and pulled back in a ponytail most of the time. He also had a beard. Now, his hair is cut short and he is clean-shaven.
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Ian McConnell: Male Human (Solomani) Marine 8; homeworld Kedaa B551410–A; Init +0; AC 20 (+10 Combat Environment Suit); AR 6 (Combat Environment Suit); Spd 9m; Stamina/Lifeblood 40/10; Atk +8/+3 melee, +8/+3 ranged; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +7; SZ M; Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 13, Edu 10, Soc 5.

Skills: Gather Information +11, Leader +8, Spot +9, Sense Motive +13, P/Administration +9, Survival +4, T/Computer +5, Drive +0, T/Communications +2, Bluff +6.

Feats: Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency (Vacc Suit), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Vessel (Grav), Weapon Proficiency (Marksman), Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman), Weapon Proficiency (Combat Rifelman), Weapon Focus (Cutlass), Weapon Focus (Gauss Pistol), Zero G Combat; Zero G/Low Gravity Adaptation; Tactics I; Brawling; Skill Focus (T/Computer); Connections (Streetwise); Connections (Marines).

Languages: Galanglic.

Description: Age 38; Height 190 cm; Weight 99 kg; Sandy blond; Eyes green; Left handed.

Equipment: Combat Environment Suit; Reflective Armor; Tailored Vacc Suit; Gauss pistol w/ 4 clips of ammo; Cutlass; Stealth Knife; Handcomputer; Light Intensifier Goggles; Long–range communicator; Stungun.

Other possessions: Cr 23,350.

Background: Ian McConnell was born to a family of independent farmers on the poor non-industrial world of Kedaa. A bright and personable child, he wasn’t a particularly motivated student and had a bit of a trouble-making streak in him. Shortly before his high-school graduation, he was implicated in a sabotage plot against the storehouse of the local Company factor. Given the alternative of 4 years of penal labor in the system asteroid belt or enlistment in the Imperial Marine Corp, Ian opted for the latter and was sent off to Basic Training.

Private McConnell graduated from Basic without much in the way of distinction. Borderline physical attributes didn’t help, but he did have a natural aptitude for dealing with people. Although the Marines aren’t well known for their intelligence capability, they do have one, often focused on internal threats more than external ones. McConnell was posted to the Intelligence section of the 777th Marine Regimental Combat Team. The remaining two years of his first term were focused on slotting into his new responsibilities.

Early in his second term, the 777th was involved in the mop-up of the attempted rebellion and insurgency on Gwenhwyvar (0319/Iliesh). Private McConnell gathered and analyzed the information which broke the back of the conspiracy feeding arms to the insurgents and personally identified the planetary Governor’s role in the situation. After the Governor was "persuaded" to commit suicide rather than face an embarrassing trial (embarrassing to the Imperium), McConnell was commissioned (as a quid pro quo for keeping quiet about the Governor) and sent to Intelligence School to further hone his investigatory talents, beginning a career within the Inspector General division of the Marine Corps.

Lieutenant McConnell’s third term was relatively uneventful, serving on a variety of assignments in a CounterIntelligence specialty. His fourth term was livelier. Serving with the HQ company for Colonel Graeme Botho during the police action against the Zhodani on Gougeste (0909 Spinward Marches), McConnell was caught up in the Zhodani surprise attack on the Colonel’s headquarters, pulled together the various support clerks of the company and led the counterattack that saved the Colonel’s life. For his actions, Lieutenant McConnell was breveted to Captain and awarded the Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry. It was in this action that his left ear was burned off by a laser bolt.

During his fifth and final term, Ian continued his solid work in Counter Intelligence, culminating in a raid on a Zhodani intelligence operation in Ley Sector which captured a Zhodani Noble, for which he was decorated with the MCUF.

An easing of tensions with the Zhodani and corresponding budget cuts forced his retirement and he is now settling into life as a Traveller.
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