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Characters for the 'What Rough Beast' d20 CoC game

The Crimster

First Post
Here is the thread for your characters...! I'm going to post the first two... If you're creating your character from scratch (and obviously have the book) try and keep it similar to these examples.

Kristof Faulken
Assistant History Professor
1st Level (Defense)

STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 8 (-1)
CON: 12 (+1)
INT: 15 (+2)
WIS: 14 (+2)
CHA: 13 (+1)

Fortitude: +1
Reflex: +1
Will: +4

Hit Points: 7
Initiative: -1
Armor Class: 11 (-1 Dex, +2 Defense)
Maximum Sanity: 70

Punch: +0 (1d3 subdual, 20/x2)
* (+0 Str, +0 BAB)
Shotgun Mossberg M590: -1 (3d6/2d6/1d6, 20/x4, Capacity 6, Range 50, Standard)
* (-1 Dex, +0 BAB)

Skill Emphasis (Research)
Weapon Proficiency (Shotgun)

Concentration +3 (2 Ranks, +1 Con)
Diplomacy +3 (2 Ranks, +1 Cha)
Gather Information +5 (4 Ranks, +1 Cha)
Spot +4 (2 Ranks, +2 Wis)
Knowledge - Archaeology +6 (4 Ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge - History +6 (4 Ranks, +2 Int)
Knowledge - Occult +6 (4 Ranks, +2 Int)
Research +9 (4 Ranks, +2 Int, +3 feat)
Search +6 (4 Ranks, +2 Int)
Speak Other Language - Egyptian +5 (3 Ranks, +2 Int)
Speak Other Language - Classical Greek +4 (2 Ranks, +2 Int)
Heal +3 (1 Rank, +2 Wis)
Wilderness Lore +6 (4 Ranks, +2 Wis)

Notebook, laptop computer, cell modem, cell phone.


Up to you, Kristof..!

Notes on Kristof:
• Make sure you give him a last name!
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Isida KepTukari

First Post
Raymond David Silver, M.D.
Trauma Surgeon
1st level (Defense)

STR: 11 (+0)
DEX: 14 (+2)
CON: 15 (+2)
INT: 17 (+3)
WIS: 18 (+4)
CHA: 11(+0)

Fort: +3
Ref: +2
Will: +6

Hit Points: 8
Initiative: +2
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Defense)
Maximum Sanity: 99
Current Sanity: 90
20% Sanity: 18

Punch: -4 (1d3 subdual, 20/x2)
* (+0 Str, +0 BAB, -4 non-proficient)
Glock Model 17 pistol +2 (1d10, 20/x3, Capacity 17, Range 20, Mulitfire)
* (+2 Dex, +0 BAB)

Weapon Proficiency - Pistol

Climb: +2 (+2 Feat)
Computer Use: +4 (+1 rank, +3 Int)
Concentration: +5 (+4 ranks, +1 Con)
Diplomacy: +4 (+4 ranks)
Drive: +5 (+3 ranks, +2 Dex)
Gather Information: +1 (+2 ranks)
Heal: +8 (+4 ranks, +4 Wis)
Knowledge (biology): +7 (+4 ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (medicine): +7 (+4 ranks, +3 Int)
Knowledge (psychology): +7 (+4 ranks, +3 Int)
Listen: +6 ranks (+2 ranks, +4 Wis)
Psychoanalysis: +8 (+4 ranks, +4 Wis)
Research: +7 (+4 ranks, +3 Int)
Spot: +4 (+4 Wis)
Swim: +6 (+4 ranks, +2 Feat)

Core Skills: Computer Use, Concentration, Diplomacy, Drive, Heal, Knowledge (biology), Knowledge (medicine), Knowledge (psychology), Listen, Psychoanalysis, Research, and Spot.

Car phone, caller ID, beeper, printer/photocopier/scanner, good laptop, Internet service (monthly), CB radio & police scanner, personal CD player,

Glock 17 (50 rounds/3 clips),

complete first aid kit, basic doctor's diagnostic kit, surgical gloves, metal crutches, surgery kit, disposable 3cc syringes, gauge & adhesive bandages, digital thermometer, bandage kit with scissors, splint kit.

All medical supplies are kept in his car, a 98 Ford Explorer, along with the car phone and the CB.


Ray has $18, 094.75 in the bank.
He makes $40,000 a year, roughly $3,333.33 a month.

Age: 37
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 165
Eyes: Pale gray
Hair: Black turning to silver
Skin: Caucasian, tanned.

Ray is tall and thin, and reasonably fit. When at work he is usually in surgical scrubs, with a lab coat on when in the office. When not scheduled for surgery, he wears a business suit. When not in work he usually wears jeans, sneakers, a t-shirt, and whenever the weather calls for it, his prized leather bomber jacket.

Ray's father was a cop in Cobalt, Idaho. He would frequently ride with Philip Silver on his nightly patrols, and would often call in information for his dad while the elder Silver dealt with a situation.

The only child of two loving parents (Philip and Marie) he was very much indulged. In school he was on the swim team, and ranked in the top quarter of his class. However, it was during his sophomore year in school that he decided what he was going to do with his life.

One night when Ray was riding with his dad, they received an "officer down" call from downtown. It turned out that Chuck Bole, a good friend of the family as well as one of his dad's co-workers, had surprised some thieves breaking into a store and gotten shot in the arm for his trouble. Chuck's bones had been pretty well shattered, and Ray wondered if they were ever going to be able to heal.

He was very much interested by what they did to Chuck at the hospital (the surgery required rods, pins, the whole nine yards). He was interested enough that he applied to, and was accepted at med school, the University of California: Los Angeles. When he graduated, he got a job at Harbor/UCLA hospital, and has been there ever since.

He volunteers for the L.A. county Urban Search and Rescue team, offering his help as it is needed. Oftentimes needing to be somewhere quickly, he has been known to bend or break more than a few traffic laws when driving. He carries a small hospital's worth of medical equipment in the back of his car, turning it into a mini-ambulance for times when the regular ambulances can't get through in time.

Ray is also something of an armchair psychologist. He took several classes at med school because it interested him, and hangs out a lot with the psychologists and counselors at the hospital. While he's probably never going to find the time to be a full-fledge psychoanalyst he's a fair hand at calming the hysterical and talking people through their problems. At any given point his desk will be littered with as many psych journals as med journals.

Keeping up lessons that he learned from his dad, Ray goes to a shooting range two times a week to keep his marksmanship and relieve stress. He also swims at a local club three times a week as his schedule permits.

Ray is a huge fan of classic rock and country music. Mentioning Garth Books, The Oakridge Boys, Metallica, or Nirvana is a sure way of starting a good conversation with him.

He has a pet rat named Toby that he rescued from someone's research project. He's brown and white, and very large. As a litmus test when meeting new people he'll pull out Toby and put him on his shoulders to see how them react. ;)

In general Ray is a fairly friendly, easy-going guy. He is happy to help those who ask. However, as might be expected, he has little patience for the lazy. His philosophy of life is that you should every moment with something meaningful. If you aren't at least trying to help yourself, you're going to get some flak from Ray.
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First Post
Here he is!

Alex Higgens
Successful Painter
1st level (Defense)

Str: 9 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 13 (+1)
Int: 13 (+1)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 15 (+2)

Fort: +1
Ref: +4
Will: +4

Hit Points: 7
Initiative: +2
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Defense)
Maximum Sanity: 99
Current Sanity: 70
20% Sanity: 14

Punch: -1 (1d3-1 subdual, 20/x2)
* (-1 Str, +0 BAB)
No weapons yet
* (+2 Dex, +0 BAB)

Skill Emphasis (Craft: Painting)

Appraise: +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)
Bluff: +5 (3 ranks, +2 mod)
Concentration: +1 (No ranks, +1 mod)
Craft (Painting): +8 (4 ranks, +1 mod, +3 Skill Emphasis)
Craft (Pottery): +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)
Diplomacy: +5 (3 ranks, +2 mod)
Drive: +4 (2 ranks, +2 mod)
Forgery: +3 (2 ranks, +1 mod)
Gather Information: +5 (3 ranks, +2 mod)
Knowledge (Art and Art History): +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)
Sense Motive: +5 (3 ranks, +2 mod)
Speak French: +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)

Alex is a fairly successful painter born in Los Angeles. He was always a creative type, and people knew there was something special about him. What it was couldn't be defined, but he always seemed inspired, filled with a wonder and joy and appreciation of the world that few matched. This same "touch" that he seemed to have also occasionally sent him in to bouts of depression that fueled his creativity.
His touch for art, his passion for color and shape, is spectacular. His paintings gained him unusual respect for an "artsy type" in school and paid his way through a prestigious French art college. At the moment, he's living in Los Angeles, selling his surreal, unusual paintings and doing quite well at it.
He doesn't know where he gets the inspiration for his paintings. They just... come to him. They seem to be popular with certain "gothy" types, the kind who take their occult make believe a bit too seriously.

He's about 5'8", a pale, skinny caucasian with freckles. He has straight brown hair that's cut short.

Alex doesn't typically carry a lot of stuff around with him - Just his keys and wallet, which contains about $50 in cash, his credit cards and identification, a short pencil, and a sketch pad which he uses to draw ideas that come to him.
At his house, he has a simple computer system that he uses to run his website and room for three people, including him, to crash. One of these is usually being borrowed by one of his art friends at any given time. He also has a cell phone with a very good service plan, so he can call his contacts in the art community liberally.
Of course, he also has a very large supply of art supplies in his studio, which is also at his house. These count as masterwork tools and give him a +2 bonus to his relevant Craft checks.
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Karl Green

First Post
Sam Hudson
Customs Agent (Police)
1st Level (Offense)

14 (+2)
DEX: 13 (+1)
CON: 15 (+2)
INT: 8 (-1)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 10 (+0)

Reflex: +1
Will: +1

Hit Points: 11
Initiative: +1
Armor Class: 11 (+1 Dex, +0 Defense)
Current Sanity: 60
20% Sanity Loos 12

Punch: +3
(1d3+2 subdual, 20/x2)
* (+2 Str, +1 BAB)
Glock Model 17 9mm: +2 (1d10, 20/x3, Capacity 17, Range 20, Multifire)
* (+1 Dex, +1 BAB)
Shovel: +3 (1d6+2, 20/x2)
* (+2 Str, +1 BAB)

Weapon Proficiency (Melee)
Weapon Proficiency (Pistols)

Climb +4
(2 Ranks, +2 Str)
Drive +3 (2 Ranks, +1 Dex)
Gather Information +2 (2 Ranks, +0 Cha)
Hide +1 (0 Ranks, +1 Dex)
Intimidate +2 (2 Ranks, +0 Cha)
Listen +5 (4 Ranks, +1 Wis)
Move Silently +5 (4 Ranks, +1 Dex)
Open Lock +3 (2 Ranks, +1 Dex)
Research -1 (0 Ranks, -1 Int)
Search +3 (4 Ranks, -1 Int)
Sense Motive +3 (2 Ranks, +1 Wis)
Spot +5 (4 Ranks, +1 Wis)

Government ID, cell phone, shovel (in trunk of car)


Sam Hudson grew up an only child in San Bernardino, seeing a lot of the "dark side of society"… drugs, mugging, gangs, murder. But his parents were good people, and they instilled in Sam strong values that help keep him out of trouble. While Sam had to struggle in school he stuck with it, did good in sports, and generally lead a pretty good life. But he also got angry whenever he saw another person get mugged or heard about another rape or killing at school. He decided that he was going to do something about it… he decided he was going to become a cop. After he graduated from school he moved to Los Angeles and enrolled in the Police Academy. Again he struggle to get though his classes but he applied himself and got though. He has just recently gone though his Rookie training and is now a full-fledge office of the law. He is very proud of this fact and is looking forward to making a difference in the life's of his community.

Sam is fairly tall and muscular (6' tall, 190lbs). He has short straight black hair, brown eyes and is clean shaven. He is 20 years old.

OCC ok hope this is correct... having a hard time posting right now... More to come as I flesh Sam out
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First Post
Randy Morrison

Randy Morrison, FBI
FBI Field Agent (Rookie)
1st level (Offense)

STR: 8 -1
DEX: 17 +3
CON: 13 +1
INT: 10
WIS: 13 +1
CHA: 6 -2

Fort: +1
Ref: +5
Will: +1

Hit Points: 7
Initiative: +3
Armor Class: 13 (10 base +3 Dex)
Maximum Sanity: 99
Current Sanity: 65
20% Sanity: 13


BAB: +1
Melee: -4 (+1 BAB, -1 Str, -4 non-proficient)
Ranged (w/ proficient weapons): +4 (+1 BAB, +3 Dex)
Ranged (w/ non-proficient weapons): +0 (+1 BAB, +3 Dex, -4 non-proficient)

9mm Pistol
Glock 17. 9x19mm. 1d10 dmg. 20/x3 crit.

nonstandard machinegun stored in vehicle.
Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun: 9x19mm. 1d10 dmg, 20/x3 crit, select action, 15 or 30 capacity, magazine loading, 25 ft. range, autofire.

Weapon Proficiency - Pistol
Point Blank Shot
Weapon Proficiency - Machinegun


Bluff +2 (4 ranks –2 Cha)
Computer Use +2 (2 ranks)
Gather Information +0 (2 ranks, -2cha)
Hide + 7 (4 ranks + 3 dex)
Move Silently +7 (4 ranks +3dex)
Open Lock +5 (2 ranks +3dex)
Sense Motive +3 (2 ranks, +1wis)
Search +4 (4 ranks, +0int)
Demolitions 4 ranks
Listen +5 (4 ranks +1wis)

(I do not know the other skill totals as I do not know the stat modifier for them) I hate to ask but if you could fill this out for me that would be great.)

Core Skills: Bluff, Computer Use, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Innuendo, Move Silently, Open Lock, Sense Motive, and three more of your choice.

Cell Phone, caller ID, beeper, good laptop, Internet service (Provided by Agency), police scanner, personal CD player, Cool shades.

9mm (8 clips)
Machinegun (5 clips)


Randy has 24,000 in the bank at this time
Income- 40,000 /year

Age: 27
Height: 5’8”"
Weight: 135
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Light Brown
Skin: Caucasian, White.


Randy was always a gruff child, with little to no social skills. He has always enjoyed the outdoors though, going hunting with his father when he was younger. Randy always knew that he wanted to be a cop, not only because he would be allowed to carry a gun (something he thought would be really cool when he was a child), but he would also be able to help those in need.

Randy was able to struggle through college, making mediocre grades, and it was here he met the love of his life, Susan. Randy spent most of his time through college with Susan, as young couples do, seeing the best in the world, and thinking nothing could ever happen to them.

One morning after breakfast Randy went over to Susan’s apartment, wondering why she had not met him. After he had knocked on her door he decided to use his key to enter the room, and found a sight so horrible he had to stagger from the room. His lovers body had been nailed to the wall, with the flesh ripped off her body. Her entire body had been mutilated with designs carved into her flesh. By the way the blood was smeared upon the wall she had been alive when this was done. After a few seconds Randy ran into the house and called the police, who came to investigate the crime scene and asked Randy all the normal questions. After a couple of months the cops had nothing to go on and had shelved the case, that was when Randy knew he was not going to be a cop, they were to ineffective, he was going to join the FBI, and find out who had done this and make them PAY.

Since that time Randy has joined the FBI, and begun to research what had happened to Susan, but has found little. The one thing he has found was a obscure reference to the Occult, outlining the ritual in which his lover had been brutality tortured and killed.
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First Post
Steven Higgens
Gifted Game Geek
1st level (Offense)

Str: 14 (+2)
Dex: 12 (+1)
Con: 12 (+1)
Int: 18 (+4)
Wis: 8 (-1)
Cha: 9 (-1)

Fort: +1
Ref: +3
Will: +0

Hit Points: 7
Initiative: +1
Armor Class: 11 (+2 Dex, +0 Defense)
Maximum Sanity: 99
Current Sanity: 45
20% Sanity: 9

Punches and Kicks: +3 (1d4+2 real or subdual, 20/x2)
* (+2 Str, +1 BAB)
Glock Model 17 (In car): -2 (1d10, 20/x3, semi/D, 17, mag, 20 ft., Multifire)
* (+1 Dex, +1 BAB)

Skill Emphasis (Knowledge: Mathematics)
Martial Artist

Appraise: +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)
Bluff: +5 (4 ranks, +2 mod)
Climb: +6 (0 ranks, +2 mod)
Computer Use: +8 (4 ranks, +4 mod)
Diplomacy: +3 (4 ranks, -1 mod)
Drive: +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)
Gather Information: +4 (4 ranks, +0 mod)
Knowledge (Mathematics): +11 (4 ranks, +4 mod, +3)
Research: +8 (4 ranks, +4 mod)
Spellcraft: +8 (4 ranks, +4 mod)
Tumble (Aikido): +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)
Use Rope: +5 (4 ranks, +1 mod)

Demolition +6 (+2 ranks, +4 mod)
Concentration: +1 (No ranks, +1 mod)

Clothing and appearance: Loose black sweatpants, a tight black t-shirt, and white crosstrainer sneakers. His hair is dyed white. His face is square and clean but shows scars of an acne-ravaged youth. His eyes are brown and a little sleepy.

Digital Watch
Cheap cell phone
Wallet w/ $70 in cash plus some change, his debit card, and I.D.
Palm Pilot
Good pen and mechanical pencil

Steven's past isn't exactly mysterious, but he just sort of showed up out of the blue after Alex called him. A mathematics and computer science major from Cal Tech, he jumped at a chance to muck about in an investigation of anything even remotely supernatural, having grown up in an environment inundated with videogames, science fiction, and tales of real world glory and grandeur that never seemed to match his own (fairly dull) life.
He's tried to spice up his existence through a variety of passtimes such as swinging, target shooting, martial arts blowing things up (he didn't sit through six credits of chemistry so he could talk about electron shells, you know) and various other fairly violent, energetic, or risky pass times, but never really found what he was looking for. Alex's call gave him an excuse to shelve his studies momentarily and go find trouble.
Steven's problem is that he's never really faced danger or had to work to overcome something - With his prodigious intelligence and lackluster wisdom, he subconsciously thinks of himself as invincible, although he tries to stamp out that urge within himself. Another one of his shortcomings is his autism - Although it's technically Asperger's Syndrome, he has some slight difficulty relating to other people, a difficulty that he has largely overcome, but still haunts his life. Because of this, he tends to be a little more open about himself than he really should, although you can't fault his good will.
Another problem best left unexplored for the most part is that he's a complete pervert and an utter horndog. Although he's never yet been slapped across the face for a pickup line, he expects it to happen any day now, although he gets a surprising amount of action, thanks to his eloquence in picking up people online, low standards, and scrupulous safety precautions.
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Black Omega

First Post
Name: Xiaoyan 'Kelly' Zhang
Age: 20 years old.
Occupation: Student
Sex: Female
Height: 5'0"/152cm
Weight: 100lbs/45kg
Blood Type: B
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Skin: Pale

Background: Kelly was born Xiaoyan Zhang twenty years ago in Hong Kong. But that figures little in her story since soon after her parents moved the family to the US. As a result she was learning English from an early age, while stuggling to fit into American society. Always the smallest kid, she learned quickly to make friends and allies. Though not always the right friends. For a time she was known as much for cutting class as the effortless way she passed her tests when she did show up. Not known was that while cutting class she was often helping friends with shoplifting. Usually as the lookout or 'distraction' rather than actually doing the stealing. This came to a screeching halt when she was actually caught.
The sheer terror of the wait on her parents and her active imagination actually turned out to be worse than the eventual end result, being grounded practically indefiniately and even that wasn't as bad as the sheer disappointment of her parents. Stuck at home and trying to find something better to do with her time, she started spending more and more time on the computer. Pretty soon she was writing simple programs. and from there it snowballed. All through Highschool she focues on computer science and it's related classes, like math, focused determinedly on a 4.0 and a university scholarship. Not that she was totally good. As much as she learned about code and hardware, she also learned other things. Backdoors, warez, and hacking. Though she was careful to simply play around with it instead of testing the limits until she would have been inevitably caught.
Unversity life didn't take her far, only to UCLA. But it was still a new life, new friends, and eventually math classes with a certain Prof. Alan Pickman.

Personality: Kelly is pretty intense in her interests but is good at being friendly and easy to get along with. She's very rational, with a great faith in numbers and code. And tends to believe most strange phenomenon are either misunderstandings or a product of special effects fakery.

Appearance: Kelly is a young asian woman standing 5'0" and perhaps 100 lbs soaking wet. Long black hair down to the middle of her back. Has that pale look of someone who doesn't see the sun very much. Prefers dark colors, baggy pants and tank tops. Has tattoo of chinese characters circling her upper left arm.

Gear: Total geekware. Laptop with a celmodem and more software than she really could afford.:) Celphone. PDA with a wireless internet connection. Carries anywhere from 1 to 20 dollars at any given moment, along with her checkcard.

Character Sheet:
Str: 7 -2
Dex: 14 +2
Con: 12 +1
Int: 15 +2
Wis: 11 +0
Cha: 14 +2

1st Level Defense with emphasis on Reflex and Will in saves.
BAB: +0
Saves: Fortitude: +1 Reflex: +4 Will: +2
HP: 7
Sanity: 55
Feats: Gearhead, Trustworthy

Skills: (I took the professor template and swapped a Knowledge for Computer Use, then took Bluff, Repair and Hide. Repair is basically focused on computers. She can swap out a motherboard no trouble. Fixing a microwave...that's something else totally. Move Silent is a non-class skill.)

Skill Ranks Stat Other Total
Bluff: 3 2 +5
Computer Use: 4 2 2 +8
Concentration: 3 1 +4
Diplomacy: 2 2 2 +6
Gather Info: 2 2 2 +6
Hide: 2 2 +4
Know: Comp Sci 4 2 +6
Know: Math 4 2 +6
Move Silent: 2 2 +4
Repair: 3 2 2 +7
Research: 3 2 +5
Speak Chinese: 3 2 +5
Spot: 3 0 +3

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