Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)


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Kazim keeps standing, leaning against an empty chair where his friends sat. "I've been staying at my master's place. When I would arise for my training, he is usually up and brewing tea to warm ourselves before we venture out into the brisk morning air." The genasi pauses, he wasn't used to speaking so much, and so quickly. "I awoke to find the teapot on the fire, but my master was nowhere to be found. I started looking for him in the places I know he frequents, the market, the guard towers, but there has been no sign. I need your help, I can't return home without finishing my apprenticeship, I would be shamed."

Kazim places a hand on the gnoll's hairy shoulder, "Thank you for your help."

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Horatio is sitting at one of the tables near the wall, the same table he seat for the last couple of days, staring half mindedly at his untouched wineglass. Usually a boisterous tavern like this would seem exiting to him, especially with the unusual patrons. Elves and Dwarfs he has meet before, but never a Gnoll, and this one seemed civilized, not to mention the Gensai.
Suddenly he realize that Kazim is not chatting or drinking, rather he is very exited and mentioned something abut missing his master. Horatio picks up the wineglass and walks over to see what is Kazim talking about.

Charwoman Gene

The gentle hubbub of an evening at the Antler and Thistle
tavern is shattered by the crack of the front door flying off
its hinges to land amid the nearest tables. Four hobgoblins
rush into the bar, swords outstretched to skewer the nearest
bar patrons. “For Sinruth! For the Hand!” they cry.

OOC: I will post some Combat Notes as OOC like this. Initiative will be good guy/bad guy initiative. The PC's who beat the bad guys initiative will go, in the order they post in. Then the bad guys, then a full round of PCs in post order. The party has all beaten the monsters at initiative. HG is Hobgoblin Grunt, HR is Human Rabble.

AC 17 (19)*; Fortitude 17, Reflex 13, Will 12 (AC 19 while adjacent to a hobgoblin ally)

(1d20 4=5, 1d20 2=9, 1d20 4=8, 1d20 2=19, 1d20 3=15, 1d20 1=5, 1d20-1=8)



First Post

Kazim whirls around at the noise. "What...the.." he speaks. Seeing the hobgoblin's kills several patrons, the genasi hesitates no more. He strides forward, pulling out his longsword, "You...Don't...Belong...Here!" he yells. Slamming the tip of the blade into the wooden floor, a jumble of arcane syllables leaves his lips and the floor cracks open, and red hot magma seeps out burning the hobgoblins and then magically disappearing.

[sblock=Actions]Move to S10(move), draw longsword(minor), Attack with flame cyclone. Should get all four hobs. Rolls starting clockwise in t7. Attack: 16, 6, 7, 13. Damage: 6 fire.

Speed 6

Hit Points 29
Bloodied 14
Surge Value 7
Healing Surges 10

Armor Class 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 13

:melee:Booming Blade (Longsword +7 vs AC, 1d8+4, if opp moves away 1d6+2 thunder damage)
:close:Sword Burst (Longsword +4 vs Ref, Burst 1, 1d6+4 to all enemies in burst)
:close:Aegis of shielding(minor action, close burst 2): Target is marked and takes a -2 to attack targets other than me. If marked creature attacks and hits a creature, I can use an immediate interrupt to prevent 7 damage from that attack.

:close:Earthshock(reliable), Close burst 1, +4 vs Fort(con based), 1d8 damage and knocks prone
:close:Flame Cyclone, Close blast 3, +4 vs Ref, 1d8+5 fire damage (expended)

:melee:Frost Backlash(Immed interrupt, a creature hits you, Longsword +7 vs reflex, 3d8+4 cold damage, miss: half damage) [/sblock]


First Post

Keyleth jumps to her feet (assuming a minor action to get up from the chair) and heads after Kazim (Move to R11). She invokes the fury of Melora and focuses it into a beam of light that races towards the nearest hobgoblin (Lance of Faith on HG on T8 - hit (13 vs. Reflex) for 8 radiant damage; Kazim gets a +2 power bonus on his next attack roll against that hobgoblin).


First Post
Seeing three hobgoblins go down almost immediatly, Mogryn's canine face opens in a wide-mouthed grin. He moves quickly toward the enemy, anxious to join the fight before it's over. After all, nothing is quite as much fun to kill as a hobgoblin.

Getting free of the table, he lowers his head and charges the remaining grunt, slicing his blade through the creature's chest.

[sblock=ooc] Minor: Draw falchion
Move: move to R11
Standard: Charge the hobgoblin in U9, which I believe is the only one left, hits AC 18 for 12 damage, which should hit if the others are all down. [/sblock]


First Post
Kalon stands and takes up his glaive, hurrying across the room to the door, looking out to see if there are any other enemies in the streets.

"Sinruth? The Hand? Is the city under attack?"

Mr Rusty

First Post
Surprisingly, there was plenty of time. Brock gathered his bow and moved for a clear shot at the door. "Don't you worry Miss." he said to the pretty maid next to him. He laughed and pointed to the companions. "They will have this mess cleaned up and that door back on its hinges in no time"

(gather:minor, move K7:standard, speech:free.)

Charwoman Gene

You slaughter the first wave of Hobgoblins, but Kalon, peering outside, sees this is not the only buidling being attacked... nor are these the only ones attacking the bar.
The patrons all scurry about, except for the three by the card table who seem to be still playing although standing and looking very concerned.
[sblock=ooc]Keyleth's listed move was 1 too long, corrected to Q11. I will keep things moving Horatio "loses" this turn. The "losing" of the turn is something that will not necessarily happen this was jsut an oidd circumstance.[/sblock]
More hobgoblins and a scurrying goblin carrying a torch burst in!

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