Charwoman Gene's Scales of War (IC)


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Keyleth moves along the wall, up to the corner, and attacks the goblin from there, but the ray of light is aimed a bit too high.

OOC: Move to J9; Sacred Flame on Goblin (miss, because he's prone).

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Horatio takes aim at the goblin and a slivery ray hurtles towards it, the goblin cries in pain and then falls silent.
He then moves closer to the entrance, the arcane illumination winks out only to be replaced by another further down the corridor.

OOC: Ray of Frost at G3 19 vs. fort, hit for 10 damage 1d20+4=19, 1d6+4=10.
Move to I9 cast Light at I4 as minor action, previous light winks out.

Charwoman Gene

OOC: I get why you are confused,you posted you move, then I immeduiately updated. It's the goblin's turn.

You DM has had 12 hous of sleep in 5 days... be patient for your update.

Charwoman Gene

OOC: Coordinates reset! Everyone but Horatio is up.

1d20+9=15, 1d6+4=7miss
1d20+1=7, 2d6+4=11

You see two crossbow bolts shoot out wildly.

Horatio kills the goblin and lights up more of the corridor. No more enemies are visible, but an air of tension lingers...

Keyleth HP 24/24[12], HS 8/8[6], AP 1;
Mogrym HP 16/31[15], 3tp, HS 11/12[7], AP 1;
Horatio HP 24/24[12], HS 8/8[6], AP 1;
Kazim HP 24/29[14], HS 9/11[7], AP 1;
Kalon HP 21/29[14], HS 9/11[7], AP 1;
Brock HP 24/24[12], HS 8/8[6], AP 1;

G1 17/31[15]AC 16, FRW(12,14,11)
G2 24/31[15]AC 16, FRW(12,14,11)
G3 Dead


Mr Rusty

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"Here we go!" Brock holsters his bow and makes a mad dash for the pit. He leaps for the rope hanging in the center and swings himself across. With a sudden burst of movement he dashes around the nearest corner to hide himself from the goblin archers.

minor: gather bow
move: run to pit
check: athletics 17vs15, success. roll
move: I7 (action-point)


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Kazim curses as Brock runs past him. Not letting the ranger face any opponents alone, the genasi builds up some speed before leaping across. Barely landing on the other side he comes to a stop at the crossway and has to decide what to do.

[sblock=Actions]Take the long way to get a running start and leap across the pit. Result 12, success. Roll Lookup If I see an enemy, I'll charge and use my aegis on them if possible. If not, I'll move down the hall, near Brock.[/sblock]

Speed 6

Hit Points 24/29
Bloodied 14
Surge Value 7
Healing Surges remaining 8/10

Armor Class 19
Fortitude 13
Reflex 14
Will 13

:melee:Booming Blade (Longsword +7 vs AC, 1d8+4, if opp moves away 1d6+2 thunder damage)
:close:Sword Burst (Longsword +4 vs Ref, Burst 1, 1d6+4 to all enemies in burst)
:close:Aegis of shielding(minor action, close burst 2): Target is marked and takes a -2 to attack targets other than me. If marked creature attacks and hits a creature, I can use an immediate interrupt to prevent 7 damage from that attack.

:close:Earthshock(reliable), Close burst 1, +4 vs Fort(con based), 1d8 damage and knocks prone
:close:Flame Cyclone, Close blast 3, +4 vs Ref, 1d8+5 fire damage[expended]

:melee:Frost Backlash(Immed interrupt, a creature hits you, Longsword +7 vs reflex, 3d8+4 cold damage, miss: half damage [/sblock]


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Kalon makes a running dash to cross the pit. As soon as he has lept, he knows that he isn't going to make it. He reaches out for the dangling rope and barely gets ahold of it.

[sblock]1d20+8=9 So, is the rope half-way across? I make it ONE square due to IC hating my guts. Or do I fall down the pit?[/sblock]

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