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D&D 5E Check Out Some (Minor) Monster Reveals From Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants!

Six of of the book's monster's names are revealed!


Thanks to miniatures company WizKids, some upcoming miniatures reveal some of the monsters in this Spring's official D&D adventure.

Some of the creatures included in the book (which naturally have a 'giant' theme) are:
  • Stone Giant of Evil Earth
  • Fire Hellion
  • Goliath Chief
  • Frostmourn
  • Giant Lynx
  • Death Giant Necromancer
There's not much more info than that, although the Death Giant Necromancer gets a description --

This Huge miniature features a chilling expression reminiscent of the grave. The souls flitting about this wizard of the undead will be sure to inspire terror for all that look upon its fell visage.

The grave is calling… how will you answer?

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My understanding is that they have already made it to the updated edition by being included in multiverse.

I hope they don't keep reprinting monsters.
They've already said that they're increasing the 2024 MM monster count fairly substantially, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if monsters from MotM get upgraded to it (and maybe things from Fizban's like the gem dragons). It may be technically reprinting, but going from a subsidiary monster book to the main one is quite an upgrade, and many less hard-core DMs aren't going to purchase anything beyond the MM anyway when it comes to bestiaries...

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Reprints as in monsters we already had or reprints as in unchanged from 2014?

I would expect some balance changes and the Multiverse treatment, not sure what percentage is affected by that however. Does anyone know for MPMotM?

It should also be somewhat expanded, with more NPCs and new monsters filling some CR gaps per type
They haven't said for sure, but in their last big update, they acted like we had all known, all along, that stuff from Xanathar's and Tasha's could be jumping into the 2024 PHB (which I'm sure we guessed, but don't recall ever being explicitly told). I would assume the same applied to Monsters of the Multiverse and any other stray monsters in the various adventure books.


They haven't said for sure, but in their last big update, they acted like we had all known, all along, that stuff from Xanathar's and Tasha's could be jumping into the 2024 PHB (which I'm sure we guessed, but don't recall ever being explicitly told). I would assume the same applied to Monsters of the Multiverse and any other stray monsters in the various adventure books.
I didn’t mean to take them outright (and would not want them to, give us new ones), but to make similar adjustments to the MM statblocks for the new release as they did from Volo’s and Tome to Multiverse

Don’t rehash what is in Fizban, Multi or Bigby in the new MM, that just devalues those books


They haven't said for sure, but in their last big update, they acted like we had all known, all along, that stuff from Xanathar's and Tasha's could be jumping into the 2024 PHB (which I'm sure we guessed, but don't recall ever being explicitly told). I would assume the same applied to Monsters of the Multiverse and any other stray monsters in the various adventure books.
Whelp, the Monsters of the Multiverse PC write-upof Orcs was already put in the UA fie the PHB and was well received, so one bit of material from MotM will be reprinted in the PHB, at least.

Though the plan with MotM definitely seems to ve to keep it in print for use with the new Core, we may see some crossover.

I didn’t mean to take them outright (and would not want them to, give us new ones), but to make similar adjustments to the MM statblocks for the new release as they did from Volo’s and Tome to Multiverse

Don’t rehash what is in Fizban, Multi or Bigby in the new MM, that just devalues those books
I can't imagine that they'll bring in monsters wholesale from the other books, but a handful here and there shouldn't be a huge deal.

Juomari Veren

Death Giants were also in an AL mod (or two) which was notable at the time.
Do you know what mods they were in off the top of your head? I'd love to read them over, even if they're just relegated to (use [this or that giant] stat blocks), I could use death giant-related storytelling fuel for one of my campaigns.




You are well aware of the different meaning between updating a core book from 2014 to 2024 and reprinting an older book to a newer one with 2024 design and then reprinting it a couple years later again.
TBH, I'm not sure what your reprint comment was referring to...?

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