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Cheliax, Empire of Devils


Hello Everyone,

I wanted to discuss Cheliax because I will be segwaying into a Chelish campaign shortly. I wanted to get some perspective on a few things before I dove into it head first. First off let me say that I have read the companion "Cheliax, the Empire of Devils" and it was very informative, however I desire the perspective of other Dungeon Masters before going forward. With that said, please try to keep responses limited. I'm not looking for everyone's two cents on the matter, I'm looking for a fellow DMs advice...

Slavery: Slavery is a huge part of the Chelish culture and is arguably a foundation for their society. I am having trouble with this in particular because I can't decide on how to implement it into the story without making Cheliax a horrible nation that should burn. The society is LE and although Devil worship is the chief religion, we cannot as DMs simply plaster a villain on every corner and expect this society to function! There has to be some sort of order, there has to be rule of law, there has to be a reason for people to generally behave! Yet at the same time, I have to have slaves in every city for this to seem accurate to the presented information within the books.

My first thought was to run Cheliax (and I mean no offense to anyone here by saying this) as if it were Pre-Civil War Southern America! Expect rather than a "White" upper class, Cheliax simply has an upper class! However even this itself presents problems. First of all since race is no longer a factor, what makes a slave? Is someone born to it? If not whats to stop Jim from next door from knocking out his neighbor and selling him as a slave? How is this regulated? In American History it was your skin. If you were White you were blessed, and if you weren't then you lived a mostly terrible life. In real life Blacks helped Blacks escape and Whites who saw the horror of it helped them. Well how is this supposed to work in Cheliax? You're a Teifling slave. But many other Teiflings around you are upper class. Do they just look down on you as a disgusting slave and go about their business? If so how do they not end up developing a racial hatred like those few Blacks who were freed, only to enslave their fellow brothers and sisters to do the same back breaking work that they had once done?

What stops the infighting? What stops people from rebelling against the Chelish machine? I understand that the Church of Asmodeus and the HellKights are there to enforce but do we really believe that they are able to root out all of it? Even the real life KKK could do no such thing. There were people in the south, Black and White who knew it was corrupt and terrible regardless of what was said by leaders. Thats why the underground railroad was never fully shut down. It simply had too many people on both the Black and White side of the fence who refused to allow slavery to continue.

I have come up with a solution of my own. The country also respects Asmodeus and his doctrine. He is in fact, the God of Contracts and Slavery. Well why not have each slave bound by legal contract. Perhaps after 10 years of slavery they are set free? Or perhaps Slavery itself is reserved for criminals or enemies of the state? But even this idea has flaws. I don't see very many ways of running Cheliax other than making them Tyrannical as hell (pun intended) and outright killing any and all who oppose the Chelish way of life. With this said, this place is awfully dangerous for the average player character to be roaming around in.

Devil Worship
We have a paladin in the group. Not just any Paladin either, a LG follower of Sarenrae. How on earth am I going to get this one passed the HellKnights? According to the book they rule as Judge, Jury, and Executioner and therefore need no other consent to kill him on sight. True a DM might say that word of his death might spark a war between nations. However one could argue that the Chelish have just as much reason to kill him and sweep it under the rug! They keep an iron rule with the Church of Asmodeus keeping the public fearful. If some random guy can simply walk into town and preach the Gospel of Sarenrae, then they aren't much of a force to fear now are they? I'm struggling with how to make him keep his head down, while also staying true to his LG preaching litle boy scout! I keep imagining how an encounter with a HellKight would go, and I'm not coming up with many positives.

The solution that I have come up with is that he needs to hide his faith well in order to avoid problems with the Church of Asmodeus and the other crazies of Cheliax. But again, there are holes in this as well! If questioned what is he to say? Is he to say "Yep I sure to love Asmodeus! Praise the nine hells!" well Sarenrae won't be too happy about that now will she?

Although I am not going to shy away from this challenge, I do find that DMing this is going to be rather difficult. This society is very different to what we are used to, even in D&D! I expect it to challenge both myself and my players with a new way of thinking. Things will be forced to be more morally gray and decisions will be harder. If another DM has any advice, or perhaps someone who has either run an encounter or played an encounter within Cheliax, your advice would be appreciated! Also anyone who can back up an opinion with Lore is welcome to put in their two cents.

DISCLAIMER: Please for the love of god don't make this a post about US Slavery. I made my comparison, thats enough! Please keep your responses limited to advice and lets not start some political discussion about he Civil War and whatnot. I'm here to discuss my campaign, not the internet's feelings on US History!

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Historically, slavery was mostly people captured during war. Even the Greeks had slavery. Being a slave was not always the bottom rung of society though. Greek slaves could become respected and honored. Slavery as a punishment for crimes is also a big theme on slavery. "You killed him, you must serve his family as a slave to take his place in the family structure" (whether that would be good or not depends on the people owning the slaves). Greeks mostly treated their slaves as members of the family; kind of like a treasured pet.

In a devil worshipping society, it is likely that the number of crimes that demand slavery as punishment is a very long list: "You jaywalked! Now you're a slave." And the normal everyday people (i.e. the masses) are terrified of becoming a slave just because a noble noticed them and didn't like the color of their shirt. Your paladin in (almost) hell would most assuredly end up as a slave to some overbearing and obnoxious noble whose only purpose in life is to torment the aforementioned paladin in order to gain points with a higher ranked noble.

Just my thoughts.


The vast majority of societies throughout history have had slavery. Although it was recognised as un-Christian in the Codex Justinian ca 550 AD, it was also seen as a fact of life. So I don't think this requires a huge amount of justification. Even in the British Isles, slavery continued in the Celtic/non-English areas into at least the 16th century. Russian serfdom wasn't much better than slavery and lasted into the late 19th century. I think Saudi Arabia officially abolished it in 1963, but there is still a servant class treated little better than slaves.

Cheliaxan slavery does have a racial element, halflings are seen as a slave race. I don't get the impression the Church of Aroden was ever as strongly against slavery as historical Christianity, but maybe as the 'god of Humanity' Aroden disapproved of enslavement of humans specifically?

I would just have slavery be a part of Cheliaxan society. I think Diabolism is very into enforcement of property rights, including legal ownership of people. You could have plantations/latifundia in Cheliax - note that manorial feudalism is not really compatible with widespread slavery, hence why slavery died out in England after the Norman conquest brought French manorial feudalism over the channel.


Saranrae - my understanding is that Cheliax is religiously tolerant as long as you don't make waves. Also the Hellknight orders predate the rise of the House of Thrune and often take a very different philosophy, many are not Diabolists and even include LG Hellknights; the typical Hellknight is LN(E) and has a 'become as Devils to fight Devils (or Chaos, or anyone really)' sort of philosophy. Paladins of Iomedae continue to enjoy a respected role in Cheliax if they don't oppose Thrune, and even a Paladin of Saranrae will be tolerated if she's not going round busting up slave caravans or such. Only CG like Shelyn is going to be *really* unpopular.


Saranrae - my understanding is that Cheliax is religiously tolerant as long as you don't make waves. Also the Hellknight orders predate the rise of the House of Thrune and often take a very different philosophy, many are not Diabolists and even include LG Hellknights; the typical Hellknight is LN(E) and has a 'become as Devils to fight Devils (or Chaos, or anyone really)' sort of philosophy. Paladins of Iomedae continue to enjoy a respected role in Cheliax if they don't oppose Thrune, and even a Paladin of Saranrae will be tolerated if she's not going round busting up slave caravans or such. Only CG like Shelyn is going to be *really* unpopular.

These were my thoughts as well. Most ordinary folks in Cheliax are just trying to keep their heads down and live their lives. They might have an Asmodeus shrine for show, but are not really followers of Asmodeus.

Also, Cheliax is beginning to show cracks. They are having trouble maintaining their hold abroad, northern Cheliax has simmering rebellion, and the halfling slaves have an underground railroad, as well as a group who are are killing their masters.

Cheliax is a great place to set stories, but may be challenging depending on your players. Worth it, though. Have fun.


BTW remember that Saranrae & Asmodeus joined together at the Dawn of Time to defeat and bind Rovagug, the Rough Beast. You could certainly play up this 'Auld Alliance' aspect, you could even have a somewhat sympathetic LN Thrunist Inquisitor seek out the Saranrae Paladin's aid against the threat of a Demonic or Far Place incursion, replicating the ancient cycle once more... :) And have the PC richly rewarded by Thrune when successful. Of course this all suits Asmodeus' own plans just fine...


BTW remember that Saranrae & Asmodeus joined together at the Dawn of Time to defeat and bind Rovagug, the Rough Beast. You could certainly play up this 'Auld Alliance' aspect, you could even have a somewhat sympathetic LN Thrunist Inquisitor seek out the Saranrae Paladin's aid against the threat of a Demonic or Far Place incursion, replicating the ancient cycle once more... :) And have the PC richly rewarded by Thrune when successful. Of course this all suits Asmodeus' own plans just fine...

Yes, this does sound like a good idea. The tricky thing with Asmodeus is that he does ally with LG, and he's smart, but always looking out for his own goals, of course...Deal with the devil and all that.

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