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Chicago Gameday 25 is Feb 27th: Planning and GM signup

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[highlight]This thread is for planning purposes only. A separate thread will be created for player sign-up closer to Gameday. A link to that thread will be posted here.[/highlight]

[h1]Gameday 25 Planning[/h1]
This is the planning thread for Chicago Gameday 25. If you're interested in running an event for Gameday, or just have planning help to offer, this is the thread for you. If you're confused, go here to learn more about Chicago Gameday.

[h2]The Time, The Place, The Basics[/h2]
[highlight]Gameday 25 will be held on Saturday, February 27th. Events start at 9:30am[/highlight]. Gameday 25 will be hosted by Games Plus, a.k.a., Earth's Greatest Game Store™.

Gameday has two event slots that are 4-5 hours each: a morning slot from 9:30am to 2:30pm, and an afternoon slot from 3:30pm to 8:00pm (and beyond). We typically run six events in each slot, with 4-6 players plus GM in each event. GMs may request more/fewer seats in their event, but we have found that 4-6 players per event is ideal.

If you do not have an ENWorld Community Supporter account with Private Messaging enabled, please make sure I have your email address. Feel free to email me.

[h2]Current Event Lineup[/h2]

Morning: 9:30am - 2:30pm
  1. Miniatures Painting Workshop, Chgowiz, high table near soda machines
  2. Inspectres, "18 holes of DOOM!", Reidzilla
  3. Star Wars SAGA, sw3333
  4. Weapons of the Gods, "Auspicious Beginnings," Vyvyan Basterd
  5. Pathfinder, "Keep on the Borderlands," William Ronald
  6. MF CMG, "Crestfall and/or Bust," Mark
  7. 44: A Game of Automatic Fear, buzz

Afternoon: 3:30pm - 8:00pm
  1. Swords & Wizardry (OD&D), Chgowiz
  2. Supernatural, Ninjacat, table by back door
  3. D&D 4e, Trevalon Moonleirion
  4. Kingdom of Teria (4e/Paranoia XP mash-up), "Hot Potato," WJMacGuffin
  5. Serial Homicide Unit, Nev the Deranged, private room
  6. D&D 4e, "The Lost Library," buzz
  7. Atomic Highway, "The Plunder of Gurneee," Reidzilla

[h2]Submitting and Running an Event[/h2]
How do I sign up to run an event?
If you would like to run an event for Gameday 25, please post a proposal in this thread.

What info should I provide as part of my proposal?
At the minimum, we need to know:
  • The game system you will be using
  • How many players will be accomodated
  • A catchy title
  • An event "blurb," i.e., a basic summary of your event
  • Whether you want to run the event in the morning or the afternoon

Optional, yet helpful info you can provide includes:
  • If there is a particular table you would like to use
  • Whether your event expects prior experience with the rules
  • Whether your event is or isn't suitable for all ages
  • Whether pregens will be provided
  • Links to said pregens (PDFs, Word files, etc)
  • Links to info about the game system
  • Links to any other files you'd like to offer potential players
  • Any images you might like included in the final event description

How long should my event last?
Your event should last at least 4 hours.

If you are running an event in the morning, it should not run longer than 5 hours, as you will be taking time away from the lunch break.

Events run in the afternoon may last longer than 5 hours, but please be respectful of: a) Games Plus's hours of operation, and b) the needs of players who may be reliant on the Metra scheudle.

When do poeple sign up for my event?
A separate player sign-up thread will be created in a few weeks. You will be notified in advance of the sign-up thread going live.

May I screen potential players?
Pre-approval of player sign-ups is not allowed. By volunteering to run an event, you're agreeing to run it for whomever signs up. Thankfully, everyone who comes to Gameday is totally awesome.

What if I want or need to cancel my event?
Once the sign-up thread begins, GM volunteers have until one week before Gameday in which they may remove their event from the schedule. After that point, the schedule is set, and you are expected to come ready to run your event, regardless of whether anyone has signed up for it. Barring genuine emergencies, of course.

May I run more than one event?
I would ask that people initially refrain from submitting more than one event. I want to give as many people as possible the chance to submit an event before GMs start doubling up. As soon as we see there is room available, GMs can add second events.

If you have suggestions, recommendations, or ideas for enhancing the fun of Gameday, please feel free to post them here and we'll open up discussion.
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ENWorlder Chgowiz will be running some minis painting and old-school D&D, though I await his post here before I mark the events as "official" (whatever that means).

I will likely be running some AD&D1e/OSRIC, but I'll wait to see how the slots pan out before grabbing a spot. If there's room for me to run two events, I very well may!


Can I please get the private room for the second slot for an RPG with five seats using the MF WARS ruleset? Let's call the game, "To Save a Kingdom!"


I would also like to run a huge miniatures battle in the first slot on the second mini table (I know the WUMMS guys are using the first mini table that Saturday). If that is acceptable, it will have four seats available, four others being taken by Trevalon Moonleirion, Opimus, Fenril Knight and James J. Skach (as per a discussion with this group) who got themselves into a mess defending the rather seedy town of Crestfall in our recent Sandbox Sessions mini-campaign. The game will be using the Medieval Fantasy Combat Miniatures Game rules, nothing to bring, rules taught and easy for anyone. Family friendly, parents with their kids welcome. (Jim's kids are five and seven and do just fine with these rules.) The four seats available will control the evil forces taking a town/fortress.

This can be called, "Crestfall and/or Bust" and MF CMG rules, 4 (of 8) seats available, Description: The town of Crestfall is being assaulted by the gathered orc tribes from the Crumbling Hills. Make mincemeat of the inhabitants to feed your tribes for the year while removing thier civilized blight with the help of your many evil allies.


First Post
Old School OD&D (Swords & Wizardry)

* Title: The Dungeon of Akban
* Blurb: Grab a torch and 10' pole, strap on your sword, memorize those spells and come dive into dungeons old-school style! The Dungeon of Akban is intended as an introduction to playing or GM'ing Swords & Wizardry. Explore a forgotten Temple to the Frog God and rescue the lost townspeople. Is the legendary treasure still within, or just a quick death in the dark depths?
* System: Swords & Wizardry / OD&D
* Number of Participants: Up to 8
* Timeslot: Afternoon
* Table: The brown one in front of the microwave (my favorite)
* Pregens will be provided at the table
* Swords & Wizardry can be found at: Mythmere Games

(NOTE: This should be considered an optional event - the minis painting one is the more important one that I'd like to run. This is just an offer in case you need to fill space in the afternoon. No worries if you don't have room - I'll just jump in your AD&D one :> )
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First Post
Miniatures Painting Workshop

Title: Miniatures Painting Workshop
Blurb: RPGChicago, Chicago's fastest growing RPG Meetup Group, is pleased to present a miniature painting workshop! Sit down and paint a free miniature, supplied by Reaper, and pick up some tips and tricks from other painters and miniatures experts. We will have a table, paints, miniatures and great company to help you learn how to do some basics and pick up some great techniques. Come and go as you like, we'll be painting from 9.30 till about 2.00pm.

How many: 8 to 10 at a time (depending on space), but we will probably see people come and go throughout the workshop.

Timeslot: Morning
Table: Preferably one of the big ones with plenty of lighting.
Materials Provided: Paints, brushes, miniatures. Feel free to bring your own if you like!

Image location: http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/6/7/8/1/global_12686497.jpeg (you'll probably have to copy this and upload it to your thread.)


* Title: The Dungeon of Akban
(NOTE: This should be considered an optional event - the minis painting one is the more important one that I'd like to run. This is just an offer in case you need to fill space in the afternoon. No worries if you don't have room - I'll just jump in your AD&D one :> )

Title: Miniatures Painting Workshop
Michael, I've gone ahead and put both on the schedule for now. We can always remove the S&W event before the sign-up thread starts, if that's what you want.

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