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Chicago Gameday 26 (6/12/10) Planning Thread

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I'm going to give up my second slot spot to James Skach and family so they can run one of their minis games (in which I hope to participate).

In that first slot, I am going to switch gears and run a boardgame, Avalon Hill's 1974 classic, Kingmaker! Feel free to grab as much of a write up as you feel is appropriate from Boardgame Geek in the link. Let's call it four seats (and I'll fill a fifth seat). Easy enough to learn in ten minutes or so. If we have a bunch of newer players, we will probably run through a handful of turns and then start a fresh game. There will be enough time for that in a five hour slot. The game usually takes just under four hours.

Maybe I will bring some Zombies or Chaos Marauders to fill some time in case we finish early but not early enough to begin a second game.

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Feanor Liberius

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Mark has said he'll give up the minis table in the afternoon for me (and my kids) to run either BattleMasters or Descent (I have to see which the kids would like to run).

Please let me know if there are any issues, questions, etc.



In that first slot, I am going to switch gears and run a boardgame, Avalon Hill's 1974 classic, Kingmaker!

Mark has said he'll give up the minis table in the afternoon for me (and my kids) to run either BattleMasters or Descent (I have to see which the kids would like to run).

Please let me know if there are any issues, questions, etc.
Added! Is there a specific table you'd like to request, James?


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Ninjacat is out of town right now, but I have added his Supernatural event by proxy, and I'm assuming he wants the back table.

Indeed I do, thanks, Buzz! And my promised write up:

Supernatural, Cortex, 6-8 Players

Last season ended with a major demon amassing a great deal of power by manipulating the Hunters, and Asmodeus left them in the middle of a zombie horde, to boot. They can probably fight their way out of the condemned town, but where do you run to when the demon already has your number, has already made his use of you? What the party needs is a haven, somewhere demonic forces can't reach them. . .but even if such a place could be found, demons aren't the only problem Hunters have to face...

Black Night, White Salt, Silver Moon is a SPN RPG, using the Cortex system from Margaret Weis Productions. Cortex is a story-focused system, flexible yet with rules in place for the Players to influence the narrative. No experience with the Cortex system or the Supernatural TV show is needed, though it will of course be useful to have. The only thing you really need to know is that the supernatural is real: ghosts, demons, hauntings, possession- -all real. And some of those who know about it fight back, Saving People, Hunting Things...

More information on this event is available at my site, _here_. And on a special note, last session marked the end of the first "season" of my SPN Convention Campaign, now officially known as: Supernatural: RoadTrip. Click the link for an exciting review of last season's cast of characters (but how on Earth will I do any more for this season?!).

Buzz, I'm going to have a special surprise to link to my event description when the sign-up thread goes live, but it isn't ready yet. I'll edit the link into this post when it is. Added!

I'll sadly be out of town for this one, folks. Kill some characters for me, GMs! :devil:

Ohhh, absolutely, Jase. At LEAST one, mwahahahaaa. :]
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I was hoping someone would run the Dresden Files rpg form Evil Hat.

Damn. That would be awesome, but unfortunately I'm not yet capable of running it. I'd LOVE to see someone else do so (*looks meaningfully at Reidzilla, who has yet to declare what he's running*), especially since I'm not able to make any of the scheduled DF events at Gen Con. (Here's hoping for the unscheduled-yet-official ones, since Evil Hat couldn't confirm in time.)

That being said, I'll go ahead and submit a second event anyway, which ought to nearly guarantee someone runs Dresden, if my usual gaming karma holds. *g*

Mutant X, Cinematic Unisystem, 6-8 players

"Scientist Adam Kane was a pioneer of genetic research, manipulating DNA to save human lives. But in many, their genes unexpectedly mutated, and they developed super-human abilities. Together, some of the most powerful fight to protect a world that doesn't even know they exist. They are. . .Mutant X."

Something is wrong in the LA Mutant Underground.

There's a killer on the loose, a serial killer. . .and they seem to be exclusively targeting New Mutants. While the team is investigating, a mysterious young man suddenly appears...

Mutant X was a sci-fi/superhuman TV show from Tribune Entertainment & Marvel Studios. I converted it to Cinematic Unisystem rules a few years ago; that setting document is available as a PDF _here_ (note that it contains spoilers for all three seasons of the show. Also, the darn show ended on a serious cliffhanger, unfortunately.) More information on this event is on my site's page: "Use the Rod, Save The Child".
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That being said, I'll go ahead and submit a second event anyway...
Added. Thanks for stepping up, Ninjacat. If we suddenly get a rush of GMs, you are welcome to recant. :)

I've added myself in the second slot as well. I can run in the morning, too, but I want to see if more GMs appear.

I was hoping someone would run the Dresden Files rpg form Evil Hat.
I was considering doing so, but the hardcopies are not out yet. I have the PDFs, but the books are like 300 pages apiece. I dunno that I could read that much on-screen, and the only laptop (for reference at the table) I have access to is for my work. I'll mull it over.
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First Post
I was considering doing so, but the hardcopies are not out yet. I have the PDFs, but the books are like 300 pages apiece. I dunno that I could read that much on-screen, and the only laptop I have access to is for my work. I'll mull it over.

I can probably convince Spot to let me put copies of my PDFs on his laptop, and he could bring it to GameDay. I'm sure I'd have to twist his arm just so hard, and he couldn't possibly stand playing in such an event, being the large Dresden fan that he is. </sarcasm>

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