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Chicago Gameday 30 is Oct 15th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!


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Is there a cut-tag? tl;dr=GameDay XXX was AWESOME!

WOOOOOOO, Milestone!

Hitting number 30 and running these things for a full decade is a pretty awesome accomplishment...and yesterday was, fittingly, a damned awesome GameDay.

Many Thanks as Always to Buzz for organizing and to Curt and Games Plus for hosting us- -Curt's fellas bailed me out not once but twice, when I needed index cards (able to actually purchase a pack from the store, since they had their auction recently!) and then in the second slot, I somehow only had the female character sheet and male nametag for poor Laurie's character! Luckily, I had a printout of the images that were used for the faceshots on the nametags, so with the loan of a pair of scissors from the front desk, Laurie had a full-color & posed bodyshot to go with her nametag, instead of everyone else's black and white little headshot squares!

To my RoadTrip Crew, thanks for a great morning and making the premier of your advanced Post Mid-Season Reveal characters so much fun. That was episode 206, our 14th RoadTrip adventure...you guys are the BEST! I'm just sad we were missing our Elaina (puffdebbie.) Y'all took an interesting conundrum of a situation and ran with it, figuring out ol' Blue-Eyes' latest fiendish plot and putting a stop to it on your own terms. Special Guest Stars next time, can't wait!

And to my afternoon Dresden players: Jason, Jim, Nick, Laurie, Kelly, and Stuart, BIG thanks for making my premier with FATE such a good time. I was woefully under-prepared, had only my work-in-progress notes to run with instead of a proper write up, and was running on less than four hours sleep. Despite this, everyone embraced their characters, figured out how to apply their aspects to situations, owned their scenes, and made it awesome...and half the table had never played FATE before, a third only knowing the TV version of Dresden, not the canon used for the game! Bravo to all, I say, and THANK YOU So Much; I'm going to run this scenario at least once more before Gen Con next year, and this one taught me a lot. I think the best bit was when Laurie proudly proclaimed the guys could do all the fighting (even though SHE was the martial artist), but the girls got all the answers...to which her husband Kelly replied: "Yeah, but I can turn into a tiger AND shoot fire." The table laughed pretty damn hard, 'cause Kelly certainly made his guy awesome, even if he didn't know the system or the setting. Thanks Again!

And additional Extra Special Thanks to Buzz for the commemorative d30s and the wackiness of their random-roll sheet, AND the copy of the latest Dresden book "Ghost Story" as a table prize for my afternoon slot. Much fun was had, Awesome All Around!

Can't wait 'til next time; see everybody then!

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Had a great time, as well. The fact that we were at it for, what... about an hour or two and only managed to get a car stolen, breakdance, and feed a sheep dog some popcorn is a true testament to our commitment to the characters. It's been a while since I laughed so hard playing anything while not being inebriated at the same time. Thanks all!

Also, Tracer, thanks for the tip on where to acquire legit print copies of the GBI modules!.

Glad you had fun! Good luck aquiring the GB stuff. If you happen to come across another GB:International set, you'll have to let me know!

Voidrunner's Codex

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