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Chicago Gameday X: the awesome aftermath


Don't know what Chicago Gameday is? Read the FAQ, boyo!


ENWorld Chicago Gameday X is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus. Gameday X is February 26th.

To participate, simply post to this thread with your intention to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the event schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made to the schedule after that point. Reply or PM me (buzz) with any questions.

Our host:
Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

Our schedule:
  • Slot 0: Breakfast
    To be held from 8:00am to 9:00am at Little America (located across the Metra tracks and a couple blocks northwest of Games Plus). Arrive at the store by 9:00am to settle in to your game tables.
  • Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
    Game 1: Stargate SG-1: The Devil Inside
    Game 2: Miniatures painting seminar
    Game 3: Allied Avengers Assemble 2! Peril in the Pacific!
    Game 4: The Lost Temple of Ixtapolapocetl
    Game 5: Under the Bacchae Moon
    Game 6: Thimbledon's Thimble
  • Meal break from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. Be sure to come back on time for the...
  • Prize drawing from 3:30pm to 4:00pm. AEG, Bastion Press, Clockwork Golem, Goodman Games, Hero Games, RPGObjects, and Tabletop Adventures have donated prizes!
  • Slot 2: Afternoon events from 4:00pm to 9:00pm (or later)
    Game 1: The Jagged Hills Mining Consortium's Finest!
    Game 2: Miniatures painting seminar
    Game 3: This Ain't Your Mamma's Game Day, Ya Screwhead! a.k.a. Games Plus vs. The Army of Darkness
    Game 4: A Swamp-full of Stirges
    Game 5: The Harvest of Fear


Slot 0: Breakfast
No limit to number of attendees.

1. buzz
2. William Ronald
3. JoeGKushner
4. Pbartender
5. Diremede
6. brehobit
7. jalea
8. Painfully
9. omokage
10. Tekkmage

Slot 1

Game 1: Stargate SG-1: The Devil Inside
FCWesel, AEG's Stargate SG-1 d20, private room
When the Tok’ra send a distress communications to Stargate Command from a planet with a (until that point) never before seen Gate Address, operations team SG-4 is sent to investigate the situation. Despite the fact that the Tok’ra have been less then what you might call a forthright ally, they are one nonetheless. And even if they weren’t, the fact that they mentioned ATLANTIS is more then enough to get SGC’s attention.

Come be a part of SG-4! No experience needed with the RPG, but it would not hurt. (It's a "d20 game" so most anyone here will know the basics already.) Will teach the SG specific rules as we play and will have character sheets ready to go so that we can jump right into the action. Just bring a set of dice, a pencil and some paper and be ready for some SG action/mystery/horror fun. Emphasis on fun!
1. William Ronald
2. Tekkmage
3. waterdhavian
4. Joe Cohen
5. Ronin84
6. B5Londo
All seats for this event have been filled.

Game 2: Miniatures painting seminar
Nikmal, dais table
If you have not painted that mini you always wanted to paint.. Ever wanted to learn better techniques, or you are pretty good already and you have some knowledge to part with and share... please join us at the paint seminar. You will be taught different techniques to make your mini as good as possible. Children are welcome if they want to learn how to paint. (not as a place to baby sit them though ) Miniatures and paint and any tools needed, are provided as well as the knowledge to make you a better painter.. be you an expert or a beginner you are all welcome!
1. Mark
2. JoeGKushner
3. Sqwonk
4. Kid Charlemagne
5. jalea

Game 3: Allied Avengers Assemble 2! Peril in the Pacific!
Reidzilla, Silver Age Sentinels d20 (some home rules), table by door
While the war rages on in Europe, The Immortal and the Lighting Dragon strike terror in the hearts of the Allied forces fighting in the Pacific Rim. As if the Axis navy was not enough trouble, the Allied forces are reporting that many of their strategic Pacific island positions are under attack by huge creatures! Can the Allied Avengers defeat this monstrous challenge and save the Pacific fleet? Only you can make the difference!

Join in a “Golden Age” style romp through an alternate history World War Two! A plethora of Heroes will be provided.
1. gperez1234
2. pvt. patterson

Game 4: The Lost Temple of Ixtapolapocetl
Pbartender, Skull & Bones d20
"Them's that dies'll be the lucky ones!"

Six shipwrecked castaways fight for their lives and an horde of lost treasure against one uncharted island, a crew of blood-thirsty pirates, a tribe of head-hunting savages, a jungle full of man-eating beasts, and a three thousand year old temple of the ancient Olmec God of War.

It could be worse... It could be raining.

A Skull & Bones D20 adventure for up to six pre-generated characters. No prior experience necessary.
1. buzz
2. thalmin
3. KnowTheToe
4. rowport
5. AelyaShade
6. Yort
All seats for this event have been filled.

Game 5: Under the Bacchae Moon
Ninjacat, Hercules & Xena (D6 Legend System)
Congratulations to your party on the successful rescue of Lord Vaeortes' only daughter from kidnapping bandits! The grateful leader of the local farming and vineyard community has insisted upon your attendance to a banquet at his manor house as the guests of honor. The heads of the largest farms and vineyards will also be in attendance, as well as the merchants who deliver the community's wines abroad. These lords and ladies each have secrets of their own, and one or more may even be connected to the orginal kidnapping...

The damsel has been rescued, but the adventure has only just begun...

Tongue-in-cheek sword and sandal adventure in the style of the TV series. D6 Legend System from West End Games, a simplified version of the base D6 system that is very easy to play. Characters will be provided and gameplay rules explained. (I play extremely fast and loose with the rules anyway; it's all about having fun with the so-called plot.) Knowledge of either TV show is beneficial, but by no means required.
1. omokage

Game 6: Thimbledon's Thimble
Diremede, D&D 3.5
"They've stolen it! My precious family heirloom is gone, taken by those grubby little hands, those terrible little goblins! Yes, it must be the goblins from the Stilltall Mountains. Call every sell sword, tell every temple within the city of Osgold, tell everyone that I will pay well to get it back, put out a reward for 10,000 gold crowns!!! I want it and I want it now!!" Find your way to Thimbleton and recover the lost heirloom for fame, glory & fortune!

Characters should be 8th level, 32 point buy, character wealth is 13,500gp, Core books (PHB, DMG) and the "Complete" books are allowed, no psionics. Hit points to be rolled at the game table day of game. Some minor house rules will apply three big ones are that Detect Magic, Identify, and Detect Evil do not work. I would like for characters to be submitted 2 weeks before game day if possible, if not then ASAP will work for late sign ups. The adventure is designed for 6 players so six slots are open ( though we could have more if there is enough interest), about 30% RP and 70% combat. In the case that we have walk ins some pre-made characters will be brought along.
1. DocMoriartty
2. TracerBullet42
3. rustynorm
4. brehobit

Slot 2

Game 1: The Jagged Hills Mining Consortium's Finest!
Mark, D&D/d20, private room
Independent gnomes near the Wetleg River have been mining further and further into the Hills of Dissent. Now the Jagged Hills Mining Consortium has deemed it worthy of their attention and have hired your group of adventurers to explore one choice location prior to their sending in teams of exploitation miners. While the independent gnomes continue to pick and prod at various small claims, the Consortium has just finalized rights on a particular cave system that looks promising...promising to be dangerous for the group of adventurers charged with making it safe!

Up to six players will utilize the talents of their choice of twelve pre-generated 10th-level player characters (core rules used to create them) of the primary character classes and races. If you die early, you will be able to pick up one of the as-yet unplayed PCs and join right back in. Table prizes for all players, DM will rank players or have them dice-off for the picking order of prizes.
1. buzz
2. William Ronald
3. KnowTheToe
4. rowport
5. Ronin84
6. rustynorm
7. omokage
All seats for this event have been filled.

Game 2: Miniatures painting seminar
Nikmal, dais table
If you have not painted that mini you always wanted to paint.. Ever wanted to learn better techniques, or you are pretty good already and you have some knowledge to part with and share... please join us at the paint seminar. You will be taught different techniques to make your mini as good as possible. Children are welcome if they want to learn how to paint. (not as a place to baby sit them though ) Miniatures and paint and any tools needed, are provided as well as the knowledge to make you a better painter.. be you an expert or a beginner you are all welcome!
1. jalea
2. thalmin
3. Arquin Xea
4. AstroCat
5. Jeanne Trais (AstroCat)
6. Lora Kim (AstroCat)
All seats for this event have been filled.

Game 3: This Ain't Your Mamma's Game Day, Ya Screwhead! a.k.a. Games Plus vs. The Army of Darkness
FCWesel, Army of Darkness RPG
Imagine…you’re at your favorite gaming store, enjoying an organized day of gaming fun and adventurous play. There’s Oberwiez chocolate milk, and yummy pastries from a local bakery. There’s miniature battles galore and a grand dungeon to clear out by lunch, what could be better? Prizes! Yup, there’s prizes too…loads gaming paraphernalia and neat books from this company or that. But wait, what about this book. It sure is neat looking, all dark and leathery and ancient looking. Hey it’s a Necronomicon…

Yup, “This Ain’t Your Mamma’s Game Day, Ya' Screwhead” brings the Army of Darkness (or is that Army of Dorkness?) right to Games Plus, in downtown Mt Prospect, IL and it’ll be up to you and your table-mates to save yourselves and maybe even that little thing we like to call, “the World”, from the Army of Darkness.

Come play in the world of Eden Studio’s forthcoming “The Army of Darkness: The Roleplaying Game”. Eden’s the guys who brought you the “All Flesh Must Be Eaten”, “Terra Primate” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Angel” roleplaying games. If you like cinematic games or just want to recite Bruce Campbell’s various lines from the movies come join the fun. Bring a D10 and be ready for some deadite gaming fun. Rules taught as we play.
1. Ninjacat
2. Tekkmage
3. waterdhavian
4. Yort
5. gperez1234
6. BOZ
7. Ninjacat's brother

Game 4: A Swamp-full of Stirges
TracerBullet42, D&D/d20
The Explorer's Guild usually commissions reports on unknown monsters, not famous ones. Why, then, have they offered a sizable reward for new investigations of the stirge, a common nuisance that's been thoroughly described in bestiaries for over a quarter century? What happened to the previous group of heroes who ventured into the Rushmoor Swamp hoping to return with the truth behind the ominous rumors? And will you emerge from the stirge's nest with your life?

In this Masters and Minions adventure, players will assume the role of one of the New Iconics: pre-generated heroes of each of the core classes, seen here early in their careers (3rd level). Table prizes will be provided for all players, and one Most Valuable Player will be chosen by popular acclaim.
1. Diremede
2. brehobit
3. (pvt. patterson)
4. Redwind
5. Pbartender
6. Painfully
All seats for this event have been filled.

Game 5: The Harvest of Fear
GORAK, Ravenloft- D20 3.0 D&D
Summary- These are dark and fearful times for the people of the farming town of Willisford on the Island of Staunton Bluffs. In the last few months, many people have vanished without a trace and just recently a farmer was found dead in his fields whilst tending to his crops. It is now the beginning of the harvest in the early fall and with the cargo ships due to arrive in a little over a month's time, Mayor Jared Bleysmith is desperate and had issued an advertisement a while back to be delivered to the mainland in hopes of attracting a band of heroes to come to Willisford to seek out and destroy the mysterious evil that has been terrorizing his people. On a cold and rainy morning, he receives a telegram from the port of Devonshire from the mainland that a party of hired adventurers will be arriving at Willisford's dock in the next couple days in answer to his advertisement. As he leans back in an old wooden rocking chair smoking his pipe, he finally breathes a sigh of relief and silently hopes to himself that these heroes are brave and fortunate enough to deliver Willisford from this dark harvest of fear.

Custom characters- 3rd level, wealth- 2,700gp, 32 point buy system (3.0 DMG p.19), core books only (3.0/3.5 PHB/DMG), core races only, maximum hit points. You may use your 2,700 gp starting wealth to buy any standard item in PHB and any magic item in DMG providing you can afford it, use base market price, remember to have money left over to buy weapons, armor, clothes, etc. There will be no real opportunity to buy items once you arrive on Staunton's Bluff.
I will also have a handful of pregenerated characters available for anyone who wants them.
Ravenloft campaign game mechanics will be in place when the game starts and modifications to characters will be made at that time.
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William Ronald

Sign me up for Slot 0: Breakfast, Slot 1, Game 1: Stargate SG-1, The Devil Inside and Slot 2, Game 1: The Jagged Hills Mining Consortium's Finest!

Come on, February!!


First Post
Welcome to SG4, W.R. ;)

(Hey Buzz, we don't need to approve folks, like we did a while back, right? I don't want to do that for my games, just let them sign up first-come for my games.)


First Post
FCWesel said:
Welcome to SG4, W.R. ;)

(Hey Buzz, we don't need to approve folks, like we did a while back, right? I don't want to do that for my games, just let them sign up first-come for my games.)

Same with me.. let them sign up automatically ;)


First Post
Sign me up for breakfast (maybe I'll make it on time this year), and the miniatures painting slot. I seem to get a lot done during those times.


Retired game store owner
Please sidn me up for Slot 1, Game 4: The Lost Temple of Ixtapolapocetl. I haven't been able to make up my mind yet for slot 2.

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