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Chicago Gameday XVIII: the aftermath!


[size=-2]Read the FAQ to learn more about Chicago Gameday.[/size]

[h1]Chicago Gameday XVIII Sign-Up Thread[/h1]
ENWorld Chicago Gameday XVIII is a day of FREE gaming held at earth's finest game store, Games Plus.

Gameday XVIII is November 10th.

To participate, post here with your intent to play in one of the following events. Event sign-up is first-come, first-serve. Be aware that the schedule may be subject to change until the last week before Gameday. No changes will be made after that point. PM or email me with any questions.

[highlight]PLEASE NOTE: This thread is the primary means of communicating info about Gameday XVIII. Please keep an eye on the thread for any updates, especially in the day or so prior to Gameday. This goes double for GMs. If you'd like to be on the Gameday mailing list, just shoot me an email.[/highlight]

[highlight]ALSO: There will be no prize drawing this time around. The schedule has been adjusted accordingly.[/highlight]

Games Plus
101 W Prospect Ave
Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056
(847) 577-9656
Hosts: Curt Duval & Jeff Swegler (owners)

  • Slot 0: Breakfast
    To be held from 8:00am to 9:00am at Le Peep Grill (located across the Metra tracks, kitty-corner from Games Plus). Ask for the "Games Plus" table (or "Delsing," my last name).
  • [highlight]Arrive at the store by 9:15am to settle in to your game tables.[/highlight]
  • Slot 1: Morning events from 9:30am to 2:30pm
    1. Burning Wheel, "The Caves of Chaos vs. The Keep on the Borderlands," buzz, table by whiteboard [highlight]is FULL[/highlight]
    2. D&D/d20, "By Land and By Sea," Mark, minis table
    3. Qin: the Warring States [highlight]HAS BEEN CANCELED[/highlight]
    4. WitchCraft, "Best Laid Lines of Demons and Men," Ninjacat
    5. Dogs in the Vineyard,"Gate to the Vineyard," Cerebral Paladin
    6. Battlestar Galactica, "Do or Die," Tekkmage, private room
    7. d20/D&D, "Bad Men, Full o' Thievery," FCWesel [highlight]is FULL[/highlight]​
  • Meal break from 2:30pm to 3:30pm.
  • Slot 2: Afternoon events from 3:30pm to 8:30pm (or later)
    1. D&D/d20, "A Deeper Darkness," Mark, private room [highlight]is FULL[/highlight]
    2. Nebuleon, "Operation: Obelisk," HinterWelt [highlight]is FULL[/highlight]
    3. It Was a Mutual Decision, Nev the Deranged, table by whiteboard
    4. Alternity, "Dark*Matter: Raw Recruits," Trevalon Moonleirion [highlight]is FULL.[/highlight]
    5. D&D, "Children in Peril!", Orichalcum [highlight]is FULL.[/highlight]
    6. Dread, "The Hairy-Handed Gent Who Ran Amok in Kent," Pbartender [highlight]is FULL[/highlight]
    7. Call of Cthulhu BRP, "Release the Hounds!", Yort​

[h2]Event Listings[/h2]
[h3]Slot 0 (Breakfast)[/h3]
No limit to number of attendees.
1. buzz
2. Nev the Deranged
3. Painfully
4. rvalle
5. ...
6. Trevalon Moonleirion
7. Adareth
8. Adareth (Dobe)
9. Pbartender
10. ...

[h3]Slot 1: Morning[/h3]
Morning Game 1: The Caves of Chaos vs. The Keep on the Borderlands
Burning Wheel, buzz, table by whiteboard
[bq]"Too long have the foul creatures from across the forest ravaged our homes! Too often has our land reeked of their foul stench and the blood of our fallen warriors! Too few are those of us left to stand against the cold steel and dark magicks they power with their all-consuming greed! Let us band together and stop them once and for all!

Yes, by the black blood of Gruumsh! Let us show those putrid humans, elves, and dwarves from the Keep on the Borderlands that the Caves of Chaos is no longer a playground for their adventuring scum! Let us put them to the lash, and grind their bodies under our mighty boots!"

A scenario for the Burning Wheel fantasy RPG. Characters will be provided and rules will be taught. Players should have a fistfull of d6s and a willingness to take the reins from the GM and drive the story in unexpected directions. A love of brutal debate and bloody combat is also helpful, but not required.

Players are welcome to peruse this basic summary of the Burning Wheel rules.[/bq]
1. Nev the Deranged
2. Pbartender
3. GreatLemur
4. AstroCat
5. petenik
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Morning Game 2: By Land and By Sea
D&D 3.5/d20 Minis, Mark, minis table
[bq]This d20/OGL-based Naval and Mass Combat scenario will allow PCs to control more than just their own characters as their forces either defend or assault the harbor town of Seahorn. There will be players on both sides of the action, pregens provided and any extra rules will be taught on the day, though they should be easily understandable for any D&D/d20/OGL gamer. The winners' PCs will be the main characters in the Slot 2 RPG, the ranks filled by other PCs that survive from both sides of the conflict. Players need not play in both slots but those who do will have the possibility of carrying their same character through from slot 1 to slot 2.[/bq]
1. Keel Tings
2. pucky
3. TeamsterLW
4. Fenril Knight
5. William Ronald
6. ...

Morning Game 3: The Enemy of My Enemy is... Who?
Qin: The Warring States, Reidzilla
[highlight]This event has been canceled.[/highlight]

Morning Game 4: Best Laid Lines of Demons and Men
WitchCraft, Ninjacat
[bq]Things are getting bad in the Midwest. Supernatural trouble has been increasing all across the board, with no distinct pattern anyone has been able to detect. It makes for good business at the Roadhouse, so many hunters passing through and in the area that Ellen has to make extra supply orders just to keep up, but the problem is that things seem to be getting worse, not better. When an old friend of the Winchesters calls from Kansas saying there's big trouble on the way, it's the only lead that's available...

Best Laid Lines of Demons and Men is a Unisystem adventure for up to six players in the setting of the CW's "Supernatural" television show. Thirteen pre-generated characters will be available to choose from, including some from the show (sorry, none of the Winchesters are player characters, nor is Ellen.) Unisystem is a simple system to learn and use, needing only 1d10 for all rolls other than damage. No familiarity with the Supernatural tv show is needed -though it might well prove useful. All you need to know is that ghosts, demons, hauntings, possession, etc. are real, and some people fight back against the supernatural. Saving people, hunting things...

If you'd care to choose a character ahead of time, leave a post with your choice on the GD18 sign-up thread. Keep in mind, these descriptions are how the characters appear in the Roadhouse. Many have secrets, things are not always what they seem, and appearances can be deceiving...

View a list of the available characters[/bq]
1. Tofu_Master
2. Der Spot
3. Adareth
4. Adareth (Dobe)
5. ...
6. ...

Morning Game 5: Gate to the Vineyard
Dogs in the Vineyard, Cerebral Paladin
[bq]Gate to the Vineyard, a Dogs in the Vineyard game with pregenerated characters by Adam Strong-Morse. As Dogs in the service of the King of Life, it is your task to maintain the spiritual and moral health of the communities of the Faithful. You have been sent to Gate to the Vineyard, a good-sized town near the borders of the lands of the Faithful. What problems will you find there, and how will you deal with them?

Gate to the Vineyard uses the Dogs in the Vineyard rules. Dogs in the Vineyard is a game with simple rules that is about moral choices and religion. Rules will be taught, and no prior experience or familiarity with the rules is necessary. The game is set in a fictionalized Deseret (the Mormon state that later became Utah), with a strong Western flavor. This game is about morality and making hard choices. It also contains mature themes.[/bq]
1. Tylure
2. grymhild
3. inundator
4. ...

Morning Game 6: Do or Die
Battlestar Galactica RPG, Tekkmage, private room
[bq]A group of military survivors left behind on the colony of Tauron after the Cylon attack struggle for their lives. Which is their worst enemy the Cylons or the frigid mountains of thde Tauron wilderness.

This adventure was one of the official BSG adventures at GenCon.[/bq]
1. DMDM24
2. waterdhavian
3. Jade Fire
4. robocad
5. ...
6. ...

Morning Game 7: Bad Men, Full o' Thievery
D20/D&D Fantasy Game, FCWesel
[bq]“I know you be road weary and all, but if you could spare me half-an-hour”, the Innkeeper said in hushed tones, “I would dearly love to speak with you 'fore you go to bed, quiet-like by ourselves.”

And later... “And now they've gone to robbin' the Way, hiding in the woods beyond Farburough, and out in the wilds west-ward. It's like a bit of the tales of the bad old times, I say. These are, to be sure, bad men, full o' thievery and mischief. It isn't safe on the road, folks lock their doors most tight and we have to keep a watch all round the fence and put a lot o' men on the gates. So, will you help us and clear the dark woods of these ill folk?”

Master Harrig of Blackleaf Inn has approached our heroes, new to the town of Farburough, but with reputations fair and good, to aid the town and do away with a band of “Bad Men, Full o' Thievery.”

Come play a fast-paced session of a d20/D&D fantasy game. Characters will be provided and rules will be taught—all you need bring are some dice and be ready for some heroic fantasy fun!

Four Players.[/bq]
1. Trevalon Moonleirion
2. rvalle
3. Redwind
4. sw3333
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

[h3]Slot 2: Afternoon[/h3]
Afternoon Game 1: A Deeper Darkness
D&D 3.5/d20, Mark, private room
[bq]Survivors from the harbor battle of Seahorn now must band together to stop a greater threat to the future of them all. Pregens provided, the primary PCs decided by the Slot 1 Naval and Mass Combat battle. Players need not play in both slots but those who do will have the possibility of carrying their same character through from slot 1 to slot 2.[/bq]
1. Keel Tings
2. pucky
3. Shadowchef
4. TeamsterLW
5. Fenril Knight
6. William Ronald
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 2: Operation: Obelisk
Nebuleon, HinterWelt
[bq]Detailed mission briefing here
The Merchant Armed Services have been recruited to recover information from an archeological team declared overdue. The following photo was the first view of the probe Iranis sent five years ago. It is of the planet Kierant and its small moon Deikos with the Kiera Second neutron star in the back ground. Not pictured is the partner in the Binary star system, Kiera Prime, a red giant. Kierant is the only viable planet in the system and the Kiera (G-233) system is littered with the remains of her sister planet. Navigation will be dangerous and difficult due to the debris as well as the size of the material ranging from microscopic to planetoids.

Kierant itself is pleasant when not bombarded by meteors or comets. Temperatures range from 0 to 33 degrees Celsius. Most of the planet is covered in a variety of tree and plant life but no indigenous animals. The atmosphere is close to Standard with a rich oxygen balance.

The Iranis probe detected faint radiation readings concurrent with a latent MAM reactor. When closer survey scans revealed mound structures and a possible underground structure, a manned survey team was dispatched by InterStar, the trading and development firm who owned the rights and probe. For the past three years the the team has studied the ruins discovered there and according tot heir last report, believe them to be an outpost of the Thri T'Kree, an ancient race that dominated the Nebuleos in the First Millennium. They were declared overdue on their last check in two days ago. Nine hours ago an emergency beeper went off and the M.A.S. Noble, your ship, is the closest ship to the system.

Pregens (more to come):
1. rvalle
2. petenik
3. Jade Fire
4. gperez1234
5. Adareth
6. Adareth (Dobe)
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 3: It Was a Mutual Decision
It Was a Mutual Decision, Nev the Deranged
[bq]Whose fault was it? Anyone's? Who's the bad guy (or gal)? Either? Both?

Is my lover really an inhuman, pest-ridden, murderous, shape-changing monster?

Don't pretend you never asked those questions.

Breaking up isn't hard to do— but staying alive and sane might be a problem.

FURTHER: At least 2 players must be female. More is fine, but 2 is the minimum.

Players need bring nothing but themselves and maybe a little willingness to push their boundaries.[/bq]
1. GregStolze
2. Tylure
3. grymhild
4. ...
5. ...

Afternoon Game 4: Dark*Matter: Raw Recruits
Alternity, Trevalon Moonleirion
[bq]"You have each had contact with the private organization known as the Hoffmann Institute. Though the average person knows the Institute as merely a nonprofit think tank (as stated in its PR brochures and on its website), you know it as an organization involved in investigating paranormal activities.

A couple days ago, your association with the Institute changed from "passing familiarity" to "new recruit" when you received a summons to a briefing in the Institute's Chicago office. According to the summons, you're expected to meet with Facility Chief R.A. Patterson at 10 o'clock sharp Friday morning. Looks like your plans for a relaxing weekend are out..."

Come join the fun as 6 rookie agents for the Hoffmann Institute explore reports of an alleged poltergeist haunting and become involved in an ever larger conspiracy. No experience with the system is required, and pre-generated characters will be provided. Familiarity with X-Files-esque conspiracy theories always helpful, but certainly not needed. Rules will be taught.[/bq]
1. Ninjacat
2. Thorindale
3. Kelleris
4. Pvt. Patterson
5. ...
6. ...

Afternoon Game 5: Children in Peril!
D&D 3.5, Orichalcum
[bq]It is the annual Thaumaturgical Theory Convention, and all the wizards at Lake BurleyGriffon University have gated off for the weekend, leaving their children in the capable hands of the Wands of Wonder Kindergarten staff. Meanwhile, mysterious villains think that this is the perfect opportunity to capture magically talented toddlers for their dark and foul purposes. It's up to the kids to defend their school from the forces of evil! A humorous, light-hearted D&D 3.5 adventure with some dark themes and pre-generated characters. Creativity and willingness to play a child essential.[/bq]
1. Tofu_Master
2. Painfully
3. sw3333
4. Scott_Holst
5. DMDM24
6. Tekkmage
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 6: The Hairy-Handed Gent Who Ran Amok in Kent
Dread, Pbartender
[bq]Burglaries Continue, Scotland Yard Baffled
November 10, 1907
Late last night, a burglar broke into a jeweler's shop on Panton Street off Haymarket. Despite a guard dog set by the owner to ward against such intrusion, the vandal burst the door and savagely ransacked the store. The guard dog was viciously killed and mutilated during the burglary. Scotland Yard warns that the burglar himself may be accompanied by a dog or other large animal trained to attack and kill.

Dread is a game of horror and suspense. Those who play it participate in a mutual telling of an original macabre tale. The goal of the game is to sustain the delicate atmosphere that is necessary to produce the hand quivering emotion that lends Dread its name. In play, dice, cards, or other more-traditional randomizers are replaced by a tower of blocks, such as the Jenga® game. When a character attempts a task beyond their capabilities, the tower determines their success--they can succeed by pulling a block, or choose to fail by not pulling. But if the tower falls, their character is removed from the game, never to return. Players prone to martyrdom can mollify this somewhat by deliberately knocking over the tower, resulting in a heroic or dramatic success, despite their character exiting the game.

Dread uses a unique questionnaire method of character creation. The character questionnaire provides the skeleton of a character, suitable for the story or campaign, while the player gets to add the flesh when they answer the questions, thus creating the character they want to play. When signing up, please choose one of the four characters listed below, and follow this link to the characters' questionniares. Read the questionnaire for your character only and answer the questions as completely as possible. Return the answers to your questionnaire no later than November 3rd (one week before the Gameday), by emailing them to me at MWDomeier@gmail.com.[/bq]
1. Cerebral Paladin (Inspector Cyril Cavendish)
2. GreatLemur (Constable Tobias Hopkins)
3. buzz (Father Thomas O'Malley)
4. jhurkman (Commodore Rupert Vaneelkelen)
[highlight]This event is full.[/highlight]

Afternoon Game 7: Release The Hounds!
Call of Cthulhu (BRP), Yort
[bq]Blackwood Detective Agency has been around for nearly a century, and in that time they’ve dealt with some of the strangest, and deadliest, things to ever crawl from…somewhere. So the latest job given to your team in Chicago seems almost benign in comparison, a relatively simple missing person case. Tonight you’re meeting a contact that will hopefully provide a direct link to the missing girl. A direct, straight line in your case with no strange meetings. There are some things out there that you don’t want to meet again, and what are the odds they could be tied up in this little job?

An action packed run through the odd, mean streets of Chicago in the classic Call of Cthulhu system. Four players wanted, multiple characters provided.[/bq]
1. Der Spot
2. waterdhavian
3. FCWesel
4. ...
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Please sign me up for Slot 2, Game 6 (Dread). I lean towards the Inspector, followed by the priest, the commodore, and last the constable, but if somebody else has a strong preference, I'm happy to switch.

Also sign me up for breakfast.



Cerebral Paladin said:
Please sign me up for Slot 2, Game 6 (Dread). I lean towards the Inspector, followed by the priest, the commodore, and last the constable, but if somebody else has a strong preference, I'm happy to switch.

Also sign me up for breakfast.
Done. The Inspector is yours.

Thorindale said:
Coudl you please sign me for:

Morning Game 8: Look, Ma... No hands!!!

Afternoon Game 4: Raw Recruits

Voidrunner's Codex

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