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Choose to use "Immediate Interrupts"


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Is it possible to choose when to use the Immediate Interrupts of an item/power. Like Halflings "Second Chance" or Wizards "Shield".

And can I also choose to use it after the damage roll if the above statement is true.

Say a minion hits me, and deals very little damage. Can I chose not to activate it? And instead have it to spare in case a real bad ass dmg. dealer hits me and deals a ton of damage which I could have blocked with the +5 shield bonus or Second Chance.

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In both cases, shield and second chance, you have to activate the power after you are hit. If your DM already told you how much damage you take from the attack it is too late to use them.

You should read the trigger condition(s) carefully of powers that are immediate actions.


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While it might not be RAW, as a DM, I might sometimes be a little too fast resolving attacks and telling damage to the players, so if they tell me they want to use an interrupt power after I tell them the damage, I let them use it anyway, it's not a big deal.


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I think you may be misinterpreting the OP's question...it sounds to me like they are asking if you HAVE to use it when the situation arises, or if you as a player can choose NOT to use the power and save it for another time...which of course is an emphatic YES. There is absolutely nothing that I know of in any power in all of 4e that says you HAVE to use it. The example given of choosing not to use Second Chance when a minion hits so you can save it for when the Solo or other Big Bad hits is exactly right. Nothing says that you have to use Second Chance the very first time something hits you. It's your choice to use or not, when you feel like it (providing of course that you meet the requirements for it's use!)

Right, in general the trigger conditions for an interrupt (or an opportunity action, etc) are just the conditions that MUST be met in order to qualify for using the power. It is always a choice whether or not to actually take advantage of those conditions.

There are some EFFECTS of powers which trigger automatically though. They are always written something like 'the next time X happens, do Y' and usually have durations on them as well, so it might have to be 'before the end of your next turn', etc. Those kinds of things are usually 'buffs' of some sort. Even some of those cases will specify you have a choice to use it or not.

I think you may be misinterpreting the OP's question

Your partially right!

I was just answering a part of it and forgot the rest.

And as others have already pointed out, in most cases you can decide to use the power if the trigger is met. And those that are triggered wether you want it or not will say so.


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this is a notable change for "ready action".

Where as in the last edition, "ready an action to attack the first thing through that door" meant (not sure if it was RAW, but it was totally played that way) you would attack the first thing through that door, friend or foe.

Now you can ready action, "enemy comes adjacent", and wait for the desired enemy to come adjacent, not the first one.

Not necessarily RAW form 3e, but the mindset is different.


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I find using Second Chance on a minion's successful attack gives better returns. This is because any sort of "real bad ass dmg. dealer" is likely to have a decent attack bonus and most likely will still hit with the repeated attack. And a critical hit from a minion on the reroll is a lot less painful in every aspect :)
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First Post
I find using Second Chance on a minion's successful attack gives better returns. This is because any sort of "real bad ass dmg. dealer" is likely to have a decent attack bonus and most likely will still hit with the repeated attack. And a critical hit from a minion on the reroll is a lot less painful in every aspect :)

The last three times a halfling player in my group used second chance before we switched campaigns, the reroll was a critical hit.

By the third time, he wasn't sure if he really wanted to use that power anymore, but he did . . .



First Post
Re: fissionessence

That's just bad luck :) A crit is usually 5% probabilty.

Anyway, thanks for all the replies. You answered my question :)

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