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Christmas/Holiday Gaming Sales 2010


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Hmmm, I don't think RPGNow had a Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale this year, though some of their publishers did. I should have thought of making a list and checking it twice a thread for Black Friday, but it didn't occur to me until just now. :(

Has anyone got any links to decent RPG sales for this Christmas/Holiday season?

World Works has a 50% Off sale on a bunch of items - including Skull Cove (Yarrr!) and First Light (Star Wars Holiday Special? :p ), with others to follow over the next few weeks. There's some good stuff there, though those two are my favorites. *EDIT* These are all PDF terrain sets - print 'em, cut 'em out, put 'em together, game.


Sadly, none of the current WWG sales do me any good, I already have all the items that they have on sale. :.-(

Anyone else got something cool? Please?

The Auld Grump

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Thank you! :)

For some reason I had been assuming that Drunken Goblin was a publisher.... :eek:

Some Traveller and some Pathfinder has been added to my list!

The Auld Grump


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Well, not a tabletop RPG sale, but GOG is having a holiday sale, including Arcanum (one of my all time favorite games) Baldur's Gate, Master of Orion, Gabriel Knight....

Some good stuff, and fairly cheap.

The Auld Grump, who still has not completely forgiven their 'we are going out of business' prank... but still likes their Good Old Games.

*EDIT* And WWG is now in Week 2 of their sale

For D&D and fantasy terrain...
Himmelveil Canals is a set of canals, wharfs, and docks
Castle Works Ultimate is a pretty cool modular castle
Lost Halls is a dwarfen stronghold set - this is pretty cool when combined with Canals, the canals have certain dwarfiness to them, and I have always liked the idea of dwarfen canals, deep underground.



Lost Halls


Canals - See what I mean by dwarfy? :)

Harbor Master is a fairly decrepit nautical building, also good for a rail station.
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Last week of the sale - and I already had everything that they put on sale, except for the Warlock Blade.

Some freebies this time around:
The Warlock Blade - a magic short sword, nice as a prop. :)
Shellendrak Addon - includes some hearses, both automotive and horse drawn.
First Light Retrofit - stuff for the First Light spaceship from earlier. Unlike the other two freebies, there is not much (that I remember) that can be used as a standalone.

As for the ones at half price:
Castles & Keeps - my most used set, in part because it has been around for so long. Good for dungeons, castles, and, with a bit of tinkering, stand alone buildings. Slowly being replaced by the TLX sets, it is still well worth getting.

Cave Works - I used this in my biggest build... Back when WWG had The Maiden of the High Seas in the works I decided that when it came out I was going to have a huge cave, big enough to hide an entire ship. (Anyone picturing The Goonies? Well, umm, yeah. :p ) When the ship came out it was almost twice the size that I had built for - I ended up giving the cavern to a friend of mine who played Skaven in Mordheim. :.-(

Celesetus Pravatis - kind of a Nurgle or other Chaos infested spaceship. Pretty cool if you want a Chaos infested space hulk.

Swamp Village - exactly that - a village built on platforms and bridges above a swamp, curling around trees, ladders leading up to the leafy canopies. It could be orcish, elvish, or tribal, maybe even Ewok (there are totem poles, skulls on poles, and a large bubbling cauldron of dubious aspect). I own but have not used the set, pretty much because I have never had need to, not because of any failing of the set. I could easily see using it for a scenario or even a campaign, I just haven't. (My favorite set that I have never used. :p )

Shadow Core Prime - if Celestus Pravatis is infested by Chaos then this one has become a haven for the 'Nids. A disturbingly organic spaceship.

Tower of Chaos - Not a piece of terrain - the Tower of Chaos is a dice rolling tower - drop the dice in the top, they rattle around on the way down, and they fall into a nice little tray. Back when I was running a game at a now defunct game shop I used dice towers quite a bit, though they were hand designed by me, and used either Castle Works Ultimate or Castles & Keeps for their bits 'n' pieces, depending on the year. :) Now that my games are taking place in folks' homes I don't use them, but they can be kinda handy.

The Auld Grump


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Is that terrain a PDF that you print out or something they send?
They are PDFs - which is mostly a good thing in my opinion. More work than opening a box of die cut components, but you can print as many or a few of each piece as you may want, and replacing lost/damaged bits is pretty easy. You can also print and build multiple copes of things to give as gifts.

For a few years I was giving built pieces as Christmas presents and as prizes for gaming events. (The downside of the TLX format that the World Works is switching to - giving someone a shoebox of pieces and telling them to build it themselves just doesn't feel the same somehow. :( Even though I would actually like getting exactly that myself.)

Not connected to the sale in any way, but World Works does have some tangible models in the works, coming out from Wyrd Games. It was supposed to be available for Gen Con 2010, but the manufacturer screwed up. :erm: The card was too thin and the clips had problems as well.

A similar concept to the TLX line, but preprinted and not compatible with TLX. The first sets will be in support of Wyrd's Malifaux tabletop game. The first three releases are Buildings, Streets, and Sewers.





They look good, though I will probably stick with TLX, sine I have already started with it. :) (Also, TLX reminds me a great deal of Panel & Girder, one of my favorite construction toys, back when I was a Young Grump in the 1960s.)

The Auld Grump


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Fat Dragon is also having a sale - 12 bundles, with the sale ending Dec. 26.

Highlights: Day 1 is a fairly nifty set of a dungeon and some traps. Not as flexible as Lost Halls, but the props and stuff can be used with either. It is also a much easier set to use, and can be on the table much faster.

Day 3 is a weird mix - a steampunk/pulp Earth Drill, a burrowing APC perhaps? And a small high tech attack helicopter. Both are nice, but the Earth Drill is especially so, at least for a steampunk game. :) Good for a scenario where the players find an entire factory building them, and Kaiser Wilhelm II's plans to invade his Granny's country (a not so random example).

Day 4 is a mix of 2D ground and floor tiles, using layers to add a goodly number of options. A lot faster than 3D terrain, and nicer looking, in my opinion, than the ones by WotC.

Day 6 is some expansions for Day 1. :) Traps, a dias, assorted bits and pieces.

Day 7 is a delux GM screen - a castle wall, two dice towers, a good place to hide minis from curious players.... And a Deluxe dungeon, similar to Day 1, but a bit more fleshed out.

Day 8 - my favorite. :) A very nice mill, a market square and attendant props, and a cemetery. The parts may not create a theme, but these are very nice models.

Day 9 - my second favorite. :) Building interiors, ruins, and a small town. Possibly more useful than my favorite, but I like Day 8's mill.

Day 10 - a castle. :) If forced to choose between this and the World Works castle I would probably go with the World Works set, but I would have to think about it. I'd be happy with either, and I am much happier having both. Not a bad castle at all, at all. Each has things that the other lacks - the World Works set has a better gatehouse, the Fat Dragon one has nicer towers.

Day 11 and 12 are yet to come.

The Auld Grump

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