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Chronicles of the Orrery

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Thank you people... i'm working on a couple updates which should be ready soon: the introduction of the fourth member of the merry brigade, and the meeting between Viktor and Livia. Then, there's another one brewing.. slower. Keep in mind we're playing once every two weeks, and I'm writing as we go... and some things I need to wait before posting, at least until the whole group has met.

Keep that feedback coming! call friends over! :D


And let us welcome Syrio, our first brave character player to come out in the light and confess his part in the Chronicles. :)

hoping to write something over the weekend... stay tuned.


First Post
.... Yezzzzz..... Interezting...

....Who haz zummoned me?!....
Oh... great... thatz you again....
Now... what do you want thiz time?....
Take a part in what?
..................A ztory?
.... Well there iz zomething I need to now, before...

... and the dinner iz included?
..................................... I mean, each time?

It'z a deal!

You've rented the bezt frog in the whole zwamp, you now?
Well, my character zhould be a common... son-of-god we zay, but he feel like the zimple Nazareth-born-boy that he az ever been... Why not? The idea waz already uzed, or iz one of your NPC?!
Well, let me think again...

.....All the rest iz hiztory......
Lothar von Wulfe


Editorial Disclaimer: Lothar's player is a good person when you catch him at a different time than the middle of the night. :D

Plus, he's working on the miniatures for the group. So I kind of have to bear with him... :p

Stay tuned, this lunch break should at LEAST see the introduction of Andoric Von Dreele!


Introduction - Andoric Von Dreele

When his eyelids threaten to close for the fifteenth time, the young man slowly shakes his head. "Time to call it a day" he thinks, carefully closing the three books he's working on and setting aside the parchment where he's been scribbling notes. Von Rummer's Third Fundamental of Transformation can definitely wait until tomorrow morning. He's just about to head over to his bed and snuff his lamp when he hears a soft knocking on the door.

Andoric quickly glances out of the window. It's the middle of the night; he has difficulties believing any of his fellow students could be up at this time just to pull a prank on him. "Who's there?" He cautiously asks.

Silence is the only reply. Andoric watches the door for a few seconds, then resolves to take a look. He slowly opens it, looks out in the dimly-lit corridor, and seeing nobody, puzzledly closes it again. He hasn't taken three steps towads his bed when the knocking sound is heard again.

This time he asks "Who's there, just as he opens the door...

...only to be pushed back as the door itself is slammed in his face and then hastily closed. Slowly an outline takes shape and fills itself before his amazed eyes, taking the features of his Instructor in Transformations and Magical Alterations of Substance, Meister Rudolf.

"Meister?" he asks. His teacher's voice is uncharacteristically tense as he says "Take your things and come with me." But one of the first lessons Andoric has learnt at the Academy of Elsinor is never to question an Instructor without good reason. Finding none, he hastily stuffs his personal Grimoire, a couple other reference books, and his most valued notes in a leather bag, adding in a supply of ink and quills as he paces towards Meister Rudolf. The Instructor weaves a complicated pattern in the air, muttering arcane words which Andoric promptly recognizes as a powerful Illusion of Cloaking. A little envious - he never did manage to master Illusion Magic - he watches as his Meister's form seemingly melts into thin air, knowing the same must be happening to his own. Then he feels a hand grab his arm and pull him across the dark corridor of the Dormitory.

After finding certain proof that the tales of secret passages built into the very walls of the Academy are not just tales, Andoric emerges into a large circular room, at the center of which sits a large oaken table. Sitting at the table, in a large red leather armchair, is the perennially cloaked form of the Seer.

The Seer is the Academy's instructor in Divinatory Arts and Incantations. No-one can claim to ever has seen the Seer's true form, which is always covered in an ample hooded cloak, or heard the sound of the Seer's true voice, which is always evidently altered by some minor Magic. It is said that the final exam for the students the Seer deems worthy of being initiated to the deeper Mistery of Divination is discovering the very identity of the Seer. Andoric feels the magic drop off him as his Meister leads him closer to the desk.

The Seer doesn't even lift his (her? Andoric wonders for the umpteenth time) head. He seems to be intent on watching a weird device sitting on the desk. It is evidently magical: a large metallic C, tilted upright on a round steady basement, covered in intricate, minute carvings. In the space suggested by the metal arc, thirteen spheres of some strange polished metal spin around each other in triads, four triads orbiting a central, seemingly immobile, sphere. Andoric has time to notice some spheres have a small symbol carved into their surface before the Seer takes the whole object and sets it carefully inside a hidden drawer in the desk, where Andoric spies a large tome of some sort before it closes.

"Andoric Von Dreele" says the Seer's monotone, eery voice. "A brilliant student, Meister Rudolf; this I know for myself. But are you sure he is ... enough?" Andoric cannot say he appreciates the feelings awoken by this short analysis - not to mention he has no idea what the two mages are up to.
"He is my best student, Seer. I have recently initiated him to the second Valence of Incantations, which he is quickly mastering. And we have discussed this at length - you already know the motives which guide me."
"I don't need my arts" the Seer says, with what might pass for a chuckle if it were emitted in a human voice "to tell your young disciple is quite puzzled as to his reason for being here, Meister Rudolf. Would you perhaps enlighten him?"

Meister Rudolf sighs deeply, before turning to Andoric. He is tense, and looks worried - both are emotions the younger mage has never seen on his Instructor's face. "As the Seer shall explain to you in a moment, Andoric, dark events seem to be happening. Events still too... too small to justify my public attention, yet quite distressing. They seem to be centered in my Family's lands," here Meister Rudolf takes out a small locket and opens it, showing Andoric the Von Wulfe crest and an exquisite small painting of the while family "the ancestral lands of the Von Wulfe. I have already sent word of this to my youngest brother, Lothar. You and him will meet in Dresd, in an inn called "The Bucking Foal". I need you to investigate... these happenings. Pay the utmost attention - we fear darker magics, and the forbidden arts" Andoric shivers at the mention of necromancy, as the word itself is almost taboo in the Academy "might be at work. Once the Seer has told you what else you need to know, you will find a coach waiting for you. It shall take you out of the Academy. Once you have arrived, and the coach is out of sight, you may begin your journey to Dresd. I shall do my best to keep in contact with you, and cover your absence. I shall spread word you are working at a special experiment on my behalf, in my personal quarters. Could I, in any way, I would investigate this myself. Let it suffice to know I cannot... not yet. This is what I need your help for: to find suitable proof that my attention is justified, not to mention needed. Godspeed, Andoric." And with this, Meister Rudolf hurries away, leaving a quite bedazzled Andoric standing in front of the Seer.

"You have questions." says the Seer.
"Yes I do, Meister," admits Andoric "What is happening? Why all this secrecy? And why ME? There are certainly students at the Academy far more expert, and better suited to this task..."
The Seer slowly stands up. "The last question is the one you most care about, young man.. and the first one I shall give an answer to. You were chosen - and against my opinion, I shall add - because of a simple fact: your absence, your part in this, your very knowledge of what i am about to reveal, can be kept secret. And this is safer, for all of us. Furthermore, choosing a more experienced student would have meant involving yet another party in the matter... something both Meister Rudolf and I have deemed better avoid. Which leads us to your second question, regarding secrecy; to which I shall answer that, if I could answer your question, then secrecy wouldn't be needed."

Andoric would love to object.

"As for your first question... I find myself wishing, for the first time in many years, that I could be more precise. What I HAVE discovered is a .. disturbance. There is evidence of Necromantic forces acting in the lands of the Von Wulfe, and further south. They seem to be... subtle, soft in tone, slow in rhythm, yet steady and constant. The first effects are beginning to show already. The spring thaw is not as advanced as it should be; the river and channels are thinning. And there have been ... messages of worry and distress even from further south - from Oiralassie." the Seer concludes.
"The Elf Woods?" Andoric thinks, eyes blinking, unbelieving. "I had... no idea" he says "that there had been any human settlements, or even travellers, in Oiralassie, for centuries now." he states.
"There haven't." the Seer answers.

Andoric softly clenches his fist. He could SWEAR the man, or WHATEVER, is smiling under that hood.

"Now, on to more practical matters, young man. You shall find travel clothes and food in the coach. And... I reckon you haven't been much out of the Academy in the last years. Take this ring... it bears a small protective enchantment. It will work but once... then again, I do trust you won't be diving at every chance to have your throat slit. You may exit through this door" the Seer concludes, pulling a book on a shelf, revealing yet another hidden passage.

Andoric awakens in the coach, after a night's fitful but much needed sleep, as the coachman tells him they've arrived. He steps off the coach in his new travel clothes, hoisting his bag over his shoulder, and waits for the coach to disappear in the distance.

Only then he realizes two things.

He's at the crossroads, Elsinor on one side and Dresd on the other, still quite close to the Academy.
The second, and quite more distressing realization, is that it's more than a month's walk from here to Dresd. And he has no horse.
Elsinor has a port, though. And Meister Rudolf did recommend secrecy, but... a month is a month. Especially on one's own two feet.
Andoric starts walking towards Elsinor.

That evening, at the docks, a short investigation reveals a ship is leaving for Dresd just an hour later. As he stands in line to talk to the captain and get a cabin, someone definitely reeking of cheap ale roughly bumps into him. Fingers clutching to brush against the ring in his pocket, he turns to see a man with pasty white hair, ragged clothes, and a white ill-healed scar on his left cheek, deforming his visage into a disturbing sneer.

"Yes?" he says, nerves standing on end.

The weird man smiles. "Meister Rudolf is glad he's chosen an intelligent man for this job. Only a fool would walk to Dresd when there's a ship nearby. You have a booked cabin on board, Herr. Have a safe journey."

Andoric smiles a lot, while walking up the plank which leads to the ship.

He's always loved passing surprise tests...


At the Two-handled Mug Inn

Livia politely smiles at the gaping-mouthed Viknij.
Actually, her cheeks are aching with smiling at passersby looking at her ears. "Do you mind?" she asks, motioning to enter the inn.
Viktor nods, shakes his head, and follows her inside the building... immediately sitting at the first free table. Pointed ears, of all things. After bringing him his lunch (fish soup, more bread and more beer, he's one of those customers who don't seem to fuss too much), the Innkeeper turns to see Livia sitting at another table, and walks towards her. "May I help you, lass?" she asks, with a hearty smile.
Livia's diplomatic training immediately kicks into action. "I.. I think you may, ma'am. I would... like, if it's possible.. something to eat... and... and..."
The innkeeper sits at Livia's table, lowering her voice. "Are you in trouble, my dear girl?" she asks, her tone immediately growing concerned.
Livia nods. "... I am, my good ma'am. I am new to town... just arrived this morning. And.. and I've just been robbed, in those alleys near the centre of the city! It was so terrible!"
Tears well up in the innkeeper's eyes, as she gently pats Livia's hand. "My dear, don't you worry. i'll have something warm for you to eat in a moment, and don't you dare try look for some other place to sleep! You can have my spare room. Ah this city is SO dangerous for a girl like you, so innocent and naive and alone..." her voice disappears as she hustles into the kitchen.

Viktor's eyes and ears haven't left Livia. He stands and walks to her table. - Be polite, mainlanders are ALL fussy about being polite - he thinks as he clears his throat. "I couldn't help but hear of your accident, ma'am... perhaps you'd need help?"

Livia looks up at him, more than a little puzzled. He's clearly strong, and well armed. There might be use for him, should things get to blows.

"Maybe" she admits... "but the situation is so dangerous and weird and strange..."

Viktor sits. "Someone stole your things. You need them back. I'd say we need to find them and take your things back," he suggests, not quite seeing any particular complication.

Livia smiles. "Well , it's just that... I don't even know how many people you'd be up against..."

Viktor actually slows down talking, as if talking to a child. "Well, how many were there when you were robbed?" he asks.
"Well, there were three in all...."
"Then" Viktor says with a triumphant smile "i'd say it's reasonable to think it's three people I'd be up against."

"Yes... the fact is, we'd have to find these people's house again, and I'm not completely sure I can..."
Viktor's eyes widen greatly. "YOU went to THEIR house to get robbed?"

Livia lets out a DEEP sigh. "Look, er..."
"Livia. I was saying, look, Viktor. It's not that easy. It's hard even to explain. Anyway, if I can find a way for you to stay here tonight, would you be willing to help me tomorrow?"

Viktor grows increasingly puzzled. "I would say it's better to go after them now... who knows where they will be tomorrow?" he says.
Livia shakes her head. "Oh, no worry about that, we have three day's time" she reassures him.
"They GAVE YOU TIME to get it back?! What EXACTLY is wrong with you mainlanders, don't even THIEVES do things right?" Viktor bursts out, quite outraged. This is even worse than those Acolythings.
Livia lifts her palms. "I told you, it's complicated. Now let me arrange your stay here." She walks to the kitchen, where she stays for a few minutes before coming out with a lovely smile.

"It's all settled. You can sleep here on a table tonight. I'm sorry, but they only have one room, and I have that. Anyway the lady'll give you a blanket or something. Now you should go with her."

Viktor shrugs. "Oh, any blanket will do, I don't need to choose one. It's quite warm in here anyway."

The innkeper walks out the kitchen, a hammer in her hand, her booming voice calling out. "So! Young man, thanks for offering to fix my leaking roof! Come with me, let's get the ladder and tools, over here."

Livia can only smile, as Viktor rolls his eyes and frowns at her.

"Yes, ma'am" he sighs, standing from the table and following the innkeeper.

"Good" Livia thinks. "Now, on to devise some plan where we don't get to people hitting others with sharp things and putting lives, like, say, mine, uselessly at stake."


Merchants, Cons, and Fancy clothes, or "How to Get Out of Tight Spots"

The following morning sees Livia walk out her room with a determined attitude. "We're going, Viktor. Are you ready?"

Viktor is considering making some snide remark, but limits himself to shrugging and stretching his arms, nodding.

"So are you sure" says the innkeeper as she bids livia farewell "you don't want to stay here? I could use help with the cleaning and everything, and you'd have a roof on your head."

Livia shudders a little. The youngest daughter of a Lianer Senator doing the dishes in an inn in some barbaric freezing cold city... "Your offer is SO tempting, ma'am... but really, I'll better try and find a way to get back home. Thanks again." In a minute they're out, the bustle of the docks all around them.

Livia's looking for a merchant. Fortunately, those are abundantly present here... and she is attracted by a small crowd froming around a richly dressed man, yelling and gesticulating at several crestfallen sailors. Tugging on Viktor's arm, she approaches.

"You CRETINS!" the man is shouting at the top of his lungs. "LOOK! Look at my precious vases! Broken! Each of those is worth more than all of your silly empty wooden heads together!"

Livia clears her throat. "Herr?"

"They come from CATHAY! CATHAY, only to be delivered in shards! What should I be telling my customers now? The Graf's second cousin's daughter-in-law was expecting hers for tomorrow!"

"Excuse me, Herr?" she repeats, lightly touching his shoulder. Viktor stands there, his arms crossed. He's trying to divine what can make three grown, strong men look that scared of a single, fat, quite ridiculous balding little man with a shrill voice, but then again mainlanders are strange.

"And now of COURSE she can't have it, since her precious Cathayin vase is STREWN all over the docks! You know what? You can start -"


The exasperated man turns in mid-sentence. "What IS it?..." he starts, before seeing Livia's gentle features. "..mein Fraulein?"

"My name is Livia. I'm a trader myself. I can see you have suffered a loss... and a loss of exotic, valuable merchandise. I have the great fortune of being able to offer you an alternate merchandise... as exotic, as rare, and utterly new. If we can find some private place to discuss, while these servants clean up the mess?" Her eyes are sincere and clear, her voice is perfectly charming, her tone never falters once.

The man stands no chance.

"Ludwig Muttich, ma'am. At your service." He hooks her arm under his own and gestures for the three sailors to pick up the shattered vases, as he leads her to the "Gold Shield", a nearby tavern. They're soon sitting at a table, Viktor standing against a wall, drinking a beer. Livia just told this Muttich man he's her bodyguard. As long as that nets free beer, he's fine with the name.

"So, as I was telling you, Herr Muttich..."
"Ludwig. Please."
"Ludwig" livia concedes. "My superiors in Lian have decided to open far more to foreign commerce than ever before. We have luxury goods, works of art, precious objects, never been on your market before. I'm scouting for interested enterprisers to invest in this new trade avenue, and to form our first partners in this foreign beautiful land of yours."

Muttich is caressing his short beard as he listens, his eyes thin with interest. "And would you have any example of these goods, in storage somewhere?"

Livia shakes her head. "I am but a representative. I am here to..." her smile becomes one of complicity and understanding " ... to decide who, of tha many merchants in Dresd, is interesting for us to work with. We could say I am.. final judge on the matter."

Muttich gulps down the last of his ale. This is worth far more than a simple pass at... this could put him ahead of the competition for years. "Well, perhaps, Fraulein Livia, we might better discuss this at a dinner table, tonight, at my palace?"

Livia stiffens. This wasn't in her plans. "Alas, I have to decline your tempting offer, mein Herr... before hiring my bodyguard here, as a newcomer here, I was robbed of much of my luggage, including my more formal dresses. I am in no condition to attend a formal meeting... and know of no-one here to make a new set for me."

Muttich smiles. An opening! "Ah, but it is no problem at all! I shall take you to the best tailor in Dresd. He will make you a wonderful dress, in time for tonight. Here, follow me... you'll allow me, I hope, to let this be a small token, a gift, from a native to a visitor to our land." he concludes.

Livia accepts, and after a little talking, Muttich leaves them in the tailor's shop, with the agreement to meet that evening for dinner at his palace. As the tailor sets to measuring the fabric for Livia's dress, Viktor points out he has no intention of sitting the whole day there, watching a man cut some fabric. Livia and he agree to meet later, when the dress is ready.

His wanderings bring him once again to the Temple Square. He noticed a
fabrics merchant's cart yesterday, and he is quite puzzled that a dress can be made in one afternoon. He approaches the merchant, a tiny slender man.

"How long would it take to make some clothing?" he asks.
The merchant smiles. "Well, that would depend on the fabric you chose sir... and well, how fancy you wanted this clothing to be, and many many things, actually."
"Well, say it's for a woman? Imagine my sister. 'most tall as me, shoulders not as wide... well, a woman. With some fabric you already have here."
The merchant shrugs. "I'd say... perhaps a couple days?"
Viktor slams his hands on the cart. "A COUPLE?" No way he's waiting two full days for this Livia girl to get a dress!
The tiny man shivers visibly, stuttering "I-i-if you need it sooner sir, I am s-s-sure I can manage to do it f-faster" as he shrinks from Viktor's menacing figure.
Viktor realizes he's gone a LITTLE over the top. "Ah, good, good." He says, trying to smile and sound casual all at the same time. "I'll be back with .. with my sister so she can choose the color. Thank you." And he walks off towards the Temple, leaving the merchant to wonder if he shouldn't change the square he works in. Or maybe the -city- he works in.

The stone steps leading to the Temple of the Three's entrance are crowded with children. They're intently listening to a big, muscular man in a green tunic (another Acolything, Viktor thinks with a puzzled sigh) who seems to be telling a story while he works on fixing some kind of large three-legged wooden pedestal, the likes of which Viktor remembers seeing in the Temple yesterday. Having nothing better to do, he stands there and listens. It's some kind of fairy tale about a mighty Warrior needing to slay some fearsome terrible beast wrecking a realm. The Warrior cannot overcome the Beast by his sheer strength, so he asks advice from an old Wise Man. The Sage tells him that only by blinding the Beast with forged steel can he hope to defeat it. So the Warrior searches the Realm and finally finds a skillful Blacksmith, who forges a great Sword of steel for him. Thanks to this formidable weapon, the Beast is slain and peace restored. The large man concludes telling the children that the story has a simple moral: Warrior's strength and Sage's wisdom were necessary to slay the Beast, but yet, had there been no Blacksmith to forge the blade, they wouldn't have been enough. The kids all happily nod in agreement.

"Er... excuse me, Herr?" Viktor says, approaching the man. He is greeted by a wide smile. "I'm Brother Mark, Acolyte (there we go again, think Viktor resignedly) of the Forger. Can I help you?"
Viktor smiles back. "It's nothing, really... I'm a traveler.. I'm looking for an inn , or a tavern, or something."
Brother Mark scratches his chin. "Well, near here... an inn you say..."
One of the older kids eagerly chimes in, pulling on Viktor's cloak. "My father works in a BEAUTIFUL inn Herr, I can take you there if you want" he proudly states with an air or importance before skipping off, motioning for the Viknij to follow him.

Only a few crossroads later, the child stops in front of the painted sign of a quite nice inn. The large wooden plank depicts a black horse, rearing on its hind legs. In large painted characters, it says "The Bucking Foal Inn." A good place as any, Viktor thinks as he steps in, to spend the next long, boring, waiting hours.

Livia slowly turns around, admiring her new dress. The heavy green fabric wonderfully goes with her eyes and hair, and while definitely weird and a little too fitting for her habits, she can certainly say it's a wonderful piece of work. Furthermore, it is valuable... and should she actually need to BUY her scroll tube back, she needs evey coin she can scrape.

As Viktor steps in, not deigning her with even a brief look, she smiles at the tailor. "You did a wonderful job, my good man. I will mention your skill once more to Herr Luttich." The tailor bows respectfully. "My younger son will take you to Herr Luttich's palace... it is getting darker, and the city streets are like a maze" he adds, smiling sympathetically.

After convincing the guards at the rich mansion's doors that her bodyguard MUST accompany her inside, as it is a custom of Lian that an unmarried woman does not go alone in the house of a host, Livia and Viktor finally meet Ludwig. He's clearly not happy about Viktor's presence; the amount of perfume he's wearing, the particularly foppish outfit he's chosen for the evening, and the wonderful (and valuable, Livia notes with delight) gold necklace he offers Livia as a gift to "celebrate their fortunate meeting" definitely show how his plans included more than commercial transactions. Yet, he has a small table set up for the Viknij (who happily starts eating, wondering if life's always THIS easy on the mainland) and sits at the table with Livia.

Their talk goes on for the whole dinner. Livia skillfully evades every attempt on Muttich's part to better define the nature of the merchandise she can procure from Lian, still giving him the feeling the trade is more than interesting. In the end, as they are finishing a dessert of lovely baked apples and cinnamon, she decides the time has come to reel in her fish. "Anyway, Herr Muttich" she states "our pleasant conversation has definitely tilted the scales in your favor. I will be sure to mention you as the best choice for our market.. as soon as the other problem is solves, i'll immediately send a letter to ..."
"Other.. problem, Fraulein?" Ludwig stutters.
"Why, yes. Among the goods that I mentioned were stolen from my luggage, I have found out a very important object is missing. It's a wooden tube... carved, of no particular importance itself... were it not for the fact it is my writing set, and contains my signet ring. Without it, I have no way of confirming my identity on any official document..." she concludes with a sigh.
Muttich is hard-pressed not to burst out in frustration. But he's learned that, once you've spent all this money on a deal, it's worth going to the end rather than admitting a loss. He manages to keep his cool. "You should... should have told me earlier, Fraulein. The robbers might have escaped already. I shall immediately put some of my personal guards to see to the matter... and I'm sure" he concludes, now matter-of-factly "that you won't forget my efforts in.. recovering this precious ring of yours."

Livia smiles appreciatively. "You may rest assured, Herr Muttich. I will be... very grateful."
Muttich seems to get his hopes up for a moment. "Maybe I could offer you a room here at my mansion to rest for the night? I'm sure we can find some room for your servant too, in the stables..."
For once Livia is at a loss for words. She definitely does NOT intend to spend the night in the house of this man...
Viktor steps in smoothly. "I already procured two rooms for us at the Bucking Foal Inn, mistress. Actually, it is probably time we go." None of it is true, but no WAY he's sleeping in the stables. They'll surely have a room, it seemed a pretty nice place.

"So it is, Viktor, my good man. Herr Muttich, you have my undying gratitude. You may find me at the Bucking Foal, when you have news of my ring. Have a good night."

And they leave for the Bucking Foal Inn, Herr Ludwig Muttich already shouting for his captain of the guard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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