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CITY OF BRASS Launches, Bringing You Web-Based Campaign Management

[Promoted thread] City of Brass from Embers Design Studio launched over the weekend. I've mentioned it before - it's a suubscription-based web-based campaign management platform which successfully Kickstarted a few months ago and has just finished a beta period. System-neutral (although with some included data for various systems) it features builders for worlds, characters, NPCs, monsters, stories, and campaign management. Current supported (i.e. pre-loaded, though you can add your own data freely, so the platform handles any system) rulesets include D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, Fate, d20 Modern/Future, and What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. What's below is Ember Design Studio's Lucas Currel's own post, as he describes it in far more detail than I ever could!

[Promoted thread] City of Brass from Embers Design Studio launched over the weekend. I've mentioned it before - it's a suubscription-based web-based campaign management platform which successfully Kickstarted a few months ago and has just finished a beta period. System-neutral (although with some included data for various systems) it features builders for worlds, characters, NPCs, monsters, stories, and campaign management. Current supported (i.e. pre-loaded, though you can add your own data freely, so the platform handles any system) rulesets include D&D 3.5, Pathfinder, Fate, d20 Modern/Future, and What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. What's below is Ember Design Studio's Lucas Currel's own post, as he describes it in far more detail than I ever could!


City of Brass is a web-based application for managing your favorite tabletop RPGs - all of them. The app contains four major components:

  • World Builder helps you create and organize beautiful settings.
  • Entity Builder houses your characters, NPCs, and monsters.
  • Story Builder helps get your adventures setup for the gaming table.
  • Campaign Manager brings players and GMs together in a shared space.

View attachment 69478

What's more it runs on any device - phone, table, computer - it doesn't matter.

View attachment 69479

The service is subscription based, but everyone can evaluate it absolutely free for up to 30 days with no credit card needed. When your ready to subscribe, choose either a monthly or an annual subscription plan.

View attachment 69480

And be among the first 100 people to subscribe, and use the code First100 during setup, for another 25% off your first subscription charge. That mean's you could get your first year for just $18.

View attachment 69490

Here are some screenshots from each of our major components.

World Builder (browse this setting here)

View attachment 69489

Entity Builder

5e Character
View attachment 69484

W.O.I.N. character
View attachment 69483

Red Dragon (Pathfinder)
View attachment 69485

Selection of stock monsters
View attachment 69486

Story Builder

View attachment 69487

View attachment 69488

Campaign Manager

View attachment 69481

View attachment 69482

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I can do most and more for free don't see the point in being a member as per content still make 90% of it my self as a GM so no use to me but maybe some one could find a use for it.


While I don't like subscription based programms, I do think that it looks great and this is one of the things where web-based contents really makes sense (use all your devices without the need to sync and also doubles as Homepage for your Campaign).

By the way, is there a Export (PDF, Html or other Formats) included?

Mr. Flibble

Well, I set up a 30-day trial just to check it out, and so far I like what I see. Nice, simple, elegant but versatile design. This would also be cheaper as a monthly subscription, but I want to play with it a little more.


Can you please check out if there is an export feature?`

Also can you make parts of it available for everyone, so that players can look at the Campaign-info without paying?


If there were a fully implemented D&D 5e character (PC/NPC) builder included (something like PCGen) I might consider paying for it, but it seems to me that it's just a database into which the user inputs campaign data. What can this portal do that Obsidian Portal doesn't already offer?

Queer Venger

Dungeon Master is my Daddy
Just subscribed to Obsidian Portal for my campaigns. Im pretty happy with it. Maybe this one will compete, and competition could be good for me. Not sure whey the advertisment says it supports 3.5 if the current edition is 5e. Not sure if I need monster stats/blocks when I love my Monster Manual.


I made an test account and played around a bit. You can make some pages public, so the players don't have to have their own subscription to read the Campaign-Info.

I didn't see any option for an export, which worries me since I want some backups in case the Servers will stop someday. But I haven't seen everything so far, so I might have missed it.

About Characters .. there are multible systems supported, but they are more or less just templates. There is no automation included, not even the Attribute modifieres are calculated. But the finished sheet supports Skill-rolls (just have to click it) and you can manage some points like Fate, Stress, etc.

The Editor is very easy to use and I like the finished look. The Site itself needs a bit to geting used to, but I think after a session or two it should be fine.

I cannot compare it to Obsidian or other Campaign-Sites, but compared to my solution (Wiki & OneNote) it's not as flexible and fast, but it's results are good looking and easier for those who cannot use a wiki (no website and/or knowledge).


First Post
Baumi- our focus at present is on delivering content via the web. We intend to create a PDF export, likely beginning with character sheets, but don't have a timeline on this yet.

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