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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VIII

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ajanders said:
"Hey, that's supposed to be my line!"
Michael puts his tongue firmly in his cheek and winks at Ironwolf.
"So who started you on meditation, anyway?"

"Why, Michael, surely you've noticed in our travels that I meditate every morning, not to mention whenever I feel the need to concentrate my energies. My martial style is very focused on joining mental and physical energies to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts. You recall my battlecry, do you not?"

Ironwolf responds to Prig mildly. "Appearances can be decieving, my friend. Many seem to think I'm short, but in reality I am 10 feet tall. Perhaps tomorrow, after you recover from your indulgence, we might find a quiet place in which to practice. Surely our styles are so different that we would have much to learn from one another. Then again, I have had more than my fill of arena combat of late. It would be even better if we could find some sort of work, and compare how our individual styles work against a common foe... some sort of monster, perhaps?"

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Rosalynn just sits there and watched the exchange shaking her pretty brunette head.

She reguards Prig with slight annoyance. "Just because I am a woman doesn't mean I couldn't kick your ass." She mutters under her breath.

She smiles at Van, Ironwolfe and Michael, saving her brightest smile for Michaeal. She begins to hum a little tune and her expression turns serious, as if she's back to thinking deep thoughts.


Patlin said:
"Why, Michael, surely you've noticed in our travels that I meditate every morning, not to mention whenever I feel the need to concentrate my energies. My martial style is very focused on joining mental and physical energies to form a whole greater than the sum of its parts. You recall my battlecry, do you not?"
Michael grimaces. "Actually, it usually gets lost in my prayer of 'Please Sela, don't let everybody get killed.' And I'm sticking with that one, too -- nothing like an old favorite."
He ponders for a moment.
"Very few people really formally meditate -- you'd be the third one I know, and the first one taught me, who would be the second. It's just not something I ever had a chance to ask about; we were pretty busy at Easterling."


gogo_jerrick said:
"Me know battle at Earling! She make it no wounds? Or she get wounds? Wounds make man strong, big, ready for all!" Previously leaning his shield against his arm, Prig rests it against the bar and pulls his arm out, showing all who look a nasty scar that runs from the top of his left wrist all the way up underneath his armor. The scar seems two inches wide in length and a little more than an inch deep. It looks as if someone had taken a hammer and chisel down his arm several times. "People try make Prig small. They take Prig's arm and cut it real deep. Prig no get small, Prig change. Prig no need little weapon when he use big shield now!"

"Bleah." Michael comments professionally.
"Please tell me you poulticed that with something -- I won't even ask what. Just assure me you did something with it, and I'll let it go at that. As for your question, I don't think anybody ever laid a finger on her. Heck, she went into an arena with three other fighters and I think she was the only one that left under her own power."


Jennileerose said:
...saving her brightest smile for Michaeal. She begins to hum a little tune and her expression turns serious, as if she's back to thinking deep thoughts.
Michael blushes a little more, then reaches back into his belt pouch and slides out the same blue stone he's been polishing. Setting it firmly on the table, he carefully begins polishing the stone against his palm again, keeping one eye on Rosalynn in case she decides to sneak up and...well...kiss him again.
Firmly stamped into a small corner of his mind and blockaded in there with large heavy conscience-filled boulders is the thought that he rather liked it.

(OOC note: He spent three years polishing a stone as an act of religious devotion! As you can imagine, no, he didn't date! Or, you know...that. For a quasi-medieval society, that's got to be seriously wrong...)


First Post
Patlin said:
Ironwolf responds to Prig mildly. "Appearances can be decieving, my friend. Many seem to think I'm short, but in reality I am 10 feet tall. Perhaps tomorrow, after you recover from your indulgence, we might find a quiet place in which to practice. Surely our styles are so different that we would have much to learn from one another. Then again, I have had more than my fill of arena combat of late. It would be even better if we could find some sort of work, and compare how our individual styles work against a common foe... some sort of monster, perhaps?"

Prig stands tall and says, "Prig like see proud man fight. Prig want fight monsters, human blood bad for Prig, cause Prig get new home. I go with you, we fight monsters and see who biggest."

Jennileerose said:
She reguards Prig with slight annoyance. "Just because I am a woman doesn't mean I couldn't kick your ass." She mutters under her breath.

After asking the women her ability in battle, and seeing her disgust with the question, Prig states, "You not like Prig? Prig not like other orcs, but you Prig never see before. Prig curious."


First Post
Prig, orc barbarian

ajanders said:
"Bleah." Michael comments professionally.
"Please tell me you poulticed that with something -- I won't even ask what. Just assure me you did something with it, and I'll let it go at that. As for your question, I don't think anybody ever laid a finger on her. Heck, she went into an arena with three other fighters and I think she was the only one that left under her own power."
Prig looks back at the brunette, and smiles, "You strong? Prig want see you fight monster too." Prig then scratches his head and turns back, "What is pou..lt...iced?" he says unintelligably. "Me watch it heal, me watch it turn colors, and strange shaman slap goo on it and it burn. It stop colors though, and stop hurt." He runs a finger through the inch deep gash up to his armor. "Past hurt," he states bluntly, and turns to Joe, who hands him another ale.
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The man with the probe
"Prig, there's much more to life than battle. There's an entire world out there, waiting to be explored."

"You sure spend a lot of time with that stone Michael, it not shiny enough for you yet?" Vanitri asks.


Bront said:
"You sure spend a lot of time with that stone Michael, it not shiny enough for you yet?" Vanitri asks.

Michael examines it for a moment.
And goes back to polishing.


First Post
Prig, Orc barbarian

Bront said:
"Prig, there's much more to life than battle. There's an entire world out there, waiting to be explored."

"Only strong survive. World only know strong. Weak die or be used, strong make own paths. Prig no weak, Prig strong." He continues drinking his ale, this time a bit more slowly to humor Joe.

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