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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn VIII

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Bront said:
"Ros, perhaps you could sing something a bit better so Michael can concentrate on this poor man here?" Vanitri asks.

OOC: Yes, the Kitara are my fault, but they've been around for a bit, made an apperance in Festival, and apparently have several people pondering them. I'd have made one if the were around before I created my 3rd. But Michael probably still doesn't know much about them, nor do most people at the moment.

Ajanders, might I request that you put in a line break or two in occasionaly? It breaks thoughts up a bit more, makes things easy to follow. Just a personal request :)

Rosalynn does join into Micheal's song, singing a random syllable in her soft mezzo-soprano, watching the young one curiously.

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The crowd and healers converging on the scene, Japheth reluctantly lowers his sword. With another quick glance at the bodies, he sheathes his shortsword and turns back towards the inn. Maybe the living one will have more to reveal.


Michael quietly points out and introduces Rosalynn, Vanitri, Ironwolf, and Japheth, all of whom are pretty obvious, because they're looking at, leaning towards, or singing near the two of them.

"Little guy, I think you're pretty much stuck with all the attention for the rest of the evening."

Michael stands him on a chair and sets a mug of cocoa in front of him.

"Wrap yourself around that for a bit, and don't go anywhere."

Michael goes over to Joe.

"Did anybody call the watch?"


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Setis looks around a bit, and in a small timid voice say, "Thank you." After a few moments, and after gathering his courage, Setis alleviates some of the immediate questions by tellinghis story to those around him.

He looks around for a minute, and after taking a sip of his cocoa, pats his chest as if missing something. He looks over at Ros and asks her quitely, "Do you think you could take me to get my things?"


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Kish looked casually past the throngs of people crowding the street until his eyes caught site of an enormous stone statue at the far end. A dragon, from what he could tell, though clearly he had no earthly idea what kind or even how accurate the craftsman had been in sculpting it. Knowing at once that he had found the Inn so many on his way had spoken of Kish started a deliberate walk down the street, careful not to let any who might steal his meager coin purse get too close. Once again Kish tried to take a deep breath to steel his nerves, and once again he found himself stopping short. His keen elvish senses begged him not to be assaulted by the stench of "civilization" a second time. A few shallow breaths later Kish arrived at the main entrance to the Inn. Giving one last glance at the enormous statue, Kish took the biggest breath he dared and pushed his way into the building.

His keen elven scent betrayed the small puddle of blood just inside the door before his eyes ever caught sight of it. The patrons seemed none the worse for it, and so Kish steeled his resolve and tried to remember the ritual. It took only a few moments to spot the owner - the bartender known as Joe. Moving with deliberate resolve, Kish closed the distance to the bartender.

"I believe it is the tradition at your establishment to greet you upon entering." Kish began, his voice measured and soft, "and in that tradition I do bid you Hello, Joe of Orussus."

Kish turned, obviously too nervous to even consider whether Joe would actually respond to him. Bolstering his voice, he called out, hoping that he was performing the ritual loudly enough to be considered correct.

"I believe it is also a tradition that I proclaim my name and intent to all who can hear." Kish gulped, taking another shallow breath. "I am Kish, of the house of Ei, from the forests far to the south of the city. I am a plain elf, but one who can be trusted at his word."

Kish glances nervously around to see how he will be regarded, and looks for an empty seat.

OOC - How does a guy do that spoiler/ooc info thing?


The man with the probe
"Well met Kish, I'm Vanitri." says the somewhat colorfully dressed human. "Come, sit, and have a drink, and perhaps we'll make up our own minds on your word."


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Kith eyed the black-haired and brightly clothed human with some suspicion (Sense Motive 19) wondering what the human had in mind that would test his word, why it was he wanted him to drink, and what would possess a man to dress so boldly. Elven features he might have, but no elven sense for anyone who wanted to hide or not be noticed. The clothes must be a distraction he thought...

Still, it was a means of escape from the public scrutiny, and so Kish quickly crossed the short distance to the gypsy, pulling a few coins from his meager purse as he went. "Waitress, something refreshing that will not cloud my mind nor impair my judgement, if you please?" Noting the nod of the nearest waitress Kith palmed the small coins and tucked his purse back within the folds of his clothing before taking a seat near Vanitri. "Thank you for the quick rescue. Are you a minstrel by chance?"

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