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City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Pendrake looks to the palidin and says"das Halinatell be about her...." suddenly the woman with the missing son bursts in and givers her tale, "later you must tell me about halina, I must to this lady to help." as he stands a light burs in his eyes and a faint wisper is heard: "redemption".

the tall young man walks up and joins Tommy and Solange. Putting his hand on his chest and giving a short bow while clicking his heels together he says, "pendrake Utherman of the noordlans. To find your boy I am to help." he stands his full height of 6' 6" and 200 pounds of youth have an air of deturmination about him. he steps between Solange and Tommy and places his long arms around their sholders and says, "Mein frends!"

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Solange said:
OOC: And Rapture was looking forward to an adventure with Keldar :(
OOC - she seems to tolerate him better than most people do! I don't think Keldar would be in the top choices for W2, anyway. There's a 2nd level rogue interested. Maybe Tommy could go fetch Conuld from upstairs (although, gee, Conuld is dull; I'm going to have to work on his personality :p)


Solange said:
"Hey Tommy, This woman here lost 'er son 'n needs help." Solange says.

"Really? If I can be of any assistance, of course I shall be glad to do so in any way I can."

At Solange's meaningful glance at the sign over the bar, Tommy turns to the crowd and says, "Atomerasu Worthallingham, fourth of that name, at your service. Er, everybody calls me Tommy, though."

ooc: Looks like a lot of not-quite-second levelers interested. Maybe you need to add an easy encounter at the beginning, Wik. ;)


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Cepheus seems to be in contemplation for a minute as the tavern turns to discussion about the womans missing son. After a moment he appears to have come to some conclusion over an inner debate and turns to the woman. Perhaps I could help, it is not the kind of pay I am looking for but I cannot seem to disreguard your. (Cepheus has actually come to the conclusion that some notoriety for saving the child may benefit his business and believes this to be an acceptable reward.)


First Post
One-eyed Queen

Solange said:
"I'm sorry m'lady, my name is Rapture," she says with a curtsy and offers her hand for a shake as well. "Where was this order you speak of? And what was your father doing in it?"

Sammy shakes that paladin's hand in a manner that tries to be firm but doesn't quite cut it. "Pleased to meet you, Rapture," she replies with a smile. "We didn't really talk about it, my parents don't like talking about their pasts that much. But as far as I recall, it was somewhere far to the south, in the lands of the Negative Tower. And don't think he was a part of it," the will to protect her father's reputation raises her voice. "He was there to learn about their magic so he could use it against them later on. My Dad's a Hero." Strangely enough, she pronounces the capitalisations.

When the woman rushes in to tell of her plight, Sammy turns her head to the general direction and sighs. "I really wish I could help her, she sounds so sad," her smile shows a shade of sadness. "This is one of the times when I wish I could see so I could go look for her son." However, upon hearing the offers of rescue rushing to the mother, Sammy lightens up once again. "Luckily others can do it in my place," she says with brighter smile, though the tinge is not completely gone.

[sblock=OOC]I'd love to adventure with Sammy on this one, but...

Also, continuing the discussion because Rapture and Solange won't talk to each other. Ixnay on the lotpay evicesday.

Oh, and sorry for vanishing, my internet connection went bye-bye in a thunderstorm. Reliability in a nutshell.

Writing in present tense, I've missed it.[/sblock]

Richard Rawen

First Post
Richard watches the interaction between the youthful Sammy and the more mature beauty of Rapture. There was something going on... something the fighter wasn't getting... and yet this was not new to him where the fairer sex was concerned.
Blocked as he was by the women, he was moments too late to offer his . . . well... what good would his blade do anyways? It's a matter of a lost child, lost in a city he has little knowledge of... let those more suited take it on. And yet, there was something he could do.

Excusing himself from the two lovely ladies, Richard walked to the throng of people gathered around the shaken mother. Carefully stepping around and between, he makes his way to the woman's side, digging at his pouch on the way. Standing slightly to the rear and side of the woman as she tells her tale yet again, beseeching aid, Richard leans in and speaks quietly to the commoner.
[sblock=Marissa,(Listen=DC12 to those gathered, else DC=20)]"This is to help hire a rescue party m'Lady, put it before your own coin, though it is yours to do as you see fit. I know nothing of the city, this is my way of helping since battle is all I know..."[sblock=DM]A small pouch with 5 platinum coins. Richard honestly has no confidence in his skills at speaking with people and also finds the city a bit daunting. This is just his way of trying to come to the rescue without "messing it up" with his lack of ability.[/sblock] [sblock=Spot DC=15 crowd only]Pressing a small pouch into the woman's hand, Richard quietly makes his way over to the bar.[/sblock][/sblock]
Walking over to the bar, Richard orders another Stout, standing once again between Rowan and Lasair. "I've no idea how to help in this matter," he states, looking between the veteran warrior and the charming "sorceress". "Mayhap your mind magiks could aid her Lady Lasair?"
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First Post
OOC: Okay, I think I have a good group, here:

Auric Neuman, Psychic Warrior 1.
Cepheus Boomhill, Rogue 1/Ranger 1.
Aiken, Rogue 2.
Solange Shepherd, Cleric 1 (almost 2!)

Leaving me one slot open for Conuld, Tommy, or Pendrake. You guys can figure it all out between you, or I could determine the slot randomly.

Also, I should note for players in Blacklily Violence that this adventure occurs roughly three weeks after Blacklily Violence. Just so you don't get thrown off or anything.


Marissa receives the money from Richard, and her eyes swell up like saucers. "This is... this is too much! I haven't seen so much money in my lifetime!" She smiles weakly, and puts the money in front of her. "There. The reward just raised by fifty golden crowns!

She is amazed at all the people willing to help her, and begins to speak. "Tomas is a lot like his father used to be, before he started drinking and got stabbed in a bar fight, bless his soul. Tomas is a bit, well... wild. And friendly, and charming! All the other kids want to play with him, too! He's something of their leader, I think. The boy has a future, if I can keep him safe long enough!

No, he's always getting into trouble. Mostly, it's little things - he got caught in a windowframe once; he and his friends were playing 'watch and robbers' and Tomas was trying to sneak into an old warehouse before he got stuck. Took three men to pull him out!"
She lets out a giggle, and then starts crying once more. After a few moments (and Joe putting his arm around her comfortingly), she carries on.

"One thing he always does, though, is come home at night. The streets are scary, and he well knows it. But, he didn't come home last night. And with all these rumours of goblinfolk on the street... I just know he's in trouble!"

She wipes her face. "Tomas usually plays in Merchants Avenue, with some of his friends. He's only ten years old, and looks a lot like me - Fair hair, skin, and brown eyes. His best friend, Hukk, is twelve years old and kinda dirty-looking - he's usually not very far from Tomas' side, and I haven't been able to find him either!"

She pushes the money forward. "I know you adventurersome types usually take jobs for hundreds of gold crowns, but this is all I've got." She shoots a smile of thanks at Richard."Sixty gold, split five ways, is a lot less than what yer probably used to, but I hope it's enough to convince you to look for my boy...?"

At that, Marissa starts crying once more.

[sblock=Rumours of Goblinfolk, Knowledge/Local DC 15]People have been reporting seeing small, feral-looking creatures with vicious blades on the streets at night. Exactly why they're here is unknown.[/sblock]

[sblock=Rumours of Goblinfolk, Knowledge Local DC 20]The creatures are most likely goblins, although they seem better armed than their usual kin. They've been seen once or twice speaking to shady-looking humans, in dark alleyways.[/sblock]

[Sblock=Richard]Just so you know, there's a slot open for you, if you want it. I could use a 3rd level in this adventure. It's something of life insurance for the 1st levelers. :)[/sblock]

OOC: I'll be at work for the rest of the day, but I should have the first post of the adventure up by the end of the night, or by tomorrow afternoon.


kn(local) 1d20+5=16

Tommy looks grave. "I've heard mention of the goblin sightings to which you refer, but I thought them merely rumors. If they really have taken to roaming the very streets of Orussus at night... but, best not to dwell on that, perhaps. Bloody Jack Jenkins says that goblins are some of the foulest creatures known."

ooc: I'm interested, but I'd be willing to back out if someone else desperately wants to go. Or, we could roll dice for it. Whatever. :)


Wik said:
Leaving me one slot open for Conuld, Tommy, or Pendrake. You guys can figure it all out between you, or I could determine the slot randomly.
OOC: I'm sure it'd be fun, but I'm willing to let Tommy or Pendrake fill the slot, since they're both present in the RDI.


First Post
Trouvere said:
OOC: I'm sure it'd be fun, but I'm willing to let Tommy or Pendrake fill the slot, since they're both present in the RDI.

OOC: Mighty decent of you, Trouvere. 'Sides, I've taken precautions against indiscriminate use of Color Spray this time around ;)

I'm looking forward to Galwynn resisting the urge to strangle Keldar, sometime in the near future.
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