City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

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OOC - haha, you bet! Specifically I used this site which has an impressive range of useful languages.. speaking of which, back IC:

Keldar's smile fades and in a moment he mutters to himself, "Ugoditi nem pogodak rabszolgatok." He shivers, laughs oddly, closes his eyes, passes a hand over his forehead. Then goes to the bar, receives two glasses of some kind of spirit, and downs them in quick succession. He comes back to his original seat.[sblock=Giant]"Please, don't hit your thrall"[/sblock]
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A statuesque beauty, with long brunette hair tied back in a pony tail enters the tavern with confidence and grace. A bright smile and soft brown eyes greet any who glance her way. A sword and shield strapped to her back, and her chain shirt hugs her curvy figure well. Her tanned skin is well toned and smooth. She glides in with a little swagger in her hips as she approaches the bar.

"Good day sir," she says to in a soft and sweet voice. "My name is Rapture. I was told I could seek work and adventure here. Might I ask, what kinds of wines do you serve here?"

Voda Vosa

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"Keldar, my friend, tell me that you giant love, is more beautyfull than this young lady here, and I will help you rescue her." Says the druid to Keldar, addressing the newcomer.


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"Oh, is there some great love in need of rescue? I'd gladly offer my services in aid good sirs," Rapture says with a warm smile at the druid and his companion.


"A quest!" says Keldar with enthusiasm. "Undertaken by Keldar and the... Keldarites? Keldarians! Ah, you should see her, druid, standing in the teeth of a storm with her hair blowing free. She is tall and proud, and kinder than most frost giants. Her lips are like a rope of azure, her neck like one of the Towers, her breasts like two calves of the Enworphant" - he turns around to see the new arrival as he talks - "her hair is a perfect shade of... brown... I mean, blue, and in a... ponytail... really quite adorable... her the teeth... and her eyes are so soft and brown that a man could lose his.... Well, she is the daughter of the chieftain, you know. No, I am sure she is quite safe. There's no need to go running off to find her. I'm not even sure which direction to... My lady Rapture, allow me to introduce myself. I am Keldar Warbray. Yes, yes, the Keldar Warbray." He waves a modest self-deprecating hand.


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Cepheus watches Keldar, with one eyebrow raised and begins to laugh. If ever I need legal counsel I know where to seek it. I am sure he could convince my mother I am a frost giant. He finishes the last of his drink and orders another.


"Legal counsel?" asks Keldar lazily. "I hope not. Keldar does not wish to be associated with untrustworthy scoundrels!"


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Rapture gasps, "The Keldar Warbray? M'lord, please forgive me for not recognizing you." She manages to look quite embarrassed if not for the smile across her face and does a deep curtsy. "Why I never thought there'd be a day where I'd meet the Keldar Warbray."

She grabs her glass of wine and strides elegantly over to his table. "M'lord, perhaps I could have the honor of sitting at the table of the Keldar Warbray? Tell me m'lord, are they all the legends true? Or do they pale in comparison to the real Keldar Warbray?"

Other than a slight hint of amusement in her eyes, it's hard to tell she's not truly sincere.


"Er, yes, the Keldar Warbray. Unless... there isn't another, is there?" Keldar looks a little dazed. "No, impossible, impossible! The world would be too small." He leans in closer. "Please, no more m'lord - I try to keep my noble birth a secret. Common touch with the little people, important - you know," he whispers. "Um, which legends have you heard?" he asks, his eyes darting about a little. "There are... er... so many, it gets difficult even for me to recall which are true, and which are the exaggerations of foolish bards."


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"M'lo... Keldar," Rapture corrects herself, blushing a bit, "I know not where to begin, for indeed there are many. Did you indeed tame a manticore barehanded? Are you really a former pit fighting champion of Earling? Why did you punch that horse?"

Rapture remains standing, eying a seat and then Keldar again.

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