City of Seven Sins - Repository


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Hmm...perhaps some kind of 'psi-messiah' type then. I could adapt an idea for a character I made for another game.

Have a cultish sort of secretive society dedicated to the creaton of a perfect being via a centuries-long eugenics program between Exalted germlines that had been genetically manipulated in ages past.

Each generation, the strongest child of those pairings is considered a candidate to become a prophesied one who will push the chaos back and found a new golden age not on corrupting technology, but on the power of mind, body and spirit working as one to make miracles.

Oddly, despite its origins in genetic manipulation and eugenics, it's a humanist order, not transhumanist. They insist that everyone has the potential to unlock this awareness, to one extent or another. Many are led astray by the lure of technology, which rewards and promotes sloth and indolence. Others are blinded by their vices. Etc etc.

My character might or might not be this person...over the ages there have been many candidates, but no true messiahs. But it would give me license to purchase psychokinetic and psychocreative ranged blasts and control powers, as well a telepathic and charismatic influence.

And perhaps a small but devoted cult. :)

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First Post
Hmm...perhaps some kind of 'psi-messiah' type then. I could adapt an idea for a character I made for another game.

Have a cultish sort of secretive society dedicated to the creaton of a perfect being via a centuries-long eugenics program between Exalted germlines that had been genetically manipulated in ages past.

Each generation, the strongest child of those pairings is considered a candidate to become a prophesied one who will push the chaos back and found a new golden age not on corrupting technology, but on the power of mind, body and spirit working as one to make miracles.

Oddly, despite its origins in genetic manipulation and eugenics, it's a humanist order, not transhumanist. They insist that everyone has the potential to unlock this awareness, to one extent or another. Many are led astray by the lure of technology, which rewards and promotes sloth and indolence. Others are blinded by their vices. Etc etc.

My character might or might not be this person...over the ages there have been many candidates, but no true messiahs. But it would give me license to purchase psychokinetic and psychocreative ranged blasts and control powers, as well a telepathic and charismatic influence.

And perhaps a small but devoted cult. :)

As long as he/she has a veil all should be well :). That and a reason for us to be in the city? I'd figure we're here to help the pretty boy regain his freedom. Maybe some force in the city kept him in the whorehouse to keep him safe, so he could be used in a ritual tonight? Every city needs an evil khalif trying to take over the world :).

[MENTION=647]drs[/MENTION]imon: Humans have one free advantage. Other races have something that equals one free advantage, right? I'd go for a symbiote (the silver filigree). I'd like to be able to use advantages to make it stronger :).
Would you allow for the symbiote to be able to acquire powerpoints from recently slain foes, like one PP per dice of vigor? It could be that it only can do that when the moon is up, and that it would take one round per PP so I can't use it as a continues power source, and the extacy would leave my char unable to do anything while draining powerpoints. I imagine it would leave the victims as dried husks.
I think it might be balanced that way. Anyone care to comment?
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Dr Simon

Lessee, some points to address:

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] - yes, like the character idea, shades of Dune, I feel. And of course the thing about prophesyed messianic figures, is they actively try to fit the criteria then its pretty much a given that people will begin to think that's what they are. Until a rival comes along who also fits the criteria....

[MENTION=15640]DrZombie[/MENTION] - draining symbiont idea sounds good; makes him a sort-of vampire to go with WD's sort-of zombie, which is fun.

I like the projected plot idea - best if somebody makes themselves know to Six, in that case.

I'm wondering about the Queen of Whores - is she like a super-madame, or is that a nickname given due to her predilictions. The idea of the City of Seven Sins is an intriguing one too, which presumably makes her ruler of Lust.


Lessee, some points to address:

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] - yes, like the character idea, shades of Dune, I feel. And of course the thing about prophesyed messianic figures, is they actively try to fit the criteria then its pretty much a given that people will begin to think that's what they are. Until a rival comes along who also fits the criteria....

[MENTION=15640]DrZombie[/MENTION] - draining symbiont idea sounds good; makes him a sort-of vampire to go with WD's sort-of zombie, which is fun.

I like the projected plot idea - best if somebody makes themselves know to Six, in that case.

I'm wondering about the Queen of Whores - is she like a super-madame, or is that a nickname given due to her predilictions. The idea of the City of Seven Sins is an intriguing one too, which presumably makes her ruler of Lust.

My initial idea is that the City of Seven Sins actually has seven regents - one for each of the "cardinal sins". The Queen of Whores would be for Lust. There would then be six other regents - Greed, Gluttony, Avarice, Sloth, Wrath, and Pride. I guess these seven regents would rule the city as a collective and would all be decadent bad guys.


First Post
I am very confused on one point...

I get that I have to spend an Edge on Arcane Background (Psionic). I get that I have to spend a skill on Psionics.

all that gives me access to Powers. but I don't know how many Powers I start with. Do I really have to spend another Edge for every Power I have?

And are there more powers available than just the ones in the quickie guide?


City of 7 Sins is kind of cool, partly just because I was thinking of using the seven sins in the development of this psionic it could make sense that my character came to the city. To oppose it, of course!


First Post
As far as I'm aware : You spend an edge on arcane backgrounds : psionics. That gives you 10 PP and 3 powers and allows you to develop the skill psionics. If you roll a 1 on the skill role you suffer from a brainfart (mindburn it's called in this system).

The powers in the book are:

Beast Friend
Boost/Lower Trait
Detect/Conceal Arcana
Elemental manipulation
Environmental Protection
Greater Healing (healing more than 1 hr after injury)
Healing (healing within 1 hr)
Puppet (domination)
Shape Change
Smite (magical weapon)
Speak Language
Stun (ranged stun ball)
Create Zombies

The powers usually do what you'd expect when you read the name, added in parentheses if I thought it wasn't clear. The one I miss is suggestion, but I'm sure Dr Simon can be reasoned with ;)

Just give me a yell for a complete description on the powers that interest you.
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