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City Rules?


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Are there any Plans from any D20 Publisher to publish a generic city book? I think, that is missing right now. Of course we have a lot of very detailed D20 Cities out there, but nothing generic.

Something with:

a) flavor text about medieval fantasy cities, giving some ideas for fleshing out cities in your own campaign.

b) crunchy encounter tables for different city types, like

different climates
- cold, temperate, arid...

- underground, above-ground
- port, inland
- mountains, hills, forests...

- militaristic
- commercial
- scientific/magical
- religious

- different races

generic areas
- docks
- slums
- high society
- markets
- crafters quarter

These rules could be further fine-tuned by factors like crime rate, commercial power, military power etc.

c) relevant stats for generic NPCs, for example
- sailors
- townguard
- thieves
- beggars
- merchants

d) crunchy rules for PCs spending some Non-Play time in a city. For example:

- earning money/XP with different professions / jobs, with skill checks vs. a variable DC and some negative outcome on a failure
(this could be a jail sentence for a rogue, a serious wound for a fighter, a lab explosion for a wizard).

- long-time encounters, i.e. some encounter roll each month to make this down-time more believable and exciting. Long-time encounters could include getting robbed, making a new acquintance, falling in love, finding something, get mistakenly accused of a crime, angering the local thieves guild or the city authority...

e) A lotta city-adventure ideas

Hope to convince someone to do it :)

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Bluffside has a lot of what you ask, and we are making city section expansions with more info this year. Click the links below and see whay ya think, or check the reviews here at ENWorld.


First Post
I'll check them out, thank you.

The only problem with the undoubtly very interesting and creative citybooks out there is, at least for me as a DM, that they detail only one city, which is mostly very special with too much detailed information (like a history for example).

What I think would be interesting would be a rules set which can help a DM bring every city in his campaign to life.

If there is such information in city books like Bluffside, why not build on that one to provide a "City System". Could be an OGL joint effort.


First Post
Well... you might get a kick out of this chart I made then :)

Street Random Encounter chart. 1d100:

1. The avatar of a locally worshiped god has appeared in the area.
2. War! A war has broken out in the area, it could involve nearby countries or it could be orcs, goblins, etc.
3. A massive creature of power attacks (Dragon, Giant, etc.)
4. Supernatural weather. (Rains blood, moon changes color, etc)
5. A famous NPC from the realms
6. Dueling wizards or sorcerers! Best to get out of the way. (20% chance that a random spell will affect those nearby)
7. Polymorphed creature of power in human form, enjoying the sights and sounds.
8. Day: A vampire's ghoul, Night: a Vampire (25% chance he'll attempt to stalk one of the PC's)
9. Doppelganger begins to stalk one of the PC's!
10. Madman attacks the PC's.
11. A monster is wandering the streets, frightening and possibly attacking the locals.
12. Out of a nearby building, a person who has been wounded shuffles towards the PC's (30% chance that the person will die when he reaches the PC's)
13. A monster of some kind is using a darkened and abandoned alley as its den. (Roll a spot check, DC 18 to notice some tell-tale mark)
14. An adventurer (or adventuring group) with a cart filled with the head or body of a large monster. (20% chance that it's from a very rare or unusual creature)
15. A rare sight, a map merchant or a book merchant.
16. Two gentlemen are dueling. (30% chance that they are nobles)
17. PC's are nearly trampled by a train of horses with a large wagon. (Roll to dodge out of the way, DC 12, otherwise take 1d6 damage from being trampled)
18. A large crowd has gathered around a bard with an illusionist assistant are telling tales of old and the mage is casting spells to enhance and illustrate the story. (35% chance that the bard and the illusionist have rogues working the crowd)
19. A local rough challenges one of the PC's to a duel!
20. A press gang enlisting the undesirables from the street. They might try to "enlist" the PC's, dependent on their attire.
21. Squires are clearing the road for their master, a knight, to pass.
22. A peddler claims to be selling a assortment of magical items (5% chance that one actually IS a magical item)
23. The circus! A small movable circus makes its way along the street, entertaining all that they pass. (25% chance that rogues is working the crowd)
24. Nearby store is being robbed by 1d8 ruffians. (20% chance the town guard has already been called and are on their way)
25. PC's find a bag or chest on the ground. (Make a spot check at DC 18 to see it, roll for random contents)
26. Militia is searching nearby locals or buildings seeking either a stolen item or a criminal.
27. A messenger boy delivers letter to one of the PCs. (30% chance its either the wrong letter or never intended for the PC)
28. Thugs are harassing a local. (1d8 thugs)'
29. A mumbling beggar passes by; his words are in a strange language.
30. High-ranking priest with small group of supplicants passes by. (20% chance they'll be carrying a holy item of value)
31. Local official walks by PCs (50% chance that he will have 1d4 henchmen, 1d20, 1-10: petty official, 11-16: midlevel official, 17-20: high level official such as a judge, magistrate, mayor, duke, etc.)
32. A merchant selling unusual goods, such as alchemical materials, fireworks, etc.
33. Local is trying to heal his wounded mount.
34. A large caravan of drovers is taking up most of the street.
35. A group of merchants have put their tents up in a small sale-fair; all items are 40% off regular price! (30% chance that the goods are stolen)
36. Rogue has take notice of one of the PC's and begins to follow him to attempt a pickpocket or perhaps more. (Level of rogue: 1d20, 1-8 unskilled rogue, 9--14 midskilled rogue, 15-18 highly skilled rogue, 19-20 master rogue)
37. A street peddler running a gambling game.
38. A gang of youths hanging out and generally being a nuisance. (2d6 of them)
39. Local asks PC's help in carrying a heavy object. (5% chance that they will attempt to pick pocket)
40. The weather changes (1d20.1-10 Sunny, 11-13: windy, 14-15: drizzle (light snow), 16-18 rain (snow), 19 thunderstorms (snowstorm), 20: hurricane, tornado or other major weather)
41. Vendor walking around with a box strapped to him, selling his wears (1d6: 1: toys, 2-3:food, 4-5: drinks, 6: sweetmeats, 7: souvenirs, 8: something unusual)
42. Bard playing his instrument, a small crowd has gathered to watch his performance. (50% chance that he'll have 1-d4 minstrels with him and 30% chance that one of them will try to pickpocket the PC's if they stand and watch the performance)
43. A young child begins to follow the PC's; he seems quite impressed by them.
44. Rumor. PC's overhear some locals talking. (Listen check at DC 15)
45. An old beggar approaches the PC's and with a toothless grin asks them for a bit of copper. (10% chance beggar will attempt to pick pocket)
46. The militia or guardsmen making their rounds, they eye the PCs suspiciously.
47. "Rat On a Stick! That's right, for 1 copper, you too can have one of these delicacies! Yumm!", a beggar-merchant sells these, unfortunately. (In jungle climates, it's Iguana on a Stick)
48. PC's find a coin on the ground (Spot check at DC 17. 1d20, 1: a cursed coin, 2-10: 1 cp, 11-14: 1 sp, 15-17: 1 gp, 18-19: 1 pp, 20: a unique coin)
49. Food delivery boy rushes by the PC's, smells great!
50. An old person is struggling to move down the street, old age has been hard on them.
51. The PC's smell or hear something unusual (Spot check at DC 15)
52. Rats! Rats scurry around the PC's.
53. Children play and laugh around the PC's, frolicking in good fun. (10% chance one pick pockets a PC)
54. Someone bumps into the PCs. (1d20, 1-8: standard commoner, 10-13: unusual commoner, 14-15 thief, will attempt to pick pocket, 16-17: local official or noble, 18-19: adventurer or other classed person, 20: someone unusual)
55. A loud barking dog.
56. Birds fly overhead. (15% chance that one drops a "gift" on one of the PC's)
57. Someone stares intently at the PC’s
58. Beggar woman asks if she can read one of the PC's fortunes for a silver. (15% chance that beggar will attempt to pick pocket)
59. Merchant running a game. Could be a game of strength, dexterity, trivia, etc.
60. A pretty girl or handsome man winks or blows a kiss at one of the PC's. (Roll for comeliness)
61. A small animal brushes up against the PC's. (1d6, 1-3: cat, 4-5: dog, 6: something unusual)
62. A merchant with a cart is selling goods.
63. A lady of the night tries to offer her wares to a PC. (Roll for comeliness, 20% chance she'll attempt to pick pocket)
64. Prophet or religious zealot is preaching to the people in the streets, rather loudly.
65. Warriors practicing their fencing.
66. A local seems to recognize one of the PC's, they either know him via a acquaintance of by reputation
67. Farm animal on the loose! Some scared animal is being chased by its owner, makes for quite a raucous.
68. Jugglers, sword-swallowers, fire eaters and their ilk performing in the street (15% chance that one will attempt to pick pocket)
69. PC's witness a crime (Roll a spot check, DC 18 to see crime. Crime is, 1d20, 1-12: minor, 13-16: medium, 16-19: serious, 20: horrendous)
70. A local politician is giving a speech.
71. Guardsmen with a prisoner walk by. (Prisoner is: 1d20: 1: wrongfully imprisoned 2-10: standard thug, 11-14: skilled rogue, 15-16: a monster, 17: master rogue, 18: wizard or sorcerer, 19: a very powerful monster, 20: an Outsider or other unique.)
72. A person with a large stack of books is plodding down the road, unfortunately the large stack of books in his hand block his view and he is about to run into the PC's. (40% chance of being caster, otherwise it's a local official, errand boy, scholar, etc)
73. PC's witness a local guardsman struggling with a criminal whom he tried to apprehend.
74. Local bully claims the path as his own and attempts to extort money from the PC's. (50% chance he'll have 1d6 henchmen)
75. A cart has fallen over with a broken wheel, goods are strewn on the floor as the cart owner desperately tries to put all the items back and fix the wheel.
76. A lone orc, gnoll, goblin or such creature is walking the streets, many of the locals stare, some might be getting ready for action.
77. PC's hear a scream in the distance.
78. Bounty Hunter looking for his "client".
79. Strange lights and sounds come from a building nearby.
80. PC's find something from antiquity. An ancient coin from when these streets were young, an old ring, or some other such archeological artifact. (spot check, difficulty 20)
81. A woodland animal not normally found is civilization is wandering the streets, frightening and possibly attacking the locals.
82. PC's hear a whisper from a seemingly long abandoned building nearby. (Roll Listen to see if the hear it, DC 16)
83. PC's find a dead body.
84. A loud horn is blown nearby, as a local building has been robbed and search parties go in search of the thief.
85. Fire! A nearby building has caught on fire!
86. A visiting dignitary or ambassador with a large train of servants and horses take up most of the road.
87. An odd looking fellow that seems a bit lost. (Point of origin. 1d20, 1-4: Kara-Tur, 5-9: Thay, 10-14: The far eastern empires (Mulhorand), 15:-19 the far southern empires, 20: an Outsider)
88. Secret door! (Make a spot check at 22 difficulty to notice a very well hidden secret door in a nearby building)
89. The earth trembles slightly.
90. A caster looking for one of his small experiments that has escaped.
91. Vengeance! A relative or friend of someone the PC's have killed has tracked them down to exact vengeance.
92. PC's witness an assassin about to attempt to kill a target. (Assassin's Hide in Shadows vs. the PC's Spot check)
93. Rival guilds or houses are attacking each other, a small battle ensues.
94. Undead rise up!
95. A powerful individual, such as an elder vampire, lich, ultralith, very high level caster, or such pass by. The PC's have a chance to sense the power of the individual. (Roll a wisdom check, DC 20, those that can cast have a +2 to their roll)
96. A magical opening appears before the PCs, someone steps out. (1-9 Wizard, 10-14 sorcerer, 15-16 psionicist, 17-20 Outsider)
97. A wizard's summoning, creature creation, or undead has gotten out of his/her control and is rampaging through the street.
98. Natural disaster!
99. Underdark denizen raid! (1d20, 1-16: Drow, 17-20: Illithids with Umberhulks)
100. Yikes, I don't even want to know.

Hand of Evil

Zephalon said:
I read about AEGs Toolbox. Does it include city stuff? That would be neat.

Is there any press info on Citycraft?

AEG's Toolbox has the following sections under cities:

..A Glimpse from the Walls - tables for this section; City Size, City Population, General Architecture, Gatehouses, Gatehouse Diversions, Guard Titles 1 & 2, City Watch Patrol, Town Guard NPCs, Prime Industries 1, 2, 3, 4

..Government and Nobility - tables for this section; City Government 1, 2, 3, General Weath, Crime & Punishment, Prisoners in Jail, Noble Tiles, Pompus Titles, Noble Households, Coat of Arms, Ambassadors, Civic Officers 1, 2, 3, 4, Court Officers 1, 2

..Inside the Walls - tables; City Street Names, City Buildings, Building Features, Businesses 1, 2, 3, 4, Present Clientele, Beggers, Sites of Intestest, Historic Sites, Urban Neighnorhoods, City Encounters (Non-Specfic) 1, 2, Urban Diversions, Diseases and Plagues, City NPC Encounters

As you can see a lot of stuff in those three sections, other sections in the city part of the book, all have tables along the lines of the above:


Voidrunner's Codex

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